Hello, this is a relatively simple library that connects websites with the Bywise blockchain. If you have some basic working JS/TS knowledge, please head over to the open bugs/enhancements and help clear the backlog. Thanks in advance! 🤠
Please don't forget to join our discord community.
npm install @bywise/provider
I also recommend installing @bywise/web3.
npm install @bywise/web3
Require in javascript
const BywiseProvider = require('@bywise/provider');
For typescript
, use
import BywiseProvider from '@bywise/provider';
const chain = 'mainnet' // select your chain (default: mainnet)
const provider = new BywiseProvider(chain);
const userInfo = await provider.connect();
if (userInfo) {
const userAddress = provider.address;
const connectedChain = provider.chains;
// Provider connected successfully
} else {
// User canceled the connection
const infoBlockchainUser = await provider.web3.wallets.getWalletInfo(provider.address, chain);
console.log('infoBlockchainUser', infoBlockchainUser)
if (infoBlockchainUser) {
const balance = infoBlockchainUser.balance // BWS Balance
const name = infoBlockchainUser.name // can be null
const url = infoBlockchainUser.url // can be null
const bio = infoBlockchainUser.bio // can be null
const photo = infoBlockchainUser.photo // can be null
} else {
// Failed get info
import { TxType } from '@bywise/web3';
const sendAddress = 'BWS000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000';
const sendBWSAmount = '0';
const result = await provider.send({
to: [sendAddress],
amount: [sendBWSAmount],
type: TxType.TX_NONE,
data: {}
if (result) {
const tx = result.tx; // full transaction
const fullOutput = result.output; // full result output
const contractReturn = fullOutput.output;
console.log('contractReturn', contractReturn)
} else {
// canceled transaction
const contractAddress = 'BWS000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000';
const contractMethodName = 'someMethod';
const parameters = []; // string list
const fullOutput = await provider.web3.contracts.readContract(chain, contractAddress, contractMethodName, parameters);
if(fullOutput.error) {
console.log('error', fullOutput.error)
} else {
const contractReturnValue = fullOutput.output;
console.log('contractReturnValue', contractReturnValue)
import { TxType } from '@bywise/web3';
const contractAddress = 'BWS000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000';
const sendBWSToContract = '0';
const result = await provider.send({
to: [contractAddress],
amount: [sendBWSToContract],
data: [
method: 'someMethod',
inputs: ['arg1' , 'ar2'],
if (result) {
const tx = result.tx; // full transaction
const fullOutput = result.output; // full result output
const contractReturn = fullOutput.output;
console.log('contractReturn', contractReturn)
} else {
// canceled transaction