I'm Daniel, a Robotics master's student with a passion for developing advanced robotic systems. Besides my studies, I enjoy working with robot-centered embedded systems and PCB design.
Since I joined GitHub 4 years ago, I pushed 859 commits, opened 1 issues, submitted 5 pull requests, and contributed to 1 public repos.
Here is a list of my semester projects:
- 8'th Reinforcement Learning on Hand Prosthesis
- 7'th RUD-PT: A Realistic Underwater Dataset with Pose Tracking
- 6'th Flow Optimisation in Matrix Production Systems
- 5'th Integration of AAU Smart Lab into Matrix Production using ACOPOS 6D
- 4'th Swarm Robotics using Echolocation for Search and Rescue in Buildings
- 3'rd Assistive Robotic Manipulator to Restore Upper Limb Functionality
- 2'nd Integration of Robot Cell in AAU Smart Lab
- 1'st 3D-modelling for virtual museum experience
Here are some of the things I've worked on as a student assistant:
Some of my other work:
| Portfolio : https://danidoro.github.io/ | Open Source Work : ▼ ▼ ▼