Releases: Dorset-Council-UK/GIFramework-Maps
What's Changed
- Hotfix - some layers unable to be added using the layer wizard by @VulpesFerrilata in #317
- Fixed URL override from some js links (#306) by @Matt-W-DC in #318
- Added optional scale line to prints by @VulpesFerrilata in #316
- Fix bug in export class by @RobQuincey-DC in #320
- Incorrect scale ratio removed from PDF exports by @VulpesFerrilata in #321
- Bump GH action deps by @Zoobdude in #322
- Convert iconfiguration to ioptions by @ChumboMJ in #328
- Add layer specific disclaimers by @RobQuincey-DC in #329
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v1.6.0...v1.7.0
This release adds vector layers, north pointers in prints, a collapse all button in the layer control, fixed attributions to maps and a number of other bug fixes and behind the scenes code improvements.
Vector Layers
GIFramework Maps now supports Vector layers using OGC Vector Tiles, Mapbox Vector Tiles or standard Vector using WFS or file based JSON/KML. Before using these new layer types, they will need to be added to the table 'LayerSourceTypes' in the database as follows.
Name | Description |
OGCVectorTile | VectorTiles using the OGC API - Tiles standard |
VectorTile | VectorTiles using MapBox Vector Tiles standard |
Vector | Layers derived from a vector source, such as a WFS service or a static GeoJSON file |
VectorImage | Layers derived from a vector source, such as a WFS service or a static GeoJSON file. Use this type to improve rendering speeds for complex vector sources |
Read the guide on adding WMS/WFS layers for further information
This is new functionality and should be considered as 'beta' functionality until the various bugs and weirdness is found and ironed out.
What's Changed
- Bump Azure.Identity from 1.11.0 to 1.11.4 in /GIFrameworkMap.Data by @dependabot in #278
- Accessibility improvements by @VulpesFerrilata in #279
- Renamed data project file by @VulpesFerrilata in #280
- Deleted old data project as it had snuck back in by @VulpesFerrilata in #281
- Database seeding updates by @VulpesFerrilata in #284
- Added button to request access to version by @VulpesFerrilata in #286
- Project documentation tweaked by @VulpesFerrilata in #287
- Tidy up Program.cs for better readability and maintainability by @Omared-1 in #291
- Update by @paul-dorsetcouncil in #298
- Update and by @paul-dorsetcouncil in #299
- Collapse all folders by @JoseffEvans1 in #301
- Added an optional north pointer to PDF maps by @VulpesFerrilata in #305
- Update to OpenLayers 10 by @RobQuincey-DC in #307
- Added fixed attributions by @VulpesFerrilata in #311
- Add vector layer formats by @RobQuincey-DC in #310
- Remove tab characters from search terms by @RobQuincey-DC in #315
- Update by @RobQuincey-DC in #308
New Contributors
- @Omared-1 made their first contribution in #291
- @JoseffEvans1 made their first contribution in #301
Full Changelog: v1.5.0...v1.6.0
What's Changed
- Updated Ngpsql packages by @VulpesFerrilata in #258
- Add embed mode by @RobQuincey-DC in #259
- Fix bug with bookmarks using wrong projection by @RobQuincey-DC in #261
- Add split querying to version edit screen by @RobQuincey-DC in #262
- Remove font overrides to fix issue with iOS zooming in on search box by @RobQuincey-DC in #266
- Add scale bar switching functionality by @RobQuincey-DC in #267
- Feature manage basemaps 268 by @RobQuincey-DC in #269
- Add split querying to version edit saving by @VulpesFerrilata in #271
- Improved template helper messages by @VulpesFerrilata in #270
- Code analysis suggestions implemented by @VulpesFerrilata in #275
- Updated dependencies by @VulpesFerrilata in #276
- Added metadata link to infoclick by @RobQuincey-DC and @VulpesFerrilata in #277
Full Changelog: 1.4.1...v1.5.0
This is a hotfix release that fixes a bug introduced in the previous release.
What's Changed
- Revert changes from _context to Repository getter in edit actions by @RobQuincey-DC in #256
Full Changelog: v1.4.0...1.4.1
This release mostly focussed on behind the scenes fixes and improvements, with a particular push on performance enhancements and simplified Entity Framework configuration.
On the features front, we added a Versions selector UI, made measurements configurable, and improved our text annotation options.
What's Changed
- Remove automatic prettier watching by @RobQuincey-DC in #229
- Update by @RobQuincey-DC in #230
- Make SVG Icon generation work cross platform by @RobQuincey-DC in #231
- Fix issue with search result pins being in wrong projection by @RobQuincey-DC in #232
- Added hide embed option with setting by @Matt-W-DC in #233
- Entity framework entity configurations by @weolo in #234
- Task models folder by @weolo in #236
- Pluralize DbSet names by @weolo in #237
- Configurable measurements by @RobQuincey-DC in #238
- Updated OpenLayers and other dependencies by @VulpesFerrilata in #235
- Fix migration issue with Tour Step entity by @RobQuincey-DC in #241
- Add versions list by @RobQuincey-DC in #243
- Improvements to text annotations by @VulpesFerrilata in #245
- Fix invisible filter buttons when dark mode used by @RobQuincey-DC in #246
- Fix identified CodeQL security issues by @RobQuincey-DC in #247
- Web layer service definition sorting order now automatic by @VulpesFerrilata in #250
- Bump Azure.Identity from 1.10.4 to 1.11.0 in /GIFrameworkMap.Data by @dependabot in #251
- Add configurable suppression of X-Frame-Options by @RobQuincey-DC in #253
- Improve performance by @weolo in #254
- Delete benchmarks folder and files by @RobQuincey-DC in #255
New Contributors
- @Matt-W-DC made their first contribution in #233
- @weolo made their first contribution in #234
- Additional thanks to @totpero for the initial investigation and example code for #234
Full Changelog: v1.3.0...v1.4.0
This release brings .NET 8, a beta release of Dark Mode, a buffer annotations tool, map projection customisation, and a few other fixes and improvements.
The change to how map projections are handled is a breaking change from the previous version, and will require updates to the configuration of your versions and layers to properly utilise.
What's Changed
- Attribution added to layer metadata by @VulpesFerrilata in #212
- Add Dark Mode (beta) by @RobQuincey-DC in #213
- Update to .NET 8 by @RobQuincey-DC in #214
- Added a buffer tool by @VulpesFerrilata in #215
- Bugfix - years in attributions now display correctly by @VulpesFerrilata in #219
- Bugfix - layer category deletion now works by @VulpesFerrilata in #222
- Allow the map to have a projection other than 3857 by @RobQuincey-DC in #223
- Update GitHub actions by @RobQuincey-DC in #224
- Simplify and speed up BNG coordinate conversion code by @RobQuincey-DC in #225
Full Changelog: v1.2.0...v1.3.0
What's Changed
- Confirmation message added to actions by @VulpesFerrilata in #174
- Add notes field to versions in management area and add ability to have contacts for versions by @paul-dorsetcouncil in #176
- Allow HTTP headers to be added to tile and WMS layers by @RobQuincey-DC in #178
- Update dependencies and packages by @VulpesFerrilata in #180
- Authkey not being carried into legend requests by @VulpesFerrilata in #184
- Added explicit nullable references. by @DanielAmbrose in #181
- Trim legend layer name to prevent issues elsewhere by @RobQuincey-DC in #185
- Fix info search on user added layers by @RobQuincey-DC in #186
- Add NodaTime to project for more consistent datetime handling with postgres by @RobQuincey-DC in #187
- Help guidance linked to management area by @VulpesFerrilata in #189
- Hotfix update OpenLayers to 8.1.1 dev to fix image decode error by @RobQuincey-DC in #193
- Update prod build for hotfix-ol-decode-errors by @RobQuincey-DC in #194
- OpenLayers updated to latest version by @VulpesFerrilata in #195
- Debounced permalink URL updates by @VulpesFerrilata in #198
- Fix issue with user list being limited to 100 by @RobQuincey-DC in #203
- New point icons and border options by @VulpesFerrilata in #204
- Hotfix - Stopped SSO caching by @VulpesFerrilata in #205
- Feature default layers by @paul-dorsetcouncil in #183
- Improved slider controls by @RobQuincey-DC in #210
- Add linter, editorconfig and prettier by @RobQuincey-DC in #211
New Contributors
- @DanielAmbrose made their first contribution in #181
Full Changelog: v1.1.0...v1.2.0
What's Changed
- Implement 'Add Layer Wizard' and layer template helper by @RobQuincey-DC in #155
- Add datatables functionality to management tool by @VulpesFerrilata in #154
- Fix casing in webpack config by @RobQuincey-DC in #159
- Make Civic cookie control (if used) more prominent by @RobQuincey-DC in #161
- Improve metadata handling by @RobQuincey-DC in #160
- Dependencies updated to latest versions by @VulpesFerrilata in #163
- Add legends to prints by @RobQuincey-DC in #165
- Make sidebar headers sticky by @RobQuincey-DC in #166
- Allow search result titles to be composed of multiple attributes by @RobQuincey-DC in #167
- Updated OpenLayers dependencies by @VulpesFerrilata in #171
- Update by @VulpesFerrilata in #164
Full Changelog: v1.0.4...v1.1.0
What's Changed
- Dependencies updated, including fix to tough-cookie dependabot warning by @VulpesFerrilata in #137
- Add user bookmarks feature by @RobQuincey in #138
- Logs using user-input values sanitised by @VulpesFerrilata in #139
- Move toasts to top middle and remove app-height variable by @RobQuincey-DC in #145
- Bug - geometry searches not zooming to extents properly by @VulpesFerrilata in #147
- Allow login button to retain map parameters by utilising short links by @RobQuincey-DC in #148
- Added last visited date to short links by @VulpesFerrilata in #151
Full Changelog: v1.0.3...v1.0.4
What's Changed
- Fixes issue with themes without logos displaying a broken logo image by @VulpesFerrilata in #106
- Welcome messages can now be set to be pop-up windows or fullscreen. by @VulpesFerrilata in #108
- Add URL shortening feature to share tool by @RobQuincey in #109
- Add a test site profile by @paul-dorsetcouncil in #110
- Bootstrap updated to latest version 5.3.0 by @VulpesFerrilata in #111
- Link text colour now specified by @VulpesFerrilata in #123
- Add configurable analytics and cookie control by @paul-dorsetcouncil in #116
- Updated dependency in response to report of issue. by @paul-dorsetcouncil in #134
- OpenLayers updated to latest version 7.4.0 by @VulpesFerrilata in #132
Full Changelog: v1.0.2...v1.0.3