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2014, 2023


Migrating an app from Cloud Foundry to a cluster

{: #cf_tutorial} {: toc-content-type="tutorial"} {: toc-services="containers"} {: toc-completion-time="30m"}

Take an app that you deployed previously by using Cloud Foundry and deploy the same code in a container to an {{}}. {: shortdesc}

Want to automatically generate a Dockerfile and Kubernetes configuration files for your application? Try using a migration tool like Konveyor Move2Kube{: external} along with the steps in this tutorial. {: tip}


{: #cf_objectives}

  • Learn the general process of deploying apps in containers to a Kubernetes cluster.
  • Create a Dockerfile from your app code to build a container image.
  • Deploy a container from that image into a Kubernetes cluster.


{: #cf_audience}

Cloud Foundry app developers.


{: #cf_prereqs}

Download app code

{: #cf_1} {: step}

Get your code ready to go. Don't have any code yet? You can download starter code to use in this tutorial. {: shortdesc}

  1. Create a directory that is named cf-py and navigate into it. In this directory, you save all the files that are required to build the Docker image and to run your app.

    mkdir cf-py && cd cf-py

    {: pre}

  2. Copy the app code and all related files into the directory. You can use your own app code or download boilerplate from the catalog. This tutorial uses the Python Flask boilerplate. However, you can use the same basic steps with a Node.js, Java, or Kitura{: external} app.

    To download the Python Flask app code:

    a. In the catalog, in Boilerplates, click Python Flask. This boilerplate includes a runtime environment for both Python 2 and Python 3 apps.

    b. Enter the app name cf-py-<name> and click CREATE. To access the app code for the boilerplate, you must deploy the CF app to the cloud first. You can use any name for the app. If you use the name from the example, replace <name> with a unique identifier, such as cf-py-msx.

    Attention: Do not use personal information in any app, container image, or Kubernetes resource names.

    As the app is deployed, instructions for "Download, modify, and redeploy your app with the command line interface" are displayed.

    c. From step 1 in the console instructions, click DOWNLOAD STARTER CODE.

    d. Extract the .zip file and save its contents to your cf-py directory.

Your app code is ready to be containerized!

Create a Docker image with your app code

{: #cf_2} {: step}

Create a Dockerfile that includes your app code and the necessary configurations for your container. Then, build a Docker image from that Dockerfile and push it to your private image registry. {: shortdesc}

  1. In the cf-py directory that you created in the previous lesson, create a Dockerfile, which is the basis for creating a container image. You can create the Dockerfile by using your preferred CLI editor or a text editor on your computer. The following example shows how to create a Dockerfile file with the nano editor.

    nano Dockerfile

    {: pre}

  2. Copy the following script into the Dockerfile. This Dockerfile applies specifically to a Python app. If you are using another type of code, your Dockerfile must include a different base image and might require other fields to be defined.

    #Use the Python image from DockerHub as a base image
    FROM python:3-slim
    #Expose the port for your python app
    EXPOSE 5000
    #Copy all app files from the current directory into the app
    #directory in your container. Set the app directory
    #as the working directory
    WORKDIR /cf-py/
    COPY .  .
    #Install any requirements that are defined
    RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt
    #Update the openssl package
    RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
    #Start the app.
    CMD ["python", ""]

    {: codeblock}

  3. Save your changes in the nano editor by pressing ctrl + o. Confirm your changes by pressing enter. Exit the nano editor by pressing ctrl + x.

  4. Build a Docker image that includes your app code and push it to your private registry.

    docker build -t <region> .

    {: pre}

    Option Description
    build The build command.
    -t registry.<region> Your private registry path, which includes your unique namespace and the name of the image. For this example, the same name is used for the image as the app directory, but you can choose any name for the image in your private registry. If you are unsure what your namespace is, run the ibmcloud cr namespaces command to find it.
    . The location of the Dockerfile. If you are running the build command from the directory that includes the Dockerfile, enter a period (.). Otherwise, use the relative path to the Dockerfile.
    {: caption="Table 1. Understanding this command's components" caption-side="bottom"}

    The image is created in your private registry. You can run the ibmcloud cr images command to verify that the image was created.

    REPOSITORY                       NAMESPACE   TAG      DIGEST         CREATED         SIZE     VULNERABILITY STATUS        namespace   latest   cb03170b2cb2   3 minutes ago   271 MB   OK

    {: screen}

Deploy a container from your image

{: #cf_3} {: step}

Deploy your app as a container in a Kubernetes cluster. {: shortdesc}

  1. Create a configuration YAML file that is named cf-py.yaml and update <registry_namespace> with the name of your private image registry. This configuration file defines a container deployment from the image that you created in the previous lesson and a service to expose the app to the public.

    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
        app: cf-py
      name: cf-py
      namespace: default
          app: cf-py
      replicas: 1
            app: cf-py
          - image:<registry_namespace>/cf-py:latest
            name: cf-py
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Service
      name: cf-py-nodeport
        app: cf-py
        app: cf-py
      type: NodePort
       - port: 5000
         nodePort: 30872

    {: codeblock}

    Parameter Description
    image In<registry_namespace>/cf-py:latest, replace <registry_namespace> with the namespace of your private image registry. If you are unsure what your namespace is, run the ibmcloud cr namespaces command to find it.
    nodePort Expose your app by creating a Kubernetes service of type NodePort. NodePorts are in the range of 30000 - 32767. You use this port to test your app in a browser later.
    {: caption="Table 2. Understanding the YAML file components" caption-side="bottom"}
  2. Apply the configuration file to create the deployment and the service in your cluster.

    kubectl apply -f <filepath>/cf-py.yaml

    {: pre}

    Example output

    deployment "cf-py" configured
    service "cf-py-nodeport" configured

    {: screen}

  3. Now that all the deployment work is done, you can test your app in a browser. Get the details to form the URL.

    a. Get the public IP address for the worker node in the cluster.

    ibmcloud ks worker ls --cluster <cluster_name>

    {: pre}

    Example output

    ID                                                 Public IP        Private IP     Machine Type        State    Status   Zone    Version   
    kube-dal10-cr18e61e63c6e94b658596ca93d087eed9-w1   u3c.2x4.encrypted   normal   Ready    dal10   1.25

    {: screen}

    b. Open a browser and check out the app with the following URL: http://<public_IP_address>:<NodePort>. With the example values, the URL is You can give this URL to a co-worker to try or enter it in your cell phone's browser so that you can see that the app really is publicly available. Note: Because worker nodes in VPC clusters don't have a public IP address, you can access an app through a NodePort only if you are connected to your private VPC network, such as through a VPN connection. Then, you can use the worker node's private IP address and NodePort: http://<private_IP_address>:<NodePort>.

    A screen capture of the deployed boilerplate Python Flask app.{: caption="Figure 2. Th deployed boilerplate Python Flask app" caption-side="bottom"}

  4. Launch the Kubernetes dashboard.

    If you select your cluster in the {{}} console, you can use the Kubernetes Dashboard button to launch your dashboard with one click. {: tip}

  5. In the Workloads tab, you can see the resources that you created.

Good job! Your app is deployed in a container!