DCOR-Aid 0.14.1
DCOR-Aid 0.14.1 makes uploads faster by uploading individual files directly to S3 instead of inefficiently piping them through the DCOR server (nginx -> uwsgi -> S3). Note that this new upload implementation is currently only possible with dcor-dev.mpl.mpg.de and dcor.mpl.mpg.de, and it is scheduled to arrive in dcor-colab.mpl.mpg.de by the end of April.
- setup: fix build pipeline (remove editable install)
- feat: support new DCOR API for uploading data directly to S3
- feat: perform faster ETag verification instead of SHA256 summing
- enh: add api.errors.APIBadRequest error class
- enh: speed-up resource download by computing SHA256 while downloading
- enh: improve logging
- setup: bump dclab from 0.57.0 to 0.58.5
- setup: migrate from setup.py to pyproject.toml