#Contributing to Solar
Follow the style guides from Dimensions.
When making commits, it is improtant to have a commit message that explains what is in the commit.
- Use the present tense ("add feature" not "added feature")
- Use the imperative mood ("move cursor to..." not "moves cursor to...")
- Limit the first line to 72 characters or less
- Reference issues and pull requests liberally
- Consider starting the commit message with an applicable emoji:
- ✅
when fixing typos - 🎨
when improving the format/structure of the code - 🐎
when improving performance - 🚱
when plugging memory leaks - 📝
when writing docs - 🐧
when fixing something on Linux - 🍎
when fixing something on Mac OS - 🏁
when fixing something on Windows - 🐛
when fixing a bug - 🔥
when removing code or files - 💚
when fixing the CI build - 🔒
when dealing with security - ⬆️
when upgrading/updating files - ⬇️
when downgrading/rollback files
- ✅