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A little "go help" for the Java/Kotlin developers using Maven.

Current main capability? Upgrade your pom.xml dependencies to latest and greatest!


  • No installs of maven-plugins required, so if you a working in a multi-repo developer environment with lots of 2party dependencies and repos, you can easily upgrade them with ply upgrade 2party.
  • Brings natural semantics and support for different types of dependencies to the table: Kotlin, 2party, spring-boot (curated dependencies), (other) 3party
  • Can be used as a library for other go-projects automating the upgrade process
  • Easy and fast
  • Brings feature to the table, not found anywhere else, stay tuned!

Heads up!

  • ply rewrites your pom.xml, so make sure you have your pom.xml committed before testing out ply
  • start with ply format pom, verify that the rewrite of the pom.xml is ok, commit, and from now on you will easily see the diff that ply introduces with ply upgrade <2party|3party|spring-boot|plugins|all>
  • or just use ply status (no rewrite) and manually upgrade your pom.xml based on what is reported as outdated, current option if you need to keep your pom.xml formatting


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  ply [command]

Available Commands:
  bitbucket   Bitbucket functionality
  clean       Clean files and folder in a project
  completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  diagrams    Various tools for generating diagrams
  doc         Opens documentation in default browser
  examples    Examples found in cloud-config
  format      Format functionality for a project
  generate    Initializes a maven project with ply files and formatting
  git         Git commands
  help        Help about any command
  info        Prints info on spring version, dependencies etc
  init        Initializes a maven project with ply files and formatting
  install     Various install options for generating autocompletion etc
  lint        Linting commands
  maven       Run maven (mvn) commands
  merge       Merge functionalities for files to a project
  profiles    Manage profiles settings for ply
  query       Query dependencies in a project
  status      Status functionality for a project
  tips        Use tips to learn information faster
  upgrade     Upgrade options

      --debug   turn on debug output
  -h, --help    help for ply
      --json    turn on json output logging

Additional help topics:
  ply about      About ply

Use "ply [command] --help" for more information about a command.



