This is Proof of Concept for creating a Data Pipeline with Delta Lake using Medallion architecture.
Create a dashboard to Analyze Orders History for an online clothing store that sells a wide range of fashion brands. The dashboard will be used to inform purchasing behavior and ensure that the company has enough inventory to meet demand for upcoming holiday season.
- Databricks Data Platform (Community Edition)
- PySpark
- SparkSQL
Orders and Inventory data for Online clothing store
********************************* Bronze Layer ***********************************
- Upload JSON files for Orders data to DBFS: ORDERS_RAW_PART_001.json, ORDERS_RAW_PART_002.json, ORDERS_RAW_PART_003.json, ORDERS_RAW_PART_004.json
- Load the JSON files into a dataframe (orders_raw_df)
- Create delta tabe (orders_raw) from the dataframe (orders_raw_df)
- Upload JSON files for Inventory data to DBFS: INVENTORY.json
- Load the JSON file into a dataframe (inventory_df)
- Create delta tabe (inventory) from the dataframe (inventory_df)
********************************* Silver Layer ***********************************
- Read delta table (orders_raw) into a new dataframe (orders_silver_df)
- Update data type of column order_date in dataframe, orders_silver_df.
- Drop rows with null values in the dataframe.
- Add a calculated column, total_order (total_order = quantity * unit_price)
- Create a new delta table (orders_silver)
********************************* Gold Layer *************************************
- Compute below KPIs and create new delta tables for each of the KPIs.
- Quantity sold by Country
- Sales by Category
- Top 5 Popular Brands
********************************* BI *********************************************
- Create visuals for each of the delta tables.
- Create a dashboard out of the above visuals.
********************************* Bronze Layer ***********************************
- Update data in orders_raw table using merge. Upload JSON file to DBFS: UPDATE_ORDERS_RAW.json
- Load the JSON file into a dataframe (update_orders_df)
- Create a seperate dataframe (delta_orders_raw) out of orders_raw table.
- Merge two tables: orders_raw (alias to delta_orders_raw) and UpdateOrders (alias to update_orders_df)
********************************* Gold Layer *************************************
- Compute below KPI and create new delta table for it.
- Low Stock or Out of Stock items
- Group all orders from orders_silver table based on brand, color, product_name and size and add qty_sold (sum(quantity)).
- Join the result with inventory table using inner join on brand, prodyct_name, color and size.
- Add calculated column qty_left_stock as (stock - qty_sold)
- Filter out cancelled orders
- Keep only items with qty_left_stock < 20
- Sort the result by qty_left_stock in ascending order.
********************************* BI *********************************************
- Create visual for the above delta table.
- Add the visual to dashboard.