is an unsigned book found by spawn at -75 / 55 / 194 on the tilder server in the overworld inside of the metro, being written by randomuser.
Guide to the Tilde Metro
by randomuser
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Connection codes are formatted as follows:
conn: [line][opts: [nsi]] *
For example, a valid connection code is
conn: a b c (i) d (n)
This means that the line has connection to the a and b lines directly, and indirectly has connection to the c line. The indirect flag is only used if one can walk a reasonable distance to the other line. Finally, the code states that we have connection to the d line, but only the
northbound portion. The north and south flags are only valid for line which have both a north and south rail.
Ahead of you is the main Metro map. It contains the stations for all the lines in the system. As you can see, a line begins with a sign named "LINE X", where X is the line. Stations continue horizontally, with optional connection
codes describing the connections they have. Once a line terminates, you will see the text "line x term". This means the line has terminated. However, a line can terminate and another line can begin in the same stop. A line beginning is denotated by the text "line x begin".
If two signs have the same station name, and have the same connections, they are at the same place. This is always true for stations in the same column. However, if a station has the same name, but the connection codes do not point to each other, this means they are different stations.
This is the case in the stations for the Tildeverse Public Library. There are two stops that service this location.
[ ] line a modernization project
[ ] office park express