I'm Oscar Rolando Gamboa Acho, a backend developer with 8 years of experience 🚀 I am from Cochabamba, Bolivia 🇧🇴, and I am always focused on improving and maintaining systems 🤓 🖥️.
- 📚 I studied at the 'Universidad Mayor de San Simón' in the Systems Engineering program from 2010 to 2016- 👨🏽🎓 Degree in systems engineering in 2016.
- 💡 Love to make contributions for software development.
- 🖥 Fullstack Developer working with Magento 2.
- 💼 Currently i'm working in Customer Paradigm 🇺🇸.
- 💬 Ask me about anything, I am happy to help.
- ✉️ Send me an email at oskr.cbba2010@gmail.com to get in touch with me.
⭐️ From Oscar Rolando Gamboa A.