Hello everyone. I'm Egor Zverev but someone may know me as DarthAkiraNihil and TheSwagVader
I am currently studying at ISPU. My BD is on September 2nd 2004
- Python
- C++
- Java (at some way)
- Qt5 (C++)
- Unity (I'm still learning it)
- CLCheckers - A course project for ISPU that is literally a kind of checkers game
- TheRes3ar4er - A Discord bot that searches content from rule34.xxx using its API (in the stage of refactoring, about to be deployed soon)
- FuFloyd - A program to find the shortest paths in a graph, defined by its weight matrix, using Floyd Algorithm
- Nervi - A system for creating and building virtual machines with ASM-like command syntax for educational purposes. The Reloaded version of Gervi (by me). (now in architecture planning)
- KonnaEngine - A free game engine for roguelike games (Java) (development is slow due to studying at the unuversity)