The DTOcean Database is a PostgreSQL database for storing persistent data, such as ocean energy converter (OEC) designs, metocean observations for sites, and reference data for electrical, mooring and foundations components, ports, vessels, etc.
The database backup stored in this repository contains free to use examples of OECs, sites, and reference data.
See for the latest documentation.
A "zip" file containing the database backup and installation instructions, can be found on the Releases page of this repository.
The database schema is stored in the repository as schema.sql
The database is designed for use with the DTOcean suite of tools. Please go to one of the following pages for further information:
See the "Getting Started 2: Example Database" chapter of the DTOcean documentation for an example.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
See this blog post for information regarding development of the DTOcean ecosystem.
This database was initially created as part of the EU DTOcean project by:
- Chris O’Donoghue at University College Cork
- Mathew Topper at TECNALIA
- David Bould at the University of Edinburgh
It is now maintained by Mathew Topper at Data Only Greater.
Gratitude is given to Sandia National Labs for their help updating the example data. All new data was acquired from public sources.