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Reimplemented the GUC staff Portal for TAs using MERN stack

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GUC TA's Portal

login screenshot

  • To launch the server: npm /server/index.js
  • The server is listening to port 3000
  • for seeded data (some locations/departments/faculties/staff members) please uncomment "dummy.seedDB();" found in index.js, then run once then comment it back again after seeing the last message "Seeded TA successfully"
  • below has organized data related to our work



Functionality: log in the system Route: /login Request type: POST Request body:

  "gucId": "HR-1",
  "password": "123456"

Response: the token with some data ( first login and last login )


Functionality: log out the system Route: /logout Request type: POST

Response: "Logged out successfully"


Functionality: View their profile. Route: /staffMembers/profile Request type: GET

Response: the logged in person’s profile


Functionality: View their profile. Route: /staffMembers/profile Request type: PUT Request body:

    "gender": "male"

Response: "Profile Updated Successfully"


Functionality: a user can change his/her password Route: /staffMembers/changePassword Request type: PUT Request body:

  "oldPassword": "123456",
  "newPassword": "234567"

Response: "Password changed successfully"


Functionality: sign a staff member in the system Route: /staffMembers/signIn Request type: POST

Response: "Signed in Successfully"


Functionality: sign a staff member out the system Route: /staffMembers/signOut Request type: POST

Response: "Signed out Successfully"


Functionality: View all their attendance records, or they can specify exactly which month to view. Route: /attendance/viewAttendance Request type: GET Request body:

    "all": "all"

Response: AttendanceRecord Object of all his attendance records

    "month1": 5,
    "month2": 6

Response: Attendance Record Object of all the attendance records from 11.May till 10.June in this year


Functionality: View if they have missing days. Route: /attendance/viewMissingDays Request type: GET

Response: "3 days"


Functionality: View if they are having missing hours or extra hours. Route: /attendance/viewHours Request type: GET

Response: "Missing/extra hours: -7 hrs. 30 min."


Functionality: add a room to the system Route: /locations/location Request type: POST Request body:

    "type": "office",
     "location": "C6.302",
     "capacity": 25

Response: Created room objecct


Functionality: update a room to the system Route: /locations/location Request type: PUT Request body:

    "location": "C1.111",
    "type": "Lab",
    "newLocation": "C2.222",
    "capacity": "222"

Response: "Location Updated Successfully"


Functionality: delete an existing room to the system Route: /locations/deleteRoom Request type: POST Request body:

     "location": "C6.302",

Response: "Room deleted successfully" Note: upon deleting, any staff member with that location, the location will be set undefined


Functionality: get all rooms in the system Route: /locations/room/:num Request type: GET Parameters: all || room number Response: Array of rooms


Functionality: create a new faculty Route: /faculties/faculty Request type: POST Request body:

    "code": "test",
    "name": "Test Faculty"

Response: Created Faculty Object


Functionality: update a faculty Route: /faculties/faculty Request type: PUT Request body:

    "code": "test",
    "newName": "Test Faculty Updated"

Response: "Faculty updated successfully"


Functionality: delete a faculty Route: /faculties/faculty Request type: DELETE Request body:

    "code": "test"

Response: "Faculty Deleted successfully" note: upon deletion, any department under this faculty, its faculty is made undefined


Functionality: add a department to an existing faculty Route: /departments/department Request type: POST Request body:

	"facultyCode": "ENG",
    "depName": "Test dep with HOD",
   	"HOD": "AC-1"

Response: Created Department Object Note: HOD is optional while creation


Functionality: update a department to an existing faculty Route: /departments/department Request type: PUT Request body:

    "facultyCode": "ENG",
    "depName": "Test dep with HOD",
    "newFacultyCode": "LAW"

Response: "Department Updated Successfully"


Functionality: delete a department Route: /departments/department Request type: DELETE Request body:

    "facultyCode": "ENG",
    "depName": "Test dep with HOD"

Response: "Department Deleted successfully" note: upon deletion, any course under this department, its department is made undefined


Functionality: add a course to an existing department Route: /courses/course Request type: POST Request body:

    "facultyCode": "ENG",
    "departmentName": "MET",
    "courseName": "Tested Course"

Response: Created Course Object


Functionality: update a course Route: /courses/course Request type: PUT Request body:

    "facultyCode": "MNGT",
    "departmentName": "Business Informatics",
    "courseName": "Tested Course",
    "newName": "Tested Course Updated"

Response: "Course Updated Successfully"


Functionality: delete a course Route: /courses/course Request type: DELETE Request body:

    "facultyCode": "MNGT",
    "departmentName": "Business Informatics",
    "courseName": "Tested Course",

Response: "Course Deleted successfully"


Functionality: add a new staff member to the system Route: /staffMembers/staff Request type: POST Request body:

        "name": "Sarah", 
        "gender": "female", 
        "email":    "",
        "salary": 20000,
        "officeLocation": "A1.001",
        "type": "Academic Member",
        "role": "Teaching Assistant",
        "faculty": "ENG",
        "department": "MET",
        "dayOff": "Sunday"

Response: Created Staff Object


Functionality: update a new staff member to the system Route: /staffMembers/staff Request type: PUT Request body:

    "gucId": "AC-1",
    "faculty": "Eng",
    "department": "MET",
    "officeLocation": "A1.002"

Response: Updated Staff Object


Functionality: delete an existing staff member from the system Route: /staffMembers/staff Request type: DELETE Request body:

    "gucId": "AC-1",

Response: "Staff deleted successfully" Note: upon deletion, HOD of department is removed if it was this staff, CC of Course is removed if it was this staff, course coverage is updated, location capacity is updated


Functionality: Manually add a missing signin/sign out record of a staff member except for himself/herself. Route: /attendance/addMissingSignInOut Request type: PUT Request body:

    "day": "Friday",
    "number": 4

Response: "The missing sign in/out is added successfully"Note: The number in the body indicates the number of the added missing sign in/out.(i.e. If there are 4 sign in/out in that day, and there is missing sign in in 3rd record of that day, number should be 3 I that case).


Functionality: View any staff member attendance record. Route: /attendance/viewAttendance Request type: GET Request body:

    "id": "HR-3",
    "all": "all"

Response: AttendanceRecord Object of all the attendance records exists for HR-3

    "id": "HR-3",
    "month1": 5,
    "month2": 6

Response: AttendanceRecord Object of the attendance records for HR-3 from 11. May to 10. June


Functionality: View staff members with missing hours/days. Route: /attendance/viewStaffMissing Request type: GET

Response: Array of staffMember Object


Functionality: Update the salary of a staff member. Route: /staffMembers/updateSalary Request type: PUT Request body:

    "newSalary": 234

Response: “Salary is updated successfully to 234"


Functionality: Assign/delete/update a course instructor for each course in his department. Route: /departments/assignInstructor a. Assign a course instructor Request Type: POST Body: { "gucId": "AC-1", "name":"computer science" } Response: An object having a message of assigning the course, the course name, and the TA who will be assigned to that course. b. Delete a course instructor Request Type: DELETE Body: { "gucId": "AC-2", "name":"computer science" } Response: An object having a message of success/fail message of deletion. c. Update a course instructor Request Type: PUT Body: { "gucId": "AC-1", "newName":"computer science 1", "oldName":"computer science" } Response: An object having a success message of updating, the old course info, and the TA who will be assigned to the updated course.


Functionality: Request Type: GET 1- View all the staff in his/her department along with their profiles. Route: /departments/getAllStaffMembers Response: An array of the staff members in the department with their info. 2- View staff in his/her department per course along with their profiles. Route: /departments/getAllStaffMembers/:course Response: An array of the staff members in the department and in the same course specified with their info.


Functionality: Request Type: GET 1- View the day off of all the staff in his/her department. Route: /departments/viewDayOff Response: An array of staff IDs in the department along with their day off. 2- View the day off of a single staff in his/her department. Route: /departments/viewDayOff/:idStaff :idStaff -> some gucId of a staff member in the department to get his day off. Response: An array of staff IDs in the department along with his/her day off.


Functionality: View the coverage of each course in his/her department. Request Type: GET Route: /departments/viewCourseCoverage Response: An object containing the course name and its coverage.


Functionality: View teaching assignments (which staff members teach which slots) of course offered by his department. Route: /departments/viewTeachingAssignments/:course Request Type: GET Parameters: course: which represents the course name and shows the teaching assignments for this specific course. all: views all the courses teaching assignments. Response: Array of TAs, their courses and their assigned slots.

  1. View the coverage of course(s) he/she is assigned to Request: Path:/academicMember/courseInstructor/courseCoverage Method: GET Parameters: none Body: None Success Response Example StatusCode: 200
  "data": [
          "course_name": "Computer Science 1",
          "course_coverage": 50
          "course_name": "Computer Science 3",
          "course_coverage": 0
          "course_name": "Computer Science 1",
          "course_coverage": 50
          "course_name": "Computer Science 1",
          "course_coverage": 50
  1. View the slots’ assignment of course(s) he/she is assigned to Request: Path: /academicMember/courseInstructor/slotsAssignment Method: GET Parameters: none Body: None Success Response Example

StatusCode: 200

  "data": [
          "course_name": "Computer Science 1",
          "course_slots": [
                  "day": "Saturday",
                  "time": "8:15:00 AM",
                  "location": "No location is assigned yet"
                  "day": "Monday",
                  "time": "8:15:00 AM",
                  "location": "No location is assigned yet"
          "course_name": "Computer Science 3",
          "course_slots": []
          "course_name": "Computer Science 1",
          "course_slots": [
                  "day": "Saturday",
                  "time": "8:15:00 AM",
                  "location": "No location is assigned yet"
                  "day": "Monday",
                  "time": "8:15:00 AM",
                  "location": "No location is assigned yet"
          "course_name": "Computer Science 1",
          "course_slots": [
                  "day": "Saturday",
                  "time": "8:15:00 AM",
                  "location": "No location is assigned yet"
                  "day": "Monday",
                  "time": "8:15:00 AM",
                  "location": "No location is assigned yet"
  1. View all the staff in his/her department or per course along with their profiles. Request:

Path: /academicMember/courseInstructor/staffMembers/:courseName Method: GET Parameters: courseName: which is the name of the course and can also pass params "all" to view all staff members Body: None

Success Response Example

StatusCode: 200

  "data": [
          "gucId": "AC-1",
          "name": "Mohammed",
          "email": "",
          "dayOff": "Monday",
          "courses": [
              "Computer Science 1",
              "Computer Science 3",
              "Computer Science 1",
              "Computer Science 1"
          "officeLocation": "A1.003",
          "gender": "male"
          "gucId": "AC-5",
          "name": "Yahia",
          "email": "",
          "dayOff": "Saturday",
          "courses": [
              "Computer Science 1",
              "Computer Science 3"
          "officeLocation": "A1.001",
          "gender": "male"
          "gucId": "AC-6",
          "name": "Leen",
          "email": "",
          "dayOff": "Sunday",
          "courses": [
              "Computer Science 1",
              "Computer Science 3"
          "officeLocation": "A1.001",
          "gender": "female"
  1. Assign an academic member to an unassigned slots in course(s) he/she is assigned to


Path: /academicMember/courseInstructor/slotsAssignment Method: POST Parameters: none

  "gucId": "AC-1",
  "courseName": "Computer Science 1",
  "slot": {
    "day": "Saturday",
    "time": "10:00 AM"
Success Response Example

 StatusCode: 200
    "data": {
        "course": "Computer Science 1",
        "assignedTo": "Mohammed",
        "slot": {
            "day": "Saturday",
            "time": "10:00 AM"
  1. Update assignment of academic member in course(s) he/she is assigned to.


Path: /academicMember/courseInstructor/slotsAssignment Method: PUT Parameters: none Body:

  "gucId": "AC-1",
  "courseName": "Computer Science 1",
  "slot": {
    "day": "Saturday",
    "time": "10:00 AM"
Success Response Example

 StatusCode: 200
    "data": {
        "course": "Computer Science 1",
        "oldAC": "Mohammed",
        "newAC": "Mohammed",
        "slot": {
            "day": "Saturday",
            "time": "10:00 AM"
  1. Delete assignment of academic member in course(s) he/she is assigned to. Request:

Path: /academicMember/courseInstructor/slotsAssignment Method: DELETE Parameters: none Body:

  "gucId": "AC-1",
  "courseName": "Computer Science 1",
  "slot": {
    "day": "Saturday",
    "time": "10:00 AM"

Success Response Example

StatusCode: 200 Body:

   "data": {
       "course": "Computer Science 1",
       "slot": {
           "day": "Saturday",
           "time": "10:00 AM"
       "assignedTo": null
  1. Assign an academic member in each of his/her course(s) to be a course coordinator Request:

Path: /academicMember/courseInstructor/courseCoordinator Method: POST Parameters: None

Body: {
    "gucId": "AC-9",
    "courseName": "Computer Science 2"

Success Response Example

StatusCode: 200 Body:

    "data": {
        "courseName": "Computer Science 2",
        "courseCoordinator": "AhmedAshraf 8"



Functionality: Accept/reject “slot linking” requests from academic members linked to his/her course. Note that once a “slot linking” request is accepted, it should be automatically added to the sender’s schedule. Route: /requests/acceptRejectSlotLinking Request type: PUT Request body:


Response: "The slot-linking request is rejected successfully"

method:sendRequest functionalities: any staff member can send any type of those requests 'Replacement Request', 'Slot Request' , 'Change DayOff', 'Leave Request' leave request can be one out of 5 types Sick , Compensation , Annual , Maternity , Accidental methodType:post route: /requests/sendrequest

40- send replacement request


 "type":"Replacement Request",
"course":"Computer Science 4" 

41- * slot linking request*


 "type":"Slot Request",
"course":"Computer Science 4" 

42- * ChangeDayOff*


 "type": "Change DayOff", 

43- * Leave request*

hint:here you could have a reason or not Accidental


 "type":"Leave Request", 
"leaveType": "Accidental",

Compensation hint:you must have a reason


 "type":"Leave Request", 


Annual: hint:here you could have a reason or not and you can add more than one replacement you should include these lines in your header Accept : application/json, text/plain, Content-Type : application/json;charset=UTF-8


 "type":"Leave Request",
 "leaveType": "Annual", 
"courseName":"Computer Science 4"


sick leave:

 "type":"Leave Request",  
"leaveType": "Sick",
"document":"string . "



 "type":"Leave Request",
 "leaveType": "Maternity",
"document":"string . "

44 Notifications functionality: view all notification path:/requests/viewNotification for the following use /requests type:get

hint:all view methods are type get 45 View all Requests path/viewMyRequest

View Accepted or rejected or pending Requests path: /requests/viewMyRequeststatus/:status so you can use /requests/viewMyRequeststatus/accepted /requests/viewMyRequeststatus/pending /requests/viewMyRequeststatus/rejected

40-View Replacement Request or any type path: /requests/viewMyRequestType/:type so for replacement you can use /requests/viewMyRequestType/Replacement Request

View Received Replacement Request path: /requests/viewRecievedReplacementRequest

24 View all the requests “change day off/leave” sent by staff members in his/her department. FOR HOD path: /requests/viewRecievedRequest/:type so you can use /requests/viewRecievedRequest/Change DayOff /requests/viewRecievedRequest/Leave Request

36 View “slot linking” request(s) from academic members linked to his/her course FOR CC. path: /viewSlotRequest

46 cancel request requests/CancelRequest/:_id path: requests/CancelRequest/5fdfc73c306f274a93ea5fae type:delete

AcceptOrReject Requests all of them are type put accept or reject replacement path:/requests/AcceptOrRejectRep/:_id type:put body:




AcceptOrReject changeDayoff path:/AcceptOrRejectChangeDay/:_id body

  "accept_or_reject_request": true

AcceptOrReject leave Request path:/ AcceptOrRejectLeave/:_id body

  "accept_or_reject_request": true

Functionality: Add/update/delete course slot(s) in his/her course. Route: /slots/courseSlot a. Add: Request type: POST Request body:

    "day": "Saturday",
    "time": "14:45",
    "location": "C6.306"

Response: "The slot is added sucessfully" b. Delete: Request type: DELETE Request body:

    "day": "Saturday",
    "time": "14:45",
    "location": "C6.306"

Response: "The slot is deleted sucessfully" c. Update: Request type: PUT Request body:

    "dayOld": "Saturday",
    "timeOld": "14:45",
    "locationOld": "C6.306",
    "dayNew": "Sunday",
    "timeNew": "16:45",
    "locationNew": "C6.206",

Response: "The slots are updated sucessfully" 39. Functionality: View their schedule. Schedule should show teaching activities and replacements if present. Route: /staffMembers/viewMySchedule Request type: GET Response: Object contains the slots assigned


Reimplemented the GUC staff Portal for TAs using MERN stack






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