Version control repository for the Washington Cannabis Integrator's Alliance Transfer Data Schema.
- Transfer Data Schema Object (WCIATransferDataSchema.json)
- Legend
- Fields Guide
- Resources
Ln # Schema
---- --------------------------------------
1. {
2. "document_name": "string",
3. "document_schema_version": "string",
4. "document_origin": "string",
5. "from_license_number": "string",
6. "from_license_name": "string",
7. "to_license_number": "string",
8. "to_license_name": "string",
9. "to_license_type": "string",
10. "transporter_name": "string",
11. "transporter_license": "string",
12. "manifest_type": "enum['delivery', 'pick-up', 'transporter']",
13. "created_at": "string[ISO8601 datetime]",
14. "updated_at": "string[ISO8601 datetime]",
15. "transferred_at": "string[ISO8601 datetime]",
16. "integrator_data": "string",
17. "transfer_id": "string",
18. "est_departed_at": "string[ISO8601 datetime]",
19. "est_arrival_at": "string[ISO8601 datetime]",
20. "route": "string",
21. "inventory_transfer_items": [
22. {
23. "created_at": "string['ISO datetime']",
24. "updated_at": "string['ISO datetime']",
25. "external_id": "string",
26. "is_sample": "bool['0', '1']",
27. "sample_type": "enum['null', 'educational', 'qa', 'non-mandatory qa', 'vendor']",
28. "product_name": "string",
29. "qty": "string['currency']",
30. "unit_weight": "float",
31. "serving_weight": "float[OPTIONAL]",
32. "line_price": "string['currency']",
33. "uom": "enum['ml', 'mg', 'g', 'oz', 'lb', 'ea', 'kg']",
34. "unit_weight_uom": "enum['ml', 'mg', 'g', 'oz', 'lb', 'ea', 'kg']",
35. "inventory_id": "string",
36. "sample_source_id": "string",
37. "is_medical": "bool['0', '1']",
38. "is_for_extraction": "bool['0', '1']",
39. "lab_result_passed": "enum['null', 'pass', 'fail']",
40. "lab_result_link": "string[URI]",
41. "lab_result_data": {
42. "Lab_result_id": "",
43. "Lab_result_status": "enum['pass', 'fail']",
44. "Lab_result_detail": "string[URI]",
45. "Coa": "string[URI]",
46. "Potency":[
47. {
48. "type":"string",
49. "value": "float",
50. "unit": "enum['ml', 'mg', 'g', 'oz', 'lb', 'ea', 'kg']"
51. }
52. ]
53. },
54. "inventory_category": "string",
55. "inventory_type": "string",
56. "strain_name": "string",
57. "product_sku": "string"
58. }
59. ]
60. }
- Field Name: document_name
- Type: string
- Description:
- The "title" of the document, always displaying "WCIA Transfer Data Schema".
- Legend: Ln 2
- Field Name: document_schema_version
- Type: string
- Description:
- The version of WCIA Transfer Data Schema used for the object.
- Legend: Ln 3
- Field Name: document_origin
- Type: string
- Description:
- A URL referencing the document's originating source.
- Legend: Ln 4
- Field Name: from_license_number
- Type: string
- Description:
- License number of the entity submitting the transfer.
- Legend: Ln 5
- Field Name: from_license_name
- Type: string
- Description:
- Business name of the entity submitting the transfer.
- Legend: Ln 6
- Field Name: to_license_number
- Type: string
- Description:
- License number of the entity receiving the transfer.
- Legend: Ln 7
- Field Name: to_license_name
- Type: string
- Description:
- Business name of the entity receiving the transfer.
- Legend: Ln 8
- Field Name: to_license_type
- Type: string
- Description:
- Optional field. This could be "producer," "processor," etc.
- Legend: Ln 9
- Field Name: transporter_name
- Type: string
- Description:
- Name of the representative physically transporting the transfer's material contents.
- Legend: Ln 10
- Field Name: transporter_license
- Type: string
- Description:
- State issued license number.
- Legend: Ln 11
- Field Name: manifest_type
- Type: enum['delivery', 'pick-up', 'transporter']
- Description:
- An enum field. The options are "delivery," "pick-up," or "transporter"
- Legend: Ln 12
- Field Name: created_at
- Type: string[ISO8601 datetime]
- Description:
- An ISO8601 DateTime stamp of transfer creation.
- Legend: Ln 13
- Field Name: updated_at
- Type: string[ISO8601 datetime]
- Description:
- An ISO8601 DateTime stamp of transfer update.
- Legend: Ln 14
- Field Name: transferred_at
- Type: string[ISO8601 datetime]
- Description:
- Optional field. An ISO8601 DateTime stamp of the actual transfer datetime.
- Legend: Ln 15
- Field Name: integrator_data
- Type: string
- Description:
- A designated string for dynamic data that is integrator specific.
- Legend: Ln 16
- Field Name: transfer_id
- Type: string
- Description:
- A sender-assigned identifier representing the transfer object.
- Legend: Ln 17
- Field Name: est_departed_at
- Type: string[ISO8601 datetime]
- Description:
- An ISO8601 DateTime stamp of estimated transport departure.
- Legend: Ln 18
- Field Name: est_arrival_at
- Type: string[ISO8601 datetime]
- Description:
- An ISO8601 DateTime stamp of estimated transport arrival.
- Legend: Ln 19
- Field Name: route
- Type: string
- Description:
- Optional field. A text string providing basic transport route information between the sending and receving entities.
- Legend: Ln 20
- Field Name: inventory_transfer_items
- Type: array
- Description:
- An array of transfer item objects.
- Legend:** Ln 21**
- Field Name: created_at
- Type: string['ISO datetime']
- Description:
- An ISO8601 DateTime stamp of inventory transfer item creation.
- Legend: Ln 23
- Field Name: updated_at
- Type: string['ISO datetime']
- Description:
- An ISO8601 DateTime stamp of inventory transfer item update.
- Legend: Ln 24
- Field Name: external_id
- Type: string
- Description:
- Optional field. A vendor system identifier.
- Legend: Ln 25
- Field Name: is_sample
- Type: bool['0', '1']
- Description:
- A boolean string: zero for false, and one for true.
- Legend: Ln 26
- Field Name: sample_type
- Type: enum['null', 'educational', 'qa', 'non-mandatory qa', 'vendor']
- Description:
- Designates the transfer item's types as informed by the WAC. The options are "null," "educational," "qa," "non-mandatory qa," and "vendor."
- Legend: Ln 27
- Field Name: product_name
- Type: string
- Description:
- A licensee-assigned name for the transferring item.
- Legend: Ln 28
- Field Name: qty
- Type: string['float']
- Description:
- A string formatted as a float, representing the contents of a package.
- Legend: Ln 29
- Field Name: unit_weight
- Type: string['float']
- Description:
- A string formatted as a float, representing the weight of a single unit.
- Legend: Ln 30
- Field Name: serving_weight
- Type: string['float']
- Description:
- A string formatted as a float, representing the units per serving.
- Legend: Ln 31
- Field Name: line_price
- Type: string['currency']
- Description:
- A string formatted as currency, representing the line total. This figure is calculated as
quantity * unit_price
- A string formatted as currency, representing the line total. This figure is calculated as
- Legend: Ln 321
- Field Name: uom
- Type: enum['ml', 'mg', 'g', 'oz', 'lb', 'ea', 'kg']
- Description:
- An enum field representing one of the following possible meausre abbreviations: 'ml,' 'mg,' 'g,' 'oz,' 'lb,' 'ea,' 'kg.' This value provides the standardized unit by which the item was measured.
- Legend: Ln 33
- Field Name: unit_weight_uom
- Type: enum['ml', 'mg', 'g', 'oz', 'lb', 'ea', 'kg']
- Description:
- An enum field representing one of the following possible meausre abbreviations: 'ml,' 'mg,' 'g,' 'oz,' 'lb,' 'ea,' 'kg.' This value represents the "each" version of the UoM field.
- Legend: Ln 34
- Field Name: inventory_id
- Type: string
- Description:
- A vendor system assigned unique identifier representing the inventory from which the items were sampled.
- Legend: Ln 35
- Field Name: sample_source_id
- Type: string
- Description:
- A vendor system assigned unique identifier representing the source inventory from which the items were sampled.
- Legend: Ln 36
- Field Name: is_medical
- Type: bool['0', '1']
- Description:
- A boolean string: zero for false, and one for true. This field flags a transfer item as having medical requirements.
- Legend: Ln 37
- Field Name: is_for_extraction
- Type: bool['0', '1']
- Description:
- A boolean string: zero for false, and one for true. This field flags a transfer item as designated for extraction.
- Legend: Ln 38
- Field Name: lab_result_passed
- Type: enum['null', 'pass', 'fail']
- Description:
- An enum field representing the pass/fail status of the lab result for this item. Options are null, "pass," and "fail."
- Legend: Ln 39
- Field Name: lab_result_link
- Type: string[URI]
- Description:
- A link to the laboratory Certificate of Analysis.
- Legend: Ln 40
- Field Name: lab_result_data
- Type: object['nullable']
- Description: *
- Legend: Ln 41
- Field Name: Lab_result_id
- Type: ****
- Description:
- The result ID assigned by the laboratory.
- Legend: Ln 42
- Field Name: Lab_result_status
- Type: enum['null', 'pass', 'fail']
- Description:
- An enum field representing the pass/fail status of the lab result for this item. Options are null, "pass," and "fail."
- Legend: Ln 43
- Field Name: Lab_result_detail
- Type: string['URI']
- Description:
- A URL to the WCIA Lab Result Link.
- Legend: Ln 44
- Field Name: Coa
- Type: string['URI']
- Description:
- A URL to the Lab result Certificate of Analysis.
- Legend: Ln 45
- Field Name: Potency
- Type: array['metric object']
- Description:
- An array of metric objects. Specifically, cannabinoid analytes required for compliance testing in WA state.
- Legend: Ln 46
- Field Name: type
- Type: string
- Description:
- The name of the cannabinoid analyzed. For example, "cbda," "thca," and "total-cannabinoids."
- Legend: Ln 48
- Field Name: value
- Type: float
- Description:
- A float value representing the quantity of the analyte reported.
- Legend: Ln 49
Field Name: unit
Type: enum['ml', 'mg', 'g', 'oz', 'lb', 'ea', 'kg']
- An enum field representing one of the following possible meausre abbreviations: 'ml,' 'mg,' 'g,' 'oz,' 'lb,' 'ea,' 'kg.'
Legend: Ln 50
- Field Name: inventory_category
- Type: string
- Description:
- For purposes of Washington State, this is most commonly the State-assigned types such as "EndProduct."
- Legend: Ln 54
- Field Name: inventory_type
- Type: string
- Description:
- For purposes of Washington State, this is most commonly the State-assigned types such as "Flower Lot."
- Legend: Ln 55
- Field Name: strain_name
- Type: string
- Description:
- The licensee-assigned name of the plant material being transferred.
- Legend: Ln 56
- Field Name: product_sku
- Type: string
- Description:
- A sender-assigned product SKU code in string format.
- Legend: Ln 57