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Jérôme Leclercq edited this page Dec 8, 2020 · 1 revision

API: physics.Trace


Trace a ray between two positions and returns the first hit entity data.


physics.Trace(layer: integer, startPos: vec2, endPos: vec2) -> result: table | nil


  1. layer: The layer to query.
  2. startPos: The starting position of the ray.
  3. endPos: The end position of the ray.


  1. result: A table containing data about the intersection (or nil if no entity was hit).
    • fraction: number : A number ranging from 0 to 1 indicating how far the ray travelled before hitting the entity.
    • hitPos: vec2 : The hit position.
    • hitNormal: vec2 : The hit position.
    • hitEntity: Entity : The hit entity.
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