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github-actions[bot] edited this page May 19, 2024 · 32 revisions

Basic configuration

The only required option is the Email aka Username to your TGTG account.

A minimalistic configuration could look like this:

Username =

This config will start the scanner and lead you through the login process. After the successful login, you will see changes in the available amounts of your favorite magic bags in the console window.


Some of the following options allow the inclusion of special variables that contain item (magic bag) information.

Example to include the display name of the item: ${{display_name}}

Variables with the locale property are affected by the locale option and returned in the given language.

variable description example locale
item_id unique identifier of the item 774625
items_available number of available items 2
display_name name of the item as in the APP Chutney Indian Food - Hamburg – Europapassage 2.OG
description item description Rette eine Magic Bag mit leckerem indischen Essen.
price item price 3.20
value item value 9.60
currency price/value currency EUR
pickupdate formatted string tomorrow, 18:00 - 21:50 YES
favorite is favorite YES or NO
rating overall rating 3.3
buffet is buffet YES or NO
item_category MEAL
packaging_option BAG_ALLOWED
pickup_location Ballindamm 40, 20095 Hamburg, Deutschland
store_name Chutney Indian Food
item_logo item logo url
item_cover item cover url
scanned_on timestamp when the item was scanned 2023-02-14 20:43:21
item_logo_bytes item logo as data blob
item_cover_bytes item cover as data blob
link url of the item
distance_walking walking distance from home 5.9 km YES
distance_driving driving distance from home 8 km YES
distance_transit transit distance from home 8 km YES
distance_biking biking distance from home 6.1 km YES
duration_walking walking duration from home 1 hour YES
duration_driving driving duration from home 20 minutes YES
duration_transit transit duration from home 45 minutes YES
duration_biking biking duration from home 30 minutes YES

Cron Scheduler

For formatting support see:*_12-14_*_*_1-5

You can combine multiple crons as semicolon separated list.

Available options

[MAIN] / general settings

config.ini environment description default
Debug DEBUG enable debugging mode false
SleepTime SLEEP_TIME time between two consecutive scans in seconds 60
ScheduleCron SCHEDULE_CRON run only on schedule * * * * *
ItemIDs ITEM_IDS Depreciated! comma-separated list of additional (none favorite) items to scan
Metrics METRICS enable Prometheus metrics HTTP server false
MetricsPort METRICS_PORTS port for metrics server 8000
DisableTests DISABLE_TESTS disable test notifications on startup false
Quiet QUIET minimal console output false
Locale LOCALE localization en_US
Activity ACTIVITY show running indicator (always disabled in docker) true
TZ timezone for docker based setups, e.g. Berlin/Europe
UID set user id for docker container 1000
GID set group id for docker container 1000

[TGTG] / TGTG account

config.ini environment description default required
Username TGTG_USERNAME email connected to your TGTG Account YES
AccessToken TGTG_ACCESS_TOKEN TGTG API access token
RefreshToken TGTG_REFRESH_TOKEN TGTG API refresh token
Datadome TGTG_DATADOME TGTG API datadome protection cookie
Timeout TGTG_TIMEOUT timeout for API requests 60
AccessTokenLifetime TGTG_ACCESS_TOKEN_LIFETIME access token lifetime in seconds 14400
MaxPollingTries TGTG_MAX_POLLING_TRIES max polling retries during login 24
PollingWaitTime TGTG_POLLING_WAIT_TIME time between polling retries in seconds 5

[LOCATION] / Location settings

config.ini environment description default required if enabled variables
Enabled LOCATION enable location service false
GoogleMapsAPIKey LOCATION_GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY API key for google maps service YES
OriginAddress LOCATION_ORIGIN_ADDRESS origin for distance calculation, e.g. your home address YES

[CONSOLE] / Console Notifier

config.ini environment description default required if enabled variables
Enabled CONSOLE enable console notifications false
Body CONSOLE_BODY message body ${{scanned_on}} ${{display_name}} - new amount: ${{items_available}} YES
Cron CONSOLE_CRON enable notification only on schedule * * * * *

[SMTP] / SMTP Notifier

config.ini environment description default required if enabled variables
Enabled SMTP enable SMTP notifications false
Host SMTP_HOST SMTP server host
Port SMTP_PORT SMTP server port 587
TLS SMTP_TLS enable TLS true
SSL SMTP_SSL enable SSL false
Timeout SMTP_TIMEOUT set timeout in seconds 60
Username SMTP_USERNAME login username
Password SMTP_PASSWORD login password
Sender SMTP_SENDER email sender
Recipients SMTP_RECIPIENTS email recipients YES
RecipientsPerItem SMTP_RECIPIENTS_PER_ITEM email recipients per item as JSON {"ItemId_1": ["", ...], ...}
Subject SMTP_SUBJECT email subject New Magic Bags YES
Body SMTP_BODY email html body <b>${{display_name}}</b> </br> New Amount: ${{items_available}} YES
Cron SMTP_CRON enable notification only on schedule * * * * *

[PUSHSAFER] / Pushsafer Notifier

config.ini environment description default required if enabled variables
Enabled PUSHSAFER enable Pushsafer notifications false
DeviceID PUSHSAFER_DEVICE_ID Pushsafer device ID YES
Cron PUSHSAFER_CRON enable notification only on schedule * * * * *

[IFTTT] / IFTTT Notifier

config.ini environment description default required if enabled variables
Enabled IFTTT enable IFTTT notifications false
Event IFTTT_EVENT IFTTT webhook event YES
Key IFTTT_KEY IFTTT webhook key YES
Body IFTTT_BODY JSON message body {"value1": "${{display_name}}", "value2": ${{items_available}}, "value3": "${{link}}"} YES
Timeout IFTTT_TIMEOUT timeout for API requests 60
Cron IFTTT_CRON enable notification only on schedule * * * * *

[TELEGRAM] / Telegram Notifier

config.ini environment description default required if enabled variables
Enabled TELEGRAM enable Telegram notifications false
Token TELEGRAM_TOKEN Telegram Bot token YES
ChatIDs TELEGRAM_CHAT_IDS comma-separated list of chat ids
Body TELEGRAM_BODY message body *${{display_name}}* \n*Available*: ${{items_available}}\n*Price*: ${{price}} ${{currency}}\n*Pickup*: ${{pickupdate}} YES
DisableCommands TELEGRAM_DISABLE_COMMANDS disable bot commands false
OnlyReservations TELEGRAM_ONLY_RESERVATIONS only send notifications for reservations false
Timeout TELEGRAM_TIMEOUT timeout for telegram API requests 60
Cron TELEGRAM_CRON enable notification only on schedule * * * * *

Note on Markdown V2

As of Version 1.17.0 the Telegram Notifier uses the Markdown V2 parser of the Telegram API. This requires all special markdown characters, that should not be parsed as markdown commands, to be escaped with a preceding \. The special characters are _, *, [, ], (, ), ~, `, >, #, +, -, =, |, {, }, . and !.

[APPRISE] / Apprise Notifier

For details on the service URL configuration see

config.ini environment description default required if enabled variables
Enabled APPRISE enable Apprise notifications false
Title APPRISE_TITLE Notification title New Magic Bags YES
Body APPRISE_BODY Notification body ${{display_name}} - new amount: ${{items_available}} - ${{link}} YES
Cron APPRISE_CRON enable notification only on schedule * * * * *

[NTFY] / Ntfy Notifier

config.ini environment description default required if enabled variables
Enabled NTFY enable Ntfy notifications false
Server NTFY_SERVER Ntfy server URL YES
Topic NTFY_TOPIC Ntfy topic YES
Title NTFY_TITLE Notification title New TGTG items YES
Message NTFY_MESSAGE Notification message ${{display_name}} - New Amount: ${{items_available}} - ${{itelinkm_id}} YES
Priority NTFY_PRIORITY default
Tags NTFY_TAGS comma-separated list of tags shopping,tgtg YES
Click NTFY_CLICK URL to open on click ${{link}} YES
Username NTFY_USERNAME auth username
Password NTFY_PASSWORD auth password
Token NTFY_TOKEN auth token, only used if username and password are empty
Timeout NTFY_TIMEOUT timeout for Ntfy requests 60
Cron NTFY_CRON enable notification only on schedule * * * * *

[WEBHOOK] / Webhook Notifier

config.ini environment description default required if enabled variables
Enabled WEBHOOK enable Webhook notifications false
URL WEBHOOK_URL webhook endpoint YES
Method WEBHOOK_METHOD request method POST
Body WEBHOOK_BODY request body '' YES
Type WEBHOOK_TYPE request content type text/plain
Headers WEBHOOK_HEADERS additional request headers as JSON {}
Username WEBHOOK_USERNAME basic authentication username
Password WEBHOOK_PASSWORD basic authentication password
Timeout WEBHOOK_TIMEOUT request timeout 60
Cron WEBHOOK_CRON enable notification only on schedule * * * * *

[DISCORD] / Discord Notifier

config.ini environment description default required if enabled variables
Enabled DISCORD enable Discord notifications false
Prefix DISCORD_PREFIX Prefix, that bot should react to !
Token DISCORD_TOKEN auth token YES
Channel DISCORD_CHANNEL enable Discord notifications
Body DISCORD_BODY Notification body *${{display_name}}*\n*Available*: ${{items_available}}\n*Price*: ${{price}} ${{currency}}\n*Pickup*: ${{pickupdate}} YES
DisableCommands DISCORD_DISABLE_COMMANDS disable bot commands false
Cron DISCORD_CRON enable notification only on schedule * * * * *

Setting up a Discord Bot

Register an application and associated bot user for use with TGTG scanner at For details on how to set up see The bot will send notifications to a specific channel. To obtain the channel ID, see

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