Tank Big Monster is an Android game developed by Jeremy Liu (刘嘉洋), My_Devotion (董和鑫) and Derek Ken (邓瑞康, i.e., myself).
Actually, we had a good sense of teamwork while working together to accomplish this very curriculum project of our Android course during the 2nd semester of our junior year at Nankai University. Specifically speaking, Jeremy (刘嘉洋) was mainly in charge of AI mode while My_Devotion (董和鑫) concentrated on implementing game-control logics on mobile phones (arrows, buttons and corresponding control logics). As for myself , I was mainly responsible for the implementation of the UI and logics of menus in game, including mode selection (2 Players or AI), volume control (SFX & background music), game-scene switching, game pause & resume, start & exit, adding bgms and publishing our work to Google Play Store.