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Neonz edited this page Dec 25, 2022 · 20 revisions

Frequently Asked Questions

Why was everything reduced to 100 digits? [HOT TOPIC]

SlotBots economy was up to 20,000 digits, which caused issues internally for the bot. Everything was reduced to ~100 digits. Generators were rebalanced to fit the new economy. THIS CHANGE IS PERMANENT.

Can I get x Donor Item for free?

No, donor items will not be given for free, so stop asking.

I was muted on SlotHub, can I be unmuted?

You can appeal your punishment by checking out the #appeals channel in the Moderators section of the server. Please keep in mind that misusing the channel will result in a ban.

Where did Peep go?

Peep has fully left SlotBot development, and has passed ownership to SemiMute#6630, who is currently maintaining the bot, with bug fixes, and new updates.

Why is SlotBot not working?

Multiple reasons, such as not having the correct permissions. If you have checked your permissions and they are correct, visit the community server and check #bot-status

Someone used a command that's not in ~commands, how?

Custom commands and aliases can be purchased, message SemiMute#6630 for more information, or go to the donator page on the Wiki.

I donated but did not receive my donator credit, why?

Donations may take up to 24-48 hours to clear due to how Paypal's API works, or you may have messed up a step on ~donate, but if the donation has not cleared by then, join the community server, and private message SemiMute#6330.

What is an EnderMomandNate?

EnderMomandNate was the username of 7-year-old who would get hundreds of dollars every month from his parents as an allowance and would spend all of it on Minecraft servers. Almost everyone who knew him resented him due to the fact that he believed he deserved every dollar. Basically, he was initially added into SlotBot as a joke by the creator of SlotBot.