Logs in users using Twitter oAuth
Automatically creates account and logs in the user.
- Symphony CMS version 2.7.x and up (as of the day of the last release of this extension)
- Members extension version 1.9.0
git clone
/ download and unpack the tarball file- Put into the extension directory
- Enable/install just like any other extension
You can also install it using the extension downloader.
For more information, see http://getsymphony.com/learn/tasks/view/install-an-extension/
- Enable the extension
- Create a new Member section with only a email field (no password)
- Optionally, create a input/textarea/textbox field for the Twitter handle
- Set the required configuration values:
'members_twitter_login' => array(
'key' => 'REPLACE ME',
'secret' => 'REPLACE ME',
'twitter-handle-field' => 'REPLACE ME with a field id if you want to save the twitter handle',
- Create a page and attach the "Members: Twitter login" event on it
- Create the login form:
<form action="/twitter/" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="/twitter/" />
<input type="hidden" name="members-section-id" value="<Your section id>" />
<input type="hidden" name="member-twitter-action[login]" value="Login" />
<button>Log in with Twitter</button>
This form will redirect the user to twitter and then twitter will redirect the user your redirect url set in your twitter app setting.
- Add another form to handle the actual log in process when the user comes back from twitter. This form can be auto-submitted
<xsl:if test="string-length(/data/params/url-oauth-token) != 0">
<form id="twitterform" method="POST" action="{$current-url}/">
<input type="hidden" name="oauth_token" value="{/data/params/url-oauth-token}" />
<input type="hidden" name="oauth_verifier" value="{/data/params/url-oauth-verifier}" />
<script>if (window.twitterform) twitterform.submit();</script>
- If everything works, the user will be redirected to the 'redirect' value, just like the standard Members login.
MIT http://deuxhuithuit.mit-license.org
Voila !
Come say hi! -> https://deuxhuithuit.com/