The following instructions have only been tested on macOS. However the app can be run entirely in Docker (see Makefile for relevant Docker commands).
- Install (and use) python3.8. We recommend using a tool like pyenv.
- Install Docker Desktop
- Clone this repo and navigate to the root directory.
- Create .env.development in the root directory and set
a value in orcid.json to simulate role=supervisor (or blank for role=general) when logged in $ python3.8 -m venv ./venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip3 install -r requirements-dev.txt
$ make app
and navigate to localhost:5000
Test via $ make test
Install git-secrets on your machine to prevent yourself from accidentally committing sensitive info (like access keys, secrets) to your GitHub repo:
Use Python Safety ( to check your installed dependencies for known security vulnerabilities:
$ safety check -r requirements.txt
Use Python Bandit ( to find common security issues in your Python code:
$ bandit -r ~/your_repos/project
Snyk is used as a blocking step to check dependencies for vulnerabilities when deploying to any environment.
Any questions or suggestions for improvement?
- Create an issue, and use the templates for feature request or bug reports for improvements
- Questions - email
If looking to contribute, please look at