- This Windows Universal App is called Medicine Tracker.
- The idea behind the application is to allow users of the app to keep track of when they have to take their medication or when to give medication to others.
- The user is greeted with a login page once they open the app. They will have to navigate to the register page and enter a username, password and email (optional) to register with the app.
- They then can use those details to login.
- The user can enter details about medication for example who's it for, time to be taken and date to be taken.
- This information is stored on the cloud platform Azure.
- The user can navigate to medication page by using the hambuger view and there will be all the information they entered.
- Once they have taken or given the medication, they can tick it off by ticking the checkbox beside each entry.
- The user can also add appointments to their calender on their machine.
- They can enter an appointment name, location, details, time and date and all this information is stored onto there calendar on the machine they are using.