Clone this repository to you projects file
on server or personal computer install nodejs
on server in repo directy use
npm i
to install the needed packages -
copy files to edison. I am using the 'deploy' script with my edisons ip address hard coded. The edisonClient fold contains a simple client to send data back to the server.
Change the
to match the ip address of your server. -
To run the client on the edison, use
node index.js
in the edisonClient folder. -
On the server in the github repo run the server with
node server.js
For the live stream test example on the page 'localhost:3000/test' you must allso:
- cd to browserClient
npm i
npm start
and keep that program running in the terminal.
Your server should now recieve json data from the edison and print it to the terminal on the server
- The request library works most of the time, hoever it will often crash the node process:
var state = self._writableState;
TypeError: Cannot read property '_writableState' of undefined
at Object.afterWrite (net.js:708:19)
A work around is to install
forever with npm i forever -f
and start the edisonClient with forever index.js
. This will restart the process when the request library crashes the process.
install ftdi drivers for mac: https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/how-to-install-ftdi-drivers/mac
flashing firmware: https://software.intel.com/en-us/flashing-the-firmware-on-intel-edison-board
oled board from spark fun https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/sparkfun-blocks-for-intel-edison---oled-block-?_ga=1.56361506.862938157.1444523880