I've had exposure to a wide variety of tech (frameworks, libraries, toolkits, issue tracking). This would be too much detail for my resume. I have it here in the form of "what was used for each project".
- My side project of a Tutorial and eBook to show the process of creating a Notebook / Scrapbook organizer (featuring Collection and Item Tagging, drag and drop addition of text and media). Sample eBook outline at gumroad. Anticipated release April 2023.
- Next.js (React), Tailwind, MySQL
- React, Node, Docker, Confluence
- Complex set of microservices
My side project that implements dynamic menus for common web links (not limited to one target). See alap.info
Core Alap - npm package - alap on github
- Parcel, ES6
Alap Editor Demo (React) - demo @ editor-react.alap.info - github repo
- React with Zustand and Immer
- Vite
- Tailwind
- Deployed to Netlify
Alap Editor Demo (Vue) - demo @ editor-vue.alap.info - github repo
- Vue 3 with Pinia
- Vite
- Tailwind
- Deployed to Netlify
These projects were for Honeit, Inc, and are private
- Video Clip Processing - AWS based, create video clips from tech interviews
- Multiple AWS services used to process the creation and logging of video clips
- API Gateway, S3, DynamoDB, Lambda (Node.js) w/layer for ffmpeg, EFS, VPC, SNS, IAM
- Chrome Extension - Making And Scheduling Calls
- Chrome Extension V3, Bootstrap, litepicker (date), Popup menu, service worker
- calls into an extensive REST API created by Honeit
- Push Notifications - Working sample implentation of Push Notifications
- client: Vite, service worker, Tailwind, pusher.com API (beamsclient)
- server: Node, Express, pusher.com API (beamsclient), nodemon
Private. General idea was to input Real Estate title information to be stored on a blockchain
- Vue 2 w/Event Bus, Vue Router, Vuex
- Bootstrap-Vue
- Docker
- AWS S3
- MongoDB for order storage
- MySQL for retrieving NYC Acris title info
A side project of mine (5 part box set of articles @ Medium) I did similar work on a much larger scale with TAB Analytics (yes, I cleared this side project).
- Extended example that illustrates searching and mapping that is filtered to within City Boundaries
- Vue 2 with EventBus
- Vuetify
- Google Maps API with Data Layer
- Google Places API
- nominatim.openstreetmap.org for GeoJSON data