Releases: Dolibarr/dolibarr
***** ChangeLog for 16.0.5 compared to 16.0.4 *****
FIX: 16.0 propalestats Unknown column 'p.fk_soc' in 'on clause'
FIX: #23804
FIX: #23860
FIX: #23966 Error "Param dbt_keyfield is required but not defined"
FIX: accountancy lettering: better error management
FIX: accountancy lettering: correctly calculated number of lettering operations done
FIX: accountancy lettering: error management and prevention
FIX: accountancy lettering: prevent null results when fetching link with payments
FIX: Add missing hook on LibStatut
FIX: Add more context for selectForFormsListWhere Hook
FIX: attach file and send by mail in ticket
FIX: bad check on if in get_all_ways
FIX: Cannot import find type_fees with cgenericdic.class because it has id and not rowid
FIX: clicktodial backtopage
FIX: discount wasn't taken into account when adding a line in BOM
FIX: expense reports: error when selecting mileage fees expense type if MAIN_USE_EXPENSE_IK disabled
FIX: expense reports: JS error when selecting mileage fees expense type if MAIN_USE_EXPENSE_IK disabled
FIX: Extrafields in Notes to unify with orders or invoices.
FIX: fatal error on clicktodial backtopage
FIX: filter sql accounting account
FIX: Get data back on product update
FIX: Get data back when error on command create
FIX: label dictionary is used by barcode and member module
FIX: mandatory date for service didnt work for invoice
FIX: missing "authorid" for getNomUrl link right access
FIX: missing getEntity filter
FIX: vulnerability: missing protection on ajax public ticket page for valid email.
FIX: Missing right to edit service note when module product is disabled
FIX: multicompany compatibility
FIX: object $user is not defined
FIX: Object of class LDAP\Connection could not be converted to string
FIX: parse error and NAN
FIX: product ref fourn same size in supplier order/invoice as in product price fourn
FIX: Profit calculation on project preview tab.
FIX: Remove orphelan $this->db->rollback() in the function insertExtrafields()
FIX: request new password with "mc" and "twofactor" authentication
FIX: Resolve error message due to missing arguments
FIX: select for task in event card
FIX: several email sent to the same recipient when adding message from ticket
FIX: shipping list for external user
FIX: SQL error "unknown column p.fk_soc" because ANSI-92 joins take precedence over ANSI-89 joins
FIX: strato pdf
FIX: typos in getAttchments() $arrayobject
FIX: whitespaces
FIX: wrong url param name action
For users:
NEW: Minimal PHP version is now PHP 7.0 instead of PHP 5.6
NEW: #21780 Add pid field to Cronjob class and store PID on job execution
NEW: #19680 Add option PRODUCT_ALLOW_EXTERNAL_DOWNLOAD to automatically have uploaded files shared publicly by a link
NEW: #20650 can move the checkbox column on left (experimental option MAIN_CHECKBOX_LEFT_COLUMN)
NEW: #21000 Added columns 'alias_name' on project, supplier invoice, supplier order, supplier proposals and task list
NEW: #21395 Added option for dark theme mode in display - color and theme
NEW: #21397 added option to auto define barcode numbers for third-parties in barcode module setup
NEW: #21399
NEW: #21442 Enhancement of module builder init
NEW: #21654 add bank account number used on invoices for debit
NEW: #22048 Added notes to productlot module
NEW: #22298 Bank - Add salaries & vat in the tab of planned entries of a bank account
NEW: #22328
NEW: #22424
NEW: #22500 member module set up made easier
NEW: #22527 projects and thirdparties can be viewed as conversation ("Message" view), like events/agenda.
NEW: #22546 can now set user supervisors using mass action in htdocs/user
NEW: #22594 can chose if VAT ID is unique or not for third parties
NEW: #22622 all partnerships displayed on tab partnership of a thirdparty and member
NEW: #22676 massaction for updating product prices
NEW: #22735 Massaction to affect users on projects
NEW: #25594 can chose if VAT ID is unique or not for third parties
NEW: #4482 adding js to hide/show advanced option on the export data page
NEW: Accountancy - Add a graphic option to enable lettering function - FPC21
NEW: Accountancy - Add a way to clean some words when you generate thirdparty accounting account
NEW: Accountancy - Added an option during export to export or not the lettering FPC21
NEW: Accountancy - Manage supplier deposit with specific account
NEW: Accountancy - Model Digitaria - Add a way to clean some words when you generate thirdparty accounting account FPC22
NEW: Add a button "Test collect" in email collector
NEW: Add a constant to disallow modification of the product reference.
NEW: Add a method doAutoRenewContracts that can be used as a cron task.
NEW: Add " as enclosure by default for CSV export. Keep removing CR/LF.
NEW: add attached file in presend email form of thirdparty card
NEW: Add a way to enter LICENSE file content in property of website
NEW: Add badge in admin extrafields setup
NEW: Add date event (!= date project) and location on event organization
NEW: Add employment anniversary in birthday box
NEW: Add extrafield type "IP" to store IP addresses
NEW: Add fail2ban rules examples to limit access to /public pages
NEW: Add filter "Product subject to lot/Serial" in stock per lot/serial
NEW: Add hidden option MAIN_EMAIL_SUPPORT_ACK to restore Email ack checkbox (feature abandonned by mailers)
NEW: Add IMAP port setting on email collector module
NEW: Adding JAPAN Chart-of-Account and regions/departments
NEW: Adding NIF verification for Algeria
NEW: Add link to create an element from the category page
NEW: add margin infos to takepos invoice lines
NEW: Add max size send for "backup and link to mail" option
NEW: Add method httponly_accessforbidden()
NEW: Add more advices into the Setup security page
NEW: Add new global variable for keeping the previous signature information on proposale (case of reopen a proposale)
NEW: Add objectLink on expedition
NEW: Add oldcopy to Ticket so triggers intercepting TICKET_MODIFY have access to old values of the updated properties
NEW: Add option --force on CLI cron_run_jobs.php
NEW: Add option "Show price on the generated documents for receptions"
NEW: Add performance index (name for company and contact) and llx_bank_url(url_id)
NEW: Add picto property on sub-module for password generation
NEW: add redirect on action confirm addconsumedline and addproduceline
NEW: Add a new advanced permission "read price"
NEW: Add the referrer-policy to "same-origin" by default on all public pages.
NEW: Add the SMTP header References on ticket email created by email
NEW: Add the thirdparty column to the time list (projet/tasks/time.php)
NEW: Add trigger to record the event of sending an email from a project #20912
NEW: Allow download link option in module configuration (propal,invoice,supplier proposal, order)
NEW: Bank - Add salaries & vat in tab planned entries
NEW: Bulk action to remove a category in list/search website pages
NEW: Can copy/paste images into emails sent.
NEW: Can edit label of an emailing even once sent
NEW: Can edit property css, cssview, csslist on extrafields
NEW: Can enter the unit price including the vat
NEW: Can invoice task time per different services
NEW: Can join several files by default on email form
NEW: Can send an email on scheduled job error
NEW: Can set a commercial discount by entering amount including VAT
NEW: Can set a monthly frequency (or multiple) in cron tasks.
NEW: Can set start and end dates and comment on button "Activate all services"
NEW: can sort and preselected best supplier price
NEW: Can use products categories to make inventory
NEW: Change filter type on tickets list into a multiselect combo
NEW: conf TIMESPENT_ALWAYS_UPDATE_THM, when it's on we always check current thm of user to update it in task time line
NEW: show date delivery planned on orders linked to company and product
NEW: Default template of contract is not mandatory
NEW: Default values in extrafields are not more limited to 255 char.
NEW: display currency in takepos menu
NEW: Enable online signature for interventions
NEW: Encrypt all sensitive constants in llx_const
NEW: extrafield price with currency
NEW: filter on reception dates (from / to) in cheque paiement card
NEW: Members: default_lang for members
NEW: Members: Table of membership types
NEW: Members: add free membership amounts at the membership type level
NEW: TakePOS: Header Scroll in TakePOS
NEW: TakePOS: add price to product box in TakePOS
NEW: TakePOS: add setup parameters, can setup terminal name
NEW: TakePOS: support of Stripe Terminal with TakePOS
NEW: TakePOS: Receipt preview in TakePOS setup
NEW: TakePOS: different product list on smartphone
NEW: Website: can delete a whole website if disabled
NEW: Website: can remove a website template
NEW: Website: can set header "Strict-Transport-Security" in web sites.
NEW: Website: can switch status of website and page from the website toolbar
NEW: Website: Templates of websites are now directories and not zip into core repo
NEW: Website: add 4 other templates in website module
NEW: If we select another view list mode, we keep it
NEW: Init module bookcal
NEW: Introduce dolEncrypt and dolDecrypt to be able to encrypt data in db
NEW: Invoice - Add french mention on pdf when vat debit option is on
NEW: invoice export : add accounting affectation
NEW: label on products categories filter
NEW: The link "add to bookmark" is always on top in the bookmark popup
NEW: MAIN_SEARCH_CATEGORY_PRODUCT_ON_LISTS const to show category customer filter
NEW: Make module WebservicesClient deprecated. Use module WebHook instead.
NEW: manage no email with thirdparties (better for GDPR)
NEW: Manage Position (Rank) on Contract Lines
NEW: Manage VAT on all lines on purchases cycle
NEW: manage virtual stock at a future date
NEW: On a bank reconciled line, we can modify the bank receipt
NEW: On a form to send an email, we show all emails of all contacts of object
NEW: Option PRODUIT_DESC_IN_FORM accept (desktop only or +smartphone)
NEW: Page for mass stock transfer can be used with no source stock
NEW: parent company column and filter in invoice and order list
NEW: Add show "Sales rep" option for PDF
NEW: Picto for shared link is clickable
NEW: possibility to select scopes with checkbox for Oauth tokens
NEW: private and public note on user, thirdparty and contact list
NEW: product categories filter on inventory list
NEW: Product supplier price: autofill default supplier VAT
NEW: Project - Add author on list
NEW: Public counters feature
NEW: Reception - Add a from/to on search on date field
NEW: Start a simple support of recurrent events on agenda
NEW: Resize parent company column in order list
NEW: Saved token of OAUTH module are now encrypted into llx_oauth_token
NEW: Save one click to select on delivery ack, on emails.
NEW: scheduled job to send unpaid invoice reminder can now use the cc and bcc from email template
NEW: set thirdparty type with company modify trigger
NEW: Show also scheduled task never finished in scheduled task widget
NEW: show badge with number of extrafields in setup
NEW: show category tree in sellist and chkbxlst for common object
NEW: Show picto and color into combo for selection of tags
NEW: show product label on inventory
NEW: show sell-by and eat-by dates only if not empty
NEW: show SellBy/EatBy dates for each batch product in shipment card
NEW: skip accept/refuse process for proposals (option PROPAL_SKIP_ACCEPT_REFUSE)
NEW: experimental SMTP using PhpImap allowing OAuth2 authentication (need to add option MAIN_IMAP_USE_PHPIMAP)
NEW: can substitue project title in mail template
NEW: Supplier order list - Add column private and public note
NEW: Support IP type in extrafields
NEW: The purge of files can purge only if older than a number of seconds
NEW: Update ActionComm type_code on email message ticket
NEW: VAT - Admin - Add information on deadline day for submission of VAT declaration
NEW: expand/collapse permissions on user permission page
NEW: Show delivery mode on PDF for proposals
NEW: Add the target to select attendees of event for emai...
FIX: Amount of localtax1 and 2 not correctly save on purchase order (the rate was saved instead)
FIX: #20415
FIX: #21280 FIX: #23008
FIX: #22271
FIX: #22524
FIX: #22837
FIX: #22964
FIX: #23012
FIX: #23019 Impossible to add task times to an existing draft invoice
FIX: #23072
FIX: #23087
FIX: #23115 FIX: #23116
FIX: #23281
FIX: #23420 : wrong check on $search_categ value causing FATAL ERROR
FIX: Accountancy - Quadra export
FIX: add border left on image product when conf activated
FIX: Add missing token when deleting template inn order_supplier admin menu
FIX: Amount of localtax1 and 2 not correctly save on purchase order (the
FIX: API access for deactivated users
FIX: bad selection of barcode numbering module
FIX: Can't see all time spent by all user
FIX: CommonObject - showOptionals - Display blank td when MAIN_VIEW_LINE_NUMBER is enabled and action is confirm_valid
FIX: Documents API inconsistency
FIX: Empty FormSetup emailTemplate type IF empty fieldvalue
FIX: Errors Handling for CreateFrom Hooks
FIX: error with dol_banner_tab, ref is needed
FIX: ExpenseReport card was not reloaded after addline
FIX: #23075
FIX: #23117
FIX: get multicurrency infos of propal when create order from propal with "WORKFLOW_PROPAL_AUTOCREATE_ORDER" conf
FIX: Give predictable order to inventory lines
FIX: include class multicurrency
FIX: methods declaration (backport fix 67b9a7d)
FIX: multicurrency_tx and not currency_tx
FIX: on public ticket list, only the page 1 was accessible. Other pages were 404 error.
FIX: PGSQL Integer type does not have a free lenght
FIX: PGSQL Int type does not have a free lenght
FIX: Product list in setup.php in new Module
FIX: propal and order stats broken on Tag+User(retricted customer list)
FIX: saving of numbering module for jobs
FIX: Stickler
FIX: travis
FIX: wrong check on $search_categ value causing fatal error
FIX: wrong stock list with multicompany and without stock sharing
FIX: $sign is useless
FIX: #18304 Member subscription confirmation email sent even if mandatory fields are missing
FIX: #19828
FIX: #19877
FIX: #22509 default value on integer fields don't retrieve by setSaveQuery
FIX: #22786
FIX: #22813
FIX: #22824 Accountancy - Journal - Search on subledger when list of subledger is disabled
FIX: Backup using the low memory mode
FIX: Bankaccounts API fetch with 'id' and 'socid'
FIX: base64_decode should be forbiden in dol_eval
FIX: Broken Permissions check, $object is null.
FIX: compute next value when year is on one digit for reset counter
FIX: copy same behaviour in other accountancy files
FIX: Fix the position of the verification condition of the test field in case of multi entities
FIX: for #22882
FIX: for #22952
FIX: merge errors on mailing card
FIX: PaymentBankTransfer Type page management with Select and Input on create.php
FIX: remove not initialized variable
FIX: SQL request parenthesis
FIX: Use the Hook addMoreActionsButtons resPrint
FIX: Wrong Extrafields Element For Assets
FIX: 16.0 - computed extrafields are not displayed if the object has no other extrafields
FIX: #22538
FIX: Accountancy - Review of Winfic - eWinfic - Winsis compta export format
FIX: add loadRoleMode on getlinearray
FIX: Autosearch on takepos was broken
FIX: avoid access forbidden with numeric ref
FIX: avoid error, check of product fetch is already check before
FIX: avoid error, fetch of product is mandatory (by id or by ref)
FIX: avoid unnecessary multiple calculation (#22637)
FIX: bug on selected value for select_bom() function
FIX: can not set prospect status "Do not contact"
FIX: change in the communication status of the prospect
FIX: check $id, already checked before
FIX: closed warehouse for shipping
FIX: extrafields_add tpl for stock movement
FIX: the request SQL for transversal user, the join on usergroup table must be with getEntity('usergroup')
FIX: Import of contact when there is duplicate thirdparties
FIX: Import of socialnetwork field
FIX: input selector is wrong with PRODUCT_LOAD_EXTRAFIELD_INTO_OBJECTLINES usage
FIX: install wizard error management
FIX: just add integer
FIX: Missing $object for online signature link build
FIX: missing quote
FIX: only modify hidden checkbox/multislected extrafields on update if they are provided in request
FIX: php doc
FIX: private message ticket become public if edit action
FIX: remove > 0 and -1
FIX: remove db object to avoid error with postgresql
FIX: Search ambigous field on MO list
FIX: Search on social networks
FIX: Subscription must be stopped when max of attendees reached.
FIX: supplier price update: missing error reporting
FIX: travis & stickler feedbacks
FIX: we must be able to select only bom of a specific product + several fixes on select_bom() function
FIX: wrong perm check
FIX: wrong typo, remove quote
FIX: wrong var typo
***** ChangeLog for 16.0.1 compared to 16.0.0 *****
FIX: #16476 on massaction the pdf generation is not using the t…
FIX: #21416 Filter tag no-categorie in members
FIX: #21543
FIX: #21799 inactive companies shall not be selectable for new proposals, orders and invoices
FIX: #21859 Don't show html balise on list for private/public note
FIX: #22164
FIX: #22241
FIX: #22263 Accountancy - Account number expected in place of a rowid on parent account on export
FIX: #22264 Accountancy - Translation on chart of accounts export
FIX: #22265 Accountancy - Account number expected in place of a rowid on export
FIX: #22334
FIX: #22360
FIX: #22379 creating events on supplier order
FIX: #22382 Error on length of supplier reference
FIX: #22386 IBAN not mandatory for International Export Countries
FIX: #22440 Lang Key "UserAccountNotDefined" is missing
FIX: #22482
FIX: #22507
FIX: Accountancy - Some manuals operations are displayed in subledger
FIX: API reception return error 500
FIX: avoid override initial message ($this instead $object)
FIX: avoid some warnings (php8+)
FIX: Bad backtopage and CSRF on link for ticket message
FIX: bad closing select
FIX: broken feature, wrong fk_parent_line after cloning object
FIX: Column label
FIX: compatibility if javascript not actived
FIX: compatibility with Mysql <= 5.7
FIX: contact deletion: execute trigger before really deleting
FIX: CronJob sendBackup
FIX: CSRF + lost value of constant after use save button
FIX: data integrity for llx_delivery table
FIX: default value for partnership status
FIX: deletion of the MO_CHILD link
FIX: Dictionary - Display error on cache_vatrates
FIX: #16476 version 2a
FIX: Duplicate creation of invoice when closing shipment linked to order
FIX: Duplicate in list when filtering on categories
FIX: extrafields with value '0' was ''
FIX: filters lost when sorting on productMargin and customerMargins
FIX: fk_expedition in $line can be usefull for triggers
FIX: Import in upgrade when using a socialnetwork field.
FIX: input hidden with fk_product of line on mo production can be usefull
FIX: inventory code must be different at each transation
FIX: inventory total columns
FIX: Issue #16476 on massaction the pdf generation is not using the thirdparty language settings
FIX: Linked object agenda card
FIX: missing check if category module is enabled
FIX: missing check if incoice as a payment (wrong status)
FIX: missing class "societe" when create another object with workflow
FIX: missing error message if image size too large
FIX: Missing reposition
FIX: missing the management of a constant in the Ticket config
FIX: Missing token in different URLs links
FIX: @ must be allowed into dol_eval to allow rules including external module string 'abc@def'
FIX: - php V8 get number doc saphir
FIX: - php V8 propal index last draft
FIX: Preview button position on documents list (case when the file is too long)
FIX: Project - on global view, missing display of ref customer
FIX: Protection against bad value into accurancy setup
FIX: reading of trackid in emailcollector (when on recipient suffix)
FIX: recruitment linked files
FIX: Remove use of code we should not have
FIX: Rich text is not diplayed
FIX: same thing in deleteline
FIX: Supplier Reference is lost when page breaks
FIX: support of array parameters in "add to bookmark" feature.
FIX: Test that web dir is correct in install
FIX: the shipment PDF was using the full size logo instead of small
FIX: Token Error : delete stock transfer
FIX: ToOfferALinkForOnlinePayment not translated
FIX: tooltip of technical tables added of a module
FIX: wrong result check when update expensereport line
***** ChangeLog for 16.0.0 compared to 15.0.0 *****
For users:
NEW: PHP 8.0 and 8.1 compatibility:
Warning!! Application works correctly with PHP 8.0 and 8.1 but you will experience a lot of PHP warnings into the PHP server
log files (depending on your PHP setup). Removal of all PHP warnings on server side is planned for v17.
NEW: Support for recurring purchase invoices.
NEW: #20292 Include German public holidays
NEW: Can show ZATCA QR-Code on PDFs
NEW: Can show Swiss QR-Code on PDFs
NEW: #17123 added ExtraFields for Stock Mouvement
NEW: #20609 new massaction to assign a sale representatives on a selection of thirdparties
NEW: #20653 edit discount pourcentage for all lines in one shot
NEW: Accept 'auto' for ref of object on import of purchase order/proposal
NEW: Accountancy - Add more filters and info on page to bind accounting accounts
NEW: Accountancy - Add subledger account when generate a transaction with a deposit invoice
NEW: Accountancy - Add a massaction to preselect an account (customer and supplier list)
NEW: Accountancy - Add hidden feature for accounting reconciliation
NEW: ACE Editor is restored at same cursor position after a save.
NEW: Add "addMoreActionsButtons" hook to subscription form
NEW: Add an option in GUI to show a Quick add button into top menu bar
NEW: Add a workflow to auto link contract on a ticket
NEW: Add column date of Signature on proposal list
NEW: Add column template invoice in invoice list
NEW: Add column "Total HT" to products array on document creation card
NEW: Add configuration for text color of button action
NEW: Add entity filter in exports
NEW: Show the event block on recurring invoices #20870
NEW: Add firstname, lastname and max number of attendees for module "Event Organization"
NEW: Add margin info in proposal and order list
NEW: Add massaction "Edit Extrafield" for Product
NEW: Add more fields to detect duplicate during import of thirdparties
NEW: Add option to foce delivery on email for purchase order receipt to yes
NEW: Add possibility to create contract from invoice
NEW: Add possibility with constant MAIN_LOGIN_BADCHARUNAUTHORIZED to define bad character unauthorized into login name
NEW: Add private and public notes on tax files.
NEW: Add substitutions "user numbers"
NEW: allow a ticket to be automatically marked as read when created from backend.
NEW: allow cut&paste as real numeric value to excel
NEW: A public form to send a message and create a lead is available
NEW: automatically set totally received status in reception
NEW: Auto set invoice paid when adding credit not and remain to pay is 0
NEW: Can enter price with tax for predefined products on purchase objects
NEW: Can filter on a thirdparty on product statistics
NEW: Can removed doc templates from setup page of thirdparty
NEW: Can use ! to make a search that exclude a string
NEW: clean values and amount in FEC import
NEW: const MAIL_MASS_ACTION_ADD_LAST_IF_MAIN_DOC_NOT_FOUND for mailing mass action
NEW: Contact filter project list
NEW: Create contract from invoice
NEW: Database: Can store the session into database (instead of beeing managed by PHP)
NEW: Database: Some core tables are created only at module activation
NEW: Default value for MAIN_SECURITY_CSRF_WITH_TOKEN is now 2 (GET are also protected agains CSRF attacks)
NEW: deposit payment terms: add field into dictionary admin page to define default percentage of deposit.
NEW: Dictionaries - add possibility to manage countries in EEC
NEW: Dictionaries - Availibility dictionnary has a new column unit and number
NEW: Display errors in a message box after generating documents
NEW: Enhance the import. Can use 'auto' for the ref (import of orders)
NEW: Events on Proposal to Return to Draft
NEW: Page to list expense report payments
NEW: JS inventory autocalc input
NEW: language support for more emailing target selectors
NEW: leave requests: add field into type dictionary to block request if balance is negative
NEW: Mass action "Close shipments"
NEW: Module BOM - add tabs for nets Bom
NEW: Module BOM - add the possibility to add sub-BOMs to BOM
NEW: Module Recruitment - Add a public page with list of all open job positions.
NEW: Module Recruitment - Add a tab with list of application on the jobposition file.
NEW: Add option to move checkbox column as first column on Thirdparty list (only few screens)
NEW: payment conditions enabling semi-automatic deposit creation (Issue #18439)
NEW: possibility to consume multiple batch
NEW: Reverse movement product consumption
NEW: Send email to the supplier order contact
NEW: add permission to report time on timesheet
NEW: Knowledge Management - add status "Obsolete" to KM articles
NEW: MRP - split consumption line on MO
NEW: MRP - display physical and virtual stock of the products when creating OF from a BOM
NEW: MRP - display product ref in "Object link" product tab for BOM
NEW: Projects - add filter "opportunity status" on statistics of projects.
NEW: Proposals - option update prices on proposal cloning
NEW: SEPA XML - option to place payment Type Info at Credit transfer Transaction level
NEW: Stocks - stock filter in reassort lists
NEW: Stocks - stock limit in stock export CSV
NEW: Stocks - Inventory - can change value of AWP during the inventory
NEW: Supplier order - Show ref supplier of reception in linked object block
NEW: support user_modif in order
NEW: Surveys - Show number of votes into the label of tab "Results" of a survey
NEW: TakePOS - barcode rule to insert product in TakePOS
NEW: TakePOS - pagination on search results
NEW: TakePOS - show product reference
NEW: TakePOS - add constant to hide categories
NEW: TakePOS - add constant to show category description
NEW: TakePOS - add constant to show only the products in stock
NEW: Themes - add param color button action
NEW: Themes - Change in theme colors does not need to use the refresh button
NEW: Themes - more mode for THEME_TOPMENU_DISABLE_IMAGE (2, 3, ...)
NEW: Themes - MD - add param border table for md theme
NEW: Third-Parties - Add rules "customer accountancy code" is mandatory to validate invoice
NEW: Third-Parties - Can set the parent company during the creation of thirdparty (action=add of societe/card.php)
NEW: Tickets - create Third-party with contact if not found on public ticket
NEW: Tickets - option to default check "notify tier at creation"
NEW: Tickets - Trigger: allow to automatically send messages on new tickets
NEW: Tickets - optional display warning icons on ticket list
NEW: Websites Module - supports now the multicompany module
NEW: Websites Module - on redirect of page in website module, GET parameters are kept.
NEW: The backup tools has an "lowmemory" option for mysqldump on large database
NEW: The 'reposition' class works on ajax constantonoff that make redirects
NEW: thumbnail field in product list
NEW: total mark rate in list
NEW: uncheck "send message" by default on a ticket when private messages has been checked
NEW: VAT Report by month - Show detail by rate and also by code
NEW: Added MMK currency (Myanmar Kyat)
NEW: On a form to send an email, we show all emails of contacts of object
Modules state
NEW: Module Partnership Management
NEW: Module Event Organization Management
For developers or integrators:
NEW: dol_uncompress() supports more extensions (.gz, .bz2, .zstd). Only .zip was supported before.
NEW: Implement a generic method for Kaban views
NEW: Upgrade chartjs library to 3.7.1
NEW: stripe element with more gateways
NEW: solde() function evolution to be able to get solde until a chosen date
NEW: Suggest a way to run upgrade per entities.
NEW: Support html content for multiselect component.
NEW: ModuleBuilder - Add tabs view in module builder
NEW: ModuleBuilder - More feature that can be modifed after module generation
NEW: Identification of tr is possible with by attribute data-id on some pages
NEW: Import with select boxes V2
NEW: Can use current entity filter on 'chkbxlst'
NEW: Creation of the function select_bom() used to display bom select list
NEW: Add trigger and event on completely received status change
NEW: Add utility function send backup by mail
NEW: add WordPress OAuth to save a token (not SSO)
NEW: A module can embed a SQL script run at each Dolibarr upgrade
NEW: Add param to keep the robot=index meta tag on public pages
NEW: Add method hintindex() in database handlers.
NEW: add modifications for new function "$db->prefix()"
NEW: addMoreActionsButtonsList hook for button in list
NEW: Standardize a lot of code.
NEW: Add a protection into PHPunit to avoid to forget a var_dump
NEW: API Proposals - Add POST lines
NEW: API REST filter states by country
NEW: Add API to get a template invoice
NEW: Add datem and type parameters to API to create movements
NEW: #19294 implement detailed timespent in task of project API
NEW: #20736 Allow extrafields SQL filters on REST API product lookup
NEW: Can update rank of invoice, proposal and order lines with API update
NEW: update rank line is possible on API for customer invoices, sales orders and supplier invoice
NEW: Add option MAIN_API_DEBUG to save API logs into a file
NEW: Hook getNomUrl available everywhere in tooltip of ref links
NEW: Add hooks: selectContactListWhere hook, selectThirdpartyListWhere hook
NEW: Add hook before the public ticket list
NEW: Add hook for Notif
NEW: Add hook for more buttons
NEW: add hook printFieldListWhere in product ressort card
NEW: Add hook printFieldListWhere in "show_contacts" function
NEW: Add hook printFieldWhere in load_state_board function
NEW: Add hooks contact tab badge and hooks parameter for avoid conflicts
NEW: Add hook selectProductsListWhere in select_produits_list function
NEW: Add hooks in commercial index
NEW: Add hooks in customers and products boxes
NEW: Add hooks in th...
***** ChangeLog for 15.0.3 compared to 15.0.2 *****
FIX: 15.0: modules cannot declare more than 1 cron job using the same method with different parameters
FIX: 15 fix graph ficheinter status
FIX: #18704
FIX: #20444
FIX: #20448 missing preg_replace for vat rate when adding a free line
FIX: #20476 migration postgresql 13.0.x to 14.0.x packaging type
FIX: #20487 missing letter D in constant THIRDPARTIES_DISABLE_RELATED_…
FIX: #20487 missing letter D in constant THIRDPARTIES_DISABLE_RELATED_OBJECT_TAB
FIX: #20527 Accountancy - Unbalanced entry proposed when an employee are declared on a social contribution
FIX: #20527 Accountancy Unbalanced entry proposed when an employee are declared on social contribution
FIX: #20621 signature online with proposal with n page.
FIX: #20696
FIX: #20828
FIX: #20886 : manage durations in list_print_total.tpl.php
FIX: #20902
FIX: #21051
FIX: #21093
FIX: #21138
FIX: #21140
FIX: #21174
FIX: #21323
FIX: #21472 On the bank transfer lists, a change of page switches to the lists of the direct debit module
FIX: #21495
FIX: #21518
FIX: Accountancy - Label of VAT account is empty
FIX: Accountancy - Model account list - Problem of CSRF
FIX: Accountancy - Partitioning of the entity on an automatic binding
FIX: add missing thead, th and id on table
FIX: backport commit 5b3fcc5, chkbxlst cannot be emptied
FIX: Bank account not set when creating invoice from order
FIX: Bank transfer - Link on code supplier invoice was bad
FIX: Can convert a partially closed down payment when close for
FIX: class center linkedObjectblock order date
FIX: count elements in invoice list (Issue #21444)
FIX: Customer price non numeric warning when 0 vat.
FIX: errors in getLinesArray()
FIX: False alert of WAF when there is "set" into some URL action=update.
FIX: Intervention graph by status on ficheinter Index page
FIX: Intervention url link into Commerce index
FIX: Fix get origin from other than supplier proposal when add a new supplier proposal
FIX: Fix show errors in card
FIX: fourn/commande/card.php Added "$object" parameter to $formfile->showdocuments call
FIX: french traductions for payment methods
FIX: hook for dol_format_address
FIX: Index page for "Sales" give wrong URL link to Intervention
FIX: issue #21495 for v15
FIX: label and get_substitutionarray_each_var_object on ODT generation
FIX: load product stock in inventory lines
FIX: missing morecss for multiselectarray
FIX: missins time spent list menu
FIX: new member subscription: bank account and payment mode might be hidden
FIX: ODT generation of BOM document
FIX: ODT tags for subobjects {object_subobject_yyy} was not working.
FIX: qty received label in Squille PDF model
FIX: rank duplicate on mass action invoice from multiple orders
FIX: regression + add $forceentity parameter
FIX: regression PR #20713
FIX: security breach if we have same ref number in multiple entities
FIX: selection of type of invoice
FIX: Send remind to pay invoice only on validated invoices
FIX: Show sellist type of extrafield when none category selected
FIX: signature online with proposal with n page.
FIX: sql order
FIX: trash icon on crontask list to do not work
FIX: v15 linked object block center order date
FIX: Warning on attribut
FIX: We must remove empty values of $features array in fetchByProductCombination2ValuePairs() because some products can use only several attributes in their variations and not necessarily all. In this case, fetch doesn't work without my correction
FIX: with callback function
FIX: xml file for company with special chars in name
FIX: Zatca QR code must use company name/vat
***** ChangeLog for 15.0.2 compared to 15.0.1 *****
FIX: #19777 #20281
FIX: #20140 #20301
FIX: #20279 Accountancy - PostGreSQL - Error on mass update lines already binded
FIX: #20476 migration postgresql 14.0.x to 15.0.x packaging type
FIX: #20733 Inventory: Do not use batch qty even if present if batch module is disabled.
FIX: action comm list: holiday last day not included + handle duration with halfdays
FIX: Add missing entity on salary's payment
FIX: Add 'recruitment' into check array
FIX: add tools to fix bad bank amount in accounting with multicurrency
FIX: assign member cateogry to a member
FIX: backport
FIX: bad bank amount in accounting with multicurrency
FIX: Bad condition on remx
FIX: Bad filter on date on salary list
FIX: bad link to add a customer price (token duplicated)
FIX: bad status of member on widget by type and status
FIX: better error management at product selling price update
FIX: Can't edit bank record
FIX: check mandatory thirdparty fields for mass action
FIX: check thirdparty object loaded and properties exist
FIX: comment
FIX: compatibility for ticket number sharing
FIX: compatibility with multicompany sharings
FIX: contact card: single extrafield update failed
FIX: country not visible into list of states
FIX: Delete an extrafield where type is double
FIX: deprecated module are not more viewed as external modules
FIX: Disable customer type by default if type prospect/customer is disabled
FIX: each time we create a supplier order, we need to give it a ref_supplier
FIX: Error management
FIX: fatal error for $db usage in tpl
FIX: filter into the list of product lots
FIX: Filter on Object Referent page give CRSF page
FIX: Fix default options ($hidedetails, $hidedesc, $hideref) with globales when generate PDF in mass actions
FIX: Fix search by filters
FIX: Fix the adding of lines in the create invoice functions
FIX: forgotten form confirm before various payment delete
FIX: holiday/leave requests: write status change emails in HTML
FIX: include discount price for PMP after a reception (Issue #20029)
FIX: incrementation
FIX: in salary stats and payment list, we must check right perms as well as salary list
FIX: intervention entity missing
FIX: label tax cat trad
FIX: Mass action ship orders
FIX: missing advanced perms
FIX: missing call to executeHooks()
FIX: Missing entity on adding new VAT
FIX: missing hook for row ordering
FIX: missing hook parameter ($possiblelinks)
FIX: missing parenthesis
FIX: missing picto in combo of mass actions of thirdparties.
FIX: missing signature library when ODT model is used
FIX: Missing unset fields after updateline expensereport
FIX: ModuileBuilder - Fix getLinesArray() error reporting
FIX: Move delete task time trigger position
FIX: Navigation between invoices
FIX: No empty line inserted into accounting_bookkeeping
FIX: Numbering of sepa files
FIX: object cloning: set unique extrafield values to null to prevent duplicates
FIX: on update with action reminder in future there is user key error
FIX: originproductline array td identification data-id
FIX: out of memory when more than 100 000 invoices.
FIX: permit access to medias when logged in a different entity
FIX: phpcs
FIX: project creation prevented if PROJECTLEADER contact role renamed, de-activated or deleted
FIX: project timesheet by week: cleanup unused code
FIX: project timesheet: public holidays offset by 1 day
FIX: project timesheets: assume Saturday and Sunday as default weekend days when working days conf is empty or badly formed
FIX: propal list: bad error management when setting "not signed" mass action
FIX: propal list mass action translations and error management (v14 edition)
FIX: propal list: missing not signed massaction translation keys for transifex
FIX: PR returns
FIX: ref_client doesn't exists on supplier invoice, then ref_fourn needs to have a default value when we want to bill several supplier orders
FIX: replenish and manage product stock by warhouse
FIX: sending email on payment of registration of event
FIX: SEPA ICS is not mandatory for bank transfer
FIX: Set datec when add time spent on a project task
FIX: status filter on supplierOrder stats doesn't work
FIX: stickler-ci
FIX: still prevent project creation if PROJECTLEADER role unavailable, but with a specific error message
FIX: Supplier order stats
FIX: Tabulation must be allowed for HTML content
FIX: tool to fix bank account not in main currency for vendor invoice
FIX: translations
FIX: Travis + Update dev
FIX: truncate Customer Reference too long on PDF header (PR #20718)
FIX: uniformize code
FIX: Update of sale price (log not correctly updated)
FIX: user actions rights when mulit-company transverse mode is enabled
FIX: user employee tab: offset in open days messes up holiday length calculation
FIX: We need to have a different default_ref_supplier for each new fourn invoice
FIX: "WHERE" clause missing on resource export
FIX: #yogosha9754
***** ChangeLog for 12.0.5 compared to 12.0.4 *****
FIX: before crediting a withdrawal receipt, check whether it has been credited already
FIX: mandatory extrafields of type sellist
FIX: when a mandatory extrafield of type sellist contains '0' it should be considered empty and trigger an error message upon insertion
FIX: when a new intervention is created from an object, a new $extrafields object is instantiated but not initialized
FIX: "openall" filter on ticket list does not include read tickets
FIX: ticket - extrafields of type 'date' are not saved
FIX: ticket - the "openall" filter on the ticket list does not include tickets with status READ
FIX: #14290 #15900
FIX: #15388 #15891
FIX: #15465 External user sees last 5 shipments to other customers in the dashboard
FIX: #15629
FIX: #15751 Miscellaneous payment type change to 0 after updating subledger account
FIX: #15946
FIX: #15966 #15967
FIX: Accountancy - Fix some problems on CEGID export
FIX: Accountancy - label_operation is used instead of label_compte
FIX: Accountancy - Retire entire opening balance feature
FIX: add autofix of count of email target when data is corrupted
FIX: add categories params on llxHeader filter
FIX: Add critical price patch from 12 to 11.
FIX: Bad cleaning of VAT rate when numbers are into code
FIX: Bad dates filtering in the ticket list causes sql error
FIX: balance starting and ending fiscal month #14197
FIX: bom line unit display #13831
FIX: cash fence for takepos with multientity
FIX: Check of customer/vendor code fails in some cases
FIX: create ticket : thirdparty/contact notification #15629
FIX: Creation of thirdparty when setup is empty
FIX: Dates of sales start in TakePOS
FIX: dupliacete customer or supplier code must be error dipslayed with new code proposed
FIX: Export FEC - Force Carriage Return Line Feed
FIX: Facture Situation Out : status condition
FIX: Filter on date of next generation on template invoices
FIX: Fix detect dispatched product and set to received completely when the supplier order have services (support STOCK_SUPPORTS_SERVICES)
FIX: Invoice Situation Out : status condition
FIX: issue 15659 : Missing test if supplier conf is enabled
FIX: link to create event when task is in a project with a thirdparty
FIX: Localtax must be converted with price2num
FIX: manage price min for PRODUIT_CUSTOMER_PRICES
FIX: missing GETPOST parameters on card_presend.tpl.php
FIX: missing socid into link to create event from project agenda tab
FIX: Must delete extrafields before main table on product deletion.
FIX: (path) htdocs removed
FIX: php alert sms.php
FIX: right to show VAT rate in product list
FIX: select default mail template
FIX: Timeout during import
FIX: update order by api
FIX: useless tracking number displayed on pdf if empty issue #14501
FIX: Visible date of payment
FIX: warning when adding a line if $remise_percent is an empty string
FIX: When creating a new POS sell, the creation date must be modified.
FIX: wrong name for search status param issue #15516