Get An Free foreign hosts through GitHub Action [doge]
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Collie-Trickster introduction
Collie Trickster officially changed her name to Trickster Our goal is to free access usable machines of various types It's not installed anymore, 👴 Showdown, 👴 I just want to use machines for free
When encountering a rebound shell, do you find that VPS has expired again?
Want to test something bad, but don't have a virtual machine at hand? Do I need to take a snapshot to protect myself when running a virtual machine?
I really want a temporarily available host at this time, so I can discard it without the need for further management.
Trickster is based on the Collie management platform and Github Action trigger, allowing you to make a curl request and immediately obtain a temporary host.
# About Risk
The wise once said, there is no free lunch in the world, and what is free is often the most expensive. This project involves utilizing various resources and methods to gather as much wool as possible. Your account is a valuable asset that belongs to you personally. Rich Brother and Hao Bao Party can ignore this item.
- Assistant to manage the pasture cloud manager registered in glaciers
- Point abduction of the main machinery
- Acquisition of glaciers The end parameter of url is your glacier sign.
- fork into your own accounts You can automatically contact the CI yourself.
- Production of github token Reference [Github Token]( (b) The creation of a sign as a witness;
- Request for interviews
Here is an example of a curl request that can be sent to quickly launch a host.
curl \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_GITHUB_ACTION>"\
-H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \<YOUR_GITHUB_USER_NAME>/<YOUR_GITHUB_REPOS>/actions/workflows/<YOUR_CI_FILE>/dispatches \
-d '{"ref":"main","inputs":{"token":"<YOUR_TOKEN>","type": "linux"}'
Among them:
- <YOU_ GITHUB_ Action>: Token authentication for github configuration
- <YOU_ GITHUB_ USER_ Name>: Your GitHub account name
- <YOU_ CI_ File>: The script to be executed is a file in the directory '. github/workflows/', such as' github '_ Linux_ Ubuntu. yaml ` indicates that this request is for a Linux type ubuntu host from GitHub to be launched
- <YOU_ GITHUB_ REPOS>: The warehouse name of your fork, usually just write 'Trickster' directly for the fork.
- <YOU_ The Token generated by Changting Mu Cloud Host Assistant.
In this way, for each request initiated, a CI will be executed. Successfully launched a host.
If you have any more interesting ideas or suggestions, Welcome to submit an Issue/Pr.
If you have a better solution for free hosting and would like to share it with more friends, please submit ISSUE
If you have a certain level of CI development ability, you are also welcome to submit a PR directly and add the corresponding CI resources in '. github/workflows'.
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