You can fork this project to your own project.
Ex: fork and rename this repository to "yourname", you'll get the following address:
Or clone it to your local (by using gitGUI or from cmd line), modify something and push from local to your account.
Go to _config.yml file and change to what you want, you can add some social account to your profile view. create new file in _posts folder, the name of the file should be begin with "yyyy-mm-dd" and separated by "-" (dash) and end with ".md" (markdown format). Ex: ""
In the beginning of the content, copy and paste following:
layout: post
description: "abcd"
modified: 2014-12-23
tags: [abc, def]
change your title, tag, modified date time...
{% highlight css %}
{% endhighlight %}
you can change "css" to some other languages such as cpp, java, html...
Go to _includes/navigation.html Go to _includes/head.html Go to _sass/_page.scss
You have some problems and need more information? View my contact details below:
Name: Juan David Quintero (David Q.)
Languages: Español, American English
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