This repositorys stores code for the DPNetwork project. DPNetwork detects malicous network flows using Joy and the UNSW-NB15( and USTC-TFC2016( datasets. By anlyzing bidirectional network flow statistics, DPNetwork enables The DPNetwork incorporates differential privacy through an prepended autoencoder. By then making use of the bounded output stablility property of differential privacy, this project enables robust detection of malicious flows and protects agains carefully designed adversarial example attacks.
This project is programmed in tensorflow using SMOTE, sklearn, and scipy for data analysis. The library cleverhans is used to perform and generate adversarial examples against the given networks.
The models trained include a 4-layer convolutional neural network and a 18-layer RESNET ensemble.
Use joy in order to process pcap and retreive bidirectional flows and then use preprocessing files in order to retreive files in correct machine learning format
bin/joy bidir=1 ppi=1 http=1 tls=1 dns=1 output=cridex.json cridex.pcap
Run autoencoder file with a specified SCALE and SCALE-STRING to get an autoencoder to prepend against model that is the used to learn malicious from benign flows.