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Recommended strategies

Thomas Reerink edited this page Mar 23, 2023 · 9 revisions

Recommended strategies

Cmorisation of a restarted experiment

The cmorisation of a restarted experiment, for instance when a scenario experiment has been restarted from the historical run, requires some additional care:

  1. Add an output/ifs/001 directory with ICM*+000000 files. You can link to the ICM*+000000 files from the previous experiment, but you have to rename the links (because of the new experiment name).

  2. If your experiment starts with leg N than you have to create a new directory output/ifs/N-1 and move the first files (e.g. ICM*+201412) from output/ifs/N to output/ifs/N-1

This strategy has been suggested in #430 and is successfully tested.

Time range to be published at ESGF node.

For the scenario experiments in r1i1p1f1 we included the year 2100. See also discussion at ec-earth portal issue 675.

The version / production date in the CMIP6 directory path


  • Publish all the data from the same experiment under the same version
  • Use a version that is nearby the date of the publication.

To achieve this one can use the ece2cmor3/scripts/data-qa/scripts/ script to handle multiple versions (this script is a copy from here). Run just ./ without arguments for help.

This strategy has been suggested in #492.

Elemental cmorisation checks

Check the number of cmorised files per year with for e.g. the ece2cmor3/scripts/data-qa/scripts/ script, use for instance:

./data-qa/scripts/  1850 1851 ~/l2/cmorised-results/cmor-cmip-piControl/t264/CMIP6/

Post ece2cmor3 production / correction of Ofx sftof

A script which produces the correct Ofx sftof (see #483):

./data-qa/scripts/ CMIP6/CMIP/EC-Earth-Consortium/EC-Earth3/historical/r1i1p1f1/Ofx/sftof/gn/v20190926/

See also here.

About fx sftlf

Note that fx sftlf is produced directly correctly by ece2cmor3 from v1.8.0 onwards.

A script which produces the correct fx sftlf: for the AOGCM version for r1i1p1f1:


This script modifies the metadata (painful exercise), but could be of help, and uses the file constructed by Uwe.