Releases: DroneBlocks/dexi
Releases · DroneBlocks/dexi
DEXI ROS v0.07
DEXI ROS v0.06
What's Changed
- Develop by @dbaldwin in #1
- Develop to main by @dbaldwin in #36
- Start the camera by @dbaldwin in #37
- Feature/led enhancements by @dbaldwin in #38
- Added second camera and configurability to send to different topics by @mkesselaers in #39
- Feature/gpio node by @dbaldwin in #40
- Feature/april tags by @dbaldwin in #41
- LED cleanup by @dbaldwin in #42
- Feature/add dexi interfaces by @dbaldwin in #43
- change to dexi_interfaces by @dbaldwin in #44
- Hotfix/dexi interfaces by @dbaldwin in #45
- AVR wiring diagram by @dbaldwin in #50
- Feature/python examples by @dbaldwin in #51
- Feature/px4 v1.15.0 by @dbaldwin in #52
- Feature/launch cam apriltags gpio dynamic by @dbaldwin in #55
- Feature/multiple gpio inputs by @dbaldwin in #59
New Contributors
- @mkesselaers made their first contribution in #39
Full Changelog: