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Smarty Workspace

Build Test

This is the basic ros2 workspace for the Smarty project. It contains useful setups and configurations for the project.


  • .vscode/: Contains the vscode settings and configurations for the workspace
    • c_cpp_properties.json: Contains the c/c++ properties for the workspace
    • extensions.json: Contains the list of extensions to install
    • launch.json: Contains the launch configurations for the workspace
    • settings.json: Contains the settings for the workspace
    • tasks.json: Contains the tasks for the workspace
  • scripts/: Contains useful scripts for the workspace
    • Build script for the workspace
    • Install script for the ros dependencies
    • Test script for the ros packages
  • src/: Contains the source code for the project (clone here the ros2 packages)
    • smarty_utils/: Contains the utility packages for the project (after setup available)
    • camera_preprocessing/: Contains the camera preprocessing package for the project (after setup available)
    • ... other packages
  • .gitignore: Gitignore file for the workspace (ignores the build and install folders)
  • .pre-commit-config.yaml: Configuration file for the pre-commit hooks
  • default.repos: Default repos file for the vcs tool (clones the base packages)
  • LICENSE: License file
  • This file
  • Setup script for the workspace


The setup is divided into two parts:

  1. Setup repository and workspace
  2. Setup VSCode

1. Setup repository and workspace

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Run the setup script
#If not activated:
pyenv  activate default # or your private environment
pip install -r requirements.txt

This script clones the base packages and installs the dependencies. Currently, the following packages are cloned:

Furthermore, the pre-commit hooks are installed. More about the pre-commit hooks can be found here.

2. Setup VSCode

  1. Install the recommended extensions:
cd <path/to/smarty_workspace>
  1. Open the workspace in VSCode and check if the extensions are installed.
  2. If the extensions are not installed, install them manually:
    1. Open the extensions tab in VSCode
    2. Search for @recommended and install all workspace recommendations
    3. Reload the workspace
    4. Check if the extensions are installed


Open the folder in VSCode and start developing. The workspace is configured to use the pre-commit hooks. This means that the code is checked before committing. If the code is not compliant with the rules, the commit is rejected and the files are changed accordingly. We use the following pre-commit hooks:

  • black: Code formatter for python to have a consistent code style
  • flake8: Linter for python to check the code for errors and style
  • pep257: Linter for python to check the docstrings (we use the pydocstyle formatter)
  • isort: Import sorter for python to have a consistent import order
  • check-yaml: Linter for yaml files to check the syntax
  • end-of-file-fixer: Linter to check if the files end with a newline
  • trailing-whitespace: Linter to check for trailing whitespaces

To run the pre-commit hooks manually, use the following command:

pre-commit run --all-files

To run the tests, use the following command:


To build the workspace, use the following command:


To install the dependencies, use the following command:


To run the setup script again, use the following command:

./ -f # Force the copy of the .pre-commit-config.yaml file


Please create a pull request for any changes you want to make:

  • Fork the repository
  • Create a new branch
  • Make your changes
  • Commit your changes
  • Push your changes
  • Create a pull request

It is welcome to create issues for any bugs or feature requests and required to use the pre-commit hooks.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.