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Salad Book

What is this?

Click here to see a live version of the website

This is an online cookbook for salads in which you can view, add, edit and delete recipes

Technologies used :

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JS and Chart.js
  • Materialize CSS
  • Python
  • Flask
  • Mongo DB

Requirements :

  • Design a database schema based on recipes, and any other related properties and entities(e.g. method, votes, ingredients, cuisine etc…).Make sure to put some thought into the relationships between them, and use either foreign keys (in the case of a relational database) or nesting (in the case of a document store) to connect these pieces of data
  • Create the backend code and frontend form to allow users to add new recipes to the site
  • Create the backend code to group and summarise the recipes on the site, based on their attributes (create a chart)
  • Create the backend code to retrieve a list of recipes, filtered based on various criteria (e.g. popularity, type, etc…) and order them based on some reasonable aspect (e.g. number of stars).
  • Create a detailed view for each recipes, that would just show all attributes for that recipe, and the full preparation instructions
  • Allow for editing and deleting of the recipe records, either on separate pages, or built into the list/detail pages

About project:

This is web app was designed to allow users to view, edit, add and delete reipces. Also to search recipes by different criteria. The project's structure:

  • Back-end: Python and Flask
  • Front-end: HTML, CSS, JS, Chart.js and Materialize CSS
  • Database: Mongo DB


I used Heroku for deployment using my master branch as the source. Create requirements file to ensure all dependencies for heroku to run ----> sudo pip3 freeze --local > requirements.txt

Create the Procfile ----> echo web: python > Procfile

Scale app dynos for heroku ----> heroku ps:scale web=1

Push to Heroku ----> git push heroku master


  • Manual testing navbar, links on the footer and buttons
  • Testing connection to the database (getting data from the database to the front-end)
  • Testing adding a recipe in the DB by filling and submitting the right form (post) and login in to mLab to see the records in the DB.
  • Testing editing a recipe in the DB by filling and submitting the right form (post)and login in to mLab to see the records in the DB.
  • Testing deleting a recipe by using the 'Delete' button in the UI and then checking the DB to see if the record has been removed.
  • Testing the back-end code with tests and print statements
  • Used html and css validator
  • Google Developer Tools (responsive mode)
  • Running the website in different browsers
  • Running the website on different devices phones and tablets (apple, android)



The source for the recipes was


The photos in the site were obtained from Google or from


No description, website, or topics provided.






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