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DanTheMan827's Beat Saber Stuff

I made this because it's the next best thing to folders (which GitHub sadly lacks)

Popular repositories Loading

  1. Quest.NoPromo Quest.NoPromo Public

    A quest mod for beat saber to remove the promo banner.

    PowerShell 5

  2. Quest.DlcSorter Quest.DlcSorter Public

    A quest beat saber mod that sorts the DLC packs alphabetically.

    CMake 3

  3. Quest.FasterScrollQuest Quest.FasterScrollQuest Public

    Forked from christopherweinhardt/FasterScrollQuest

    Find your song faster with this customizable faster scrolling mod.

    PowerShell 2

  4. Quest.PlayerDataKeeper Quest.PlayerDataKeeper Public

    Forked from Metalit/PlayerDataKeeper

    PowerShell 1

  5. Quest.ClockMod Quest.ClockMod Public

    Forked from EnderdracheLP/ClockMod

    A Quest Beat Saber mod that displays the time in the menus.

    C++ 1

  6. Quest.ModList Quest.ModList Public

    Forked from Lauriethefish/ModList

    Quest Beat Saber mod that allows you to easily see which mods are loaded by going to the mod settings menu.

    C++ 1


Showing 10 of 43 repositories