The given notebook has been created by Melanie Wahlers und Dr. Johannes Hollad, who won the group competition of the Data Science Challenge 2020 of the DAV.
The study Machine-Learning Methods for Insurance Applications is dedicated to the question of how new developments in the collection of data and their evaluation in the context of Data Science in the actuarial world can be utilized. The results of the study are based on the R language, so the first goal of this work is to reproduce the calculations described in the Jupyter notebook in the Python programming language and to compare the results with those of the study authors. Besides these presented methods we continue to work on a random forest. Therefore, our second goal is the development of an artificial neural network, which has at least a similar quality compared to the other machine learning methods.
The German Association of Actuaries (Deutsche Aktuarvereinigunge.V., DAV) is the professional representation of all actuaries in Germany. It was founded in 1993 and has more than 5,400 members today. More than 700 members are involved in thirteen committees and in over 60 working groups as a voluntary commitment.
The Data Science Challenge is an initiative of the Actuarial Data Science Committee of the DAV to encourage the engagement with machine learning and data science within the insurance industry.
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