This Repo Covers C# Fundamentals for Automation Testing using Selenium
Selenium Dependencies
- Selenium.WebDriver
- Selenium.Support
- WebDriverManager
- DotNetSeleniumExtras.WaitHelpers
- DotNetSeleniumExtras.PageObjects
- DotNetSeleniumExtras.PageObjects.Core
- AventStack.ExtentReports
Nunit Test Framework Used below Annotations
- [Test]
- [SetUp]
- [TearDown]
- [Parallelizable(ParallelScope.Self)]
- [Parallelizable(ParallelScope.All)]
- [TestCaseSource("AddTestData")]
- [TestCase("username", "password")]
- [Category("Smoke")]
- [OneTimeSetUp]
Built Base Test class which handles below
- static driver initialization with Thread safe for parallel run
- Custom method to choose browser
- App.config to set key value pair for browser selection
- Static JsonReader methods to read data from dataset collection method
Test Data Strategy
- Json structure file to select by key
- Created JsonReader class which has custom methods to handle String Data and String[] data to parse
- Get list of strings and convert to array and pass token/key to fetch json value
- Created static IEnumerable List method to fecth parameterized data from json file
- Used yield to wait for each data to retrieve and return
Page Object Design Pattern
- Each page class with constructor to handle driver setting using PageFactory class
- Created Page Object Factory to handle each WebElement/List of WebElement
- Getter method to return WebElements and its operation in actual test class
- Also return object for each page transition
Folder structure
- Utilities
- TestData
- PageObjects
- Tests
Selenium WebElement Test
- Login Scenario's
- Handling Alert
- Handling Popup
- Auto Suggestion Search
- Drag and drop
- Hover
- Move to element
- Switch Frames
- Sort Table
- Switch Windows
- Checkout two products
- End to End e-commerce Order creation
- Assert.That
- Assert.AreEqual
- StringAssert
Parallel Execution
- All data sets of Test Methods in parallel
- All test methods in one class in parallel
- All test class in one project in parallel
Test Run
- Test Explorer
- Command Line CLI with Test Params
- Jenkins
Test Report
- Used Extent Reports to generate HTML test report
- Capture Screenshots when tests are failing and base64.png available in report
Test Pattern
- Each Test adheres to the //Arrange //Act //Assert
Jenkins Pipeline
- Configure Jenkins pipeline to pick this git repo -
- Choice parameters could be added to select a browser during the selection
- Change branch specifier from */master to */main
- Add the below (Execute Windows batch command) under build steps and modify according to your need
- dotnet test DhineshSDET/WebFramework/WebFramework.csproj -- TestRunParameters.Parameter(name="browserName", value="%browserName%")