Quick and easy analysis of ChIP-seq data for visualisation using the UCSC genome browser.
Emily Georgiades, Hughes Lab, July 2021.
- yy-mm-dd-experiment-setup.md: file containing info on experimental design and set-up
- jobscript-quick-chip.sh
- paths_to_fastqs.txt: first column specify sample_name (e.g. clone_celltype_condition_rep). Second columns path to directory containing gun-zipped fastqs.
Paired-end reads:
Single-end reads:
4. Edit flags in jobscript:
bash quick-chip_withflags.sh -r paired -g genome -t trimming -p public_dir
-r Specify whether reads are 'single' or 'paired'.
-g Specify genome build (mm39, mm39-R2, mm39-R1R2 or hg38).
-t Specify if/which adapters should be trimmed? (no/chip/chipment).
-p Give path to public directory where bigwigs will be saved (excluding /datashare/).
-h Display help.
Preliminary step is to trim adapters, specifically for NEBNext® Ultra™ / NEBNext® Ultra™ II DNA Library Prep Kits for Illumina®.
Adapter sequence: GAT CGG AAG AGC ACA CGT
To run the script:
$ sbatch jobscript-quick-chip.sh
To check that it's running:
$ squeue | grep username
To check progress of run (where xxx is jobID):
$ less xxx_quick-chip.out
To cancel the run (where xxx is jobID):
$ scancel xxx