- Retrieve All Information
- Retrieve All Cards
- Retrieve All Cards in a Minor Acana Symbol
- Retrieve a Single Card From Major Arcana
- Retrieve a Single Card From Minor Arcana
- Retrieve All Cards by Element
- Retrieve Minor or Major Arcana Cards by Element
- Retrieve All Astrology Modality
- Retrieve a Single Astrology Modality
- Retrieve All Zodiac Sign Information
- Retrieve Zodiac Sign Information
- Retrieve All Element Information
- Retrieve Element Information
Retrieves all the information the API has to offer.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
GET https://dajeki.github.io/tarot-api/all.json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json
"element": {
"fire": {
"minor": "Wands",
"gender": "masculine",
"colors": [
"zodiac": [
"animals": "reptiles, insects, lizards",
"expression": "I do",
"attribute": "power of vitality",
"meaning": "passion, creativity, lifeforce, growth, sexuality, humor, anger, spirituality, energy, motivation"
// earth | air | water
"zodiac": {
"Cancer": {
"element": "water",
"nature": "security",
"astrologyModality": "cardinal",
"rulingBodyModern": "Moon",
"rulingBodyTraditional": null
// zodiac sign
"courtElementalCorrespondence": {
"page": {
"element": "earth",
"meaning": "inexperience, desires stability"
// knight | queen | king
"astrologyModality": {
"cardinal": {
"card": "queen",
"attribute": "signs that begin seasons",
"meaning": "initiators, self-starters, assertive, decisive and sometimes aggressive",
"fire": {
"zodiac": "Aries",
"season": "spring"
"earth": {
"air": {
"water": {
// fixed | mutable
"card": {
//...Major Arcana Cards,
"The Fool": {
"id": 0,
"upright": "innocence, new beginnings, free spirit",
"reversed": "recklessness, taken advantage of, inconsideration",
"first_element": "aether",
"second_element": "air"
//...Minor Arcana Cards
"Ace of Wands": {
"id": 22,
"upright": "creation, willpower, inspiration, desire",
"reversed": "lack of energy, lack of passion, boredom",
"first_element": "fire",
"second_element": null
"Three of Cups": {
"Page of Swords": {
Name | Type | Description |
element | object | Information about the element like color, minor arcana, or zodiac signs. |
zodiac | object | Information about zodiac sign like element, ruling celestial body, or nature. |
courtElementalCorrespondence | object | Court cards secondary element and sub meaning. |
astrologyModality | object | Information that relates season timing, elements, and zodiac signs to meaning. |
card | object | Tarot card information like id, meaning, and element. |
Retrieve all the cards or all the cards in either the major or minor arcana
Name | Type | Required | Description |
arcana | string | no | Can be either minor or major to denote what arcana you would like to get all of the cards from. |
GET https://dajeki.github.io/tarot-api/card/all.json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json
//...major arcana cards,
"The Fool": {
"id": 0,
"upright": "innocence, new beginnings, free spirit",
"reversed": "recklessness, taken advantage of, inconsideration",
"first_element": "aether",
"second_element": "air"
//...minor arcana cards
"Ace of Wands": {
"id": 22,
"upright": "creation, willpower, inspiration, desire",
"reversed": "lack of energy, lack of passion, boredom",
"first_element": "fire",
"second_element": null
"Three of Cups": {
"Page of Swords": {
"id": 60,
"upright": "curiosity, restlessness, mental energy",
"reversed": "deception, manipulation, all talk",
"first_element": "air",
"second_element": "earth"
Name | Type | Description |
{cardName} | object | Information about the card. Will be accessed by the name of the card |
{cardName}.id | number | Number of the card in a tarot deck. |
{cardName}.upright | string | Meaning of card in the upright position. |
{cardName}.reversed | string | Meaning of card in the downward position |
{cardName}.first_element | string | Main elemental alignment of the card |
{cardName}.second_element | string | Secondary elemental alignment of the card |
Retrieve all the cards for the minor arcana symbol.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
symbol | string | yes | One of the four tarot symbols sword, pentacle, wand, cup |
GET https://dajeki.github.io/tarot-api/card/pentacle/all.json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json
"Ace of Pentacles": {
"id": 64,
"upright": "opportunity, prosperity, new venture",
"reversed": "lost opportunity, missed chance, bad investment",
"first_element": "earth",
"second_element": null
"Two of Pentacles": {
"id": 65,
"upright": "balancing decisions, priorities, adapting to change",
"reversed": "loss of balance, disorganized, overwhelmed",
"first_element": "earth",
"second_element": null
"Three of Pentacles": {
"id": 66,
"upright": "teamwork, collaboration, building",
"reversed": "lack of teamwork, disorganized, group conflict",
"first_element": "earth",
"second_element": null
"Four of Pentacles": {
"id": 67,
"upright": "conservation, frugality, security",
"reversed": "greediness, stinginess, possessiveness",
"first_element": "earth",
"second_element": null
// rest of the pentacles
Name | Type | Description |
{cardName} | object | Information about the card. Will be accessed by the name of the card |
{cardName}.id | number | Number of the card in a tarot deck. |
{cardName}.upright | string | Meaning of card in the upright position. |
{cardName}.reversed | string | Meaning of card in the downward position |
{cardName}.first_element | string | Main elemental alignment of the card |
{cardName}.second_element | string | Secondary elemental alignment of the card |
Retrieve a single major arcana card
Name | Type | Required | Description |
cardName | string | yes | Name of the major arcana card all lowercase and with underscores |
GET https://dajeki.github.io/tarot-api/card/major/wheel_of_fortune.json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json
"id": 10,
"upright": "change, cycles, inevitable fate",
"reversed": "no control, clinging to control, bad luck",
"first_element": "aether",
"second_element": "fire"
Name | Type | Description |
id | number | Number of the card in a tarot deck. |
upright | string | Meaning of card in the upright position. |
reversed | string | Meaning of card in the downward position |
first_element | string | Main elemental alignment of the card |
second_element | string | Secondary elemental alignment of the card |
Retrieve a single minor arcana card
Name | Type | Required | Description |
symbol | string | yes | One of the four tarot symbols sword, pentacle, wand, cup |
cardNumber | number | yes | number of the card in its suit. 1 for ace and 14 for king |
GET https://dajeki.github.io/tarot-api/card/minor/sword/11.json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json
"id": 60,
"upright": "curiosity, restlessness, mental energy",
"reversed": "deception, manipulation, all talk",
"first_element": "air",
"second_element": "earth"
Name | Type | Description |
id | number | Number of the card in a tarot deck. |
upright | string | Meaning of card in the upright position. |
reversed | string | Meaning of card in the downward position |
first_element | string | Main elemental alignment of the card |
second_element | string | Secondary elemental alignment of the card |
Retrieve all the cards for the minor arcana symbol.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
element | string | yes | One of the four elements |
GET https://dajeki.github.io/tarot-api/card/element/fire/all.json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json
"The Emperor": {
"id": 4,
"upright": "authority, structure, control, fatherhood",
"reversed": "tyranny, rigidity, coldness",
"first_element": "aether",
"second_element": "fire"
"Strength": {
"id": 8,
"upright": "inner strength, bravery, compassion, focus",
"reversed": "self doubt, weakness, insecurity",
"first_element": "aether",
"second_element": "fire"
"Knight of Pentacles": {
"id": 75,
"upright": "efficiency, hard work, responsibility",
"reversed": "laziness, obsessiveness, work without reward",
"first_element": "earth",
"second_element": "fire"
"Two of Wands": {
"id": 23,
"upright": "planning, making decisions, leaving home",
"reversed": "fear of change, playing safe, bad planning",
"first_element": "fire",
"second_element": null
// rest of cards with a fire element
Name | Type | Description |
{cardName} | object | Information about the card. Will be accessed by the name of the card |
{cardName}.id | number | Number of the card in a tarot deck. |
{cardName}.upright | string | Meaning of card in the upright position. |
{cardName}.reversed | string | Meaning of card in the downward position |
{cardName}.first_element | string | Main elemental alignment of the card |
{cardName}.second_element | string | Secondary elemental alignment of the card |
Retrieve all the cards for the minor arcana symbol.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
element | string | yes | One of the four elements |
arcana | string | no | Can be either minor or major to denote what arcana you would like to get cards from. |
GET https://dajeki.github.io/tarot-api/card/element/fire/major.json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json
"The Emperor": {
"id": 4,
"upright": "authority, structure, control, fatherhood",
"reversed": "tyranny, rigidity, coldness",
"first_element": "aether",
"second_element": "fire"
"Strength": {
"id": 8,
"upright": "inner strength, bravery, compassion, focus",
"reversed": "self doubt, weakness, insecurity",
"first_element": "aether",
"second_element": "fire"
"Wheel of Fortune": {
"id": 10,
"upright": "change, cycles, inevitable fate",
"reversed": "no control, clinging to control, bad luck",
"first_element": "aether",
"second_element": "fire"
"Temperance": {
"id": 14,
"upright": "middle path, patience, finding meaning",
"reversed": "extremes, excess, lack of balance",
"first_element": "aether",
"second_element": "fire"
// rest of major arcana cards with a fire element
Name | Type | Description |
{cardName} | object | Information about the card. Will be accessed by the name of the card |
{cardName}.id | number | Number of the card in a tarot deck. |
{cardName}.upright | string | Meaning of card in the upright position. |
{cardName}.reversed | string | Meaning of card in the downward position |
{cardName}.first_element | string | Main elemental alignment of the card |
{cardName}.second_element | string | Secondary elemental alignment of the card |
Retrieve all astrology modal
Name | Type | Required | Description |
N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
GET https://dajeki.github.io/tarot-api/astrologyModality/all.json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json
"cardinal": {
"card": "queen",
"attribute": "signs that begin seasons",
"meaning": "initiators, self-starters, assertive, decisive and sometimes aggressive",
"fire": {
"zodiac": "Aries",
"season": "spring"
"earth": {
"zodiac": "Capricorn",
"season": "winter"
"air": {
"zodiac": "Libra",
"season": "fall"
"water": {
"zodiac": "Cancer",
"season": "summer"
"fixed": {
//fixed information
"mutable": {
//mutable information
Name | Type | Description |
{astrologyModality} | object | Information about the modality between seasons, zodiacs, and court cards |
{astrologyModality}.card | string | Card that aligns with the modality |
{astrologyModality}.attribute | string | Attribute related to the time of the season |
{astrologyModality}.meaning | string | Meaning of modality |
{element} | object | elements related to the cardinal |
{element}.zodiac | "string" | Zodiac sign for the particular element in the particular modality |
{element}.season | "string" | Season related to the particular element within the particular modality |
Retrieve an astrology modal
Name | Type | Required | Description |
modality | string | yes | One of the three modalities available. cardinal, fixed, mutable |
GET https://dajeki.github.io/tarot-api/astrologyModality/cardinal.json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json
"card": "queen",
"attribute": "signs that begin seasons",
"meaning": "initiators, self-starters, assertive, decisive and sometimes aggressive",
"fire": {
"zodiac": "Aries",
"season": "spring"
"earth": {
"zodiac": "Capricorn",
"season": "winter"
"air": {
"zodiac": "Libra",
"season": "fall"
"water": {
"zodiac": "Cancer",
"season": "summer"
Name | Type | Description |
card | string | Card that aligns with the modality |
attribute | string | Attribute related to the time of the season |
meaning | string | Meaning of modality |
{element} | object | elements related to the cardinal |
{element}.zodiac | "string" | Zodiac sign for the particular element in the particular modality |
{element}.season | "string" | Season related to the particular element within the particular modality |
Retrieve an astrology modal
Name | Type | Required | Description |
N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
GET https://dajeki.github.io/tarot-api/zodiac/all.json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json
"Cancer": {
"element": "water",
"nature": "security",
"astrologyModality": "cardinal",
"rulingBodyModern": "Moon",
"rulingBodyTraditional": null
"Scorpio": {
"element": "water",
"nature": "power",
"astrologyModality": "fixed",
"rulingBodyModern": "Pluto",
"rulingBodyTraditional": "Mars"
"Pisces": {
"element": "water",
"nature": "connection",
"astrologyModality": "mutable",
"rulingBodyModern": "Neptune",
"rulingBodyTraditional": "Jupiter"
// rest of zodiac signs
Name | Type | Description |
{zodiacSign} | object | Name of the zodiac sign |
{zodiacSign}.element | string | One of the four elements |
{zodiacSign}.nature | string | nature of the zodiac sign |
{zodiacSign}.astrologyModality | string | One of the three astrology modalities |
{zodiacSign}.rulingBodyModern | string | Ruling celestial body according to modern idea |
{zodiacSign}.rulingBodyTraditional | "string" | Ruling celestial body according to traditional idea |
Retrieve an astrology modal
Name | Type | Required | Description |
sign | string | yes | Sign in the zodiac |
GET https://dajeki.github.io/tarot-api/zodiac/aquarius.json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json
"element": "air",
"nature": "innovation",
"astrologyModality": "fixed",
"rulingBodyModern": "Uranus",
"rulingBodyTraditional": "Saturn"
Name | Type | Description |
element | string | One of the four elements |
nature | string | nature of the zodiac sign |
astrologyModality | string | One of the three astrology modalities |
rulingBodyModern | string | Ruling celestial body according to modern idea |
rulingBodyTraditional | "string" | Ruling celestial body according to traditional idea |
Retrieve an astrology modal
Name | Type | Required | Description |
N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
GET https://dajeki.github.io/tarot-api/element/all.json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json
"fire": {
"minor": "Wands",
"gender": "masculine",
"colors": [
"zodiac": [
"animals": "reptiles, insects, lizards",
"expression": "I do",
"attribute": "power of vitality",
"meaning": "passion, creativity, lifeforce, growth, sexuality, humor, anger, spirituality, energy, motivation"
"earth": {
// element information
// other elements
Name | Type | Description |
{element} | string | One of the four elements |
{element}.minor | string | Minor arcana symbol |
{element}.colors | string[] | Array of colors |
{element}.zodiac | string[] | Zodiac signs associated with the element |
{element}.animals | string | Animals associated with the element |
{element}.expression | string | Element personal expression |
{element}.attribute | string | Elemental personal attribute |
{element}.meaning | string | Elemental meaning |
Retrieve an astrology modal
Name | Type | Required | Description |
element | string | yes | One of the four elements |
GET https://dajeki.github.io/tarot-api/element/fire.json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json
"minor": "Wands",
"gender": "masculine",
"colors": [
"zodiac": [
"animals": "reptiles, insects, lizards",
"expression": "I do",
"attribute": "power of vitality",
"meaning": "passion, creativity, lifeforce, growth, sexuality, humor, anger, spirituality, energy, motivation"
Name | Type | Description |
minor | string | Minor arcana symbol |
colors | string[] | Array of colors |
zodiac | string[] | Zodiac signs associated with the element |
animals | string | Animals associated with the element |
expression | string | Element personal expression |
attribute | string | Elemental personal attribute |
meaning | string | Elemental meaning |