diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 5a2cd1b..0ede854 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -2,15 +2,17 @@
[![GitHub](https://img.shields.io/github/license/ws-garcia/VBA-Expressions?style=plastic)](https://github.com/ws-garcia/VBA-Expressions/blob/master/LICENSE) [![GitHub release (latest by date)](https://img.shields.io/github/v/release/ws-garcia/VBA-Expressions?style=plastic)](https://github.com/ws-garcia/VBA-Expressions/releases/latest)
## Introductory words
-VBA Expressions is a powerful string expressions evaluator for VBA, focused on mathematical ones. The `VBAexpressions.cls` class serves as an intermediary between user interfaces and the main VBA/custom functions exposed through it. The main development goal of the class is to integrate it with [CSV Interface](https://github.com/ws-garcia/VBA-CSV-interface), with as minimal programming effort as possible, and to allow users to perform complex queries from CSV files using built-in and custom functions.
+VBA Expressions is a powerful string expression evaluator for VBA, which puts more than 60 mathematical, financial, date-time, logic and text manipulation functions at the user's fingertips. The `VBAexpressions.cls` class mediates almost all VBA functions as well as custom functions exposed through it.
+Although the main development goal of the class was the integration with [CSV Interface](https://github.com/ws-garcia/VBA-CSV-interface), VBA Expressions has evolved to become a support tool for students and teachers of science, accounting and engineering; this due to the added capability to solve systems of equations and non-linear equations in one variable.
## Advantages
* __Easy to use and integrate__.
* __Basic math operators__: `+` `-` `*` `/` `\` `^` `!`
* __Logical expressions__: `&` (AND), `|` (OR), `||` (XOR)
* __Binary relations__: `<`, `<=`, `<>`, `>=`, `=`, `>`, `$` (LIKE)
-* __More than 20 built-in functions__: `Max`, `Min`, `Avg`, `Sin`, `Ceil`, `Floor`...
-* __Very flexible__: variables, constants and user-defined functions (UDFs) support.
+* __More than 60 built-in functions__: `Max`, `Sin`, `IRR`, `Switch`, `Iff`, `DateDiff`, `Solve`, `fZero`, `Format`...
+* __Very flexible and powerful__: variables, constants and user-defined functions (UDFs) support.
* __Implied multiplication for variables, constants and functions__: `5avg(2;abs(-3-7tan(5));9)` is valid expression; `5(2)` is not.
* __Evaluation of arrays of expressions given as text strings, as in Java__: curly brackets must be used to define arrays`{{...};{...}}`
* __Floating point notation input support__: `-5E-5`, `(1.434E3+1000)*2/3.235E-5` are valid inputs.
@@ -92,19 +94,11 @@ Sub AddingNewFunctions()
End Sub
## Working with arrays
-VBA expressions can evaluate matrix functions whose arguments are given as arrays/vectors, using a syntax like [Java](https://www.w3schools.com/java/java_arrays_multi.asp). The following expression will calculate the determinant (`DET`) of a matrix composed of 3 vectors with 3 elements each:
-`DET({{(sin(atn(1)*2)); 0; 0}; {0; 2; 0}; {0; 0; 3}})`
-If the user needs to evaluate a function that accepts more than one argument, including more than one array, all arrays arguments must be passed surrounded by parentheses "({...})". For example, a function call that emulates the SQL IN statement using an array argument and a reference value can be written as follows.
-`IN_(({{(sin(atn(1)*2)); 2; 3; 4; 5}});1)`
-The above will pass this array of strings to the `IN_` function:
+VBA expressions can evaluate matrix functions whose arguments are given as arrays/vectors, using a syntax like [Java](https://www.w3schools.com/java/java_arrays.asp). The following expression will calculate, and format to percentage, the internal rate of return (`IRR`) of a cash flow described using a one dimensional array with 5 entries:
-`[{{1;2;3;4;5}}] [1]`
-However, matrix functions need to take care of creating arrays from a string, the ArrayFromString method can be used for this purpose.
+However, user-defined array functions need to take care of creating arrays from a string, the `ArrayFromString` method can be used for this purpose.
As an illustration, the `UDFunctions.cls` module has an implementation of the `DET` function with an example of using the array handle function. In addition, the `GCD` function is implemented as a demo.
@@ -143,8 +137,8 @@ Sub EarlyVariableAssignment()
If .ReadyToEval Then
Debug.Print "Variables: "; .CurrentVariables
.VarValue("Pi.e") = 1
- .VarValue("Pie.1") = 2
- .VarValue("Pie") = 3
+ .ImplicitVarValue("Pie.1") = "2*Pi.e"
+ .ImplicitVarValue("Pie") = "Pie.1/3"
Debug.Print .Expression; " = "; .Result; _
"; for: "; .CurrentVarValues
@@ -162,22 +156,22 @@ Sub TrigFunctions()
End If
End With
End Sub
-Sub StringComp()
+Sub StringFunctions()
Dim Evaluator As VBAexpressions
Set Evaluator = New VBAexpressions
With Evaluator
- .Create "Region = 'Central America'" 'Create a expression with `Region` as variable
- .Eval ("Region = 'Asia'") 'Assign value to variable and then evaluate
+ .Create "CONCAT(CHOOSE(1;x;'2nd';'3th';'4th';'5th');'Element';'selected';'/')"
+ .Eval ("x='1st'")
End With
End Sub
-Sub CompareUsingLikeOperator()
+Sub LogicalFunctions()
Dim Evaluator As VBAexpressions
Set Evaluator = New VBAexpressions
With Evaluator
- .Create "Region $ 'C?????? *a'" 'Create using the LIKE operator ($) and with `Region` as variable
- .Eval("Region = 'Central America'") 'This will be evaluated to TRUE
+ .Create "IFF(x > y & x > 0; x; y)"
+ .Eval("x=70;y=15") 'This will be evaluated to 70
End With
End Sub
diff --git a/src/Tests/TestRunner.bas b/src/Tests/TestRunner.bas
index fc2237d..281b863 100644
--- a/src/Tests/TestRunner.bas
+++ b/src/Tests/TestRunner.bas
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ Private Function GetResult(Expression As String _
End With
End Function
-'@TestMethod("VBA Expressions")
Private Sub Parentheses()
On Error GoTo TestFail
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ TestFail:
Assert.Fail "Test raised an error: #" & err.Number & " - " & err.Description
Resume TestExit
End Sub
-'@TestMethod("VBA Expressions")
Private Sub ParenthesesAndSingleFunction()
On Error GoTo TestFail
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ TestFail:
Assert.Fail "Test raised an error: #" & err.Number & " - " & err.Description
Resume TestExit
End Sub
-'@TestMethod("VBA Expressions")
Private Sub FunctionsWithMoreThanOneArgument()
On Error GoTo TestFail
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ TestFail:
Assert.Fail "Test raised an error: #" & err.Number & " - " & err.Description
Resume TestExit
End Sub
-'@TestMethod("VBA Expressions")
Private Sub NestedFunctions()
On Error GoTo TestFail
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ TestFail:
Assert.Fail "Test raised an error: #" & err.Number & " - " & err.Description
Resume TestExit
End Sub
-'@TestMethod("VBA Expressions")
Private Sub FloatingPointArithmetic()
On Error GoTo TestFail
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ TestFail:
Assert.Fail "Test raised an error: #" & err.Number & " - " & err.Description
Resume TestExit
End Sub
-'@TestMethod("VBA Expressions")
Private Sub ExponentiationPrecedence()
On Error GoTo TestFail
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ TestFail:
Assert.Fail "Test raised an error: #" & err.Number & " - " & err.Description
Resume TestExit
End Sub
-'@TestMethod("VBA Expressions")
Private Sub Factorials()
On Error GoTo TestFail
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ TestFail:
Assert.Fail "Test raised an error: #" & err.Number & " - " & err.Description
Resume TestExit
End Sub
-'@TestMethod("VBA Expressions")
Private Sub Precedence()
On Error GoTo TestFail
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ TestFail:
Assert.Fail "Test raised an error: #" & err.Number & " - " & err.Description
Resume TestExit
End Sub
-'@TestMethod("VBA Expressions")
Private Sub Variables()
On Error GoTo TestFail
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ TestFail:
Assert.Fail "Test raised an error: #" & err.Number & " - " & err.Description
Resume TestExit
End Sub
-'@TestMethod("VBA Expressions")
Private Sub UDFsAndArrays()
On Error GoTo TestFail
@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ TestFail:
Assert.Fail "Test raised an error: #" & err.Number & " - " & err.Description
Resume TestExit
End Sub
-'@TestMethod("VBA Expressions")
Private Sub LogicalOperatorsNumericOutput()
On Error GoTo TestFail
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ TestFail:
Assert.Fail "Test raised an error: #" & err.Number & " - " & err.Description
Resume TestExit
End Sub
-'@TestMethod("VBA Expressions")
Private Sub TestLogicalOperatorsBooleanOutput()
On Error GoTo TestFail
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ TestFail:
Assert.Fail "Test raised an error: #" & err.Number & " - " & err.Description
Resume TestExit
End Sub
-'@TestMethod("VBA Expressions")
Private Sub TestTrigFunctions()
On Error GoTo TestFail
@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ TestFail:
Assert.Fail "Test raised an error: #" & err.Number & " - " & err.Description
Resume TestExit
End Sub
-'@TestMethod("VBA Expressions")
Private Sub TestModFunction()
On Error GoTo TestFail
@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ TestFail:
Assert.Fail "Test raised an error: #" & err.Number & " - " & err.Description
Resume TestExit
End Sub
-'@TestMethod("VBA Expressions")
Private Sub testStringComp()
On Error GoTo TestFail
diff --git a/src/UDFunctions.cls b/src/UDFunctions.cls
index 3336c5a..54e6ecf 100644
--- a/src/UDFunctions.cls
+++ b/src/UDFunctions.cls
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Attribute VB_Name = "UDFunctions"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
-Attribute VB_Exposed = False
+Attribute VB_Exposed = True
Option Explicit
@@ -17,13 +17,12 @@ Option Explicit
' Class module developed to provide samples of user defined functions (UDF).
Private Const Apostrophe As String = "'"
Public Function GCD(ByRef aValues As Variant) As Long 'Expected an array
Dim t As Long
Dim u As Long
Dim v As Long
- Dim args(0 To 1) As Variant
Static RecursionLevel As Long
RecursionLevel = RecursionLevel + 1
@@ -62,11 +61,13 @@ Private Function minor(a() As Double, x As Integer, y As Integer) As Double()
End Function
'Adapted from: https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Determinant_and_permanent#VBA
-Public Function DET(StrArray As Variant) As Double 'Expected an one element string array
+Public Function DET(strArray As Variant) As Double 'Expected an one element string array
Dim a() As Double
Dim ArrayHelper As New VBAexpressions
- a() = StringTodblArray(ArrayHelper.ArrayFromString(CStr(StrArray(LBound(StrArray)))))
+ With ArrayHelper
+ a() = .StringTodblArray(.ArrayFromString(CStr(strArray(LBound(strArray)))))
+ End With
DET = DET_(a)
End Function
@@ -88,24 +89,7 @@ Private Function DET_(a() As Double) As Double
DET_ = a(1)
End Function
-'Gets an array from a string like "{{1;2;3};{4;5;6};{7;8;9}}"
-Private Function StringTodblArray(ByRef StringArray() As String) As Double()
- Dim i As Long, LB As Long, UB As Long
- Dim j As Long, LB2 As Long, UB2 As Long
- Dim tmpResult() As Double
- LB = LBound(StringArray)
- UB = UBound(StringArray)
- LB2 = LBound(StringArray, 2)
- UB2 = UBound(StringArray, 2)
- ReDim tmpResult(LB To UB, LB2 To UB2)
- For i = LB To UB
- For j = LB2 To UB2
- tmpResult(i, j) = CDbl(StringArray(i, j))
- Next j
- Next i
- StringTodblArray = tmpResult
-End Function
''' List is expected to be an array. The last element will be used as
''' the concatenation string.
@@ -122,9 +106,15 @@ Public Function Concat(List As Variant) As String
joinString = MidB$(List(endIdx), 3, LenB(List(endIdx)) - 4)
tmpResult = MidB$(List(startIdx), 3, LenB(List(startIdx)) - 4)
For i = startIdx + 1 To endIdx - 1
+ If AscW(List(i)) = 39 Then ' [']
tmpResult = tmpResult & _
joinString & _
MidB$(List(i), 3, LenB(List(i)) - 4)
+ Else
+ tmpResult = tmpResult & _
+ joinString & _
+ List(i)
+ End If
Next i
Concat = Apostrophe & tmpResult & Apostrophe
End Function
diff --git a/src/VBAcallBack.cls b/src/VBAcallBack.cls
index f39ad5b..5565cb4 100644
--- a/src/VBAcallBack.cls
+++ b/src/VBAcallBack.cls
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Attribute VB_Name = "VBAcallBack"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
-Attribute VB_Exposed = False
+Attribute VB_Exposed = True
Option Explicit
diff --git a/src/VBAexpressions.cls b/src/VBAexpressions.cls
index b57f377..e130d91 100644
--- a/src/VBAexpressions.cls
+++ b/src/VBAexpressions.cls
@@ -145,28 +145,30 @@ Private Const d_rCurly As String = "}"
Private Const d_lParenthesis As String = "("
Private Const d_rParenthesis As String = ")"
Private Const d_Apostrophe As String = "'"
+Private Const d_Space As String = " "
+Private Const e_ValueError As String = "#VALUE!"
Private AssignedExpression As Boolean
-Private Const BuildinFunctIDList As String = "abs;floor;asin;acos;atn;avg;ceil;cos;exp;gamma;log;lgn;ln;max;min;percent;pow;sgn;sin;sqr;tan"
-Private Const BuildinFunctNameList As String = "Absolute;aFloor;ArcSin;ArcCos;ArcTan;Average;aCeiling;Cosin;ExpEuler;Gamma;Logarithm;LgN;LN;Max;Min;Percent;Power;Sign;Sine;SquareRoot;Tangent"
+Private BuildinFunctIDList As String
+Private BuildinFunctNameList As String
Private ComputedTree As Boolean
Private EvalTree() As ClusterTree
Private ExprToEval As String
-Private ExprVariables As ClusterBuffer
Private FunctionsId() As String
Private FunctionsName() As String
Private GeneratedTree As Boolean
Private IsUDFFunction As Boolean
Private LIndexConstruc(0 To 2) As String
-Private P_CONSTANTS As ClusterBuffer
Private P_DEGREES As Boolean
Private P_ERRORDESC As String
Private P_ERRTYPE As ExpressionErrors
Private P_EXPRESSION As String
+Private P_FORMATRESULT As Boolean
Private P_GALLOPING_MODE As Boolean
Private P_RESULT As Variant
+Private P_SCOPE As VBAexpressionsScope
Private SubTreeData() As String
Private UserDefFunctions As ClusterBuffer
@@ -201,6 +203,10 @@ Public Enum ExpressionErrors
errEvalError = 3
errVariableNotAssigned = 4
End Enum
Private Type Argument
DefString As String
FactorialIn As Boolean
@@ -235,6 +241,7 @@ Private Type ClusterTree
CompCluster As Boolean
EvalResult As String
index As Long
+ resulstMap As String
Storage() As token
End Type
Private Type ClusterItem
@@ -259,15 +266,24 @@ Private Sub Class_Initialize()
PI = 4 * Atn(1)
e = Exp(1)
+ BuildinFunctIDList = "abs;floor;asin;acos;asc;atn;avg;ceil;chr;cos;choose;date;dateadd;datediff" & _
+ ";datepart;dateserial;datevalue;day;ddb;exp;format;fv;fzero;gamma;hour;iff;ipmt" & _
+ ";irr;lcase;left;len;log;lgn;ln;max;mid;min;minute;mirr;month;monthname;now" & _
+ ";nper;npv;percent;pmt;ppmt;pow;pv;rate;replace;right;sgn;sin;sln;solve;sqr;switch" & _
+ ";syd;tan;timeserial;timevalue;trim;ucase;weekday;weekdayname;year"
+ BuildinFunctNameList = "Absolute;aFloor;ArcSin;ArcCos;ASCII;ArcTan;Average;aCeiling;ASCIIchr;Cosin" & _
+ ";aChoose;aDate;aDateAdd;aDateDiff;aDatePart;aDateSerial;aDateValue;aDay;aDDB" & _
+ ";ExpEuler;aFormat;aFV;FunctionZero;Gamma;aHour;aIff;aIPMT;aIRR;LowerCase;aLeft;aLen;Logarithm" & _
+ ";LgN;LN;Max;Middle;Min;aMinute;aMIRR;aMonth;aMonthName;aNow;aNPER;aNPV;Percent;aPMT;aPPMT;Power;aPV" & _
+ ";aRATE;aReplace;aRight;Sign;Sine;aSLN;SolveLinearSystem;SquareRoot;aSwitch;aSYD;Tangent;aTimeSerial;aTimeValue" & _
+ ";aTrim;aUcase;aWweekDay;aWeekDayName;aYear"
FunctionsId() = Split(BuildinFunctIDList, ";")
FunctionsName() = Split(BuildinFunctNameList, ";")
- InitCBbuffer P_CONSTANTS
+ Set P_SCOPE = New VBAexpressionsScope
InitCBbuffer UserDefFunctions
- ' Save predefined constants
- AppendToCBbuffer P_CONSTANTS, "pi", CStr(PI)
- AppendToCBbuffer P_CONSTANTS, "e", CStr(e)
- '@--------------------------------------------------------------------
' Populate linked index constructor
LIndexConstruc(0) = d_lCurly
LIndexConstruc(2) = d_rCurly
@@ -292,48 +308,21 @@ End Sub
''' Gets the constants collection. By default this is pre-populated with PI and e.
Public Property Get Constants() As Collection
- Dim i As Long
- Set Constants = New Collection
- For i = 0 To P_CONSTANTS.index
- Constants.Add P_CONSTANTS.Storage(i).value, P_CONSTANTS.Storage(i).name
- Next i
+ Set Constants = P_SCOPE.Constants
End Property
''' Gets a string with the variables values used for the last evaluation.
Public Property Get CurrentVarValues() As String
- Dim i As Long
- Dim tmpResult As String
- For i = 0 To ExprVariables.index
- If tmpResult = vbNullString Then
- tmpResult = ExprVariables.Storage(i).name & " = " & _
- ExprVariables.Storage(i).value
- Else
- tmpResult = tmpResult & "; " & ExprVariables.Storage(i).name & " = " & _
- ExprVariables.Storage(i).value
- End If
- Next i
- CurrentVarValues = tmpResult
+ CurrentVarValues = P_SCOPE.CurrentVarValues
End Property
''' Gets a string with the variables values used for the last evaluation.
Public Property Get CurrentVariables() As String
- Dim i As Long
- Dim tmpResult As String
- For i = 0 To ExprVariables.index
- If tmpResult = vbNullString Then
- tmpResult = ExprVariables.Storage(i).name
- Else
- tmpResult = tmpResult & "; " & ExprVariables.Storage(i).name
- End If
- Next i
- CurrentVariables = tmpResult
+ CurrentVariables = P_SCOPE.CurrentVariables
End Property
@@ -344,8 +333,8 @@ Public Property Get Degrees() As Boolean
Degrees = P_DEGREES
End Property
-Public Property Let Degrees(AValue As Boolean)
- P_DEGREES = AValue
+Public Property Let Degrees(aValue As Boolean)
+ P_DEGREES = aValue
End Property
@@ -362,6 +351,17 @@ Public Property Get ErrorType() As ExpressionErrors
ErrorType = P_ERRTYPE
End Property
+''' Sets/gets the scope for the current expression.
+Public Property Get EvalScope() As VBAexpressionsScope
+ Set EvalScope = P_SCOPE
+End Property
+Public Property Set EvalScope(aObject As VBAexpressionsScope)
+ Set P_SCOPE = aObject
+End Property
''' Returns the math expression to be evaluated.
@@ -369,6 +369,17 @@ Public Property Get expression() As String
expression = P_EXPRESSION
End Property
+''' Indicates if the results will be converted to standard VBA strings
+Public Property Get FormatResult() As Boolean
+ FormatResult = P_FORMATRESULT
+End Property
+Public Property Let FormatResult(aValue As Boolean)
+End Property
''' Gets or sets the evaluation in galloping mode. When set
''' to True, the evaluator will discriminate constant tokens
@@ -378,8 +389,8 @@ Public Property Get GallopingMode() As Boolean
GallopingMode = P_GALLOPING_MODE
End Property
-Public Property Let GallopingMode(AValue As Boolean)
+Public Property Let GallopingMode(aValue As Boolean)
End Property
@@ -393,7 +404,11 @@ End Property
''' Gets the result aftter evaluate the give expression.
Public Property Get Result() As String
- Result = P_RESULT
+ Result = FormatLiteralString(CStr(P_RESULT), True)
+ Else
+ Result = P_RESULT
+ End If
End Property
@@ -404,31 +419,20 @@ Public Property Get SeparatorChar() As String
End Property
-Public Property Let SeparatorChar(AValue As String)
+Public Property Let SeparatorChar(aValue As String)
End Property
''' Gets or sets the current value from/to the given variable.
Public Property Get VarValue(aVarName As String) As String
- Dim ValueIdx As Long
- ValueIdx = GetCBItemIdx(ExprVariables, aVarName)
- If ValueIdx > -1 Then
- VarValue = ExprVariables.Storage(ValueIdx).value
- End If
+ VarValue = P_SCOPE.VarValue(aVarName)
End Property
Public Property Let VarValue(aVarName As String, aVarValue As String)
If GeneratedTree Then
- Dim ValueIdx As Long
- ValueIdx = GetCBItemIdx(ExprVariables, aVarName)
- If ValueIdx > -1 Then
- ExprVariables.Storage(ValueIdx).value = aVarValue
- ExprVariables.Storage(ValueIdx).Assigned = True
- End If
+ P_SCOPE.VarValue(aVarName) = aVarValue
End If
End Property
@@ -443,29 +447,20 @@ Private Function aCeiling(ByRef expression As String) As Double
aCeiling = Ceiling(CDbl(expression))
End Function
-Public Sub AddConstant(AValue As String, aKey As String)
- Dim ConstIdx As Long
- ConstIdx = GetCBItemIdx(P_CONSTANTS, aKey)
- If ConstIdx = -1 Then 'Ensure uniqueness
- AppendToCBbuffer P_CONSTANTS, aKey, AValue
- End If
+Public Sub AddConstant(aValue As String, aKey As String)
+ P_SCOPE.AddConstant aValue, aKey
End Sub
-Private Sub AddVariable(ByRef variable As String, ByRef aKey As String)
- Dim VarIdx As Long
- aKey = CastCase(variable)
- VarIdx = GetCBItemIdx(ExprVariables, aKey)
- If VarIdx = -1 Then 'Ensure uniqueness
- AppendToCBbuffer ExprVariables, aKey
- VarIdx = GetCBItemIdx(P_CONSTANTS, aKey)
- If VarIdx > -1 Then 'Assign the value from constants
- ExprVariables.Storage(ExprVariables.index).value = P_CONSTANTS.Storage(VarIdx).value
- ExprVariables.Storage(ExprVariables.index).Assigned = True
- End If
+Private Sub AddToMap(aValue As Long, aTarget As ClusterTree)
+ If aTarget.resulstMap = vbNullString Then
+ aTarget.resulstMap = CStr(aValue)
+ Else
+ aTarget.resulstMap = aTarget.resulstMap & P_SEPARATORCHAR & aValue
End If
End Sub
+Private Sub AddVariable(ByRef variable As String, ByRef aKey As String)
+ P_SCOPE.AddVariable variable, aKey
+End Sub
Private Function aFloor(ByRef expression As String) As Double
aFloor = Floor(CDbl(expression))
@@ -546,17 +541,18 @@ Private Function ArcTan(ByRef expression As String) As Double
End Function
-''' Turns a like Java array string ({{*};{*}}) into a 2D VBA array with n rows and m columns.
+''' Turns a like Java array string ({{*};{*}}) into a 1D or 2D VBA array with n rows and m columns.
''' The string definition used to create the array.
''' The array to return in.
-Public Function ArrayFromString(ByRef StrArray As String) As String()
+Public Function ArrayFromString(ByRef strArray As String) As String()
Dim aIndex As Long
Dim arrCapacity As Long
Dim curChar As String
Dim i As Long, j As Long
Dim NumCols As Long
Dim NumRows As Long
+ Dim OneDarr As Boolean
Dim OutStrArray() As String
Dim StrCopy As String
Dim StrLen As Long
@@ -566,7 +562,7 @@ Public Function ArrayFromString(ByRef StrArray As String) As String()
Dim VectorStartPos As Long
Dim OpenCBrackets As Long
- StrCopy = ReconstructLiteralStrings(StrArray, Join$(Split(StrArray, " "), vbNullString))
+ StrCopy = ReconstructLiteralStrings(strArray, Join$(Split(strArray, d_Space), vbNullString))
StrLen = LenB(StrCopy) - 4
If MidB$(StrCopy, StrLen + 1, 4) <> "}}" Then 'Missed "}" from input
Exit Function
@@ -613,10 +609,19 @@ Public Function ArrayFromString(ByRef StrArray As String) As String()
Loop While i <= StrLen
NumRows = aIndex
NumCols = UBound(tmpStr(aIndex))
- ReDim OutStrArray(0 To NumRows, 0 To NumCols)
+ OneDarr = (NumRows = 0)
+ If OneDarr Then
+ ReDim OutStrArray(0 To NumCols)
+ Else '2D array
+ ReDim OutStrArray(0 To NumRows, 0 To NumCols)
+ End If
For i = 0 To NumRows
For j = 0 To NumCols
- OutStrArray(i, j) = tmpStr(i)(j)
+ If OneDarr Then
+ OutStrArray(j) = tmpStr(i)(j)
+ Else
+ OutStrArray(i, j) = tmpStr(i)(j)
+ End If
Next j
Next i
ArrayFromString = OutStrArray
@@ -682,6 +687,9 @@ Private Function Array1DFrom2DArr(ByRef InputArray() As String) As String()
Next i
Array1DFrom2DArr = tmpData
End Function
+Private Function Asc_(ByRef expression As String) As Long
+ Asc_ = AscW(FormatLiteralString(expression, True))
+End Function
Private Function average(ByRef expression As String) As Double
Dim g As Long
Dim tmpData() As String
@@ -730,12 +738,12 @@ Private Sub BottomLevelEval(ByRef aToken As token)
If aToken.Logical Then
If aToken.Arg1.NegationFlagOn Then
If AscW(aToken.Arg1.Operand) <> 126 Then '"~"
- aToken.EvalResult = Not CBool(aToken.Arg1.Operand)
+ aToken.EvalResult = CBool(CastOPtype(aToken.Arg1.Operand, aToken.Arg1.NegationFlagOn))
- aToken.EvalResult = Not CBool(MidB$(aToken.Arg1.Operand, 3))
+ aToken.EvalResult = CBool(MidB$(CastOPtype(aToken.Arg1.Operand, aToken.Arg1.NegationFlagOn), 3))
End If
- aToken.EvalResult = CBool(aToken.Arg1.Operand)
+ aToken.EvalResult = CBool(CastOPtype(aToken.Arg1.Operand, aToken.Arg1.NegationFlagOn))
End If
aToken.EvalResult = aToken.Arg1.Operand
@@ -857,21 +865,32 @@ Private Function CheckArgument(ByRef ArgDefStr As String, ByRef IsFactorial As B
End Function
Private Function CheckVarValues() As Boolean
- If ExprVariables.index > -1 And AssignedExpression Then
- Dim i As Long
- Dim cviCounter As Long
- For i = 0 To ExprVariables.index
- If ExprVariables.Storage(i).Assigned Then
- cviCounter = cviCounter + 1
- End If
- Next i
- CheckVarValues = (cviCounter = ExprVariables.index + 1)
+ If AssignedExpression Then
+ CheckVarValues = P_SCOPE.DefinedScope
CheckVarValues = True
End If
End Function
+Private Function Choose(ByRef expression As String) As String
+ Dim LB As Long
+ Dim UB As Long
+ Dim tmpData() As String
+ Dim index As Long
+ tmpData() = Split(expression, P_SEPARATORCHAR)
+ LB = LBound(tmpData)
+ UB = UBound(tmpData)
+ index = Fix(CDbl(tmpData(LB))) + LB
+ If index > LB And (index <= UB) Then
+ Choose = tmpData(index)
+ Else
+ Choose = e_ValueError
+ End If
+End Function
+Private Function Chr_(ByRef expression As String) As String
+ Chr_ = ToLiteralString(ChrW(CLng(expression))) 'Expected numeric value
+End Function
''' Traverses and evaluates the current parse tree.
@@ -906,11 +925,11 @@ Private Function Compute() As String
EvalTree(b).EvalResult = EvalTree(b).Storage(t - 1).EvalResult
Else 'The ClusterTree contains a composite function args as expression
Dim tmpResult() As String
- ReDim tmpResult(0 To EvalTree(b).index)
+ tmpResult() = Split(EvalTree(b).resulstMap, P_SEPARATORCHAR)
' Loop all sub-expression tokens results
- For i = 0 To EvalTree(b).index
- tmpResult(i) = EvalTree(b).Storage(i).EvalResult
+ For i = LBound(tmpResult) To UBound(tmpResult)
+ tmpResult(i) = EvalTree(b).Storage(CLng(tmpResult(i))).EvalResult
Next i
If Not EvalTree(b).CompArrCluster Then 'Function Argument
EvalTree(b).EvalResult = Join$(tmpResult, P_SEPARATORCHAR)
@@ -949,8 +968,8 @@ End Function
Public Function Create(ByRef aExpression As Variant) As VBAexpressions
If aExpression <> vbNullString Then
- ExprToEval = RemoveDupNegation(ApplyLawOfSigns(ReconstructLiteralStrings(CStr(aExpression), Join$(Split(aExpression, " "), vbNullString))))
- If ExprToEval <> RemoveDupNegation(ApplyLawOfSigns(ReconstructLiteralStrings(CStr(P_EXPRESSION), Join$(Split(P_EXPRESSION, " "), vbNullString)))) Then
+ ExprToEval = FormatEntry(CStr(aExpression))
+ If ExprToEval <> FormatEntry(P_EXPRESSION) Then
P_EXPRESSION = aExpression
VariablesInit ExprToEval
Parse ExprToEval
@@ -959,7 +978,164 @@ Public Function Create(ByRef aExpression As Variant) As VBAexpressions
End If
Set Create = Me
End Function
+Private Function Date_(ByRef expression As String) As String
+ Date_ = ToLiteralString(Date)
+End Function
+Private Function DateAdd_(ByRef expression As String) As String
+ Dim argsCount As Long
+ Dim tmpData() As String
+ Dim tmpEval As String
+ Dim LB As Long, UB As Long
+ tmpData() = Split(expression, P_SEPARATORCHAR)
+ LB = LBound(tmpData)
+ UB = UBound(tmpData)
+ argsCount = UB - LB + 1
+ Select Case argsCount
+ Case 3
+ tmpEval = ToLiteralString(DateAdd( _
+ FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB), True), _
+ CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 1), True)), _
+ FormatLiteralString(tmpData(UB), True) _
+ ))
+ Case Else
+ tmpEval = e_ValueError
+ End Select
+ DateAdd_ = tmpEval
+End Function
+Private Function DateDiff_(ByRef expression As String) As String
+ Dim argsCount As Long
+ Dim tmpData() As String
+ Dim tmpEval As String
+ Dim LB As Long, UB As Long
+ tmpData() = Split(expression, P_SEPARATORCHAR)
+ LB = LBound(tmpData)
+ UB = UBound(tmpData)
+ argsCount = UB - LB + 1
+ Select Case argsCount
+ Case 3
+ tmpEval = DateDiff( _
+ FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB), True), _
+ FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 1), True), _
+ FormatLiteralString(tmpData(UB), True) _
+ )
+ Case 4
+ tmpEval = DateDiff( _
+ FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB), True), _
+ FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 1), True), _
+ FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 2), True), _
+ CLng(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(UB), True)) _
+ )
+ Case 5
+ tmpEval = DateDiff( _
+ FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB), True), _
+ FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 1), True), _
+ FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 2), True), _
+ CLng(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 3), True)), _
+ CLng(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(UB), True)) _
+ )
+ Case Else
+ tmpEval = e_ValueError
+ End Select
+ DateDiff_ = tmpEval
+End Function
+Private Function DatePart_(ByRef expression As String) As String
+ Dim argsCount As Long
+ Dim tmpData() As String
+ Dim tmpEval As String
+ Dim LB As Long, UB As Long
+ tmpData() = Split(expression, P_SEPARATORCHAR)
+ LB = LBound(tmpData)
+ UB = UBound(tmpData)
+ argsCount = UB - LB + 1
+ Select Case argsCount
+ Case 2
+ tmpEval = DatePart( _
+ FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB), True), _
+ FormatLiteralString(tmpData(UB), True) _
+ )
+ Case 3
+ tmpEval = DatePart( _
+ FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB), True), _
+ FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 1), True), _
+ CLng(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(UB), True)) _
+ )
+ Case 4
+ tmpEval = DatePart( _
+ FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB), True), _
+ FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 1), True), _
+ CLng(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 2), True)), _
+ CLng(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(UB), True)) _
+ )
+ Case Else
+ tmpEval = e_ValueError
+ End Select
+ DatePart_ = tmpEval
+End Function
+Private Function DateSerial_(ByRef expression As String) As String
+ Dim argsCount As Long
+ Dim tmpData() As String
+ Dim tmpEval As String
+ Dim LB As Long, UB As Long
+ tmpData() = Split(expression, P_SEPARATORCHAR)
+ LB = LBound(tmpData)
+ UB = UBound(tmpData)
+ argsCount = UB - LB + 1
+ Select Case argsCount
+ Case 3
+ tmpEval = ToLiteralString(DateSerial( _
+ CLng(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB), True)), _
+ CLng(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 1), True)), _
+ CLng(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(UB), True)) _
+ ))
+ Case Else
+ tmpEval = e_ValueError
+ End Select
+ DateSerial_ = tmpEval
+End Function
+Private Function DateValue_(ByRef expression As String) As String
+ Dim argsCount As Long
+ Dim tmpData() As String
+ Dim tmpEval As String
+ Dim LB As Long, UB As Long
+ tmpData() = Split(expression, P_SEPARATORCHAR)
+ LB = LBound(tmpData)
+ UB = UBound(tmpData)
+ argsCount = UB - LB + 1
+ Select Case argsCount
+ Case 1
+ tmpEval = ToLiteralString(DateValue( _
+ FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB), True) _
+ ))
+ Case Else
+ tmpEval = e_ValueError
+ End Select
+ DateValue_ = tmpEval
+End Function
+Private Function Day_(ByRef expression As String) As String
+ Dim argsCount As Long
+ Dim tmpData() As String
+ Dim tmpEval As String
+ Dim LB As Long, UB As Long
+ tmpData() = Split(expression, P_SEPARATORCHAR)
+ LB = LBound(tmpData)
+ UB = UBound(tmpData)
+ argsCount = UB - LB + 1
+ Select Case argsCount
+ Case 1
+ tmpEval = Day( _
+ FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB), True) _
+ )
+ Case Else
+ tmpEval = e_ValueError
+ End Select
+ Day_ = tmpEval
+End Function
Public Sub DeclareUDF(ByRef UDFname As Variant, Optional ByRef UDFlib As String = "UserDefFunctions")
If IsArray(UDFname) Then
Dim i As Long
@@ -971,6 +1147,34 @@ Public Sub DeclareUDF(ByRef UDFname As Variant, Optional ByRef UDFlib As String
End If
End Sub
+Private Function DDB_(ByRef expression As String) As String
+ Dim argsCount As Long
+ Dim tmpData() As String
+ Dim tmpEval As String
+ Dim LB As Long, UB As Long
+ tmpData() = Split(expression, P_SEPARATORCHAR)
+ LB = LBound(tmpData)
+ UB = UBound(tmpData)
+ argsCount = UB - LB + 1
+ Select Case argsCount
+ Case 4
+ tmpEval = DDB(CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB), True)), _
+ CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 1), True)), _
+ CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 2), True)), _
+ CDbl((FormatLiteralString(tmpData(UB), True))))
+ Case 5
+ tmpEval = DDB(CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB), True)), _
+ CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 1), True)), _
+ CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 2), True)), _
+ CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 3), True)), _
+ CDbl((FormatLiteralString(tmpData(UB), True))))
+ Case Else
+ tmpEval = e_ValueError
+ End Select
+ DDB_ = tmpEval
+End Function
''' Evaluate a math expression.
@@ -996,7 +1200,11 @@ Attribute Eval.VB_UserMemId = 0
P_RESULT = Compute()
End If
End If
- Eval = P_RESULT
+ If P_FORMATRESULT Then 'Format: trim ['] chars
+ Eval = FormatLiteralString(CStr(P_RESULT), True)
+ Else
+ Eval = P_RESULT
+ End If
Exit Function
P_RESULT = vbNullString
@@ -1015,18 +1223,60 @@ Private Function EvalFunction(ByRef Argument As String, ByRef FunctionName As St
EvalFunction = ArcCos(Argument)
Case "ArcTan"
EvalFunction = ArcTan(Argument)
+ Case "ASCII"
+ EvalFunction = Asc_(Argument)
Case "Average"
EvalFunction = average(Argument)
Case "Cosin"
EvalFunction = Cosin(Argument)
+ Case "aChoose"
+ EvalFunction = Choose(Argument)
+ Case "ASCIIchr"
+ EvalFunction = Chr_(Argument)
Case "aCeiling"
EvalFunction = aCeiling(Argument)
+ Case "aDate"
+ EvalFunction = Date_(Argument)
+ Case "aDateAdd"
+ EvalFunction = DateAdd_(Argument)
+ Case "aDateDiff"
+ EvalFunction = DateDiff_(Argument)
+ Case "aDatePart"
+ EvalFunction = DatePart_(Argument)
+ Case "aDateSerial"
+ EvalFunction = DateSerial_(Argument)
+ Case "aDateValue"
+ EvalFunction = DateValue_(Argument)
+ Case "aDay"
+ EvalFunction = Day_(Argument)
+ Case "aDDB"
+ EvalFunction = DDB_(Argument)
Case "ExpEuler"
EvalFunction = ExpEuler(Argument)
Case "aFloor"
EvalFunction = aFloor(Argument)
+ Case "aFormat"
+ EvalFunction = Format_(Argument)
+ Case "aFV"
+ EvalFunction = FV_(Argument)
+ Case "FunctionZero"
+ EvalFunction = Zero(Argument)
Case "Gamma"
EvalFunction = tGamma(Argument)
+ Case "aHour"
+ EvalFunction = Hour_(Argument)
+ Case "aIff"
+ EvalFunction = Iff_(Argument)
+ Case "aIPMT"
+ EvalFunction = IPMT_(Argument)
+ Case "aIRR"
+ EvalFunction = IRR_(Argument)
+ Case "aLeft"
+ EvalFunction = Left_(Argument)
+ Case "aLen"
+ EvalFunction = Len_(Argument)
+ Case "LowerCase"
+ EvalFunction = LCase_(Argument)
Case "Logarithm"
EvalFunction = Logarithm(Argument)
Case "LgN"
@@ -1035,20 +1285,70 @@ Private Function EvalFunction(ByRef Argument As String, ByRef FunctionName As St
EvalFunction = LN(Argument)
Case "Max"
EvalFunction = max(Argument)
+ Case "Middle"
+ EvalFunction = Mid_(Argument)
Case "Min"
EvalFunction = Min(Argument)
+ Case "aMinute"
+ EvalFunction = Minute_(Argument)
+ Case "aMIRR"
+ EvalFunction = MIRR_(Argument)
+ Case "aMonthName"
+ EvalFunction = MonthName_(Argument)
+ Case "aMonth"
+ EvalFunction = Month_(Argument)
+ Case "aNow"
+ EvalFunction = Now_(Argument)
+ Case "aNPER"
+ EvalFunction = NPER_(Argument)
+ Case "aNPV"
+ EvalFunction = NPV_(Argument)
Case "Percent"
EvalFunction = Percent(Argument)
+ Case "aPMT"
+ EvalFunction = PMT_(Argument)
+ Case "aPPMT"
+ EvalFunction = PPMT_(Argument)
Case "Power"
EvalFunction = Power(Argument)
+ Case "aPV"
+ EvalFunction = PV_(Argument)
+ Case "aRATE"
+ EvalFunction = RATE_(Argument)
+ Case "aReplace"
+ EvalFunction = Replace_(Argument)
+ Case "aRight"
+ EvalFunction = Right_(Argument)
Case "Sign"
EvalFunction = Sign(Argument)
Case "Sine"
EvalFunction = Sine(Argument)
+ Case "SolveLinearSystem"
+ EvalFunction = Solve(Argument)
+ Case "aSLN"
+ EvalFunction = SLN_(Argument)
Case "SquareRoot"
EvalFunction = SquareRoot(Argument)
Case "Tangent"
EvalFunction = Tangent(Argument)
+ Case "aSwitch"
+ EvalFunction = Switch_(Argument)
+ Case "aSYD"
+ EvalFunction = SYD_(Argument)
+ Case "aTimeSerial"
+ EvalFunction = TimeSerial_(Argument)
+ Case "aTimeValue"
+ EvalFunction = TimeValue_(Argument)
+ Case "aTrim"
+ EvalFunction = Trim_(Argument)
+ Case "aUcase"
+ EvalFunction = UCase_(Argument)
+ Case "aWweekDay"
+ EvalFunction = WeekDay_(Argument)
+ Case "aWeekDayName"
+ EvalFunction = WeekDayName_(Argument)
+ Case "aYear"
+ EvalFunction = Year_(Argument)
Case Else
'Rise an error for not found function
End Select
@@ -1102,7 +1402,48 @@ Private Function Factorial(ByRef expression As String) As String
'Code here to rise an error
End If
End Function
+Private Function Format_(ByRef expression As String) As String
+ Dim argsCount As Long
+ Dim tmpData() As String
+ Dim tmpEval As String
+ Dim LB As Long, UB As Long
+ tmpData() = Split(expression, P_SEPARATORCHAR)
+ LB = LBound(tmpData)
+ UB = UBound(tmpData)
+ argsCount = UB - LB + 1
+ Select Case argsCount
+ Case 1
+ tmpEval = ToLiteralString(tmpData(LB))
+ Case 2
+ tmpEval = ToLiteralString( _
+ Format( _
+ FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB), True), _
+ FormatLiteralString(tmpData(UB), True) _
+ ) _
+ )
+ Case 3
+ tmpEval = ToLiteralString( _
+ Format( _
+ FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB), True), _
+ FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 1), True), _
+ CLng(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(UB), True)) _
+ ) _
+ )
+ Case 4
+ tmpEval = ToLiteralString( _
+ Format( _
+ FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB), True), _
+ FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 1), True), _
+ CLng(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 2), True)), _
+ CLng(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(UB), True)) _
+ ) _
+ )
+ Case Else
+ tmpEval = e_ValueError
+ End Select
+ Format_ = tmpEval
+End Function
Private Function Floor(ByRef value As Double) As Double
Dim tmpResult As Double
@@ -1110,9 +1451,355 @@ Private Function Floor(ByRef value As Double) As Double
Floor = tmpResult + ((value <> tmpResult) And (value < 0))
End Function
-Private Function FormatLiteralString(ByRef LiteralString As String) As String
- FormatLiteralString = MidB$(LiteralString, 3, LenB(LiteralString) - 4)
+Private Function FormatLiteralString(ByRef aString As String, _
+ Optional AutoCheckFormating As Boolean = False) As String
+ If Not AutoCheckFormating Then
+ FormatLiteralString = MidB$(aString, 3, LenB(aString) - 4)
+ Else
+ If IsLiteralString(aString) Then
+ FormatLiteralString = MidB$(aString, 3, LenB(aString) - 4)
+ Else
+ FormatLiteralString = aString
+ End If
+ End If
+End Function
+Private Function FormatEntry(expression As String) As String
+ FormatEntry = Replace(Replace(Replace(RemoveDupNegation(ApplyLawOfSigns _
+ (ReconstructLiteralStrings(CStr(expression), _
+ Join$(Split(expression, d_Space), vbNullString)))), "()", "('')"), "{{", "({{"), "}}", "}})")
+End Function
+Private Function ToLiteralString(ByRef aString As String) As String
+ If Not IsLiteralString(aString) Then
+ ToLiteralString = d_Apostrophe & aString & d_Apostrophe
+ Else
+ ToLiteralString = aString
+ End If
+End Function
+Private Function FV_(ByRef expression As String) As String
+ Dim argsCount As Long
+ Dim tmpData() As String
+ Dim tmpEval As String
+ Dim LB As Long, UB As Long
+ tmpData() = Split(expression, P_SEPARATORCHAR)
+ LB = LBound(tmpData)
+ UB = UBound(tmpData)
+ argsCount = UB - LB + 1
+ Select Case argsCount
+ Case 3
+ tmpEval = FV(CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB), True)), _
+ CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 1), True)), _
+ CDbl((FormatLiteralString(tmpData(UB), True))))
+ Case 4
+ tmpEval = FV(CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB), True)), _
+ CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 1), True)), _
+ CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 2), True)), _
+ CDbl((FormatLiteralString(tmpData(UB), True))))
+ Case 5
+ tmpEval = FV(CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB), True)), _
+ CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 1), True)), _
+ CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 2), True)), _
+ CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 3), True)), _
+ CLng((FormatLiteralString(tmpData(UB), True))))
+ Case Else
+ tmpEval = e_ValueError
+ End Select
+ FV_ = tmpEval
+End Function
+''' Find roots of a univariate function ussing the bisection method.
+''' at the interval a <= x <= b.
+''' Inline function.
+''' Leftmost interval value.
+''' Rightmost interval value.
+''' Increment used in calculations.
+''' Tolerance (relative error limit).
+Public Function fRoots(ByRef aFunction As String, a As Double, _
+ b As Double, Optional inc As Double = 1, _
+ Optional epsilon As Double = 0.0000000001) As String
+ Dim tmpRoot As String
+ Dim tmpResult As String
+ Dim lx As Double, ux As Double
+ If inc <> 1 Then
+ inc = Abs(inc)
+ End If
+ If a > b Then
+ fRoots = e_ValueError
+ Exit Function
+ End If
+ tmpRoot = fZero(aFunction, a, b, epsilon, False)
+ If tmpRoot <> e_ValueError Then 'Function with at least one root
+ lx = a
+ ux = a + inc
+ Do While ux <= b
+ On Error Resume Next
+ tmpRoot = fZeroMBM(aFunction, lx, ux, epsilon, False)
+ If tmpRoot <> e_ValueError Then
+ If tmpResult <> vbNullString Then
+ tmpResult = tmpResult & "; " & tmpRoot
+ Else
+ tmpResult = tmpRoot
+ End If
+ End If
+ lx = lx + inc
+ ux = ux + inc
+ Loop
+ fRoots = d_lCurly & tmpResult & d_rCurly
+ Else
+ fRoots = tmpRoot
+ End If
+End Function
+Public Function fZero(ByRef aFunction As String, ByVal a As Double, _
+ ByVal b As Double, Optional epsilon As Double = 0.0000000001, _
+ Optional includeVarNames As Boolean = True, _
+ Optional useBisectionMethod As Boolean = False, _
+ Optional printDebugINFO As Boolean = False) As String
+ If Not useBisectionMethod Then
+ fZero = fZeroMRF(aFunction, a, b, epsilon, includeVarNames, printDebugINFO)
+ Else
+ fZero = fZeroMBM(aFunction, a, b, epsilon, includeVarNames, printDebugINFO)
+ End If
+End Function
+''' Find a zero of a univariate function ussing a modified bisection method.
+''' aFunction must be a continuous function f(x) for the interval a <= x <= b.
+''' Inline function.
+''' Leftmost interval value.
+''' Rightmost interval value.
+''' Tolerance (relative error limit).
+''' Include variable name in result.
+''' Print information like iteraction count.
+Private Function fZeroMBM(ByRef aFunction As String, ByVal a As Double, _
+ ByVal b As Double, Optional epsilon As Double = 0.0000000001, _
+ Optional includeVarNames As Boolean = True, _
+ Optional printDebugINFO As Boolean = False) As String
+ Dim absFC As Double, absFD As Double
+ Dim aZero As Double
+ Dim c As Double, d As Double 'Intermediate points |a---:c:----:d:---b|
+ Dim evalCounter As Long
+ Dim fa As Double, fb As Double
+ Dim fc As Double, fd As Double
+ Dim fEvalHelper As VBAexpressions
+ Dim i As Long
+ Dim k As Double
+ Dim segmentLen As Double
+ Dim tmpFzeroEval As Double
+ Dim tmpResult As Double
+ Dim tmpVar() As String
+ Dim toleranceFlag As Boolean
+ Dim varCounter As Long
+ Dim varIdx As Long
+ Dim varLB As Long
+ On Error GoTo fZeroMBM_errHandler
+ If a > b Then Exit Function
+ Set fEvalHelper = New VBAexpressions
+ aZero = 10 * epsilon
+ With fEvalHelper
+ .Create aFunction
+ tmpVar() = Split(.CurrentVariables, "; ")
+ varLB = LBound(tmpVar)
+ If UBound(tmpVar) - varLB > 0 Then 'Reject multivariate functions
+ For i = varLB To UBound(tmpVar)
+ If Not IsConstant(tmpVar(i)) Then
+ varCounter = varCounter + 1
+ varIdx = i
+ End If
+ Next i
+ If varCounter > 1 Then
+ fZeroMBM = e_ValueError
+ Exit Function
+ End If
+ End If
+ k = 0
+ 'Evaluate the function at a, b
+ .VarValue(tmpVar(varIdx)) = a
+ fa = CDbl(.Eval): evalCounter = evalCounter + 1
+ .VarValue(tmpVar(varIdx)) = b
+ fb = CDbl(.Eval): evalCounter = evalCounter + 1
+ Do
+ 'Divide the interval into three segments, assumes a < b
+ segmentLen = (b - a) / 3
+ c = a + segmentLen
+ d = b - segmentLen
+ 'Evaluate the function at c, d
+ .VarValue(tmpVar(varIdx)) = c
+ fc = CDbl(.Eval): evalCounter = evalCounter + 1
+ .VarValue(tmpVar(varIdx)) = d
+ fd = CDbl(.Eval): evalCounter = evalCounter + 1
+ If fc = 0 Or fd = 0 Then
+ Exit Do
+ End If
+ If fa * fc < 0 Then 'Root in interval a-c
+ b = c
+ fb = fc
+ ElseIf fc * fd < 0 Then
+ a = c
+ fa = fc
+ b = d
+ fb = fd
+ ElseIf fd * fb < 0 Then
+ a = d
+ fa = fd
+ Else 'The interval does not satisfy the condition fa*fb<0.
+ fZeroMBM = e_ValueError
+ GoTo fZeroMBM_terminate
+ End If
+ absFC = Abs(fc)
+ absFD = Abs(fd)
+ If absFC < absFD Then
+ toleranceFlag = (absFC > epsilon) ': Debug.Print c
+ Else
+ toleranceFlag = (absFD > epsilon) ': Debug.Print d
+ End If
+ k = k + 1
+ Loop While toleranceFlag And k < 100
+ If absFC < absFD Then
+ tmpResult = c
+ tmpFzeroEval = fc
+ Else
+ tmpResult = d
+ tmpFzeroEval = fd
+ End If
+ .VarValue(tmpVar(varIdx)) = tmpResult
+ If Round(tmpFzeroEval, Len(CStr(1 / aZero)) - 1) = 0 Then
+ If includeVarNames Then
+ fZeroMBM = .CurrentVarValues
+ Else
+ fZeroMBM = tmpResult
+ End If
+ Else
+ fZeroMBM = e_ValueError
+ End If
+ End With
+ Set fEvalHelper = Nothing
+ If printDebugINFO Then
+ Debug.Print "fZeroMBM: " & vbCrLf & vbTab & vbTab & "Evaluations:"; evalCounter; "; Iteractions:"; k
+ End If
+ Exit Function
+ fZeroMBM = e_ValueError
+End Function
+''' Find a zero of a univariate function ussing a modified regula falsi method.
+''' aFunction must be a continuous function f(x) for the interval a <= x <= b.
+''' Credits: A NeamvonK [https://www.ajouronline.com/index.php/AJAS/article/view/2982]
+''' Inline function.
+''' Leftmost interval value.
+''' Rightmost interval value.
+''' Tolerance (relative error limit).
+''' Include variable name in result.
+''' Print information like iteraction count.
+Private Function fZeroMRF(ByRef aFunction As String, ByVal a As Double, _
+ ByVal b As Double, Optional epsilon As Double = 0.0000000001, _
+ Optional includeVarNames As Boolean = True, _
+ Optional printDebugINFO As Boolean = False) As String
+ Dim aZero As Double
+ Dim c As Double, d As Double
+ Dim evalCounter As Long
+ Dim fa As Double, fb As Double
+ Dim fc As Double, fd As Double
+ Dim fEvalHelper As VBAexpressions
+ Dim i As Long
+ Dim k As Double, ck As Double
+ Dim segmentLen As Double
+ Dim tmpVar() As String
+ Dim toleranceFlag As Boolean
+ Dim varCounter As Long
+ Dim varIdx As Long
+ Dim varLB As Long
+ On Error GoTo fZeroMRF_errHandler
+ If a > b Then Exit Function
+ Set fEvalHelper = New VBAexpressions
+ aZero = 10 * epsilon
+ With fEvalHelper
+ .Create aFunction
+ tmpVar() = Split(.CurrentVariables, "; ")
+ varLB = LBound(tmpVar)
+ If UBound(tmpVar) - varLB > 0 Then 'Reject multivariate functions
+ For i = varLB To UBound(tmpVar)
+ If Not IsConstant(tmpVar(i)) Then
+ varCounter = varCounter + 1
+ varIdx = i
+ End If
+ Next i
+ If varCounter > 1 Then
+ fZeroMRF = e_ValueError
+ Exit Function
+ End If
+ End If
+ k = 0
+ Do
+ 'Evaluate the function at a, b
+ .VarValue(tmpVar(varIdx)) = a
+ fa = CDbl(.Eval): evalCounter = evalCounter + 1
+ .VarValue(tmpVar(varIdx)) = b
+ fb = CDbl(.Eval): evalCounter = evalCounter + 1
+ 'Compute approximation point of the root
+ c = (a * fb - b * fa) / (fb - fa)
+ 'Evaluate the function at approximation
+ .VarValue(tmpVar(varIdx)) = c
+ fc = CDbl(.Eval): evalCounter = evalCounter + 1
+ If fa * fc < 0 Then 'Root in interval a-c
+ 'Projection
+ ck = Abs(2 * fc / (b - c))
+ d = ((1 + ck) * a * fb - b * fa) / ((1 + ck) * fb - fa)
+ 'Evaluate the function at projection
+ .VarValue(tmpVar(varIdx)) = d
+ fd = CDbl(.Eval): evalCounter = evalCounter + 1
+ If fd * fa < 0 Then
+ b = d
+ Else
+ b = c
+ a = d
+ End If
+ ElseIf fa * fc > 0 Then
+ ck = Abs(0.5 * fc / (b - c))
+ d = ((1 + ck) * b * fa - a * fb) / ((1 + ck) * fa - fb)
+ .VarValue(tmpVar(varIdx)) = d
+ fd = CDbl(.Eval): evalCounter = evalCounter + 1
+ If fd * fa > 0 Then
+ a = d
+ Else
+ a = c
+ b = d
+ End If
+ End If
+ toleranceFlag = (Abs(fd) > epsilon)
+ k = k + 1
+ Loop While toleranceFlag And k < 100
+ If Round(fd, Len(CStr(1 / aZero)) - 1) = 0 Then
+ If includeVarNames Then
+ fZeroMRF = .CurrentVarValues
+ Else
+ fZeroMRF = d
+ End If
+ Else
+ fZeroMRF = e_ValueError
+ End If
+ End With
+ Set fEvalHelper = Nothing
+ If printDebugINFO Then
+ Debug.Print "fZeroMRF: " & vbCrLf & vbTab & vbTab & "Evaluations:"; evalCounter; "; Iteractions:"; k
+ End If
+ Exit Function
+ fZeroMRF = e_ValueError
End Function
Private Function Gamma(ByRef x As Double) As Double
'Copyright © 2004, Leonardo Volpi & Foxes Team.
Dim mantissa As Double, Expo As Double, z As Double
@@ -1298,12 +1985,12 @@ Private Function GetArithOpInfo(ByRef expression As String) As TokenInfo
End If
End Function
-Private Function GetArrItm(ByRef Arr As Variant, ByRef MultiDimArr As Boolean, _
+Private Function GetArrItm(ByRef arr As Variant, ByRef MultiDimArr As Boolean, _
ByRef IdxDim1 As Long, ByRef IdxDim2 As Long) As String
If MultiDimArr Then
- GetArrItm = CStr(Arr(IdxDim1, IdxDim2))
+ GetArrItm = CStr(arr(IdxDim1, IdxDim2))
- GetArrItm = CStr(Arr(IdxDim1))
+ GetArrItm = CStr(arr(IdxDim1))
End If
End Function
@@ -1403,8 +2090,16 @@ Private Function GetEvalToken(ByRef expression As String) As token
GetEvalToken.Arg2.FunctionIn = (GetEvalToken.Arg2.funcName <> vbNullString) Or GetEvalToken.Arg2.UDFFunctionIn
GetEvalToken.Arg1.LinkedIndex = GetIndex(GetEvalToken.Arg1.DefString)
GetEvalToken.Arg2.LinkedIndex = GetIndex(GetEvalToken.Arg2.DefString)
- GetEvalToken.Arg1.LinkedVar = GetCBItemIdx(ExprVariables, CastCase(GetEvalToken.Arg1.DefString))
- GetEvalToken.Arg2.LinkedVar = GetCBItemIdx(ExprVariables, CastCase(GetEvalToken.Arg2.DefString))
+ If Not GetEvalToken.Arg1.NegationFlagOn Then
+ GetEvalToken.Arg1.LinkedVar = P_SCOPE.VarIndex(CastCase(GetEvalToken.Arg1.DefString))
+ Else
+ GetEvalToken.Arg1.LinkedVar = P_SCOPE.VarIndex(CastCase(MidB$(GetEvalToken.Arg1.DefString, 3)))
+ End If
+ If Not GetEvalToken.Arg2.NegationFlagOn Then
+ GetEvalToken.Arg2.LinkedVar = P_SCOPE.VarIndex(CastCase(GetEvalToken.Arg2.DefString))
+ Else
+ GetEvalToken.Arg2.LinkedVar = P_SCOPE.VarIndex(CastCase(MidB$(GetEvalToken.Arg2.DefString, 3)))
+ End If
GetEvalToken.Arg1.Implicit = (GetEvalToken.Arg1.LinkedIndex >= 0)
GetEvalToken.Arg2.Implicit = (GetEvalToken.Arg2.LinkedIndex >= 0)
GetEvalToken.Arg1.FactorialIn = (InStrB(1, GetEvalToken.Arg1.DefString, op_Factorial) = LenB(GetEvalToken.Arg1.DefString) - 1)
@@ -1418,7 +2113,11 @@ Private Function GetEvalToken(ByRef expression As String) As token
GetEvalToken.Arg1.UDFFunctionIn = IsUDFFunction
GetEvalToken.Arg1.FunctionIn = (GetEvalToken.Arg1.funcName <> vbNullString) Or GetEvalToken.Arg1.UDFFunctionIn
GetEvalToken.Arg1.LinkedIndex = GetIndex(GetEvalToken.Arg1.DefString)
- GetEvalToken.Arg1.LinkedVar = GetCBItemIdx(ExprVariables, CastCase(GetEvalToken.Arg1.DefString))
+ If Not GetEvalToken.Arg1.NegationFlagOn Then
+ GetEvalToken.Arg1.LinkedVar = P_SCOPE.VarIndex(CastCase(GetEvalToken.Arg1.DefString))
+ Else
+ GetEvalToken.Arg1.LinkedVar = P_SCOPE.VarIndex(CastCase(MidB$(GetEvalToken.Arg1.DefString, 3)))
+ End If
GetEvalToken.Arg1.Implicit = (GetEvalToken.Arg1.LinkedIndex >= 0)
GetEvalToken.Arg1.FactorialIn = (InStrB(1, GetEvalToken.Arg1.DefString, op_Factorial) = LenB(GetEvalToken.Arg1.DefString) - 1)
End If
@@ -1664,9 +2363,9 @@ Private Sub GetOperand(ByRef CurArg As Argument, _
Else 'Explicit function or data
If CurArg.LinkedVar > -1 Then 'Variable substitution
If CurArg.FactorialIn Then 'Operate factorials
- CurArg.Operand = Factorial(ExprVariables.Storage(CurArg.LinkedVar).value)
+ CurArg.Operand = Factorial(P_SCOPE.VarValue(CurArg.LinkedVar))
- CurArg.Operand = ExprVariables.Storage(CurArg.LinkedVar).value
+ CurArg.Operand = P_SCOPE.VarValue(CurArg.LinkedVar)
End If
If AscW(CurArg.DefString) = 45 Then
CurArg.Operand = ApplyLawOfSigns(op_minus + CurArg.Operand)
@@ -1707,12 +2406,11 @@ Private Function IsSymbolInLiteralString(ByRef expression As String, SymbolPos A
End If
IsSymbolInLiteralString = flagCounter And 1
End Function
Private Function GetOPeratorSymbolPos(ByRef expression As String, _
ByRef OperatorSymbol As String, _
Optional StartPosition As Long = 1) As Long
Dim tmpResult As Long
- Dim LStrOpenPos As Long
- Dim LStrClosePos As Long
tmpResult = InStrB(StartPosition, expression, OperatorSymbol)
Do While IsSymbolInLiteralString(expression, tmpResult)
@@ -1778,7 +2476,7 @@ End Function
Private Sub GetRootedTree(ByRef SubExpression As String, ByRef tmpReplacement As String, _
ByRef OperationIndex As Long, ByRef outBuffer As ClusterTree)
Dim vToken As token
- Dim switch As Boolean
+ Dim Switch As Boolean
Dim tmpPos As Long
Dim OperandInBundle As Boolean
Dim PrevChar As String
@@ -1798,19 +2496,21 @@ Private Sub GetRootedTree(ByRef SubExpression As String, ByRef tmpReplacement As
OperandInBundle = (InStrB(1, op_AllItems, PrevChar))
End If
- SubExpression = MidB$(SubExpression, 1, tmpPos - 1) & tmpReplacement & MidB$(SubExpression, tmpPos + LenB(vToken.DefString))
- AppendToBuffer outBuffer, vToken 'Save to target token ClusterTree
- switch = (SubExpression <> tmpReplacement)
- If switch Then
- OperationIndex = OperationIndex + 1
- tmpReplacement = GetSubstStr(OperationIndex)
+ If tmpPos > 0 Then
+ SubExpression = MidB$(SubExpression, 1, tmpPos - 1) & tmpReplacement & MidB$(SubExpression, tmpPos + LenB(vToken.DefString))
+ Else
+ SubExpression = tmpReplacement
End If
- Loop While switch
+ AppendToBuffer outBuffer, vToken 'Save to target token ClusterTree
+ Switch = (SubExpression <> tmpReplacement)
+ OperationIndex = OperationIndex + 1
+ tmpReplacement = GetSubstStr(OperationIndex)
+ Loop While Switch
End Sub
-Private Function GetSubstStr(ByRef AValue As Long) As String
- If AValue >= 0 Then
- LIndexConstruc(1) = AValue
+Private Function GetSubstStr(ByRef aValue As Long) As String
+ If aValue >= 0 Then
+ LIndexConstruc(1) = aValue
GetSubstStr = Join$(LIndexConstruc, vbNullString)
End If
End Function
@@ -1859,6 +2559,7 @@ Private Function GetSubTreeData(ByRef expression As String) As String()
Loop While tgOpenP > 0
Dim curIdx As Long
Dim fpIdx As Long
ReDim Preserve PSerial(LBound(PSerial) To Uspace - 1)
FSerial() = PSerial
For curIdx = UBound(PSerial) To LBound(PSerial) Step -1
@@ -1963,6 +2664,10 @@ Private Function GetTokenInfo(ByRef expression As String) As TokenInfo
If expression Like "*[Ff][Aa][Ll][Ss][Ee]" Then
tmpResult.LogicalToken = True
+ Else
+ If expression Like "~*" Then
+ tmpResult.LogicalToken = True
+ End If
End If
End If
End If
@@ -2037,50 +2742,189 @@ Private Function GoBackToOpSymbol(ByRef expression As String, ByRef VarStartPos
GoBackToOpSymbol = tmpResult
End Function
-Private Function ImplicitMultFlag(ByRef Char As String) As Boolean
- If LenB(Char) Then
- Select Case AscW(Char)
- Case 46, 48 To 57
- ImplicitMultFlag = True
- Case Else
- ImplicitMultFlag = False
- End Select
+Private Function Hour_(ByRef expression As String) As String
+ Dim argsCount As Long
+ Dim tmpData() As String
+ Dim tmpEval As String
+ Dim LB As Long, UB As Long
+ tmpData() = Split(expression, P_SEPARATORCHAR)
+ LB = LBound(tmpData)
+ UB = UBound(tmpData)
+ argsCount = UB - LB + 1
+ Select Case argsCount
+ Case 1
+ tmpEval = Hour( _
+ FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB), True) _
+ )
+ Case Else
+ tmpEval = e_ValueError
+ End Select
+ Hour_ = tmpEval
+End Function
+Private Function Iff_(ByRef expression As String) As String
+ Dim argsCount As Long
+ Dim tmpData() As String
+ Dim tmpEval As Boolean
+ Dim LB As Long, UB As Long
+ tmpData() = Split(expression, P_SEPARATORCHAR)
+ LB = LBound(tmpData)
+ UB = UBound(tmpData)
+ argsCount = UB - LB + 1
+ Select Case argsCount
+ Case 3
+ tmpEval = CBool( _
+ FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB), True) _
+ )
+ Case Else
+ Iff_ = e_ValueError
+ Exit Function
+ End Select
+ If tmpEval Then 'Return the TRUE part
+ Iff_ = tmpData(LB + 1)
+ Else
+ Iff_ = tmpData(UB)
End If
End Function
-Private Sub InitBuffer(ByRef aBuffer As ClusterTree)
- aBuffer.Capacity = 128
- ReDim aBuffer.Storage(0 To aBuffer.Capacity - 1)
- aBuffer.index = -1
-End Sub
-Private Sub InitCBbuffer(ByRef aBuffer As ClusterBuffer)
- aBuffer.Capacity = 128
- ReDim aBuffer.Storage(0 To aBuffer.Capacity - 1)
- aBuffer.index = -1
-End Sub
-Private Sub InitializeErrHandler()
- P_ERRORDESC = vbNullString
+Private Function IPMT_(ByRef expression As String) As String
+ Dim argsCount As Long
+ Dim tmpData() As String
+ Dim tmpEval As String
+ Dim LB As Long, UB As Long
+ tmpData() = Split(expression, P_SEPARATORCHAR)
+ LB = LBound(tmpData)
+ UB = UBound(tmpData)
+ argsCount = UB - LB + 1
+ Select Case argsCount
+ Case 4
+ tmpEval = IPmt(CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB), True)), _
+ CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 1), True)), _
+ CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 2), True)), _
+ CDbl((FormatLiteralString(tmpData(UB), True))))
+ Case 5
+ tmpEval = IPmt(CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB), True)), _
+ CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 1), True)), _
+ CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 2), True)), _
+ CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 3), True)), _
+ CDbl((FormatLiteralString(tmpData(UB), True))))
+ Case 6
+ tmpEval = IPmt(CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB), True)), _
+ CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 1), True)), _
+ CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 2), True)), _
+ CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 3), True)), _
+ CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 4), True)), _
+ CDbl((FormatLiteralString(tmpData(UB), True))))
+ Case Else
+ tmpEval = e_ValueError
+ End Select
+ IPMT_ = tmpEval
+End Function
+Private Function DefineIRRfunction(ByRef strArray() As String) As String
+ Dim arrLB As Long
+ Dim idx As Long
+ Dim tmpElement As String
+ Dim tmpResult As String
+ arrLB = LBound(strArray)
+ tmpResult = strArray(arrLB)
+ For idx = arrLB + 1 To UBound(strArray)
+ tmpResult = tmpResult & op_plus & _
+ "(" & FormatLiteralString(strArray(idx), True) _
+ & op_div & "(1+iRate)" & op_power & idx - arrLB & ")"
+ Next idx
+ DefineIRRfunction = tmpResult
+End Function
+Private Function IRR_(ByRef expression As String) As String
+ Dim argsCount As Long
+ Dim tmpData() As String
+ Dim tmpEval As String
+ Dim LB As Long, UB As Long
+ Dim idx As Long
+ Dim arrEndPos As Long
+ Dim strArray() As String
+ tmpData() = SplitArgs(expression)
+ LB = LBound(tmpData)
+ UB = UBound(tmpData)
+ argsCount = UB - LB + 1
+ strArray() = ArrayFromString(tmpData(LB)) 'Get array of data
+ Select Case argsCount
+ Case 1, 2
+ 'Attempt to arrive at a positive IRR solution.
+ tmpEval = fZeroMBM(DefineIRRfunction(strArray), -0.2, 0.99, 0.00001, False)
+ If argsCount = 2 Then
+ If CBool(tmpData(UB)) Then
+ If tmpEval = e_ValueError Then 'Positive IRR not found
+ tmpEval = fZeroMBM(DefineIRRfunction(strArray), -0.99, -0.19, 0.00001, False)
+ End If
+ End If
+ End If
+ Case Else
+ tmpEval = e_ValueError
+ End Select
+ IRR_ = tmpEval
+End Function
+Private Function ImplicitMultFlag(ByRef Char As String) As Boolean
+ If LenB(Char) Then
+ Select Case AscW(Char)
+ Case 46, 48 To 57
+ ImplicitMultFlag = True
+ Case Else
+ ImplicitMultFlag = False
+ End Select
+ End If
+End Function
+Public Property Let ImplicitVarValue(aVarName As String, aVarValue As String)
+ If GeneratedTree Then
+ Dim exprHelper As VBAexpressions
+ Set exprHelper = New VBAexpressions
+ With exprHelper
+ .Create aVarValue
+ Set .EvalScope = .EvalScope.CopyScope(P_SCOPE)
+ P_SCOPE.VarValue(aVarName) = .Eval
+ End With
+ End If
+End Property
+Private Sub InitBuffer(ByRef aBuffer As ClusterTree)
+ aBuffer.Capacity = 128
+ ReDim aBuffer.Storage(0 To aBuffer.Capacity - 1)
+ aBuffer.index = -1
+End Sub
+Private Sub InitCBbuffer(ByRef aBuffer As ClusterBuffer)
+ aBuffer.Capacity = 128
+ ReDim aBuffer.Storage(0 To aBuffer.Capacity - 1)
+ aBuffer.index = -1
+End Sub
+Private Sub InitializeErrHandler()
+ P_ERRORDESC = vbNullString
P_ERRTYPE = errNone
End Sub
-Private Function InitializedArray(ByRef Arr As Variant) As Boolean
+Private Function InitializedArray(ByRef arr As Variant) As Boolean
Dim UB As Long
On Error GoTo err_handler
- UB = UBound(Arr)
+ UB = UBound(arr)
InitializedArray = True
Exit Function
InitializedArray = False
End Function
-Private Function Is2Darray(Arr As Variant) As Boolean
+Private Function Is2Darray(arr As Variant) As Boolean
Dim d As Long
On Error GoTo err_handler
- d = UBound(Arr, 2)
+ d = UBound(arr, 2)
Is2Darray = True
Exit Function
@@ -2104,7 +2948,9 @@ Private Function IsBoolean(ByRef expression As String) As Boolean
IsBoolean = (expression = "false")
End If
End Function
+Public Function IsConstant(aVarName As String) As Boolean
+ IsConstant = P_SCOPE.IsConstant(aVarName)
+End Function
Private Function IsDigit(ByRef Char As String) As Boolean
If LenB(Char) Then
Select Case AscW(Char)
@@ -2175,39 +3021,84 @@ Private Function JoinArrFunctArg(ByRef DecompArray() As String, ByRef MaxRowInde
Dim tmpResult As String
Dim i As Long, j As Long
- For i = 0 To MaxRowIndex
- For j = 0 To MaxColIndex
- If j = 0 Then
- tmpResult = tmpResult & d_lCurly & DecompArray(j + (i * (MaxColIndex + 1)))
- Else
- tmpResult = tmpResult & P_SEPARATORCHAR & DecompArray(j + (i * (MaxColIndex + 1)))
- End If
- If j = MaxColIndex Then
- tmpResult = tmpResult & d_rCurly
+ If MaxColIndex > -1 Then
+ For i = 0 To MaxRowIndex
+ For j = 0 To MaxColIndex
+ If j = 0 Then
+ tmpResult = tmpResult & d_lCurly & DecompArray(j + (i * (MaxColIndex + 1)))
+ Else
+ tmpResult = tmpResult & P_SEPARATORCHAR & DecompArray(j + (i * (MaxColIndex + 1)))
+ End If
+ If j = MaxColIndex Then
+ tmpResult = tmpResult & d_rCurly
+ End If
+ Next j
+ If i < MaxRowIndex Then
+ tmpResult = tmpResult & P_SEPARATORCHAR
End If
- Next j
- If i < MaxRowIndex Then
- tmpResult = tmpResult & P_SEPARATORCHAR
- End If
- Next i
+ Next i
+ Else
+ tmpResult = d_lCurly & Join$(DecompArray, P_SEPARATORCHAR) & d_rCurly
+ End If
JoinArrFunctArg = d_lCurly & tmpResult & d_rCurly
End Function
Private Function LgN(ByRef expression As String) As Double
Dim tmpData() As String
Dim tmpEval As Double
+ Dim LB As Long, UB As Long
tmpEval = 0
tmpData() = Split(expression, P_SEPARATORCHAR)
- tmpEval = Log(CDbl(tmpData(LBound(tmpData)))) _
- / Log(CDbl(tmpData(UBound(tmpData)))) 'Log(x)/Log(N)
+ LB = LBound(tmpData)
+ UB = UBound(tmpData)
+ If UB - LB = 1 Then
+ tmpEval = Log(CDbl(tmpData(LB))) _
+ / Log(CDbl(tmpData(UB))) 'Log(x)/Log(N)
+ Else
+ tmpEval = e_ValueError
+ End If
LgN = tmpEval
End Function
Private Function LN(ByRef expression As String) As Double
LN = Log(CDbl(expression))
End Function
+Private Function LCase_(ByRef expression As String) As String
+ LCase_ = ToLiteralString(LCase(expression))
+End Function
+Private Function Len_(ByRef expression As String) As Long
+ If IsLiteralString(expression) Then
+ Len_ = Len(FormatLiteralString(expression))
+ Else
+ Len_ = Len(expression)
+ End If
+End Function
+Private Function Left_(ByRef expression As String) As String
+ Dim argsCount As Long
+ Dim tmpData() As String
+ Dim tmpEval As String
+ Dim LB As Long, UB As Long
+ tmpData() = Split(expression, P_SEPARATORCHAR)
+ LB = LBound(tmpData)
+ UB = UBound(tmpData)
+ argsCount = UB - LB + 1
+ Select Case argsCount
+ Case 1
+ tmpEval = ToLiteralString(Left(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB), True), 1))
+ Case 2
+ tmpEval = ToLiteralString( _
+ Left( _
+ FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB), True), _
+ CLng(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(UB), True)) _
+ ) _
+ )
+ Case Else
+ tmpEval = e_ValueError
+ End Select
+ Left_ = tmpEval
+End Function
Private Function Logarithm(ByRef expression As String) As Double
Logarithm = Log(CDbl(expression)) / Log(10)
End Function
@@ -2229,6 +3120,38 @@ Private Function max(ByRef expression As String) As Double
max = tmpEval
End Function
+Private Function Mid_(ByRef expression As String) As String
+ Dim argsCount As Long
+ Dim tmpData() As String
+ Dim tmpEval As String
+ Dim LB As Long, UB As Long
+ tmpData() = Split(expression, P_SEPARATORCHAR)
+ LB = LBound(tmpData)
+ UB = UBound(tmpData)
+ argsCount = UB - LB + 1
+ Select Case argsCount
+ Case 2
+ tmpEval = ToLiteralString( _
+ Mid( _
+ FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB), True), _
+ CLng(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(UB), True)) _
+ ) _
+ )
+ Case 3
+ tmpEval = ToLiteralString( _
+ Mid( _
+ FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB), True), _
+ CLng(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 1), True)), _
+ CLng(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(UB), True)) _
+ ) _
+ )
+ Case Else
+ tmpEval = e_ValueError
+ End Select
+ Mid_ = tmpEval
+End Function
Private Function Min(ByRef expression As String) As Double
Dim g As Long
Dim tmpData() As String
@@ -2271,6 +3194,104 @@ Private Function MinNonZero(ParamArray values() As Variant) As Long
MinNonZero = minTmp
End Function
+Private Function Minute_(ByRef expression As String) As String
+ Dim argsCount As Long
+ Dim tmpData() As String
+ Dim tmpEval As String
+ Dim LB As Long, UB As Long
+ tmpData() = Split(expression, P_SEPARATORCHAR)
+ LB = LBound(tmpData)
+ UB = UBound(tmpData)
+ argsCount = UB - LB + 1
+ Select Case argsCount
+ Case 1
+ tmpEval = Minute( _
+ FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB), True) _
+ )
+ Case Else
+ tmpEval = e_ValueError
+ End Select
+ Minute_ = tmpEval
+End Function
+Private Function MIRR_(ByRef expression As String) As String
+ Dim argsCount As Long
+ Dim tmpData() As String
+ Dim tmpEval As String
+ Dim LB As Long, UB As Long
+ Dim idx As Long
+ Dim arrEndPos As Long
+ Dim strArray() As String
+ Dim dblArray() As Double
+ tmpData() = SplitArgs(expression)
+ LB = LBound(tmpData)
+ UB = UBound(tmpData)
+ argsCount = UB - LB + 1
+ strArray() = ArrayFromString(tmpData(LB)) 'Get array of data
+ ReDim dblArray(LBound(strArray) To UBound(strArray))
+ For idx = LBound(strArray) To UBound(strArray) 'Copy to double array
+ dblArray(idx) = CDbl(FormatLiteralString(strArray(idx), True))
+ Next idx
+ Select Case argsCount
+ Case 3
+ tmpEval = MIRR(dblArray, _
+ CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 1), True)), _
+ CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(UB), True)))
+ Case Else
+ tmpEval = e_ValueError
+ End Select
+ MIRR_ = tmpEval
+End Function
+Private Function Month_(ByRef expression As String) As String
+ Dim argsCount As Long
+ Dim tmpData() As String
+ Dim tmpEval As String
+ Dim LB As Long, UB As Long
+ tmpData() = Split(expression, P_SEPARATORCHAR)
+ LB = LBound(tmpData)
+ UB = UBound(tmpData)
+ argsCount = UB - LB + 1
+ Select Case argsCount
+ Case 1
+ tmpEval = Month( _
+ FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB), True) _
+ )
+ Case Else
+ tmpEval = e_ValueError
+ End Select
+ Month_ = tmpEval
+End Function
+Private Function MonthName_(ByRef expression As String) As String
+ Dim argsCount As Long
+ Dim tmpData() As String
+ Dim tmpEval As String
+ Dim LB As Long, UB As Long
+ tmpData() = Split(expression, P_SEPARATORCHAR)
+ LB = LBound(tmpData)
+ UB = UBound(tmpData)
+ argsCount = UB - LB + 1
+ Select Case argsCount
+ Case 1
+ tmpEval = ToLiteralString(MonthName( _
+ CLng(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB), True)) _
+ ))
+ Case 2
+ tmpEval = ToLiteralString(MonthName( _
+ CLng(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB), True)), _
+ CBool(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(UB), True)) _
+ ))
+ Case Else
+ tmpEval = e_ValueError
+ End Select
+ MonthName_ = tmpEval
+End Function
''' Takes a list of values of type Long and
''' returns true if one of then is a non-zero value.
@@ -2290,8 +3311,73 @@ Private Function NonZero(ParamArray values() As Variant) As Boolean
NonZero = tmpResult
End Function
-Private Function NotIsPI(ByRef VarName As String) As Boolean
- NotIsPI = Not VarName Like "[Pp][Ii]"
+Private Function NPER_(ByRef expression As String) As String
+ Dim argsCount As Long
+ Dim tmpData() As String
+ Dim tmpEval As String
+ Dim LB As Long, UB As Long
+ tmpData() = Split(expression, P_SEPARATORCHAR)
+ LB = LBound(tmpData)
+ UB = UBound(tmpData)
+ argsCount = UB - LB + 1
+ Select Case argsCount
+ Case 3
+ tmpEval = NPer(CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB), True)), _
+ CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 1), True)), _
+ CDbl((FormatLiteralString(tmpData(UB), True))))
+ Case 4
+ tmpEval = NPer(CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB), True)), _
+ CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 1), True)), _
+ CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 2), True)), _
+ CDbl((FormatLiteralString(tmpData(UB), True))))
+ Case 5
+ tmpEval = NPer(CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB), True)), _
+ CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 1), True)), _
+ CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 2), True)), _
+ CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 3), True)), _
+ CLng((FormatLiteralString(tmpData(UB), True))))
+ Case Else
+ tmpEval = e_ValueError
+ End Select
+ NPER_ = tmpEval
+End Function
+Private Function NPV_(ByRef expression As String) As String
+ Dim argsCount As Long
+ Dim tmpData() As String
+ Dim tmpEval As Double
+ Dim iRate As Double
+ Dim pCounter As Long
+ Dim LB As Long, UB As Long
+ Dim cLooper As Long
+ Dim strArray() As String
+ tmpData() = SplitArgs(expression)
+ LB = LBound(tmpData)
+ UB = UBound(tmpData)
+ argsCount = UB - LB + 1
+ Select Case argsCount
+ Case 2
+ strArray() = ArrayFromString(tmpData(UB)) 'Get array of data
+ iRate = CDbl(tmpData(LB))
+ pCounter = 1
+ For cLooper = LBound(strArray) To UBound(strArray)
+ tmpEval = tmpEval + CDbl(strArray(cLooper)) / ((1 + iRate) ^ pCounter)
+ pCounter = pCounter + 1
+ Next cLooper
+ Case Else
+ tmpEval = e_ValueError
+ End Select
+ NPV_ = tmpEval
+End Function
+Private Function NotIsPI(ByRef varName As String) As Boolean
+ NotIsPI = Not varName Like "[Pp][Ii]"
+End Function
+Private Function Now_(ByRef expression As String) As String
+ Now_ = ToLiteralString(Now)
End Function
Private Function OPsymbolInArgument(ByRef ArgDefStr As String, ByRef Pattrn As String) As Boolean
@@ -2440,28 +3526,258 @@ Private Sub ParseVariables(ByRef expression As String)
End Sub
Private Function PatternToCheckOn(ByRef ArgDefStr As String) As String
- Select Case AscW(ArgDefStr)
- Case 43, 45
- PatternToCheckOn = op_AllNotUnaryItems
- Case Else
- PatternToCheckOn = op_AllItems
- End Select
+ If LenB(ArgDefStr) Then
+ Select Case AscW(ArgDefStr)
+ Case 43, 45
+ PatternToCheckOn = op_AllNotUnaryItems
+ Case Else
+ PatternToCheckOn = op_AllItems
+ End Select
+ Else
+ PatternToCheckOn = op_AllItems
+ End If
End Function
Private Function Percent(ByRef expression As String) As Double
Percent = CDbl(expression) / 100
End Function
+Private Function PMT_(ByRef expression As String) As String
+ Dim argsCount As Long
+ Dim tmpData() As String
+ Dim tmpEval As String
+ Dim LB As Long, UB As Long
+ tmpData() = Split(expression, P_SEPARATORCHAR)
+ LB = LBound(tmpData)
+ UB = UBound(tmpData)
+ argsCount = UB - LB + 1
+ Select Case argsCount
+ Case 3
+ tmpEval = Pmt(CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB), True)), _
+ CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 1), True)), _
+ CDbl((FormatLiteralString(tmpData(UB), True))))
+ Case 4
+ tmpEval = Pmt(CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB), True)), _
+ CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 1), True)), _
+ CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 2), True)), _
+ CDbl((FormatLiteralString(tmpData(UB), True))))
+ Case 5
+ tmpEval = Pmt(CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB), True)), _
+ CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 1), True)), _
+ CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 2), True)), _
+ CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 3), True)), _
+ CLng((FormatLiteralString(tmpData(UB), True))))
+ Case Else
+ tmpEval = e_ValueError
+ End Select
+ PMT_ = tmpEval
+End Function
+Private Function PPMT_(ByRef expression As String) As String
+ Dim argsCount As Long
+ Dim tmpData() As String
+ Dim tmpEval As String
+ Dim LB As Long, UB As Long
+ tmpData() = Split(expression, P_SEPARATORCHAR)
+ LB = LBound(tmpData)
+ UB = UBound(tmpData)
+ argsCount = UB - LB + 1
+ Select Case argsCount
+ Case 4
+ tmpEval = PPmt(CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB), True)), _
+ CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 1), True)), _
+ CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 2), True)), _
+ CDbl((FormatLiteralString(tmpData(UB), True))))
+ Case 5
+ tmpEval = PPmt(CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB), True)), _
+ CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 1), True)), _
+ CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 2), True)), _
+ CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 3), True)), _
+ CDbl((FormatLiteralString(tmpData(UB), True))))
+ Case 6
+ tmpEval = PPmt(CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB), True)), _
+ CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 1), True)), _
+ CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 2), True)), _
+ CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 3), True)), _
+ CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 4), True)), _
+ CLng((FormatLiteralString(tmpData(UB), True))))
+ Case Else
+ tmpEval = e_ValueError
+ End Select
+ PPMT_ = tmpEval
+End Function
Private Function Power(ByRef expression As String) As Double
Dim tmpData() As String
Dim tmpEval As Double
+ Dim LB As Long, UB As Long
tmpData() = Split(expression, P_SEPARATORCHAR)
- tmpEval = CDbl(tmpData(LBound(tmpData))) ^ _
- CDbl(tmpData(LBound(tmpData) + 1))
+ LB = LBound(tmpData)
+ UB = UBound(tmpData)
+ If UB - LB = 1 Then
+ tmpEval = CDbl(tmpData(LB)) ^ _
+ CDbl(tmpData(UB))
+ Else
+ tmpEval = e_ValueError
+ End If
Power = tmpEval
End Function
+Private Function PV_(ByRef expression As String) As String
+ Dim argsCount As Long
+ Dim tmpData() As String
+ Dim tmpEval As String
+ Dim LB As Long, UB As Long
+ tmpData() = Split(expression, P_SEPARATORCHAR)
+ LB = LBound(tmpData)
+ UB = UBound(tmpData)
+ argsCount = UB - LB + 1
+ Select Case argsCount
+ Case 3
+ tmpEval = PV(CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB), True)), _
+ CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 1), True)), _
+ CDbl((FormatLiteralString(tmpData(UB), True))))
+ Case 4
+ tmpEval = PV(CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB), True)), _
+ CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 1), True)), _
+ CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 2), True)), _
+ CDbl((FormatLiteralString(tmpData(UB), True))))
+ Case 5
+ tmpEval = PV(CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB), True)), _
+ CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 1), True)), _
+ CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 2), True)), _
+ CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 3), True)), _
+ CLng((FormatLiteralString(tmpData(UB), True))))
+ Case Else
+ tmpEval = e_ValueError
+ End Select
+ PV_ = tmpEval
+End Function
+Private Function RATE_(ByRef expression As String) As String
+ Dim argsCount As Long
+ Dim tmpData() As String
+ Dim tmpEval As String
+ Dim LB As Long, UB As Long
+ tmpData() = Split(expression, P_SEPARATORCHAR)
+ LB = LBound(tmpData)
+ UB = UBound(tmpData)
+ argsCount = UB - LB + 1
+ Select Case argsCount
+ Case 3
+ tmpEval = Rate(CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB), True)), _
+ CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 1), True)), _
+ CDbl((FormatLiteralString(tmpData(UB), True))))
+ Case 4
+ tmpEval = Rate(CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB), True)), _
+ CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 1), True)), _
+ CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 2), True)), _
+ CDbl((FormatLiteralString(tmpData(UB), True))))
+ Case 5
+ tmpEval = Rate(CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB), True)), _
+ CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 1), True)), _
+ CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 2), True)), _
+ CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 3), True)), _
+ CLng((FormatLiteralString(tmpData(UB), True))))
+ Case 6
+ tmpEval = Rate(CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB), True)), _
+ CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 1), True)), _
+ CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 2), True)), _
+ CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 3), True)), _
+ CLng(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 4), True)), _
+ CDbl((FormatLiteralString(tmpData(UB), True))))
+ Case Else
+ tmpEval = e_ValueError
+ End Select
+ RATE_ = tmpEval
+End Function
+Private Function Replace_(ByRef expression As String) As String
+ Dim argsCount As Long
+ Dim tmpData() As String
+ Dim tmpEval As String
+ Dim LB As Long, UB As Long
+ tmpData() = Split(expression, P_SEPARATORCHAR)
+ LB = LBound(tmpData)
+ UB = UBound(tmpData)
+ argsCount = UB - LB + 1
+ Select Case argsCount
+ Case 3
+ tmpEval = ToLiteralString( _
+ Replace( _
+ FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB), True), _
+ FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 1), True), _
+ FormatLiteralString(tmpData(UB), True) _
+ ) _
+ )
+ Case 4
+ tmpEval = ToLiteralString( _
+ Replace( _
+ FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB), True), _
+ FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 1), True), _
+ FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 2), True), _
+ CLng(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(UB), True)) _
+ ) _
+ )
+ Case 5
+ tmpEval = ToLiteralString( _
+ Replace( _
+ FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB), True), _
+ FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 1), True), _
+ FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 2), True), _
+ CLng(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 3), True)), _
+ CLng(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(UB), True)) _
+ ) _
+ )
+ Case 6
+ tmpEval = ToLiteralString( _
+ Replace( _
+ FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB), True), _
+ FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 1), True), _
+ FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 2), True), _
+ CLng(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 3), True)), _
+ CLng(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 4), True)), _
+ CLng(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(UB), True)) _
+ ) _
+ )
+ Case Else
+ tmpEval = e_ValueError
+ End Select
+ Replace_ = tmpEval
+End Function
+Private Function Right_(ByRef expression As String) As String
+ Dim argsCount As Long
+ Dim tmpData() As String
+ Dim tmpEval As String
+ Dim LB As Long, UB As Long
+ tmpData() = Split(expression, P_SEPARATORCHAR)
+ LB = LBound(tmpData)
+ UB = UBound(tmpData)
+ argsCount = UB - LB + 1
+ Select Case argsCount
+ Case 1
+ tmpEval = ToLiteralString(Right(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB), True), 1))
+ Case 2
+ tmpEval = ToLiteralString( _
+ Right( _
+ FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB), True), _
+ CLng(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(UB), True)) _
+ ) _
+ )
+ Case Else
+ tmpEval = e_ValueError
+ End Select
+ Right_ = tmpEval
+End Function
Private Function ReconstructLiteralStrings(InputExpr As String, StoredExp As String) As String
Dim curPosInput As Long
Dim lastPosInput As Long
@@ -2471,6 +3787,7 @@ Private Function ReconstructLiteralStrings(InputExpr As String, StoredExp As Str
Dim closingMarkStored As Long
Dim tmpResult As String
+ On Error GoTo Reconstruct_errHandler
lastPosInput = 1
lastPosStored = -1
curPosInput = InStrB(lastPosInput, InputExpr, d_Apostrophe)
@@ -2488,6 +3805,8 @@ Private Function ReconstructLiteralStrings(InputExpr As String, StoredExp As Str
curPosInput = InStrB(lastPosInput, InputExpr, d_Apostrophe)
ReconstructLiteralStrings = tmpResult
+ Exit Function
End Function
Private Function RemoveDupNegation(ByRef expression As String) As String
@@ -2500,17 +3819,17 @@ Private Function RemoveDupNegation(ByRef expression As String) As String
RemoveDupNegation = tmpResult
End Function
-Private Function ReservedToken(ByRef VarName As String) As Boolean
+Private Function ReservedToken(ByRef varName As String) As Boolean
ReservedToken = True
- If Not IsBoolean(LCase$(VarName)) Then 'Exclude logical values
- If IsLikeSciNot(VarName) Then ' Like "E#*"
- If Not IsDigit(MidB$(VarName, LenB(VarName) - 1)) Then 'Exclude Sci notation exp
- If Not AscW(VarName) = 69 Then 'Exclude Sci notation token E
+ If Not IsBoolean(LCase$(varName)) Then 'Exclude logical values
+ If IsLikeSciNot(varName) Then ' Like "E#*"
+ If Not IsDigit(MidB$(varName, LenB(varName) - 1)) Then 'Exclude Sci notation exp
+ If Not AscW(varName) = 69 Then 'Exclude Sci notation token E
ReservedToken = False
End If
End If
- If Not AscW(VarName) = 69 Then 'Exclude Sci notation token E
+ If Not AscW(varName) = 69 Then 'Exclude Sci notation token E
ReservedToken = False
End If
End If
@@ -2558,6 +3877,27 @@ Private Sub SignSubstitution(ByRef expression As String, FindStr As String, Repl
End If
End Sub
+Private Function SLN_(ByRef expression As String) As String
+ Dim argsCount As Long
+ Dim tmpData() As String
+ Dim tmpEval As String
+ Dim LB As Long, UB As Long
+ tmpData() = Split(expression, P_SEPARATORCHAR)
+ LB = LBound(tmpData)
+ UB = UBound(tmpData)
+ argsCount = UB - LB + 1
+ Select Case argsCount
+ Case 3
+ tmpEval = SLN(CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB), True)), _
+ CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 1), True)), _
+ CDbl((FormatLiteralString(tmpData(UB), True))))
+ Case Else
+ tmpEval = e_ValueError
+ End Select
+ SLN_ = tmpEval
+End Function
Private Function Sine(ByRef expression As String) As Double
Dim tmpEval As Double
@@ -2582,9 +3922,15 @@ Private Function SplitArrBranch(ByRef Argument As String, ByRef outArr() As Stri
tmpArr() = ArrayFromString(Argument)
If InitializedArray(tmpArr) Then 'Transform success
- outArr = Array1DFrom2DArr(tmpArr)
- tmpResult(0) = UBound(tmpArr) 'Rows in the array
- tmpResult(1) = UBound(tmpArr, 2) 'Columns in each row
+ If Is2Darray(tmpArr) Then
+ outArr = Array1DFrom2DArr(tmpArr)
+ tmpResult(0) = UBound(tmpArr) 'Rows in the array
+ tmpResult(1) = UBound(tmpArr, 2) 'Columns in each row
+ Else
+ outArr = tmpArr
+ tmpResult(0) = UBound(tmpArr)
+ tmpResult(1) = -1
+ End If
tmpResult(0) = -1 'Return error values
tmpResult(1) = -1
@@ -2592,6 +3938,107 @@ Private Function SplitArrBranch(ByRef Argument As String, ByRef outArr() As Stri
SplitArrBranch = tmpResult
End Function
+''' Solves the linear system AX = B using Over Relaxation (SOR)
+''' iteration. The function requires that the argument be composed
+''' of the following:
+''' 1-) An array in text form containing the coefficients of all equations.
+''' 2-) An one dimentional array containing the name of each variable
+''' (the first name will be applied to the first column of coefficients,
+''' the second name to the second column and so on).
+''' 3-) An one dimentional array containing the right-hand side of each equation,
+''' (the first name will be applied to the first column of coefficients,
+''' the second name to the second column and so on).
+''' 4-) A True or False parameter to decide when to include the variable names
+''' in the result set.
+''' The program will iterate until the solution is approximated to 9
+''' significant digits or until 500 iterations are completed, whichever comes first.
+Private Function Solve(ByRef expression As String) As String
+ Dim argsCount As Long
+ Dim tmpData() As String
+ Dim tmpEval As String
+ Dim LB As Long, UB As Long
+ Dim tolerance As Double
+ tmpData() = SplitArgs(expression)
+ LB = LBound(tmpData)
+ UB = UBound(tmpData)
+ argsCount = UB - LB + 1
+ Select Case argsCount
+ Case 3, 4
+ Dim cArray() As Double
+ Dim eqCount As Long
+ Dim iCounter As Long
+ Dim includeNames As Boolean
+ Dim mLB As Long
+ Dim mUB As Long
+ Dim nArray() As String
+ Dim rArray() As Double
+ Dim tmpElement As String
+ Dim significantDigits As Long
+ Dim xArray() As Double
+ tolerance = 0.0000000001
+ significantDigits = Len(CStr(1 / tolerance)) - 1
+ cArray() = StringTodblArray(ArrayFromString(tmpData(LB)))
+ rArray() = StringTodblArray(ArrayFromString(tmpData(LB + 2)))
+ mLB = LBound(cArray)
+ mUB = UBound(cArray)
+ ReDim xArray(mLB To mUB)
+ eqCount = mUB - mLB + 1
+ SORiteration eqCount, cArray, rArray, xArray, 500, tolerance, 1
+ If argsCount = 4 Then
+ nArray() = ArrayFromString(tmpData(LB + 1))
+ includeNames = CBool(tmpData(UB))
+ End If
+ For iCounter = mLB To mUB
+ If iCounter > mLB Then
+ tmpEval = tmpEval & P_SEPARATORCHAR & d_Space
+ End If
+ If includeNames Then
+ tmpElement = FormatLiteralString(nArray(iCounter)) _
+ & d_Space & op_equal & d_Space _
+ & Round(xArray(iCounter), significantDigits)
+ Else
+ tmpElement = Round(xArray(iCounter), significantDigits)
+ End If
+ tmpEval = tmpEval & tmpElement
+ Next iCounter
+ If Not includeNames Then
+ tmpEval = d_lCurly & d_lCurly & tmpEval & d_rCurly & d_rCurly
+ End If
+ Case Else
+ tmpEval = e_ValueError
+ End Select
+ Solve = tmpEval
+End Function
+Private Sub SORiteration(n As Long, ByRef a() As Double, ByRef b() As Double, _
+ ByRef x() As Double, iter As Long, tol As Double, omega As Double)
+''' Hoffman, J. D. (2001). Numerical methods for engineers and scientists (2nd ed., rev.expanded). Marcel Dekker.
+ Dim it As Long
+ Dim i As Long, j As Long
+ Dim dxmax As Double
+ Dim residual As Double
+ Dim colLB As Long, rowLB As Long
+ colLB = LBound(a, 2)
+ rowLB = LBound(a)
+ For it = 1 To iter
+ dxmax = 0
+ For i = 1 To n
+ residual = b(i + rowLB - 1)
+ For j = 1 To n
+ residual = residual - a(i + rowLB - 1, j + colLB - 1) * x(j + rowLB - 1)
+ Next j
+ If Abs(residual) > dxmax Then dxmax = Abs(residual)
+ x(i + rowLB - 1) = x(i + rowLB - 1) + omega * residual / a(i + rowLB - 1, i + colLB - 1)
+ Next i
+ If dxmax < tol Then Exit For
+ Next it
+End Sub
Private Function SplitArgs(ByRef args As String) As String()
Dim tmpPos As Long
Dim ArrStartIdx As Long
@@ -2658,6 +4105,87 @@ Private Function SquareRoot(ByRef expression As String) As Double
SquareRoot = Sqr(CDbl(expression))
End Function
+Public Function StringTodblArray(ByRef StringArray() As String) As Double()
+ Dim i As Long, LB As Long, UB As Long
+ Dim j As Long, LB2 As Long, UB2 As Long
+ Dim tmpResult() As Double
+ Dim IsVector As Boolean
+ LB = LBound(StringArray)
+ UB = UBound(StringArray)
+ IsVector = Not Is2Darray(StringArray)
+ If Not IsVector Then
+ LB2 = LBound(StringArray, 2)
+ UB2 = UBound(StringArray, 2)
+ ReDim tmpResult(LB To UB, LB2 To UB2)
+ Else
+ ReDim tmpResult(LB To UB)
+ End If
+ For i = LB To UB
+ If IsVector Then
+ tmpResult(i) = CDbl(StringArray(i))
+ Else
+ For j = LB2 To UB2
+ tmpResult(i, j) = CDbl(StringArray(i, j))
+ Next j
+ End If
+ Next i
+ StringTodblArray = tmpResult
+End Function
+Private Function Switch_(ByRef expression As String) As String
+ Dim argsCount As Long
+ Dim idx As Long
+ Dim LB As Long, UB As Long
+ Dim tmpData() As String
+ Dim tmpEval As Boolean
+ tmpData() = Split(expression, P_SEPARATORCHAR)
+ LB = LBound(tmpData)
+ UB = UBound(tmpData)
+ argsCount = UB - LB + 1
+ Select Case argsCount And 1
+ Case 0
+ idx = LB
+ Do
+ tmpEval = CBool( _
+ FormatLiteralString(tmpData(idx), True) _
+ )
+ idx = idx + 2
+ Loop While Not tmpEval And idx <= UB - 1
+ Case Else
+ Switch_ = e_ValueError
+ Exit Function
+ End Select
+ If tmpEval Then 'Return the TRUE part
+ Switch_ = tmpData(idx - 1)
+ Else
+ Switch_ = "#Null!"
+ End If
+End Function
+Private Function SYD_(ByRef expression As String) As String
+ Dim argsCount As Long
+ Dim tmpData() As String
+ Dim tmpEval As String
+ Dim LB As Long, UB As Long
+ tmpData() = Split(expression, P_SEPARATORCHAR)
+ LB = LBound(tmpData)
+ UB = UBound(tmpData)
+ argsCount = UB - LB + 1
+ Select Case argsCount
+ Case 4
+ tmpEval = SYD(CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB), True)), _
+ CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 1), True)), _
+ CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 2), True)), _
+ CDbl((FormatLiteralString(tmpData(UB), True))))
+ Case Else
+ tmpEval = e_ValueError
+ End Select
+ SYD_ = tmpEval
+End Function
Private Function Tangent(ByRef expression As String) As Double
Dim tmpEval As Double
@@ -2668,6 +4196,57 @@ Private Function Tangent(ByRef expression As String) As Double
Tangent = Tan(tmpEval)
End Function
+Private Function TimeSerial_(ByRef expression As String) As String
+ Dim argsCount As Long
+ Dim tmpData() As String
+ Dim tmpEval As String
+ Dim LB As Long, UB As Long
+ tmpData() = Split(expression, P_SEPARATORCHAR)
+ LB = LBound(tmpData)
+ UB = UBound(tmpData)
+ argsCount = UB - LB + 1
+ Select Case argsCount
+ Case 3
+ tmpEval = ToLiteralString(TimeSerial( _
+ CLng(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB), True)), _
+ CLng(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 1), True)), _
+ CLng(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(UB), True)) _
+ ))
+ Case Else
+ tmpEval = e_ValueError
+ End Select
+ TimeSerial_ = tmpEval
+End Function
+Private Function TimeValue_(ByRef expression As String) As String
+ Dim argsCount As Long
+ Dim tmpData() As String
+ Dim tmpEval As String
+ Dim LB As Long, UB As Long
+ tmpData() = Split(expression, P_SEPARATORCHAR)
+ LB = LBound(tmpData)
+ UB = UBound(tmpData)
+ argsCount = UB - LB + 1
+ Select Case argsCount
+ Case 1
+ tmpEval = ToLiteralString(TimeValue( _
+ FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB), True) _
+ ))
+ Case Else
+ tmpEval = e_ValueError
+ End Select
+ TimeValue_ = tmpEval
+End Function
+Private Function Trim_(ByRef expression As String) As String
+ Trim_ = ToLiteralString(Trim(FormatLiteralString(expression, True)))
+End Function
+Private Function UCase_(ByRef expression As String) As String
+ UCase_ = ToLiteralString(UCase(expression))
+End Function
Private Sub StoreUDF(ByRef targetBuffer As ClusterBuffer, _
ByRef UDFname As String, ByRef UDFlib As String)
Dim UDFidx As Long
@@ -2707,6 +4286,7 @@ Private Sub TokenizeSubExpr(ByRef expression As String, ByRef SubExpressionsData
tmpArgs() = Split(ExpCopy, P_SEPARATORCHAR)
For taIcounter = LBound(tmpArgs) To UBound(tmpArgs)
GetRootedTree tmpArgs(taIcounter), tmpReplacement, OperationIndex, outBuffer
+ AddToMap outBuffer.index, outBuffer
Next taIcounter
outBuffer.CompCluster = True
outBuffer.CompArrCluster = False
@@ -2716,6 +4296,7 @@ Private Sub TokenizeSubExpr(ByRef expression As String, ByRef SubExpressionsData
If outBuffer.ClusterArrBounds(0) <> -1 Then 'Splitting argument success
For taIcounter = LBound(tmpArgs) To UBound(tmpArgs)
GetRootedTree tmpArgs(taIcounter), tmpReplacement, OperationIndex, outBuffer
+ AddToMap outBuffer.index, outBuffer
Next taIcounter
outBuffer.CompCluster = True
outBuffer.CompArrCluster = True
@@ -2724,7 +4305,6 @@ Private Sub TokenizeSubExpr(ByRef expression As String, ByRef SubExpressionsData
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Function UnicToken(ByRef Source() As String, ByRef value As String) As Boolean
Dim UTiCounter As Long
Dim UTjCounter As Long
@@ -2795,18 +4375,16 @@ Private Sub VariableAssignment(ByRef vString As String)
Dim tmpAssignment() As String
Dim tmpValues() As String
Dim avIcounter As Long
- Dim VarIdx As Long
+ Dim varIdx As Long
+ Dim UB As Long
- tmpAssignment() = Split(ReconstructLiteralStrings(vString, Join$(Split(vString, " "), vbNullString)), P_SEPARATORCHAR)
+ tmpAssignment() = Split(ReconstructLiteralStrings(vString, Join$(Split(vString, d_Space), vbNullString)), P_SEPARATORCHAR)
For avIcounter = LBound(tmpAssignment) To UBound(tmpAssignment)
tmpValues() = Split(tmpAssignment(avIcounter), "=")
- If tmpValues(UBound(tmpValues)) <> vbNullString Then
- If IsNumeric(tmpValues(UBound(tmpValues))) Or IsLiteralString(tmpValues(UBound(tmpValues))) Then
- VarIdx = GetCBItemIdx(ExprVariables, tmpValues(LBound(tmpValues)))
- If VarIdx > -1 Then
- ExprVariables.Storage(VarIdx).value = tmpValues(UBound(tmpValues))
- ExprVariables.Storage(VarIdx).Assigned = True
- End If
+ UB = UBound(tmpValues)
+ If tmpValues(UB) <> vbNullString Then
+ If IsNumeric(tmpValues(UB)) Or IsBoolean(tmpValues(UB)) Or IsLiteralString(tmpValues(UB)) Then
+ P_SCOPE.VarValue(tmpValues(LBound(tmpValues))) = tmpValues(UB)
End If
End If
Next avIcounter
@@ -2816,13 +4394,115 @@ Private Sub VariablesInit(ByRef expression As String)
Dim i As Long
Dim tmpIdx As Long
- InitCBbuffer ExprVariables
+ P_SCOPE.VariablesInit
ParseVariables expression
- For i = 0 To ExprVariables.index
- tmpIdx = GetCBItemIdx(P_CONSTANTS, ExprVariables.Storage(i).name)
- If tmpIdx > -1 Then 'The variable is a defined constant
- ExprVariables.Storage(i).value = P_CONSTANTS.Storage(tmpIdx).value
- ExprVariables.Storage(i).Assigned = True
- End If
- Next i
+ P_SCOPE.FillPredefinedVars
End Sub
+Private Function WeekDay_(ByRef expression As String) As String
+ Dim argsCount As Long
+ Dim tmpData() As String
+ Dim tmpEval As String
+ Dim LB As Long, UB As Long
+ tmpData() = Split(expression, P_SEPARATORCHAR)
+ LB = LBound(tmpData)
+ UB = UBound(tmpData)
+ argsCount = UB - LB + 1
+ Select Case argsCount
+ Case 1
+ tmpEval = Weekday( _
+ FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB), True) _
+ )
+ Case 2
+ tmpEval = Weekday( _
+ FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB), True), _
+ CLng(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(UB), True)) _
+ )
+ Case Else
+ tmpEval = e_ValueError
+ End Select
+ WeekDay_ = tmpEval
+End Function
+Private Function WeekDayName_(ByRef expression As String) As String
+ Dim argsCount As Long
+ Dim tmpData() As String
+ Dim tmpEval As String
+ Dim LB As Long, UB As Long
+ tmpData() = Split(expression, P_SEPARATORCHAR)
+ LB = LBound(tmpData)
+ UB = UBound(tmpData)
+ argsCount = UB - LB + 1
+ Select Case argsCount
+ Case 1
+ tmpEval = ToLiteralString(WeekdayName( _
+ CLng(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB), True)) _
+ ))
+ Case 2
+ tmpEval = ToLiteralString(WeekdayName( _
+ CLng(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB), True)), _
+ CBool(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(UB), True)) _
+ ))
+ Case 3
+ tmpEval = ToLiteralString(WeekdayName( _
+ CLng(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB), True)), _
+ CBool(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 1), True)), _
+ CLng(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(UB), True)) _
+ ))
+ Case Else
+ tmpEval = e_ValueError
+ End Select
+ WeekDayName_ = tmpEval
+End Function
+Private Function Year_(ByRef expression As String) As String
+ Dim argsCount As Long
+ Dim tmpData() As String
+ Dim tmpEval As String
+ Dim LB As Long, UB As Long
+ tmpData() = Split(expression, P_SEPARATORCHAR)
+ LB = LBound(tmpData)
+ UB = UBound(tmpData)
+ argsCount = UB - LB + 1
+ Select Case argsCount
+ Case 1
+ tmpEval = Year( _
+ FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB), True) _
+ )
+ Case Else
+ tmpEval = e_ValueError
+ End Select
+ Year_ = tmpEval
+End Function
+Private Function Zero(ByRef expression As String) As String
+ Dim argsCount As Long
+ Dim tmpData() As String
+ Dim tmpEval As String
+ Dim LB As Long, UB As Long
+ tmpData() = Split(expression, P_SEPARATORCHAR)
+ LB = LBound(tmpData)
+ UB = UBound(tmpData)
+ argsCount = UB - LB + 1
+ Select Case argsCount
+ Case 3
+ tmpEval = fZeroMBM( _
+ FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB), True) _
+ , CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 1), True)) _
+ , CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(UB), True)))
+ Case 4
+ tmpEval = fZeroMBM( _
+ FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB), True) _
+ , CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 1), True)) _
+ , CDbl(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(LB + 2), True)), _
+ CBool(FormatLiteralString(tmpData(UB), True)))
+ Case Else
+ tmpEval = e_ValueError
+ End Select
+ Zero = tmpEval
+End Function
diff --git a/src/VBAexpressionsScope.cls b/src/VBAexpressionsScope.cls
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4135b7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/VBAexpressionsScope.cls
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+ MultiUse = -1 'True
+Attribute VB_Name = "VBAexpressionsScope"
+Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
+Attribute VB_Creatable = False
+Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
+Attribute VB_Exposed = True
+Option Explicit
+' Copyright © 2022 W. García
+' GPL-3.0 license | https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html/
+' https://ingwilfredogarcia.wordpress.com
+' INFO:
+' Class module developed to define constants and variable scopes for expressions, so that several expressions
+' can share the same variables without the need to redefine each of them.
+Private e As Double
+Private PI As Double
+Private P_CONSTANTS As ClusterBuffer
+Private P_EXPR_VARIABLES As ClusterBuffer
+Private Type ClusterItem
+ index As Long
+ name As String
+ value As String
+ Assigned As Boolean
+End Type
+Private Type ClusterBuffer
+ Capacity As Long
+ index As Long
+ Storage() As ClusterItem
+End Type
+''' Gets the constants collection. By default this is pre-populated with PI and e.
+Public Property Get Constants() As Collection
+ Dim i As Long
+ Set Constants = New Collection
+ For i = 0 To P_CONSTANTS.index
+ Constants.Add P_CONSTANTS.Storage(i).value, P_CONSTANTS.Storage(i).name
+ Next i
+End Property
+''' Gets a string with the variables values used for the last evaluation.
+Public Property Get CurrentVarValues() As String
+ Dim i As Long
+ Dim tmpResult As String
+ For i = 0 To P_EXPR_VARIABLES.index
+ If tmpResult = vbNullString Then
+ tmpResult = P_EXPR_VARIABLES.Storage(i).name & " = " & _
+ P_EXPR_VARIABLES.Storage(i).value
+ Else
+ tmpResult = tmpResult & "; " & P_EXPR_VARIABLES.Storage(i).name & " = " & _
+ P_EXPR_VARIABLES.Storage(i).value
+ End If
+ Next i
+ CurrentVarValues = tmpResult
+End Property
+''' Gets a string with the variables values used for the last evaluation.
+Public Property Get CurrentVariables() As String
+ Dim i As Long
+ Dim tmpResult As String
+ For i = 0 To P_EXPR_VARIABLES.index
+ If tmpResult = vbNullString Then
+ tmpResult = P_EXPR_VARIABLES.Storage(i).name
+ Else
+ tmpResult = tmpResult & "; " & P_EXPR_VARIABLES.Storage(i).name
+ End If
+ Next i
+ CurrentVariables = tmpResult
+End Property
+''' Returns 'True' if all stored variables have a value or when there
+''' are no stored variables, 'False' when the value of any variable is missing.
+Public Function DefinedScope() As Boolean
+ If P_EXPR_VARIABLES.index > -1 Then
+ Dim i As Long
+ Dim cviCounter As Long
+ For i = 0 To P_EXPR_VARIABLES.index
+ If P_EXPR_VARIABLES.Storage(i).Assigned Then
+ cviCounter = cviCounter + 1
+ End If
+ Next i
+ DefinedScope = (cviCounter = P_EXPR_VARIABLES.index + 1)
+ Else
+ DefinedScope = True
+ End If
+End Function
+''' Gets the count of stored variable.
+Public Property Get VariablesCount() As Long
+ VariablesCount = P_EXPR_VARIABLES.index + 1
+End Property
+''' Gets or sets the current value from/to the given variable.
+''' If 'aVarKey' is numeric, the argument is treated as an index.
+Public Property Get VarValue(aVarKey As Variant) As String
+ If Not IsNumeric(aVarKey) Then
+ Dim ValueIdx As Long
+ ValueIdx = GetCBItemIdx(P_EXPR_VARIABLES, CStr(aVarKey))
+ If ValueIdx > -1 Then
+ VarValue = P_EXPR_VARIABLES.Storage(ValueIdx).value
+ End If
+ Else
+ VarValue = P_EXPR_VARIABLES.Storage(CLng(aVarKey)).value
+ End If
+End Property
+Public Property Let VarValue(aVarKey As Variant, aVarValue As String)
+ If Not IsNumeric(aVarKey) Then
+ Dim ValueIdx As Long
+ ValueIdx = GetCBItemIdx(P_EXPR_VARIABLES, CStr(aVarKey))
+ If ValueIdx > -1 Then
+ P_EXPR_VARIABLES.Storage(ValueIdx).value = aVarValue
+ P_EXPR_VARIABLES.Storage(ValueIdx).Assigned = True
+ End If
+ Else
+ ValueIdx = CLng(aVarKey)
+ If ValueIdx > -1 And ValueIdx <= P_EXPR_VARIABLES.index Then
+ P_EXPR_VARIABLES.Storage(ValueIdx).value = aVarValue
+ P_EXPR_VARIABLES.Storage(ValueIdx).Assigned = True
+ End If
+ End If
+End Property
+Public Sub AddConstant(aValue As String, aKey As String)
+ Dim ConstIdx As Long
+ ConstIdx = GetCBItemIdx(P_CONSTANTS, aKey)
+ If ConstIdx = -1 Then 'Ensure uniqueness
+ AppendToCBbuffer P_CONSTANTS, aKey, aValue
+ End If
+End Sub
+Public Sub AddVariable(ByRef variable As String, ByRef aKey As String)
+ Dim varIdx As Long
+ aKey = Cast(variable)
+ varIdx = GetCBItemIdx(P_EXPR_VARIABLES, aKey)
+ If varIdx = -1 Then 'Ensure uniqueness
+ AppendToCBbuffer P_EXPR_VARIABLES, aKey
+ varIdx = GetCBItemIdx(P_CONSTANTS, aKey)
+ If varIdx > -1 Then 'Assign the value from constants
+ P_EXPR_VARIABLES.Storage(P_EXPR_VARIABLES.index).value = P_CONSTANTS.Storage(varIdx).value
+ P_EXPR_VARIABLES.Storage(P_EXPR_VARIABLES.index).Assigned = True
+ End If
+ End If
+End Sub
+Private Sub AppendToCBbuffer(ByRef aBuffer As ClusterBuffer, ByRef ItemName As String, Optional ByRef ItemValue As String = vbNullString)
+ aBuffer.index = aBuffer.index + 1
+ On Error GoTo BufferAppend_errHandler
+ aBuffer.Storage(aBuffer.index).index = aBuffer.index
+ aBuffer.Storage(aBuffer.index).Assigned = (ItemValue <> vbNullString)
+ aBuffer.Storage(aBuffer.index).name = ItemName
+ aBuffer.Storage(aBuffer.index).value = ItemValue
+ Exit Sub
+ err.Clear
+ ExpandCBbuffer aBuffer
+ aBuffer.Storage(aBuffer.index).index = aBuffer.index
+ aBuffer.Storage(aBuffer.index).Assigned = (ItemValue <> vbNullString)
+ aBuffer.Storage(aBuffer.index).name = ItemName
+ aBuffer.Storage(aBuffer.index).value = ItemValue
+End Sub
+Private Function Cast(ByRef expression As String) As String
+ If IsPI(expression) Then
+ Cast = LCase$(expression) 'Case insensitive for PI
+ Else
+ Cast = expression
+ End If
+End Function
+Public Sub ConstantsInit()
+ InitCBbuffer P_CONSTANTS
+ '@--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ' Save predefined constants
+ AppendToCBbuffer P_CONSTANTS, "pi", CStr(PI)
+ AppendToCBbuffer P_CONSTANTS, "e", CStr(e)
+End Sub
+Public Function CopyScope(ByRef sourceScope As VBAexpressionsScope) As VBAexpressionsScope
+ Dim i As Long
+ Dim tmpValue As String
+ Dim tmpIdx As Long
+ For i = 0 To P_EXPR_VARIABLES.index
+ tmpIdx = sourceScope.VarIndex(P_EXPR_VARIABLES.Storage(i).name)
+ If tmpIdx > -1 Then
+ tmpValue = sourceScope.VarValue(tmpIdx)
+ If tmpValue <> vbNullString Then
+ VarValue(i) = tmpValue
+ End If
+ End If
+ Next
+ Set CopyScope = Me
+End Function
+Private Sub ExpandCBbuffer(ByRef aBuffer As ClusterBuffer)
+ aBuffer.Capacity = 2 * (aBuffer.Capacity + 1)
+ ReDim Preserve aBuffer.Storage(0 To aBuffer.Capacity - 1)
+End Sub
+Public Sub FillPredefinedVars()
+ Dim i As Long
+ Dim tmpIdx As Long
+ For i = 0 To P_EXPR_VARIABLES.index
+ tmpIdx = GetCBItemIdx(P_CONSTANTS, P_EXPR_VARIABLES.Storage(i).name)
+ If tmpIdx > -1 Then 'The variable is a defined constant
+ P_EXPR_VARIABLES.Storage(i).value = P_CONSTANTS.Storage(tmpIdx).value
+ P_EXPR_VARIABLES.Storage(i).Assigned = True
+ End If
+ Next i
+End Sub
+Private Function GetCBItemIdx(ByRef cbBuffer As ClusterBuffer, ByRef ItemName As String) As Long
+ Dim i As Long
+ Dim tmpResult As Boolean
+ Dim tmpItemName As String
+ If LenB(ItemName) Then
+ Select Case AscW(ItemName)
+ Case 43, 45 'Unary expression
+ tmpItemName = MidB$(ItemName, 3)
+ Case Else
+ tmpItemName = ItemName
+ End Select
+ If cbBuffer.index > -1 Then
+ i = 0
+ Do
+ tmpResult = (cbBuffer.Storage(i).name = tmpItemName)
+ i = i + 1
+ Loop While i <= cbBuffer.index And Not tmpResult
+ End If
+ If tmpResult Then
+ GetCBItemIdx = i - 1
+ Else
+ GetCBItemIdx = -1
+ End If
+ Else
+ GetCBItemIdx = -1
+ End If
+End Function
+Private Sub InitCBbuffer(ByRef aBuffer As ClusterBuffer)
+ aBuffer.Capacity = 128
+ ReDim aBuffer.Storage(0 To aBuffer.Capacity - 1)
+ aBuffer.index = -1
+End Sub
+Public Function IsConstant(aVarName As String) As Boolean
+ IsConstant = GetCBItemIdx(P_CONSTANTS, aVarName) > -1
+End Function
+Private Function IsPI(ByRef varName As String) As Boolean
+ IsPI = varName Like "[Pp][Ii]"
+End Function
+Public Sub VariablesInit()
+End Sub
+''' Returns the index of a given variable or constant named 'ItemName'
+Public Function VarIndex(ByRef ItemName As String, _
+ Optional findConstant As Boolean = False) As Long
+ If Not findConstant Then
+ VarIndex = GetCBItemIdx(P_EXPR_VARIABLES, ItemName)
+ Else
+ VarIndex = GetCBItemIdx(P_CONSTANTS, ItemName)
+ End If
+End Function
+''' Initializes this instance.
+Private Sub Class_Initialize()
+ PI = 4 * Atn(1)
+ e = Exp(1)
+ ConstantsInit
+ VariablesInit
+End Sub