This action accepts a list of commit SHAs and attempts to find the PR associated with each. If those PRs are tagged with the specified label, it reports as outputs:
- The name of the PR
- A link to the PR
- Links to any Loom video(s) included in the PR body
- The name of the author
A list of objects of the form:
{ authorLogin: string, loomLinks: [string], prLink: string, prTitle: string }
- name: Examine PRs
id: examine-prs
uses: DistruApp/pull-request-notifier-action@v0.0.16
label: reportme
- run: echo "${{ steps.examine-prs.outputs.pull-request-information }}"
For more info on how to use outputs:
Install ncc
using homebrew.
Check in the results of npm run package
Make an annotated tag. git tag -a v1.0.0 -m v1.0.0
Push it all up. git push origin --tags