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82 lines (74 loc) · 5.4 KB

File metadata and controls

82 lines (74 loc) · 5.4 KB

Changes applied to this container

  • Build custom base image to use the full Texlive distribution by applying the following changes to server-ce/Dockerfile-base:
    • Set selected_scheme to scheme-full
    • Update Texlive:
      RUN tlmgr update --self \
      &&  tlmgr update --all
  • Modifications to the main Docker file server-ce/Dockerfile:
    • Use the custom base image
    • Install pip and some Python modules:
      RUN apt-get update \
      &&  apt-get install -y python3-pip \
      &&  python3 -m pip install Flask requests cryptography beautifulsoup4 gunicorn
    • Add some web files:
      COPY server-ce/runit/reverse-proxy/*.js /overleaf/services/web/public/js/
      COPY server-ce/runit/reverse-proxy/*.css /overleaf/services/web/public/stylesheets/
  • Add server-ce/runit/remote-api-server and server-ce/runit/reverse-proxy
    • Make sure that the run files have the executable flag set
  • Modify server-ce/bin/grunt as follows:
    • Add new case entry
        node modules/server-ce-scripts/scripts/create-user "$@"
      to create regular users via command-line
  • Add proxy_hide_header X-Frame-Options; to server-ce/nginx/sharelatex.conf for locations / and / to allow iframe embedding
  • Make the following modifcations in server-ce/config/settings.js:
    • Add the following setting: cookieSessionLength: false,
    • Modify the compile timeout defaultFeatures.compileTimeout as needed
  • Redirect GET requests to the reverse proxy service through server-ce/nginx/sharelatex.conf by adding the following to the / location:
    if ($request_method = GET) {
        proxy_pass http://localhost:9000;
    if ($request_method != GET) {
        proxy_pass http://localhost:3000;
  • Replace all instances of by localhost in server-ce/nginx/sharelatex.conf
  • The following changes need to be made in the web service:
    • frontend/js/features/project-list/components/project-list-root.tsx:
      • To remove the Welcome to Overleaf screen, change totalProjectsCount == 0 ? (around L61) to totalProjectsCount >= 0 ?

How to use

Registration/User management service

A new service called regsvc will be launched within the container; it can be reached at the /regsvc endpoint.

The service provides various actions, specified through the action parameter:

Action Description Parameters
create Creates a new user; if a user with the specified email already exists, nothing happens email - The user's email address (= username)
password - Optionally sets the account password
login Logs the specified in; this will return a link that can be followed afterwards email - The user's email address
password - The user's password
create-and-login Combines the actions create and login: The user is created if it doesn't exist yet and is logged in afterwards; the returned data can be used to open the projects page email - The user's email address
password - The user's password
open-projects Redirects to the projects page after a user has been logged in data - The data returned by a previous login call

For all actions except open-projects, an API key needs to be passed via the apikey parameter. This needs to match the REMOTE_API_KEY environment variable specified during deployment.

An example GET request to this service could look like this:

Note that leaving out the action parameter will default to create-and-login.


The regsvc service can be configured by setting various environment variables:

Variable Description Default
REMOTE_API_KEY This key is used to protect the various endpoints (except for open-projects); it is mandatory to specify ""
REMOTE_API_ALLOWED_CLIENTS If set, only the specified clients are allowed to issue requests; wildcards are supported ""
REMOTE_API_DATA_KEY This key is used to encrypt login data; the key must have a length of 32 characters and is mandatory ""