Paper | Samples | Code | Model
DisCoder is a neural vocoder that leverages a generative adversarial encoder-decoder architecture informed by a neural audio codec to reconstruct high-fidelity 44.1 kHz audio from mel spectrograms. Our approach first transforms the mel spectrogram into a lower-dimensional representation aligned with the Descript Audio Codec (DAC) latent space before reconstructing it to an audio signal using a fine-tuned DAC decoder.
The codebase has been tested with Python 3.11. To get started, clone the repository and set up the environment using Conda:
git clone
conda create -n discoder python=3.11
conda activate discoder
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Use the following script to perform inference with the pretrained DisCoder model from Hugging Face. The model uses the Z prediction target and was trained using 128 mel bins.
import torch
from IPython.display import Audio, display
from discoder.models import DisCoder
from discoder import meldataset, utils
device = "cuda"
audio_path = "clip.wav"
# load pretrained DisCoder model
discoder = DisCoder.from_pretrained("disco-eth/discoder").eval().to(device)
# load and pad 44.1 kHz audio file
audio_org, _ = meldataset.load_wav(full_path=audio_path, sr_target=discoder.config["sample_rate"], resample=True, normalize=True)
audio = torch.tensor(audio_org).unsqueeze(dim=0).to(device)
to_pad = discoder.config["segment_size"] - (audio.shape[-1] % discoder.config["segment_size"])
audio = torch.nn.functional.pad(audio, pad=(0, to_pad), mode="constant", value=0)
# create mel spectrogram
mel = utils.get_mel_spectrogram_from_config(audio, discoder.config) # [B, 128, frames]
# reconstruct audio
with torch.no_grad():
wav_recon = discoder(mel) # [B, 1, time]
wav_recon = wav_recon[..., 0:-to_pad] # remove padding
display(Audio(audio_org, rate=discoder.config["sample_rate"]))
display(Audio(wav_recon.squeeze().cpu().numpy(), rate=discoder.config["sample_rate"]))
To calculate ViSQOL during validation, install the library by following the steps below:
cd discoder
git clone
bazel build :visqol -c opt
cd visqol && pip install .
To start training, use the following command:
python -u --config configs/config_z.json
The inference script allows batch processing of audio files. It converts all WAV files in the specified input_dir
mel spectrograms, then reconstructs them into audio files in the output_dir
python -u --input_dir input_dir --output_dir output_dir --checkpoint_file --config configs/config_z.json
You can also pass the normalize_volume
flag to standardize the output volume.