The Car Rental web application helps users for renting vehicles. The application will include four main pages: Sign Up,
Sign In, Profile, and Find Page.
User Sign Up Page
The Sign-Up (Register) page allows users to create new accounts for accessing car rental services.
Key Features:
User Registration Form: Collect user information including the following fields:
- First Name: [Text Field] (Required)
- Last Name: [Text Field] (Required)
- Email Address: [Email Field] (Required, Unique)
- Password: [Password Field] (Required, with strength indicator)
- Confirm Password: [Password Field] (Required, to confirm the chosen password)
- Phone Number: [Phone Field] (Required)
- Date of Birth: [Date Picker] (Optional, for age verification)
- Address Line 1: [Text Field] (Required)
- Address Line 2: [Text Field] (Optional)
- City: [Text Field] (Required)
- Country: [Drop-down/Select Field] (Required)
- Driver's License Number: [Text Field] (Required, for car rental verification)
Error Handling and Validation: Display clear error messages for incomplete or incorrect form submissions to guide
users in correcting their information.
Unique Email Check: Ensure that each email address is unique to prevent duplicate accounts.
Unique PhoneNumber Check: Ensure that each phone number is unique to prevent duplicate accounts.
User-friendly UI/UX: Design the signup process to be visually appealing and easy to navigate and provide helpful hints
or tool-tips for users filling out the form.
Email Confirmation Check: An email is sent to the user to confirm their email before they can log in.
User Sign In Page
The entry point for registered users to access their accounts and manage their car rental activities.
Key Features:
User Credentials: Users can enter their registered email address and password to access their accounts.
Error Handling: Display clear and user-friendly error messages for incorrect login attempts, guiding users to rectify
their input.
Session Management: Manage user sessions securely, including session timeouts and the ability to terminate sessions.
Password Recovery: Include a "Forgot Password?" link that allows users to initiate the password reset process and
regain access to their account. A password reset email is sent to the user to initiate password reset process.
User Profile Page
Profile and Account Settings: Offer an accessible area where users can update their personal information that provided
in sign up page.
Find Page
Shown after users sign in to allow users to see available cars and manage rentals one.
Car Search and Reservation: A prominent search bar allows users to easily search for available cars based on location,
dates, and preferences.