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29e2eb3 · Jun 2, 2015


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37 lines (29 loc) · 1.98 KB

Phoenix Rest JSON API Example with JWT

Requires Erlang, Elixir and postgres

To test this out:

  1. clone this repo
  2. in the new folder, go to restapp/config/dev.exs and enter your postgres database, username, and password. Also enter your preferred login username and password in config: :login.
  3. in the new folder, go to restapp/config/test.exs and re-enter your postgres database, username, and password
  4. cd to the folder, or just start a terminal in it
  5. run mix deps.get && mix deps.compile to retrieve jwt libraries and compile.
  6. run mix ecto.migrate --all
  7. run mix compile (this compiles a formatter module which is outside of the /web directory and does not compile automagically)
  8. run mix test (should have six passing tests)
  9. run mix phoenix.server

#get regular user token

  1. post your username and password to localhost:4000/login default is {"data":{"username":"user","password":"password"}}
  2. copy token string
  3. in request header for localhost:4000/api/invoices, add Token: (your user token)

#updating/adding to database with json

  1. post json to the /api/invoices route in the format {"data":{"contact_id":"1"},"includes":[{"sell_price":"7.48"},{"sell_price":"5.32"}]} dont forget to add the regular user token to request header! You should recieve a 201 created status, and reloading get /invoices should show both the invoice and related invoice items. If you forgot the token, or if you used the admin token instead, you will get a 401 error with 'incorrect audience' error.
  2. post json in the same format to /api/invoices/ (+ the id of the invoice just created). You should recieve a 200 OK status, with changes applied to database
  3. send request with method DELETE to /api/invoices/ (+ the id of the invoice just created) to delete record.

TODO: test update, getone, and delete routes integrate with simple Durandal SPA to demostrate how token can be used


  1. Thoughtbot rest api example
  2. Phoenix and Elixir creators Chris Mccord and Jose Valim
  3. Ecto creator, joken