Related paper: Dynamic Symbolic Verification of MPI Programs Errata: Please see Errata.html
There are three steps to running this tool for checking a program for a deadlock.
- Instrument the source code.
- Compile and profile the instrumented code into an executable.
- Execute the profiled code for the output.
The detailed instructions are as follows:
We have used clang to instrument the source code. You will require clang and llvm build files which are shipped with Hermes.
Compiling clangTool requires:
- a file called compile_commands.json which is a compilation database needed for clang tooling. The directory contains a sample compile_commands.json file. You just have to specify the command, fileName, and the directory. Learn how to create such files here. This file requires the benchmark name, the path to directory where this benchmark lies, and the compilation command in it. Please change these things accordingly in the file (especially the path to clang lib).
To compile the clang tool, use cd clangTool && make clangTool
To produce the instrumented code, run: ./clangTool path-to-the-source/source-file.cpp
This will generate a file called i_source-file.cpp in the same directory where the source resides.
Install mpi (sudo apt-get install mpich
) and z3 (sudo apt-get install libz3-dev
or following the steps [here] ( before configuring.
Follow these steps:
cd Hermes/
sudo make install
cd scheduler
If ./configure
command can not find mpi.h, try using this command: ./configure --with-mpi-inc-dir=/usr/include/mpich
If after make you find references-to-z3-missing errors, please check that your Makefile contains LDFLAGS = -lz3
and you have z3 installed.
This should generate in /usr/local/lib/.
To generate the profiled executable, run:
ispcxx -o executable executable.cpp ../clangTool/GenerateAssumes.cpp ../clangTool/IfInfo.cpp ../profiler/Client.c
where executable.cpp is your instrumented benchmark file.
Run the executable through the tool isp with this command: ./isp.exe -n no-of-processes ./executable
You can find all the options isp provides using ./isp.exe -help