- Create a new Python virtual environment:
- Anaconda:
conda create --aimed python=3.7
- Unix:
python3 -m venv aimed python=3.7
- Anaconda:
- Install the requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Make sure the dataset is downloaded & placed in a folder named data in the relative project's path.
For he Oxford Covid-19 Government Response Tracker OxCGRT dataset, two modes are implemented.
- whole: All European countries are taken into consideration.
- blocks: 4 blocks with 4 countries each, containing countries from North, South, East and West Europe.
- An integer value representing the days between plotted data points. Default: 30 (~1 month)
- An integer value [0, 10] pointing to the list of available target indicators. See the code section and the dataset's interpretation guide for more information.
- The method to use for computing the correlation matrix across countries. Methods available: pearson (Default), kendall, spearman.
python visualize_EU.py -m block -t 2
- The above will visualize the dataset for the indicator C3_Cancel public events in block mode.
Two figures, close the first to see the second when run the script.
Only 10 out of 20 indicators were used for this study. The rest can be added and explored by the interested user.