#Deep imdb clobe https://deepghosh-1234.github.io/imdb-clone.github.io/
This is a complete Front-end based Project trying to replicate IMDb website. This project uses the TMDB API providing access to a huge database of Movies and their details.
Create a mini IMDB clone app. Use ONLY vanilla javascript, no libraries or frameworks allowed for Javascript (you can use any css framework like Bootstrap).
Home Page
- Should show information about the movie like its name, photo, plot, etc (these are must, rest you can add if you want).
Movie Page
- Should show information about the movie like its name, photo, plot, etc (these are must, rest you can add if you want).
My favourite movies Page
Display a list of all the favourite movies.
Make this list persistent (should have the same number of movies before and after closing the browser/refreshing the browser)
Remove from favourites button: Each movie should have remove from favourites button, clicking on which should remove that movie from the list.