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Implement run phase and dynamics-physics coupling for MPAS dynamical …
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…core (#304)

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### Summary (include the keyword ['closes', 'fixes', 'resolves'] and
issue number):

Implement run (i.e., time integration) phase and dynamics-physics
coupling for MPAS dynamical core. **CAM-SIMA with MPAS dynamical core is
now able to run toward the end successfully.**

### Describe any changes made to build system:


### Describe any changes made to the namelist:


### List any changes to the defaults for the input datasets (e.g.
boundary datasets):


### List all files eliminated and why:


### List all files added and what they do:

* `A       src/dynamics/mpas/dyn_coupling.F90`
  * Implement dynamics-physics coupling and vice versa

### List all existing files that have been modified, and describe the

* `M       src/dynamics/mpas/driver/dyn_mpas_subdriver.F90`
  * Implement MPAS subdriver
  * Support for computing edge wind tendency in MPAS subdriver
* `M       src/dynamics/mpas/dyn_comp.F90`
  * Support for computing edge wind tendency in MPAS subdriver
  * Implement `dyn_run`
  * Sort `use` statements and add comments
  * Factor out variable finalization
  * Implement `reverse`
  * Refactor assignments between CAM-SIMA and MPAS in terms of `reverse`
  * Implement `dyn_exchange_constituent_state`
  * Switch to use `dyn_exchange_constituent_state`
* `M       src/dynamics/mpas/stepon.F90`
  * Sort `use` statements and adjust indentation
  * Wire up `dyn_run`
  * Wire up dynamics-physics coupling
  • Loading branch information
kuanchihwang authored Dec 10, 2024
2 parents d1b20c9 + 51a30e7 commit edf84cd
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Showing 4 changed files with 1,076 additions and 120 deletions.
175 changes: 160 additions & 15 deletions src/dynamics/mpas/driver/dyn_mpas_subdriver.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ module dyn_mpas_subdriver
pio_inq_varid, pio_inq_varndims, pio_inq_vartype, pio_noerr

! Modules from MPAS.
use atm_core, only: atm_mpas_init_block
use atm_core, only: atm_compute_output_diagnostics, atm_do_timestep, atm_mpas_init_block
use atm_core_interface, only: atm_setup_core, atm_setup_domain
use atm_time_integration, only: mpas_atm_dynamics_init
use mpas_atm_dimensions, only: mpas_atm_set_dims
Expand All @@ -34,14 +34,15 @@ module dyn_mpas_subdriver
mpas_pool_type, mpas_pool_field_info_type, &
mpas_pool_character, mpas_pool_real, mpas_pool_integer, &
mpas_stream_type, mpas_stream_noerr, &
mpas_time_type, mpas_start_time, &
mpas_time_type, mpas_timeinterval_type, mpas_now, mpas_start_time, &
mpas_io_native_precision, mpas_io_pnetcdf, mpas_io_read, mpas_io_write, &
field0dchar, field1dchar, &
field0dinteger, field1dinteger, field2dinteger, field3dinteger, &
field0dreal, field1dreal, field2dreal, field3dreal, field4dreal, field5dreal
use mpas_dmpar, only: mpas_dmpar_exch_halo_field, &
mpas_dmpar_max_int, mpas_dmpar_sum_int
use mpas_domain_routines, only: mpas_allocate_domain
use mpas_field_routines, only: mpas_allocate_scratch_field
use mpas_framework, only: mpas_framework_init_phase1, mpas_framework_init_phase2
use mpas_io_streams, only: mpas_createstream, mpas_closestream, mpas_streamaddfield, &
mpas_readstream, mpas_writestream, mpas_writestreamatt
Expand All @@ -51,11 +52,13 @@ module dyn_mpas_subdriver
mpas_pool_get_array, &
mpas_pool_add_dimension, mpas_pool_get_dimension, &
mpas_pool_get_field, mpas_pool_get_field_info, &
mpas_pool_initialize_time_levels, mpas_pool_shift_time_levels
use mpas_stream_inquiry, only: mpas_stream_inquiry_new_streaminfo
use mpas_stream_manager, only: postread_reindex, prewrite_reindex, postwrite_reindex
use mpas_string_utils, only: mpas_string_replace
use mpas_timekeeping, only: mpas_get_clock_time, mpas_get_time
use mpas_timekeeping, only: mpas_advance_clock, mpas_get_clock_time, mpas_get_time, &
mpas_set_timeinterval, &
operator(+), operator(<)
use mpas_vector_operations, only: mpas_initialize_vectors

implicit none
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -106,7 +109,8 @@ end subroutine model_error_if
logical, allocatable :: is_water_species(:)

! Initialized by `dyn_mpas_init_phase4`.
integer :: coupling_time_interval
integer :: coupling_time_interval = 0
integer :: number_of_time_steps = 0

Expand All @@ -123,6 +127,7 @@ end subroutine model_error_if
procedure, pass, public :: compute_unit_vector => dyn_mpas_compute_unit_vector
procedure, pass, public :: compute_edge_wind => dyn_mpas_compute_edge_wind
procedure, pass, public :: init_phase4 => dyn_mpas_init_phase4
procedure, pass, public :: run => dyn_mpas_run

! Accessor subroutines for users to access internal states of MPAS dynamical core.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2525,19 +2530,21 @@ end subroutine dyn_mpas_compute_unit_vector
!> \date 16 January 2020
!> \details
!> This subroutine computes the edge-normal wind vectors at edge points
!> (i.e., `u` in MPAS `state` pool) from wind components at cell points
!> (i.e., `u` in MPAS `state` pool) from the wind components at cell points
!> (i.e., `uReconstruct{Zonal,Meridional}` in MPAS `diag` pool). In MPAS, the
!> former are PROGNOSTIC variables, while the latter are DIAGNOSTIC variables
!> that are "reconstructed" from the former. This subroutine is essentially the
!> inverse function of that reconstruction. The purpose is to provide an
!> alternative way for MPAS to initialize from zonal and meridional wind
!> components at cell points.
!> components at cell points. If `wind_tendency` is `.true.`, this subroutine
!> operates on the wind tendency due to physics instead.
!> \addenda
!> Ported and refactored for CAM-SIMA. (KCW, 2024-05-08)
subroutine dyn_mpas_compute_edge_wind(self)
subroutine dyn_mpas_compute_edge_wind(self, wind_tendency)
class(mpas_dynamical_core_type), intent(in) :: self
logical, intent(in) :: wind_tendency

character(*), parameter :: subname = 'dyn_mpas_subdriver::dyn_mpas_compute_edge_wind'
integer :: cell1, cell2, i
Expand All @@ -2561,22 +2568,36 @@ subroutine dyn_mpas_compute_edge_wind(self)

! Make sure halo layers are up-to-date before computation.
call self % exchange_halo('uReconstructZonal')
call self % exchange_halo('uReconstructMeridional')
if (wind_tendency) then
call self % exchange_halo('tend_uzonal')
call self % exchange_halo('tend_umerid')
call self % exchange_halo('uReconstructZonal')
call self % exchange_halo('uReconstructMeridional')
end if

! Input.
call self % get_variable_pointer(nedges, 'dim', 'nEdges')

call self % get_variable_pointer(ucellzonal, 'diag', 'uReconstructZonal')
call self % get_variable_pointer(ucellmeridional, 'diag', 'uReconstructMeridional')
if (wind_tendency) then
call self % get_variable_pointer(ucellzonal, 'tend_physics', 'tend_uzonal')
call self % get_variable_pointer(ucellmeridional, 'tend_physics', 'tend_umerid')
call self % get_variable_pointer(ucellzonal, 'diag', 'uReconstructZonal')
call self % get_variable_pointer(ucellmeridional, 'diag', 'uReconstructMeridional')
end if

call self % get_variable_pointer(cellsonedge, 'mesh', 'cellsOnEdge')
call self % get_variable_pointer(east, 'mesh', 'east')
call self % get_variable_pointer(north, 'mesh', 'north')
call self % get_variable_pointer(edgenormalvectors, 'mesh', 'edgeNormalVectors')

! Output.
call self % get_variable_pointer(uedge, 'state', 'u', time_level=1)
if (wind_tendency) then
call self % get_variable_pointer(uedge, 'tend_physics', 'tend_ru_physics')
call self % get_variable_pointer(uedge, 'state', 'u', time_level=1)
end if

do i = 1, nedges
cell1 = cellsonedge(1, i)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2607,7 +2628,11 @@ subroutine dyn_mpas_compute_edge_wind(self)

! Make sure halo layers are up-to-date after computation.
call self % exchange_halo('u')
if (wind_tendency) then
call self % exchange_halo('tend_ru_physics')
call self % exchange_halo('u')
end if

call self % debug_print(subname // ' completed')
end subroutine dyn_mpas_compute_edge_wind
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2640,6 +2665,7 @@ subroutine dyn_mpas_init_phase4(self, coupling_time_interval)
logical, pointer :: config_do_restart
real(rkind), pointer :: config_dt
type(field0dreal), pointer :: field_0d_real
type(field2dreal), pointer :: field_2d_real
type(mpas_pool_type), pointer :: mpas_pool
type(mpas_time_type) :: mpas_time

Expand All @@ -2651,6 +2677,7 @@ subroutine dyn_mpas_init_phase4(self, coupling_time_interval)

if (coupling_time_interval <= 0) then
Expand All @@ -2673,6 +2700,7 @@ subroutine dyn_mpas_init_phase4(self, coupling_time_interval)
end if

self % coupling_time_interval = coupling_time_interval
self % number_of_time_steps = 0

call self % debug_print('Coupling time interval is ' // stringify([real(self % coupling_time_interval, rkind)]) // &
' seconds')
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2814,6 +2842,16 @@ subroutine dyn_mpas_init_phase4(self, coupling_time_interval)
! Prepare dynamics for time integration.
call mpas_atm_dynamics_init(self % domain_ptr)

! Some additional "scratch" fields are needed for interoperability with CAM-SIMA, but they are not initialized by
! `mpas_atm_dynamics_init`. Initialize them below.
call mpas_pool_get_field(self % domain_ptr % blocklist % allfields, 'tend_uzonal', field_2d_real, timelevel=1)
call mpas_allocate_scratch_field(field_2d_real)

call mpas_pool_get_field(self % domain_ptr % blocklist % allfields, 'tend_umerid', field_2d_real, timelevel=1)
call mpas_allocate_scratch_field(field_2d_real)

call self % debug_print(subname // ' completed')

call self % debug_print('Successful initialization of MPAS dynamical core')
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2867,6 +2905,113 @@ pure function almost_equal(a, b, absolute_tolerance, relative_tolerance)
end function almost_equal
end subroutine dyn_mpas_init_phase4

! subroutine dyn_mpas_run
!> \brief Integrates the dynamical states with time
!> \author Michael Duda
!> \date 29 February 2020
!> \details
!> This subroutine calls MPAS dynamical solver in a loop, with each iteration
!> of the loop advancing the dynamical states forward by one time step, until
!> the coupling time interval is reached.
!> Essentially, it closely follows what is done in `atm_core_run`, but without
!> any calls to MPAS diagnostics manager or MPAS stream manager.
!> \addenda
!> Ported and refactored for CAM-SIMA. (KCW, 2024-06-21)
subroutine dyn_mpas_run(self)
class(mpas_dynamical_core_type), intent(inout) :: self

character(*), parameter :: subname = 'dyn_mpas_subdriver::dyn_mpas_run'
character(strkind) :: date_time
integer :: ierr
real(rkind), pointer :: config_dt
type(mpas_pool_type), pointer :: mpas_pool_diag, mpas_pool_mesh, mpas_pool_state
type(mpas_time_type) :: mpas_time_end, mpas_time_now ! This derived type is analogous to `ESMF_Time`.
type(mpas_timeinterval_type) :: mpas_time_interval ! This derived type is analogous to `ESMF_TimeInterval`.

call self % debug_print(subname // ' entered')

nullify(mpas_pool_diag, mpas_pool_mesh, mpas_pool_state)

call self % get_variable_pointer(config_dt, 'cfg', 'config_dt')
call self % get_pool_pointer(mpas_pool_diag, 'diag')
call self % get_pool_pointer(mpas_pool_mesh, 'mesh')
call self % get_pool_pointer(mpas_pool_state, 'state')

mpas_time_now = mpas_get_clock_time(self % domain_ptr % clock, mpas_now, ierr=ierr)

if (ierr /= 0) then
call self % model_error('Failed to get time for "mpas_now"', subname, __LINE__)
end if

call mpas_get_time(mpas_time_now, datetimestring=date_time, ierr=ierr)

if (ierr /= 0) then
call self % model_error('Failed to get time for "mpas_now"', subname, __LINE__)
end if

call self % debug_print('Time integration of MPAS dynamical core begins at ' // trim(adjustl(date_time)))

call mpas_set_timeinterval(mpas_time_interval, s=self % coupling_time_interval, ierr=ierr)

if (ierr /= 0) then
call self % model_error('Failed to set coupling time interval', subname, __LINE__)
end if

! The `+` operator is overloaded here.
mpas_time_end = mpas_time_now + mpas_time_interval

! Integrate until the coupling time interval is reached.
! The `<` operator is overloaded here.
do while (mpas_time_now < mpas_time_end)
! Number of time steps that has been completed in this MPAS dynamical core instance.
self % number_of_time_steps = self % number_of_time_steps + 1

! Advance the dynamical states forward in time by `config_dt` seconds.
! Current states are in time level 1. Upon exit, time level 2 will contain updated states.
call atm_do_timestep(self % domain_ptr, config_dt, self % number_of_time_steps)

! MPAS `state` pool has two time levels.
! Swap them after advancing a time step.
call mpas_pool_shift_time_levels(mpas_pool_state)

call mpas_advance_clock(self % domain_ptr % clock, ierr=ierr)

if (ierr /= 0) then
call self % model_error('Failed to advance clock', subname, __LINE__)
end if

mpas_time_now = mpas_get_clock_time(self % domain_ptr % clock, mpas_now, ierr=ierr)

if (ierr /= 0) then
call self % model_error('Failed to get time for "mpas_now"', subname, __LINE__)
end if

call self % debug_print('Time step ' // stringify([self % number_of_time_steps]) // ' completed')
end do

call mpas_get_time(mpas_time_now, datetimestring=date_time, ierr=ierr)

if (ierr /= 0) then
call self % model_error('Failed to get time for "mpas_now"', subname, __LINE__)
end if

call self % debug_print('Time integration of MPAS dynamical core ends at ' // trim(adjustl(date_time)))

! Compute diagnostic variables like `pressure`, `rho` and `theta` from time level 1 of MPAS `state` pool
! by calling upstream MPAS functionality.
call atm_compute_output_diagnostics(mpas_pool_state, 1, mpas_pool_diag, mpas_pool_mesh)

nullify(mpas_pool_diag, mpas_pool_mesh, mpas_pool_state)

call self % debug_print(subname // ' completed')
end subroutine dyn_mpas_run

! function dyn_mpas_get_constituent_name
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3148,7 +3293,7 @@ subroutine dyn_mpas_get_pool_pointer(self, pool_pointer, pool_name)
pool_pointer => self % domain_ptr % configs
case ('dim')
pool_pointer => self % domain_ptr % blocklist % dimensions
case ('diag', 'mesh', 'state', 'tend')
case ('diag', 'mesh', 'state', 'tend', 'tend_physics')
call mpas_pool_get_subpool(self % domain_ptr % blocklist % allstructs, trim(adjustl(pool_name)), pool_pointer)
case default
call self % model_error('Unsupported pool name "' // trim(adjustl(pool_name)) // '"', subname, __LINE__)
Expand Down

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