TODO: generate app specific AWS creds and store them Set up Docker Upload to AWS and point DNS Security fixes for version 2 More clean up for version 2
The secrets / environment vars are stored in the gpg secrets file
Always encrypt the file that contains the application's secrets, you dont want your keys exposed on github.
To Use GPG: (despite the title of this link the file is actually encrypted with a password
Encrypting a file (will ask for password): gpg -c FILE_NAME
You want to do this after decrypting a file to edit ^
Decrypting a file to modify it and write to it:
gpg --decrypt FILE_NAME --output WHAT_YOU_WANT_IT_TO_BE_CALLED
This will spit out an unencrypted version of the file so you can modify it, make sure to not commit this to git, remember to reencrypt and commit the new file with the changes.
After encrypting it does not ask me for a password to decrypt?
######## AWS CLI ##############
Need to install the AWS CLI tool and log in to ECR from the CLI to ship images to ECR
######### Working with Docker:############
To build new Docker image and ship it to ECR, the url can be found in AWS ecr repo page
docker build -t picnship:latest .
docker tag