This server was generated by the swagger-codegen project. By using the OpenAPI-Spec from a remote server, you can easily generate a server stub.
Upload product-catalog-management
cf login: cf login [-a API_URL] [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD] [-o ORG] [-s SPACE] For Example: cf login -a -u -o tmforum -s apidev
cf push: cf push
start local mongoDB (or change /service/config.json file for external mongoDB)
npm start
Check out Description in Confluence:
This project leverages the mega-awesome swagger-tools middleware which does most all the work.
Since this docker infrastructure connects to an external network, we need to create this network, if it doesn't exist already. In order to create it, run:
docker network create docker_evolved5g_net
In order to build and launch the docker image and container, run:
docker build -t tmf_backend:latest .
docker run --name tmf_backend_container --rm
--add-host=host.docker.internal:host-gateway -p 8080:8080 tmf_backend:latest
You can achieve this also by using docker compose. So run
docker-compose up --build -d
And the docker container will be built and run. The app will then be available via localhost:8080.
If you want to access the app from another Docker container (that runs on the same Docker network),
you should use the docker container name instead of localhost