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DANS Data Station Architecture


This module is a component in the DANS Data Station Architecture.

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+ * Wrap inline code samples otherwise they shoot of the side and + * can't be read at all. + * + * https://github.com/mkdocs/mkdocs/issues/313 + * https://github.com/mkdocs/mkdocs/issues/233 + * https://github.com/mkdocs/mkdocs/issues/834 + */ +.rst-content code { + white-space: pre-wrap; + word-wrap: break-word; + padding: 2px 5px; +} + +/** + * Make code blocks display as blocks and give them the appropriate + * font size and padding. + * + * https://github.com/mkdocs/mkdocs/issues/855 + * https://github.com/mkdocs/mkdocs/issues/834 + * https://github.com/mkdocs/mkdocs/issues/233 + */ +.rst-content pre code { + white-space: pre; + word-wrap: normal; + display: block; + padding: 12px; + font-size: 12px; +} + +/** + * Fix code colors + * + * https://github.com/mkdocs/mkdocs/issues/2027 + */ +.rst-content code { + color: #E74C3C; +} + +.rst-content pre code { + color: #000; + background: #f8f8f8; +} + +/* + * Fix link colors when the link text is inline code. + * + * 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Without and highlighting styles attached the + * formatting is broken. + * + * https://github.com/mkdocs/mkdocs/issues/319 + */ +.rst-content .no-highlight { + display: block; + padding: 0.5em; + color: #333; +} + + +/* + * Additions specific to the search functionality provided by MkDocs + */ + +.search-results { + margin-top: 23px; +} + +.search-results article { + border-top: 1px solid #E1E4E5; + padding-top: 24px; +} + +.search-results article:first-child { + border-top: none; +} + +form .search-query { + width: 100%; + border-radius: 50px; + padding: 6px 12px; /* csslint allow: box-model */ + border-color: #D1D4D5; +} + +/* + * Improve inline code blocks within admonitions. + * + * https://github.com/mkdocs/mkdocs/issues/656 + */ + .rst-content .admonition code { + color: #404040; + border: 1px solid #c7c9cb; + border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); + background: #f8fbfd; + background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7); +} + +/* + * Account for wide tables which go off the side. + * Override borders to avoid weirdness on narrow tables. + * + * https://github.com/mkdocs/mkdocs/issues/834 + * https://github.com/mkdocs/mkdocs/pull/1034 + */ +.rst-content .section .docutils { + width: 100%; + overflow: auto; + display: block; + border: none; +} + +td, th { + border: 1px solid #e1e4e5 !important; /* csslint allow: important */ + border-collapse: collapse; +} + +/* + * Without the following amendments, the navigation in the theme will be + * slightly cut off. This is due to the fact that the .wy-nav-side has a + * padding-bottom of 2em, which must not necessarily align with the font-size of + * 90 % on the .rst-current-version container, combined with the padding of 12px + * above and below. These amendments fix this in two steps: First, make sure the + * .rst-current-version container has a fixed height of 40px, achieved using + * line-height, and then applying a padding-bottom of 40px to this container. In + * a second step, the items within that container are re-aligned using flexbox. + * + * https://github.com/mkdocs/mkdocs/issues/2012 + */ + .wy-nav-side { + padding-bottom: 40px; +} + +/* + * The second step of above amendment: Here we make sure the items are aligned + * correctly within the .rst-current-version container. Using flexbox, we + * achieve it in such a way that it will look like the following: + * + * [No repo_name] + * Next >> // On the first page + * << Previous Next >> // On all subsequent pages + * + * [With repo_name] + * Next >> // On the first page + * << Previous Next >> // On all subsequent pages + * + * https://github.com/mkdocs/mkdocs/issues/2012 + */ +.rst-versions .rst-current-version { + padding: 0 12px; + display: flex; + font-size: initial; + justify-content: space-between; + align-items: center; + line-height: 40px; +} + +/* + * Please note that this amendment also involves removing certain inline-styles + * from the file ./mkdocs/themes/readthedocs/versions.html. + * + * https://github.com/mkdocs/mkdocs/issues/2012 + */ +.rst-current-version span { + flex: 1; + text-align: center; +} diff --git a/examples/index.html b/examples/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7f89f49 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,169 @@ + + + + + + + + Examples - dans-java-utils + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +

Code Examples




In the configuration class of your DropWizard project, declare a field for configuring the executor. If your executor +will process jobs, you could name it jobQueue

public class MyAppConfiguration extends Configuration {
+    private ExecutorServiceFactory jobQueue;
+    public void setJobQueue(ExecutorServiceFactory jobQueue)
+        this.jobQueue = jobQueue;
+    }
+    public ExecutorServiceFactory getJobQueue()
+        return jobQueue;
+    }
+// ...

In the configuration file you can now configure the jobQueue as follows:

+    nameFormat: "job-queue-thread-%d"
+    maxQueueSize: 4
+    # Number of threads will be increased when maxQueueSize is exceeded.
+    minThreads: 2
+    # No more than maxThreads will be created though
+    maxThreads: 10
+    # Threads will die after 60 seconds of idleness
+    keepAliveTime: 60 seconds

In your Application class' run method you can finally create the actual executor:

// inside run()
+ExecutorService executor = configuration.getJobQueue().build(environment);

and pass it to the resources or other components that need to use it.

+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + « Previous + + + Next » + + +
+ + + + + + + + diff --git a/img/favicon.ico b/img/favicon.ico new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e85006a Binary files /dev/null and b/img/favicon.ico differ diff --git a/index.html b/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..056c892 --- /dev/null +++ b/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,169 @@ + + + + + + + + dans-java-utils + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +



Library with utility classes and functions for DANS projects.






To use this library in a Maven-based project:

  1. +

    Include in your pom.xml a declaration for the DANS maven repository:

    +    <!-- possibly other repository declarations here ... -->
    +    <repository>
    +        <id>DANS</id>
    +        <releases>
    +            <enabled>true</enabled>
    +        </releases>
    +        <url>https://maven.dans.knaw.nl/releases/</url>
    +    </repository>
    + +
  2. +
  3. +

    Include a dependency on this library.

    +    <groupId>nl.knaw.dans</groupId>
    +    <artifactId>dans-java-utils</artifactId>
    +    <version>{version}</version> <!-- <=== FILL LIBRARY VERSION TO USE HERE -->
    + +
  4. +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + + Next » + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/javadocs/allclasses-index.html b/javadocs/allclasses-index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7869a0d --- /dev/null +++ b/javadocs/allclasses-index.html @@ -0,0 +1,130 @@ + + + + +All Classes and Interfaces (DANS Java Utility Classes 1.2.2-SNAPSHOT API) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +

All Classes and Interfaces

AbstractCommandLineApp<C extends io.dropwizard.core.Configuration>
+ +
Builder for creating a client proxy for an API endpoint.
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
DefaultConfigConfiguredCommand<T extends io.dropwizard.core.Configuration>
DefaultConfigEnvironmentCommand<T extends io.dropwizard.core.Configuration>
+ +
A filter that sets the default media type if the client accepts any media type.
+ +
Factory for configuring and creating an ExecutorService in a DropWizard application.
+ +
An inbox is a directory that is monitored for new files.
+ +
+ +
The integration tests mess up the logging facilities for the unit tests, so we run the integration tests after the unit test This requires every integration test to end with "IntegrationTest"
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
Picocli version provider, that reads the version from the manifest file.
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + diff --git a/javadocs/allpackages-index.html b/javadocs/allpackages-index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..382be88 --- /dev/null +++ b/javadocs/allpackages-index.html @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ + + + + +All Packages (DANS Java Utility Classes 1.2.2-SNAPSHOT API) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +

All Packages

Package Summary
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + diff --git a/javadocs/deprecated-list.html b/javadocs/deprecated-list.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..86bca46 --- /dev/null +++ b/javadocs/deprecated-list.html @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ + + + + +Deprecated List (DANS Java Utility Classes 1.2.2-SNAPSHOT API) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +

Deprecated API



+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + diff --git a/javadocs/element-list b/javadocs/element-list new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e6d948b --- /dev/null +++ b/javadocs/element-list @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +nl.knaw.dans.lib.util +nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.inbox diff --git a/javadocs/help-doc.html b/javadocs/help-doc.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ce6a863 --- /dev/null +++ b/javadocs/help-doc.html @@ -0,0 +1,192 @@ + + + + +API Help (DANS Java Utility Classes 1.2.2-SNAPSHOT API) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +

JavaDoc Help

+ +


+Starting from the Overview page, you can browse the documentation using the links in each page, and in the navigation bar at the top of each page. The Index and Search box allow you to navigate to specific declarations and summary pages, including: All Packages, All Classes and Interfaces + +

Kinds of Pages

+The following sections describe the different kinds of pages in this collection. +



The Overview page is the front page of this API document and provides a list of all packages with a summary for each. This page can also contain an overall description of the set of packages.




Each package has a page that contains a list of its classes and interfaces, with a summary for each. These pages may contain the following categories:

  • Interfaces
  • +
  • Classes
  • +
  • Enum Classes
  • +
  • Exceptions
  • +
  • Errors
  • +
  • Annotation Interfaces
  • +

Class or Interface


Each class, interface, nested class and nested interface has its own separate page. Each of these pages has three sections consisting of a declaration and description, member summary tables, and detailed member descriptions. Entries in each of these sections are omitted if they are empty or not applicable.

  • Class Inheritance Diagram
  • +
  • Direct Subclasses
  • +
  • All Known Subinterfaces
  • +
  • All Known Implementing Classes
  • +
  • Class or Interface Declaration
  • +
  • Class or Interface Description
  • +
  • Nested Class Summary
  • +
  • Enum Constant Summary
  • +
  • Field Summary
  • +
  • Property Summary
  • +
  • Constructor Summary
  • +
  • Method Summary
  • +
  • Required Element Summary
  • +
  • Optional Element Summary
  • +
  • Enum Constant Details
  • +
  • Field Details
  • +
  • Property Details
  • +
  • Constructor Details
  • +
  • Method Details
  • +
  • Element Details
  • +

Note: Annotation interfaces have required and optional elements, but not methods. Only enum classes have enum constants. The components of a record class are displayed as part of the declaration of the record class. Properties are a feature of JavaFX.


The summary entries are alphabetical, while the detailed descriptions are in the order they appear in the source code. This preserves the logical groupings established by the programmer.


Other Files


Packages and modules may contain pages with additional information related to the declarations nearby.




Each documented package, class and interface has its own Use page. This page describes what packages, classes, methods, constructors and fields use any part of the given class or package. Given a class or interface A, its Use page includes subclasses of A, fields declared as A, methods that return A, and methods and constructors with parameters of type A. You can access this page by first going to the package, class or interface, then clicking on the USE link in the navigation bar.


Tree (Class Hierarchy)


There is a Class Hierarchy page for all packages, plus a hierarchy for each package. Each hierarchy page contains a list of classes and a list of interfaces. Classes are organized by inheritance structure starting with java.lang.Object. Interfaces do not inherit from java.lang.Object.

  • When viewing the Overview page, clicking on TREE displays the hierarchy for all packages.
  • +
  • When viewing a particular package, class or interface page, clicking on TREE displays the hierarchy for only that package.
  • +

Deprecated API


The Deprecated API page lists all of the API that have been deprecated. A deprecated API is not recommended for use, generally due to shortcomings, and a replacement API is usually given. Deprecated APIs may be removed in future implementations.


All Packages


The All Packages page contains an alphabetic index of all packages contained in the documentation.


All Classes and Interfaces


The All Classes and Interfaces page contains an alphabetic index of all classes and interfaces contained in the documentation, including annotation interfaces, enum classes, and record classes.




The Index contains an alphabetic index of all classes, interfaces, constructors, methods, and fields in the documentation, as well as summary pages such as All Packages, All Classes and Interfaces.

+This help file applies to API documentation generated by the standard doclet.
+ +
+ + diff --git a/javadocs/index-all.html b/javadocs/index-all.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8bf052a --- /dev/null +++ b/javadocs/index-all.html @@ -0,0 +1,377 @@ + + + + +Index (DANS Java Utility Classes 1.2.2-SNAPSHOT API) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +


+A B C D E F G H I L M N O P R S T U Z 
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages +


AbstractCommandLineApp<C extends io.dropwizard.core.Configuration> - Class in nl.knaw.dans.lib.util
AbstractCommandLineApp() - Constructor for class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.AbstractCommandLineApp
accept(File) - Method in class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.inbox.IsSubdirOfFilter
addFileArgument(Subparser) - Method in class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.DefaultConfigConfiguredCommand
addFileArgument(Subparser) - Method in class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.DefaultConfigEnvironmentCommand
apiClient(A) - Method in class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.ClientProxyBuilder
assertDirectoriesEqual(Path, Path) - Static method in class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.TestUtils


basePath(URI) - Method in class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.ClientProxyBuilder
build() - Method in class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.ClientProxyBuilder
build() - Method in class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.DataverseClientFactory
build(Environment) - Method in class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.ExecutorServiceFactory
build(Environment, String) - Method in class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.DataverseClientFactory


call() - Method in class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.AbstractCommandLineApp
check() - Method in class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.DataverseHealthCheck
ClientProxyBuilder<A,D> - Class in nl.knaw.dans.lib.util
Builder for creating a client proxy for an API endpoint.
ClientProxyBuilder() - Constructor for class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.ClientProxyBuilder
CONFIG_FILE_KEY - Static variable in class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.AbstractCommandLineApp
configureCommandLine(CommandLine, C) - Method in class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.AbstractCommandLineApp
ConfiguredCommandUtils - Class in nl.knaw.dans.lib.util
ConfiguredCommandUtils() - Constructor for class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.ConfiguredCommandUtils
createInboxTask(Path) - Method in interface nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.inbox.InboxTaskFactory
createQuery(CriteriaQuery<T>) - Method in interface nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.PersistenceProvider
Creates a query from the given CriteriaQuery.
createQuery(CriteriaQuery<T>) - Method in class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.PersistenceProviderImpl
CustomFileFilters - Class in nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.inbox
CustomFileFilters() - Constructor for class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.inbox.CustomFileFilters


DataverseClientFactory - Class in nl.knaw.dans.lib.util
DataverseClientFactory() - Constructor for class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.DataverseClientFactory
DataverseHealthCheck - Class in nl.knaw.dans.lib.util
DataverseHealthCheck(DataverseClient) - Constructor for class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.DataverseHealthCheck
defaultApiCtor(Function<A, D>) - Method in class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.ClientProxyBuilder
DefaultConfigConfiguredCommand<T extends io.dropwizard.core.Configuration> - Class in nl.knaw.dans.lib.util
DefaultConfigConfiguredCommand(String, String) - Constructor for class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.DefaultConfigConfiguredCommand
Creates a new command.
DefaultConfigConfiguredCommand(String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.DefaultConfigConfiguredCommand
Creates a new command.
DefaultConfigEnvironmentCommand<T extends io.dropwizard.core.Configuration> - Class in nl.knaw.dans.lib.util
DefaultConfigEnvironmentCommand(Application<T>, String, String) - Constructor for class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.DefaultConfigEnvironmentCommand
Creates a new environment command.
DefaultConfigEnvironmentCommand(Application<T>, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.DefaultConfigEnvironmentCommand
Creates a new environment command.
DefaultMediaTypeFilter - Class in nl.knaw.dans.lib.util
A filter that sets the default media type if the client accepts any media type.
DefaultMediaTypeFilter() - Constructor for class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.DefaultMediaTypeFilter
DefaultMediaTypeFilter(String) - Constructor for class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.DefaultMediaTypeFilter
delete(E) - Method in interface nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.PersistenceProvider
Deletes the entity from the current session.
delete(E) - Method in class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.PersistenceProviderImpl


EXAMPLE_CONFIG_FILE_KEY - Static variable in class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.AbstractCommandLineApp
Path from which an example configuration file can be loaded, to be instantiated with the default configuration, if no configuration file is found.
ExecutorServiceFactory - Class in nl.knaw.dans.lib.util
Factory for configuring and creating an ExecutorService in a DropWizard application.
ExecutorServiceFactory() - Constructor for class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.ExecutorServiceFactory


filter(ContainerRequestContext, ContainerResponseContext) - Method in class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.DefaultMediaTypeFilter
fromString(String) - Static method in class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.UrnUuid
fromUri(URI) - Static method in class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.UrnUuid


get(Long) - Method in interface nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.PersistenceProvider
Retrieves the entity with the given id from the current session.
get(Long) - Method in class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.PersistenceProviderImpl
getCriteriaBuilder() - Method in interface nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.PersistenceProvider
Returns the CriteriaBuilder for the current session.
getCriteriaBuilder() - Method in class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.PersistenceProviderImpl
getKeepAliveTime() - Method in class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.ExecutorServiceFactory
getMaxQueueSize() - Method in class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.ExecutorServiceFactory
getMaxThreads() - Method in class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.ExecutorServiceFactory
getMinThreads() - Method in class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.ExecutorServiceFactory
getName() - Method in class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.AbstractCommandLineApp
getNameFormat() - Method in class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.ExecutorServiceFactory
getUuid() - Method in class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.UrnUuid
getVersion() - Method in class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.PicocliVersionProvider


httpClient(JerseyClientConfiguration) - Method in class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.ClientProxyBuilder


Inbox - Class in nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.inbox
An inbox is a directory that is monitored for new files.
InboxTaskFactory - Interface in nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.inbox
IntegrationTestAfterUnitTestClassOrderer - Class in nl.knaw.dans.lib.util
The integration tests mess up the logging facilities for the unit tests, so we run the integration tests after the unit test This requires every integration test to end with "IntegrationTest"
IntegrationTestAfterUnitTestClassOrderer() - Constructor for class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.IntegrationTestAfterUnitTestClassOrderer
IsSubdirOfFilter - Class in nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.inbox
IsSubdirOfFilter() - Constructor for class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.inbox.IsSubdirOfFilter


loadConfiguration(File) - Method in class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.AbstractCommandLineApp


ManagedExecutorService - Class in nl.knaw.dans.lib.util
ManagedExecutorService(ExecutorService) - Constructor for class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.ManagedExecutorService


nl.knaw.dans.lib.util - package nl.knaw.dans.lib.util
nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.inbox - package nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.inbox


onDirectoryCreate(File) - Method in class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.inbox.Inbox
onFileCreate(File) - Method in class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.inbox.Inbox
orderClasses(ClassOrdererContext) - Method in class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.IntegrationTestAfterUnitTestClassOrderer


persist(E) - Method in interface nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.PersistenceProvider
Performs a saveOrUpdate in the current session.
persist(E) - Method in class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.PersistenceProviderImpl
PersistenceProvider<E> - Interface in nl.knaw.dans.lib.util
PersistenceProviderImpl<E> - Class in nl.knaw.dans.lib.util
PersistenceProviderImpl(SessionFactory, Class<E>) - Constructor for class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.PersistenceProviderImpl
PicocliVersionProvider - Class in nl.knaw.dans.lib.util
Picocli version provider, that reads the version from the manifest file.
PicocliVersionProvider() - Constructor for class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.PicocliVersionProvider


run(String[]) - Method in class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.AbstractCommandLineApp


setKeepAliveTime(String) - Method in class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.ExecutorServiceFactory
setMaxQueueSize(int) - Method in class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.ExecutorServiceFactory
setMaxThreads(int) - Method in class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.ExecutorServiceFactory
setMinThreads(int) - Method in class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.ExecutorServiceFactory
setNameFormat(String) - Method in class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.ExecutorServiceFactory
start() - Method in class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.inbox.Inbox
start() - Method in class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.ManagedExecutorService
stop() - Method in class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.inbox.Inbox
stop() - Method in class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.ManagedExecutorService
subDirectoryOf(Path) - Static method in class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.inbox.CustomFileFilters


TestUtils - Class in nl.knaw.dans.lib.util
TestUtils() - Constructor for class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.TestUtils
toASCIIString() - Method in class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.UrnUuid
toString() - Method in class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.UrnUuid


update(E) - Method in interface nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.PersistenceProvider
Updates the entity in the current session.
update(E) - Method in class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.PersistenceProviderImpl
UrnUuid - Class in nl.knaw.dans.lib.util
UrnUuid() - Constructor for class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.UrnUuid


zipDirectory(Path, Path, boolean) - Static method in class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.ZipUtil
ZipUtil - Class in nl.knaw.dans.lib.util
ZipUtil() - Constructor for class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.ZipUtil
+A B C D E F G H I L M N O P R S T U Z 
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages
+ +
+ + diff --git a/javadocs/index.html b/javadocs/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..864d829 --- /dev/null +++ b/javadocs/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ + + + + +Overview (DANS Java Utility Classes 1.2.2-SNAPSHOT API) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +

DANS Java Utility Classes 1.2.2-SNAPSHOT API

+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + diff --git a/javadocs/jquery-ui.overrides.css b/javadocs/jquery-ui.overrides.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..facf852 --- /dev/null +++ b/javadocs/jquery-ui.overrides.css @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2020, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this + * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided + * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +.ui-state-active, +.ui-widget-content .ui-state-active, +.ui-widget-header .ui-state-active, +a.ui-button:active, +.ui-button:active, +.ui-button.ui-state-active:hover { + /* Overrides the color of selection used in jQuery UI */ + background: #F8981D; + border: 1px solid #F8981D; +} diff --git a/javadocs/legal/ADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFO b/javadocs/legal/ADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFO new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ff700cd --- /dev/null +++ b/javadocs/legal/ADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFO @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ + ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ABOUT LICENSING + +Certain files distributed by Oracle America, Inc. and/or its affiliates are +subject to the following clarification and special exception to the GPLv2, +based on the GNU Project exception for its Classpath libraries, known as the +GNU Classpath Exception. + +Note that Oracle includes multiple, independent programs in this software +package. Some of those programs are provided under licenses deemed +incompatible with the GPLv2 by the Free Software Foundation and others. +For example, the package includes programs licensed under the Apache +License, Version 2.0 and may include FreeType. Such programs are licensed +to you under their original licenses. + +Oracle facilitates your further distribution of this package by adding the +Classpath Exception to the necessary parts of its GPLv2 code, which permits +you to use that code in combination with other independent modules not +licensed under the GPLv2. However, note that this would not permit you to +commingle code under an incompatible license with Oracle's GPLv2 licensed +code by, for example, cutting and pasting such code into a file also +containing Oracle's GPLv2 licensed code and then distributing the result. + +Additionally, if you were to remove the Classpath Exception from any of the +files to which it applies and distribute the result, you would likely be +required to license some or all of the other code in that distribution under +the GPLv2 as well, and since the GPLv2 is incompatible with the license terms +of some items included in the distribution by Oracle, removing the Classpath +Exception could therefore effectively compromise your ability to further +distribute the package. + +Failing to distribute notices associated with some files may also create +unexpected legal consequences. + +Proceed with caution and we recommend that you obtain the advice of a lawyer +skilled in open source matters before removing the Classpath Exception or +making modifications to this package which may subsequently be redistributed +and/or involve the use of third party software. diff --git a/javadocs/legal/ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION b/javadocs/legal/ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION new file mode 100644 index 0000000..065b8d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/javadocs/legal/ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ + +OPENJDK ASSEMBLY EXCEPTION + +The OpenJDK source code made available by Oracle America, Inc. (Oracle) at +openjdk.java.net ("OpenJDK Code") is distributed under the terms of the GNU +General Public License version 2 +only ("GPL2"), with the following clarification and special exception. + + Linking this OpenJDK Code statically or dynamically with other code + is making a combined work based on this library. Thus, the terms + and conditions of GPL2 cover the whole combination. + + As a special exception, Oracle gives you permission to link this + OpenJDK Code with certain code licensed by Oracle as indicated at + http://openjdk.java.net/legal/exception-modules-2007-05-08.html + ("Designated Exception Modules") to produce an executable, + regardless of the license terms of the Designated Exception Modules, + and to copy and distribute the resulting executable under GPL2, + provided that the Designated Exception Modules continue to be + governed by the licenses under which they were offered by Oracle. + +As such, it allows licensees and sublicensees of Oracle's GPL2 OpenJDK Code +to build an executable that includes those portions of necessary code that +Oracle could not provide under GPL2 (or that Oracle has provided under GPL2 +with the Classpath exception). If you modify or add to the OpenJDK code, +that new GPL2 code may still be combined with Designated Exception Modules +if the new code is made subject to this exception by its copyright holder. diff --git a/javadocs/legal/LICENSE b/javadocs/legal/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8b400c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/javadocs/legal/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,347 @@ +The GNU General Public License (GPL) + +Version 2, June 1991 + +Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + +Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license +document, but changing it is not allowed. + +Preamble + +The licenses for most software are designed to take away your freedom to share +and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public License is intended to +guarantee your freedom to share and change free software--to make sure the +software is free for all its users. This General Public License applies to +most of the Free Software Foundation's software and to any other program whose +authors commit to using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is +covered by the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + +When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not price. Our +General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you have the freedom to +distribute copies of free software (and charge for this service if you wish), +that you receive source code or can get it if you want it, that you can change +the software or use pieces of it in new free programs; and that you know you +can do these things. + +To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid anyone to deny +you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. These restrictions +translate to certain responsibilities for you if you distribute copies of the +software, or if you modify it. + +For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether gratis or for +a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that you have. You must +make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source code. And you must +show them these terms so they know their rights. + +We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and (2) +offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, distribute +and/or modify the software. + +Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain that +everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free software. If the +software is modified by someone else and passed on, we want its recipients to +know that what they have is not the original, so that any problems introduced +by others will not reflect on the original authors' reputations. + +Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software patents. We +wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free program will +individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the program proprietary. +To prevent this, we have made it clear that any patent must be licensed for +everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + +The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and modification +follow. + +TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + +0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains a notice +placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed under the terms of +this General Public License. The "Program", below, refers to any such program +or work, and a "work based on the Program" means either the Program or any +derivative work under copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the +Program or a portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or +translated into another language. (Hereinafter, translation is included +without limitation in the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as +"you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not covered by +this License; they are outside its scope. The act of running the Program is +not restricted, and the output from the Program is covered only if its contents +constitute a work based on the Program (independent of having been made by +running the Program). Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + +1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's source code as +you receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and +appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice and +disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the notices that refer to this License +and to the absence of any warranty; and give any other recipients of the +Program a copy of this License along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and you may +at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + +2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion of it, thus +forming a work based on the Program, and copy and distribute such modifications +or work under the terms of Section 1 above, provided that you also meet all of +these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices stating + that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in whole or + in part contains or is derived from the Program or any part thereof, to be + licensed as a whole at no charge to all third parties under the terms of + this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively when run, + you must cause it, when started running for such interactive use in the + most ordinary way, to print or display an announcement including an + appropriate copyright notice and a notice that there is no warranty (or + else, saying that you provide a warranty) and that users may redistribute + the program under these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy + of this License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but does + not normally print such an announcement, your work based on the Program is + not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If identifiable +sections of that work are not derived from the Program, and can be reasonably +considered independent and separate works in themselves, then this License, and +its terms, do not apply to those sections when you distribute them as separate +works. But when you distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a +work based on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms +of this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the entire +whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest your +rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to exercise the +right to control the distribution of derivative or collective works based on +the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program with the +Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of a storage or +distribution medium does not bring the other work under the scope of this +License. + +3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, under +Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of Sections 1 and +2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source + code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above + on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three years, to + give any third party, for a charge no more than your cost of physically + performing source distribution, a complete machine-readable copy of the + corresponding source code, to be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 + and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer to + distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is allowed only + for noncommercial distribution and only if you received the program in + object code or executable form with such an offer, in accord with + Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for making +modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source code means all +the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated interface +definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation and installation +of the executable. However, as a special exception, the source code +distributed need not include anything that is normally distributed (in either +source or binary form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) +of the operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering access to copy +from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the source +code from the same place counts as distribution of the source code, even though +third parties are not compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + +4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program except as +expressly provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to copy, modify, +sublicense or distribute the Program is void, and will automatically terminate +your rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies, or +rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses terminated so +long as such parties remain in full compliance. + +5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not signed it. +However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or distribute the Program +or its derivative works. These actions are prohibited by law if you do not +accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or distributing the Program (or +any work based on the Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to +do so, and all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + +6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the Program), +the recipient automatically receives a license from the original licensor to +copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to these terms and conditions. +You may not impose any further restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the +rights granted herein. You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by +third parties to this License. + +7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), conditions +are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or otherwise) that +contradict the conditions of this License, they do not excuse you from the +conditions of this License. If you cannot distribute so as to satisfy +simultaneously your obligations under this License and any other pertinent +obligations, then as a consequence you may not distribute the Program at all. +For example, if a patent license would not permit royalty-free redistribution +of the Program by all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through +you, then the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any +particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply and +the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any patents or +other property right claims or to contest validity of any such claims; this +section has the sole purpose of protecting the integrity of the free software +distribution system, which is implemented by public license practices. Many +people have made generous contributions to the wide range of software +distributed through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing to +distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot impose that +choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to be a +consequence of the rest of this License. + +8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in certain +countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the original +copyright holder who places the Program under this License may add an explicit +geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries, so that +distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus excluded. In +such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if written in the body +of this License. + +9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of the +General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will be similar in +spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address new problems +or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any later +version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions either of +that version or of any later version published by the Free Software Foundation. +If the Program does not specify a version number of this License, you may +choose any version ever published by the Free Software Foundation. + +10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free programs +whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author to ask for +permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, +write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this. +Our decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status of +all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing and reuse of +software generally. + +NO WARRANTY + +11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR +THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE +STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE +PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, +INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND +PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, +YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + +12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING WILL +ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR REDISTRIBUTE THE +PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY +GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR +INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA +BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A +FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER +OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + +END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + +How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs + +If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest possible +use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it free software +which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. + +To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest to attach +them to the start of each source file to most effectively convey the exclusion +of warranty; and each file should have at least the "copyright" line and a +pointer to where the full notice is found. + + One line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does. + + Copyright (C) + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free + Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) + any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along + with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + +Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. + +If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this when it +starts in an interactive mode: + + Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author Gnomovision comes + with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type 'show w'. This is free + software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; + type 'show c' for details. + +The hypothetical commands 'show w' and 'show c' should show the appropriate +parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may be +called something other than 'show w' and 'show c'; they could even be +mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program. + +You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your school, +if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary. Here +is a sample; alter the names: + + Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program + 'Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker. + + signature of Ty Coon, 1 April 1989 + + Ty Coon, President of Vice + +This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into +proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may +consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the +library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General Public +License instead of this License. + + +"CLASSPATH" EXCEPTION TO THE GPL + +Certain source files distributed by Oracle America and/or its affiliates are +subject to the following clarification and special exception to the GPL, but +only where Oracle has expressly included in the particular source file's header +the words "Oracle designates this particular file as subject to the "Classpath" +exception as provided by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code." + + Linking this library statically or dynamically with other modules is making + a combined work based on this library. Thus, the terms and conditions of + the GNU General Public License cover the whole combination. + + As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give you + permission to link this library with independent modules to produce an + executable, regardless of the license terms of these independent modules, + and to copy and distribute the resulting executable under terms of your + choice, provided that you also meet, for each linked independent module, + the terms and conditions of the license of that module. An independent + module is a module which is not derived from or based on this library. If + you modify this library, you may extend this exception to your version of + the library, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do + so, delete this exception statement from your version. diff --git a/javadocs/legal/jquery/index.html b/javadocs/legal/jquery/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f0cd71b --- /dev/null +++ b/javadocs/legal/jquery/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,145 @@ + + + + + + + + Jquery - dans-java-utils + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +

jQuery v3.7.1


jQuery License

jQuery v 3.7.1
+Copyright OpenJS Foundation and other contributors, https://openjsf.org/
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + diff --git a/javadocs/legal/jqueryUI/index.html b/javadocs/legal/jqueryUI/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6f752e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/javadocs/legal/jqueryUI/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,168 @@ + + + + + + + + jqueryUI - dans-java-utils + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +

jQuery UI v1.13.2


jQuery UI License

Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors, https://jquery.org/
+This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
+individuals. For exact contribution history, see the revision history
+available at https://github.com/jquery/jquery-ui
+The following license applies to all parts of this software except as
+documented below:
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+Copyright and related rights for sample code are waived via CC0. Sample
+code is defined as all source code contained within the demos directory.
+CC0: http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
+All files located in the node_modules and external directories are
+externally maintained libraries used by this software which have their
+own licenses; we recommend you read them, as their terms may differ from
+the terms above.
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + diff --git a/javadocs/member-search-index.js b/javadocs/member-search-index.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..36697e4 --- /dev/null +++ b/javadocs/member-search-index.js @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +memberSearchIndex = [{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util","c":"AbstractCommandLineApp","l":"AbstractCommandLineApp()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.inbox","c":"IsSubdirOfFilter","l":"accept(File)","u":"accept(java.io.File)"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util","c":"DefaultConfigConfiguredCommand","l":"addFileArgument(Subparser)","u":"addFileArgument(net.sourceforge.argparse4j.inf.Subparser)"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util","c":"DefaultConfigEnvironmentCommand","l":"addFileArgument(Subparser)","u":"addFileArgument(net.sourceforge.argparse4j.inf.Subparser)"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util","c":"ClientProxyBuilder","l":"apiClient(A)"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util","c":"TestUtils","l":"assertDirectoriesEqual(Path, Path)","u":"assertDirectoriesEqual(java.nio.file.Path,java.nio.file.Path)"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util","c":"ClientProxyBuilder","l":"basePath(URI)","u":"basePath(java.net.URI)"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util","c":"ClientProxyBuilder","l":"build()"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util","c":"DataverseClientFactory","l":"build()"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util","c":"ExecutorServiceFactory","l":"build(Environment)","u":"build(io.dropwizard.core.setup.Environment)"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util","c":"DataverseClientFactory","l":"build(Environment, String)","u":"build(io.dropwizard.core.setup.Environment,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util","c":"AbstractCommandLineApp","l":"call()"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util","c":"DataverseHealthCheck","l":"check()"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util","c":"ClientProxyBuilder","l":"ClientProxyBuilder()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util","c":"AbstractCommandLineApp","l":"CONFIG_FILE_KEY"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util","c":"AbstractCommandLineApp","l":"configureCommandLine(CommandLine, C)","u":"configureCommandLine(picocli.CommandLine,C)"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util","c":"ConfiguredCommandUtils","l":"ConfiguredCommandUtils()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.inbox","c":"InboxTaskFactory","l":"createInboxTask(Path)","u":"createInboxTask(java.nio.file.Path)"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util","c":"PersistenceProvider","l":"createQuery(CriteriaQuery)","u":"createQuery(javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery)"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util","c":"PersistenceProviderImpl","l":"createQuery(CriteriaQuery)","u":"createQuery(javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery)"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.inbox","c":"CustomFileFilters","l":"CustomFileFilters()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util","c":"DataverseClientFactory","l":"DataverseClientFactory()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util","c":"DataverseHealthCheck","l":"DataverseHealthCheck(DataverseClient)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(nl.knaw.dans.lib.dataverse.DataverseClient)"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util","c":"ClientProxyBuilder","l":"defaultApiCtor(Function)","u":"defaultApiCtor(java.util.function.Function)"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util","c":"DefaultConfigConfiguredCommand","l":"DefaultConfigConfiguredCommand(String, String)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util","c":"DefaultConfigConfiguredCommand","l":"DefaultConfigConfiguredCommand(String, String, boolean)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,boolean)"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util","c":"DefaultConfigEnvironmentCommand","l":"DefaultConfigEnvironmentCommand(Application, String, String)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(io.dropwizard.core.Application,java.lang.String,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util","c":"DefaultConfigEnvironmentCommand","l":"DefaultConfigEnvironmentCommand(Application, String, String, boolean)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(io.dropwizard.core.Application,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,boolean)"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util","c":"DefaultMediaTypeFilter","l":"DefaultMediaTypeFilter()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util","c":"DefaultMediaTypeFilter","l":"DefaultMediaTypeFilter(String)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util","c":"PersistenceProvider","l":"delete(E)"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util","c":"PersistenceProviderImpl","l":"delete(E)"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util","c":"AbstractCommandLineApp","l":"EXAMPLE_CONFIG_FILE_KEY"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util","c":"ExecutorServiceFactory","l":"ExecutorServiceFactory()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util","c":"DefaultMediaTypeFilter","l":"filter(ContainerRequestContext, ContainerResponseContext)","u":"filter(javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerRequestContext,javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerResponseContext)"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util","c":"UrnUuid","l":"fromString(String)","u":"fromString(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util","c":"UrnUuid","l":"fromUri(URI)","u":"fromUri(java.net.URI)"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util","c":"PersistenceProvider","l":"get(Long)","u":"get(java.lang.Long)"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util","c":"PersistenceProviderImpl","l":"get(Long)","u":"get(java.lang.Long)"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util","c":"PersistenceProvider","l":"getCriteriaBuilder()"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util","c":"PersistenceProviderImpl","l":"getCriteriaBuilder()"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util","c":"ExecutorServiceFactory","l":"getKeepAliveTime()"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util","c":"ExecutorServiceFactory","l":"getMaxQueueSize()"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util","c":"ExecutorServiceFactory","l":"getMaxThreads()"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util","c":"ExecutorServiceFactory","l":"getMinThreads()"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util","c":"AbstractCommandLineApp","l":"getName()"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util","c":"ExecutorServiceFactory","l":"getNameFormat()"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util","c":"UrnUuid","l":"getUuid()"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util","c":"PicocliVersionProvider","l":"getVersion()"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util","c":"ClientProxyBuilder","l":"httpClient(JerseyClientConfiguration)","u":"httpClient(io.dropwizard.client.JerseyClientConfiguration)"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util","c":"IntegrationTestAfterUnitTestClassOrderer","l":"IntegrationTestAfterUnitTestClassOrderer()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.inbox","c":"IsSubdirOfFilter","l":"IsSubdirOfFilter()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util","c":"AbstractCommandLineApp","l":"loadConfiguration(File)","u":"loadConfiguration(java.io.File)"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util","c":"ManagedExecutorService","l":"ManagedExecutorService(ExecutorService)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService)"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.inbox","c":"Inbox","l":"onDirectoryCreate(File)","u":"onDirectoryCreate(java.io.File)"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.inbox","c":"Inbox","l":"onFileCreate(File)","u":"onFileCreate(java.io.File)"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util","c":"IntegrationTestAfterUnitTestClassOrderer","l":"orderClasses(ClassOrdererContext)","u":"orderClasses(org.junit.jupiter.api.ClassOrdererContext)"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util","c":"PersistenceProvider","l":"persist(E)"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util","c":"PersistenceProviderImpl","l":"persist(E)"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util","c":"PersistenceProviderImpl","l":"PersistenceProviderImpl(SessionFactory, Class)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(org.hibernate.SessionFactory,java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util","c":"PicocliVersionProvider","l":"PicocliVersionProvider()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util","c":"AbstractCommandLineApp","l":"run(String[])","u":"run(java.lang.String[])"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util","c":"ExecutorServiceFactory","l":"setKeepAliveTime(String)","u":"setKeepAliveTime(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util","c":"ExecutorServiceFactory","l":"setMaxQueueSize(int)"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util","c":"ExecutorServiceFactory","l":"setMaxThreads(int)"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util","c":"ExecutorServiceFactory","l":"setMinThreads(int)"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util","c":"ExecutorServiceFactory","l":"setNameFormat(String)","u":"setNameFormat(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.inbox","c":"Inbox","l":"start()"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util","c":"ManagedExecutorService","l":"start()"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.inbox","c":"Inbox","l":"stop()"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util","c":"ManagedExecutorService","l":"stop()"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.inbox","c":"CustomFileFilters","l":"subDirectoryOf(Path)","u":"subDirectoryOf(java.nio.file.Path)"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util","c":"TestUtils","l":"TestUtils()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util","c":"UrnUuid","l":"toASCIIString()"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util","c":"UrnUuid","l":"toString()"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util","c":"PersistenceProvider","l":"update(E)"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util","c":"PersistenceProviderImpl","l":"update(E)"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util","c":"UrnUuid","l":"UrnUuid()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util","c":"ZipUtil","l":"zipDirectory(Path, Path, boolean)","u":"zipDirectory(java.nio.file.Path,java.nio.file.Path,boolean)"},{"p":"nl.knaw.dans.lib.util","c":"ZipUtil","l":"ZipUtil()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"}];updateSearchResults(); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/javadocs/module-search-index.js b/javadocs/module-search-index.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0d59754 --- /dev/null +++ b/javadocs/module-search-index.js @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +moduleSearchIndex = [];updateSearchResults(); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/AbstractCommandLineApp.html b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/AbstractCommandLineApp.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2871aa4 --- /dev/null +++ b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/AbstractCommandLineApp.html @@ -0,0 +1,277 @@ + + + + +AbstractCommandLineApp (DANS Java Utility Classes 1.2.2-SNAPSHOT API) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +
+ +
+ +

Class AbstractCommandLineApp<C extends io.dropwizard.core.Configuration>

java.lang.Object +
All Implemented Interfaces:
public abstract class AbstractCommandLineApp<C extends io.dropwizard.core.Configuration> +extends Object +implements Callable<Integer>
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + diff --git a/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/ClientProxyBuilder.html b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/ClientProxyBuilder.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6336ffd --- /dev/null +++ b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/ClientProxyBuilder.html @@ -0,0 +1,206 @@ + + + + +ClientProxyBuilder (DANS Java Utility Classes 1.2.2-SNAPSHOT API) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +
+ +
+ +

Class ClientProxyBuilder<A,D>

java.lang.Object +
Type Parameters:
A - the ApiClient class, that serves as an intermediary between the proxy and the underlying HTTP client
D - the proxy class used by the application to call specific endpoints
public class ClientProxyBuilder<A,D> +extends Object
Builder for creating a client proxy for an API endpoint. This is some boilerplate code that is needed to connect the http client (e.g. Jersey) to the classes generated by OpenAPI Generator.
+ +
    + +
  • +

    Constructor Details

    • +


      public ClientProxyBuilder()
    • +
  • + +
  • +

    Method Details

    + +
  • +
+ +
+ +
+ + diff --git a/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/ConfiguredCommandUtils.html b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/ConfiguredCommandUtils.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..048e3b0 --- /dev/null +++ b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/ConfiguredCommandUtils.html @@ -0,0 +1,138 @@ + + + + +ConfiguredCommandUtils (DANS Java Utility Classes 1.2.2-SNAPSHOT API) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +
+ +
+ +

Class ConfiguredCommandUtils

java.lang.Object +
@Deprecated +public class ConfiguredCommandUtils +extends Object
+ +
    + +
  • +

    Constructor Details

    • +


      public ConfiguredCommandUtils()
    • +
  • +
+ +
+ +
+ + diff --git a/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/DataverseClientFactory.html b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/DataverseClientFactory.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..be6f5c3 --- /dev/null +++ b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/DataverseClientFactory.html @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ + + + + +DataverseClientFactory (DANS Java Utility Classes 1.2.2-SNAPSHOT API) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +
+ +
+ +

Class DataverseClientFactory

java.lang.Object +
public class DataverseClientFactory +extends Object
+ +
    + +
  • +

    Constructor Details

    • +


      public DataverseClientFactory()
    • +
  • + +
  • +

    Method Details

    • +


      public nl.knaw.dans.lib.dataverse.DataverseClient build()
    • +
    • +


      public nl.knaw.dans.lib.dataverse.DataverseClient build(io.dropwizard.core.setup.Environment environment, + String name)
    • +
  • +
+ +
+ +
+ + diff --git a/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/DataverseHealthCheck.html b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/DataverseHealthCheck.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2d351e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/DataverseHealthCheck.html @@ -0,0 +1,182 @@ + + + + +DataverseHealthCheck (DANS Java Utility Classes 1.2.2-SNAPSHOT API) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +
+ +
+ +

Class DataverseHealthCheck

java.lang.Object +
com.codahale.metrics.health.HealthCheck +
public class DataverseHealthCheck +extends com.codahale.metrics.health.HealthCheck
    + +
  • +

    Nested Class Summary


    Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class com.codahale.metrics.health.HealthCheck

    +com.codahale.metrics.health.HealthCheck.Result, com.codahale.metrics.health.HealthCheck.ResultBuilder
  • + +
  • +

    Constructor Summary

    DataverseHealthCheck(nl.knaw.dans.lib.dataverse.DataverseClient dataverseService)
  • + +
  • +

    Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    protected com.codahale.metrics.health.HealthCheck.Result
    + +

    Methods inherited from class com.codahale.metrics.health.HealthCheck

    +clock, execute

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    +clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • +
    + +
  • +

    Constructor Details

    • +


      public DataverseHealthCheck(nl.knaw.dans.lib.dataverse.DataverseClient dataverseService)
    • +
  • + +
  • +

    Method Details

    • +


      protected com.codahale.metrics.health.HealthCheck.Result check()
      Specified by:
      check in class com.codahale.metrics.health.HealthCheck
    • +
  • +
+ +
+ +
+ + diff --git a/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/DefaultConfigConfiguredCommand.html b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/DefaultConfigConfiguredCommand.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4d362dc --- /dev/null +++ b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/DefaultConfigConfiguredCommand.html @@ -0,0 +1,231 @@ + + + + +DefaultConfigConfiguredCommand (DANS Java Utility Classes 1.2.2-SNAPSHOT API) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +
+ +
+ +

Class DefaultConfigConfiguredCommand<T extends io.dropwizard.core.Configuration>

java.lang.Object +
io.dropwizard.core.cli.Command +
io.dropwizard.core.cli.ConfiguredCommand<T> +
Type Parameters:
T - the application's configuration class
@Deprecated +public abstract class DefaultConfigConfiguredCommand<T extends io.dropwizard.core.Configuration> +extends io.dropwizard.core.cli.ConfiguredCommand<T>
A DropWizard ConfiguredCommand that configures the value of system property `dans.default.config` as the default for the `file` parameter. This can be used to create a start-up script for + the application that does not require the user to explicitly provide the `config.yml` location with every invocation, .e.g., +

+ ```bash ARGS=$@ +

+ java -Ddans.config.default=/etc/opt/dans.knaw.nl/my-app/config.yml my-app.jar $ARGS ```

    + +
  • +

    Constructor Summary

    + +
    Creates a new command.
    DefaultConfigConfiguredCommand(String name, + String description, + boolean configFileAsOption)
    Creates a new command.
  • + +
  • +

    Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    protected net.sourceforge.argparse4j.inf.Argument
    addFileArgument(net.sourceforge.argparse4j.inf.Subparser subparser)

    Methods inherited from class io.dropwizard.core.cli.ConfiguredCommand

    +cleanup, cleanupAsynchronously, configure, getConfiguration, getConfigurationClass, run, run

    Methods inherited from class io.dropwizard.core.cli.Command

    +getDescription, getName, onError

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    +clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • +
    + +
  • +

    Constructor Details

    • +


      protected DefaultConfigConfiguredCommand(String name, + String description, + boolean configFileAsOption)
      Creates a new command.
      name - the name of the command, used for command line invocation
      description - a description of the command's purpose
      configFileAsOption - if true, the configuration file is set via an option --config, otherwise, as a positional argument
    • +
    • +


      protected DefaultConfigConfiguredCommand(String name, + String description)
      Creates a new command.
      name - the name of the command, used for command line invocation
      description - a description of the command's purpose
    • +
  • + +
  • +

    Method Details

    • +


      protected net.sourceforge.argparse4j.inf.Argument addFileArgument(net.sourceforge.argparse4j.inf.Subparser subparser)
      addFileArgument in class io.dropwizard.core.cli.ConfiguredCommand<T extends io.dropwizard.core.Configuration>
    • +
  • +
+ +
+ +
+ + diff --git a/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/DefaultConfigEnvironmentCommand.html b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/DefaultConfigEnvironmentCommand.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..421695f --- /dev/null +++ b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/DefaultConfigEnvironmentCommand.html @@ -0,0 +1,242 @@ + + + + +DefaultConfigEnvironmentCommand (DANS Java Utility Classes 1.2.2-SNAPSHOT API) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +
+ +
+ +

Class DefaultConfigEnvironmentCommand<T extends io.dropwizard.core.Configuration>

java.lang.Object +
io.dropwizard.core.cli.Command +
io.dropwizard.core.cli.ConfiguredCommand<T> +
io.dropwizard.core.cli.EnvironmentCommand<T> +
Type Parameters:
T - the application's configuration class
@Deprecated +public abstract class DefaultConfigEnvironmentCommand<T extends io.dropwizard.core.Configuration> +extends io.dropwizard.core.cli.EnvironmentCommand<T>
A DropWizard EnvironmentCommand that configures the value of system property `dans.default.config` as the default for the `file` parameter. This can be used to create a start-up script for + the application that does not require the user to explicitly provide the `config.yml` location with every invocation, .e.g., +

+ ```bash ARGS=$@ +

+ java -Ddans.config.default=/etc/opt/dans.knaw.nl/my-app/config.yml my-app.jar $ARGS ```

    + +
  • +

    Constructor Summary

    DefaultConfigEnvironmentCommand(io.dropwizard.core.Application<T> application, + String name, + String description)
    Creates a new environment command.
    DefaultConfigEnvironmentCommand(io.dropwizard.core.Application<T> application, + String name, + String description, + boolean configFileAsOption)
    Creates a new environment command.
  • + +
  • +

    Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    protected net.sourceforge.argparse4j.inf.Argument
    addFileArgument(net.sourceforge.argparse4j.inf.Subparser subparser)

    Methods inherited from class io.dropwizard.core.cli.EnvironmentCommand

    +getEnvironment, run, run

    Methods inherited from class io.dropwizard.core.cli.ConfiguredCommand

    +cleanup, cleanupAsynchronously, configure, getConfiguration, getConfigurationClass, run

    Methods inherited from class io.dropwizard.core.cli.Command

    +getDescription, getName, onError

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    +clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • +
    + +
  • +

    Constructor Details

    • +


      protected DefaultConfigEnvironmentCommand(io.dropwizard.core.Application<T> application, + String name, + String description, + boolean configFileAsOption)
      Creates a new environment command.
      application - the application providing this command
      name - the name of the command, used for command line invocation
      description - a description of the command's purpose
      configFileAsOption - if true, the configuration file is set via an option --config, otherwise, as a positional argument
    • +
    • +


      protected DefaultConfigEnvironmentCommand(io.dropwizard.core.Application<T> application, + String name, + String description)
      Creates a new environment command.
      application - the application providing this command
      name - the name of the command, used for command line invocation
      description - a description of the command's purpose
    • +
  • + +
  • +

    Method Details

    • +


      protected net.sourceforge.argparse4j.inf.Argument addFileArgument(net.sourceforge.argparse4j.inf.Subparser subparser)
      addFileArgument in class io.dropwizard.core.cli.ConfiguredCommand<T extends io.dropwizard.core.Configuration>
    • +
  • +
+ +
+ +
+ + diff --git a/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/DefaultMediaTypeFilter.html b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/DefaultMediaTypeFilter.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c073cf7 --- /dev/null +++ b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/DefaultMediaTypeFilter.html @@ -0,0 +1,188 @@ + + + + +DefaultMediaTypeFilter (DANS Java Utility Classes 1.2.2-SNAPSHOT API) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +
+ +
+ +

Class DefaultMediaTypeFilter

java.lang.Object +
All Implemented Interfaces:
@Provider +public class DefaultMediaTypeFilter +extends Object +implements javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerResponseFilter
A filter that sets the default media type if the client accepts any media type.
+ +
    + +
  • +

    Constructor Details

    • +


      public DefaultMediaTypeFilter()
    • +
    • +


      public DefaultMediaTypeFilter(String defaultMediaType)
    • +
  • + +
  • +

    Method Details

    • +


      public void filter(javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerRequestContext requestContext, + javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerResponseContext responseContext) + throws IOException
      Specified by:
      filter in interface javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerResponseFilter
    • +
  • +
+ +
+ +
+ + diff --git a/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/ExecutorServiceFactory.html b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/ExecutorServiceFactory.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4d5e4d2 --- /dev/null +++ b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/ExecutorServiceFactory.html @@ -0,0 +1,257 @@ + + + + +ExecutorServiceFactory (DANS Java Utility Classes 1.2.2-SNAPSHOT API) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +
+ +
+ +

Class ExecutorServiceFactory

java.lang.Object +
public class ExecutorServiceFactory +extends Object
Factory for configuring and creating an ExecutorService in a DropWizard application. + + Click here for code examples.
+ +
    + +
  • +

    Constructor Details

    • +


      public ExecutorServiceFactory()
    • +
  • + +
  • +

    Method Details

    • +


      public ExecutorService build(io.dropwizard.core.setup.Environment environment)
    • +
    • +


      public String getNameFormat()
    • +
    • +


      public void setNameFormat(String nameFormat)
    • +
    • +


      public int getMinThreads()
    • +
    • +


      public void setMinThreads(int minThreads)
    • +
    • +


      public int getMaxThreads()
    • +
    • +


      public void setMaxThreads(int maxThreads)
    • +
    • +


      public String getKeepAliveTime()
    • +
    • +


      public void setKeepAliveTime(String keepAliveTime)
    • +
    • +


      public int getMaxQueueSize()
    • +
    • +


      public void setMaxQueueSize(int maxQueueSize)
    • +
  • +
+ +
+ +
+ + diff --git a/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/IntegrationTestAfterUnitTestClassOrderer.html b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/IntegrationTestAfterUnitTestClassOrderer.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dac4b2a --- /dev/null +++ b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/IntegrationTestAfterUnitTestClassOrderer.html @@ -0,0 +1,192 @@ + + + + +IntegrationTestAfterUnitTestClassOrderer (DANS Java Utility Classes 1.2.2-SNAPSHOT API) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +
+ +
+ +

Class IntegrationTestAfterUnitTestClassOrderer

java.lang.Object +
All Implemented Interfaces:
public class IntegrationTestAfterUnitTestClassOrderer +extends Object +implements org.junit.jupiter.api.ClassOrderer
The integration tests mess up the logging facilities for the unit tests, so we run the integration tests after the unit test This requires every integration test to end with "IntegrationTest"
    + +
  • +

    Nested Class Summary


    Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.junit.jupiter.api.ClassOrderer

    +org.junit.jupiter.api.ClassOrderer.ClassName, org.junit.jupiter.api.ClassOrderer.DisplayName, org.junit.jupiter.api.ClassOrderer.OrderAnnotation, org.junit.jupiter.api.ClassOrderer.Random
  • + +
  • +

    Field Summary


    Fields inherited from interface org.junit.jupiter.api.ClassOrderer

  • + +
  • +

    Constructor Summary

    + +
  • + +
  • +

    Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    orderClasses(org.junit.jupiter.api.ClassOrdererContext classOrdererContext)

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    +clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • +
    + +
  • +

    Constructor Details

    • +


      public IntegrationTestAfterUnitTestClassOrderer()
    • +
  • + +
  • +

    Method Details

    • +


      public void orderClasses(org.junit.jupiter.api.ClassOrdererContext classOrdererContext)
      Specified by:
      orderClasses in interface org.junit.jupiter.api.ClassOrderer
    • +
  • +
+ +
+ +
+ + diff --git a/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/ManagedExecutorService.html b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/ManagedExecutorService.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8602be5 --- /dev/null +++ b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/ManagedExecutorService.html @@ -0,0 +1,189 @@ + + + + +ManagedExecutorService (DANS Java Utility Classes 1.2.2-SNAPSHOT API) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +
+ +
+ +

Class ManagedExecutorService

java.lang.Object +
All Implemented Interfaces:
public class ManagedExecutorService +extends Object +implements io.dropwizard.lifecycle.Managed
+ +
    + +
  • +

    Constructor Details

    • +


      public ManagedExecutorService(ExecutorService executorService)
    • +
  • + +
  • +

    Method Details

    • +


      public void start()
      Specified by:
      start in interface io.dropwizard.lifecycle.Managed
    • +
    • +


      public void stop() + throws Exception
      Specified by:
      stop in interface io.dropwizard.lifecycle.Managed
    • +
  • +
+ +
+ +
+ + diff --git a/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/PersistenceProvider.html b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/PersistenceProvider.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ae148b1 --- /dev/null +++ b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/PersistenceProvider.html @@ -0,0 +1,227 @@ + + + + +PersistenceProvider (DANS Java Utility Classes 1.2.2-SNAPSHOT API) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +
+ +
+ +

Interface PersistenceProvider<E>

All Known Implementing Classes:
public interface PersistenceProvider<E>
    + +
  • +

    Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    <T> javax.persistence.TypedQuery<T>
    createQuery(javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery<T> criteriaQuery)
    Creates a query from the given CriteriaQuery.
    delete(E entity)
    Deletes the entity from the current session.
    + +
    get(Long id)
    Retrieves the entity with the given id from the current session.
    + +
    Returns the CriteriaBuilder for the current session.
    + +
    persist(E entity)
    Performs a saveOrUpdate in the current session.
    update(E entity)
    Updates the entity in the current session.
  • +
    + +
  • +

    Method Details

    • +


      E persist(E entity)
      Performs a saveOrUpdate in the current session.
      entity - the entity to persist
      the persisted entity
    • +
    • +


      void update(E entity)
      Updates the entity in the current session.
      entity - the entity to update
    • +
    • +


      void delete(E entity)
      Deletes the entity from the current session.
      entity - the entity to delete
    • +
    • +


      E get(Long id)
      Retrieves the entity with the given id from the current session.
      id - the id of the entity to retrieve
      the entity
    • +
    • +


      javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder getCriteriaBuilder()
      Returns the CriteriaBuilder for the current session.
      the CriteriaBuilder
    • +
    • +


      <T> javax.persistence.TypedQuery<T> createQuery(javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery<T> criteriaQuery)
      Creates a query from the given CriteriaQuery.
      criteriaQuery - the CriteriaQuery to create a query from
      the query
    • +
  • +
+ +
+ +
+ + diff --git a/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/PersistenceProviderImpl.html b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/PersistenceProviderImpl.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..15202a7 --- /dev/null +++ b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/PersistenceProviderImpl.html @@ -0,0 +1,289 @@ + + + + +PersistenceProviderImpl (DANS Java Utility Classes 1.2.2-SNAPSHOT API) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +
+ +
+ +

Class PersistenceProviderImpl<E>

java.lang.Object +
io.dropwizard.hibernate.AbstractDAO<E> +
All Implemented Interfaces:
public class PersistenceProviderImpl<E> +extends io.dropwizard.hibernate.AbstractDAO<E> +implements PersistenceProvider<E>
    + +
  • +

    Constructor Summary

    PersistenceProviderImpl(org.hibernate.SessionFactory sessionFactory, + Class<E> entityClass)
  • + +
  • +

    Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    <T> org.hibernate.query.Query<T>
    createQuery(javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery<T> criteriaQuery)
    Creates a query from the given CriteriaQuery.
    delete(E entity)
    Deletes the entity from the current session.
    + +
    get(Long id)
    Retrieves the entity with the given id from the current session.
    + +
    Returns the CriteriaBuilder for the current session.
    + +
    persist(E entity)
    Performs a saveOrUpdate in the current session.
    update(E entity)
    Updates the entity in the current session.

    Methods inherited from class io.dropwizard.hibernate.AbstractDAO

    +criteria, criteriaQuery, currentSession, get, getEntityClass, initialize, list, list, list, namedQuery, namedTypedQuery, query, uniqueResult, uniqueResult, uniqueResult

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    +clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • +
    + +
  • +

    Constructor Details

    • +


      public PersistenceProviderImpl(org.hibernate.SessionFactory sessionFactory, + Class<E> entityClass)
    • +
  • + +
  • +

    Method Details

    • +


      public E persist(E entity)
      Description copied from interface: PersistenceProvider
      Performs a saveOrUpdate in the current session.
      Specified by:
      persist in interface PersistenceProvider<E>
      persist in class io.dropwizard.hibernate.AbstractDAO<E>
      entity - the entity to persist
      the persisted entity
    • +
    • +


      public void update(E entity)
      Description copied from interface: PersistenceProvider
      Updates the entity in the current session.
      Specified by:
      update in interface PersistenceProvider<E>
      entity - the entity to update
    • +
    • +


      public void delete(E entity)
      Description copied from interface: PersistenceProvider
      Deletes the entity from the current session.
      Specified by:
      delete in interface PersistenceProvider<E>
      entity - the entity to delete
    • +
    • +


      public E get(Long id)
      Description copied from interface: PersistenceProvider
      Retrieves the entity with the given id from the current session.
      Specified by:
      get in interface PersistenceProvider<E>
      id - the id of the entity to retrieve
      the entity
    • +
    • +


      public javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder getCriteriaBuilder()
      Description copied from interface: PersistenceProvider
      Returns the CriteriaBuilder for the current session.
      Specified by:
      getCriteriaBuilder in interface PersistenceProvider<E>
      the CriteriaBuilder
    • +
    • +


      public <T> org.hibernate.query.Query<T> createQuery(javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery<T> criteriaQuery)
      Description copied from interface: PersistenceProvider
      Creates a query from the given CriteriaQuery.
      Specified by:
      createQuery in interface PersistenceProvider<E>
      criteriaQuery - the CriteriaQuery to create a query from
      the query
    • +
  • +
+ +
+ +
+ + diff --git a/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/PicocliVersionProvider.html b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/PicocliVersionProvider.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6e91312 --- /dev/null +++ b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/PicocliVersionProvider.html @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ + + + + +PicocliVersionProvider (DANS Java Utility Classes 1.2.2-SNAPSHOT API) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +
+ +
+ +

Class PicocliVersionProvider

java.lang.Object +
All Implemented Interfaces:
public class PicocliVersionProvider +extends Object +implements picocli.CommandLine.IVersionProvider
Picocli version provider, that reads the version from the manifest file. Note, that this relies on getVersion being called from the main thread. When running the CLI with mvn exec:java, the version + will not be found. In that case the version would not be found anyway, as there is no jar file to read the manifest from.
+ +
    + +
  • +

    Constructor Details

    • +


      public PicocliVersionProvider()
    • +
  • + +
  • +

    Method Details

    • +


      public String[] getVersion()
      Specified by:
      getVersion in interface picocli.CommandLine.IVersionProvider
    • +
  • +
+ +
+ +
+ + diff --git a/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/TestUtils.html b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/TestUtils.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..499591d --- /dev/null +++ b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/TestUtils.html @@ -0,0 +1,171 @@ + + + + +TestUtils (DANS Java Utility Classes 1.2.2-SNAPSHOT API) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +
+ +
+ +

Class TestUtils

java.lang.Object +
public class TestUtils +extends Object
+ +
    + +
  • +

    Constructor Details

    • +


      public TestUtils()
    • +
  • + +
  • +

    Method Details

    • +


      public static void assertDirectoriesEqual(Path expected, + Path actual) + throws IOException
    • +
  • +
+ +
+ +
+ + diff --git a/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/UrnUuid.html b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/UrnUuid.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..98208d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/UrnUuid.html @@ -0,0 +1,204 @@ + + + + +UrnUuid (DANS Java Utility Classes 1.2.2-SNAPSHOT API) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +
+ +
+ +

Class UrnUuid

java.lang.Object +
public class UrnUuid +extends Object
+ +
    + +
  • +

    Constructor Details

    • +


      public UrnUuid()
    • +
  • + +
  • +

    Method Details

    • +


      public UUID getUuid()
    • +
    • +


      public static UrnUuid fromString(String s)
    • +
    • +


      public static UrnUuid fromUri(URI uri)
    • +
    • +


      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • +
    • +


      public String toASCIIString()
    • +
  • +
+ +
+ +
+ + diff --git a/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/ZipUtil.html b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/ZipUtil.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..df1e8d2 --- /dev/null +++ b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/ZipUtil.html @@ -0,0 +1,173 @@ + + + + +ZipUtil (DANS Java Utility Classes 1.2.2-SNAPSHOT API) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +
+ +
+ +

Class ZipUtil

java.lang.Object +
public class ZipUtil +extends Object
+ +
    + +
  • +

    Constructor Details

    • +


      public ZipUtil()
    • +
  • + +
  • +

    Method Details

    • +


      public static void zipDirectory(Path sourceDirectory, + Path targetZipFile, + boolean oneRootDir) + throws IOException
    • +
  • +
+ +
+ +
+ + diff --git a/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/class-use/AbstractCommandLineApp.html b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/class-use/AbstractCommandLineApp.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ee7c14e --- /dev/null +++ b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/class-use/AbstractCommandLineApp.html @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ + + + + +Uses of Class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.AbstractCommandLineApp (DANS Java Utility Classes 1.2.2-SNAPSHOT API) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +

Uses of Class

+No usage of nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.AbstractCommandLineApp
+ +
+ + diff --git a/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/class-use/ClientProxyBuilder.html b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/class-use/ClientProxyBuilder.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e9c8c1e --- /dev/null +++ b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/class-use/ClientProxyBuilder.html @@ -0,0 +1,97 @@ + + + + +Uses of Class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.ClientProxyBuilder (DANS Java Utility Classes 1.2.2-SNAPSHOT API) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +

Uses of Class

Packages that use ClientProxyBuilder
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + diff --git a/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/class-use/ConfiguredCommandUtils.html b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/class-use/ConfiguredCommandUtils.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ba812c5 --- /dev/null +++ b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/class-use/ConfiguredCommandUtils.html @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ + + + + +Uses of Class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.ConfiguredCommandUtils (DANS Java Utility Classes 1.2.2-SNAPSHOT API) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +

Uses of Class

+No usage of nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.ConfiguredCommandUtils
+ +
+ + diff --git a/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/class-use/DataverseClientFactory.html b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/class-use/DataverseClientFactory.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..964a396 --- /dev/null +++ b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/class-use/DataverseClientFactory.html @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ + + + + +Uses of Class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.DataverseClientFactory (DANS Java Utility Classes 1.2.2-SNAPSHOT API) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +

Uses of Class

+No usage of nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.DataverseClientFactory
+ +
+ + diff --git a/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/class-use/DataverseHealthCheck.html b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/class-use/DataverseHealthCheck.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1f7617a --- /dev/null +++ b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/class-use/DataverseHealthCheck.html @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ + + + + +Uses of Class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.DataverseHealthCheck (DANS Java Utility Classes 1.2.2-SNAPSHOT API) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +

Uses of Class

+No usage of nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.DataverseHealthCheck
+ +
+ + diff --git a/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/class-use/DefaultConfigConfiguredCommand.html b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/class-use/DefaultConfigConfiguredCommand.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f64eee7 --- /dev/null +++ b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/class-use/DefaultConfigConfiguredCommand.html @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ + + + + +Uses of Class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.DefaultConfigConfiguredCommand (DANS Java Utility Classes 1.2.2-SNAPSHOT API) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +

Uses of Class

+No usage of nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.DefaultConfigConfiguredCommand
+ +
+ + diff --git a/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/class-use/DefaultConfigEnvironmentCommand.html b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/class-use/DefaultConfigEnvironmentCommand.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..02b47ce --- /dev/null +++ b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/class-use/DefaultConfigEnvironmentCommand.html @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ + + + + +Uses of Class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.DefaultConfigEnvironmentCommand (DANS Java Utility Classes 1.2.2-SNAPSHOT API) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +

Uses of Class

+No usage of nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.DefaultConfigEnvironmentCommand
+ +
+ + diff --git a/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/class-use/DefaultMediaTypeFilter.html b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/class-use/DefaultMediaTypeFilter.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..15de3af --- /dev/null +++ b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/class-use/DefaultMediaTypeFilter.html @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ + + + + +Uses of Class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.DefaultMediaTypeFilter (DANS Java Utility Classes 1.2.2-SNAPSHOT API) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +

Uses of Class

+No usage of nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.DefaultMediaTypeFilter
+ +
+ + diff --git a/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/class-use/ExecutorServiceFactory.html b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/class-use/ExecutorServiceFactory.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e41cc83 --- /dev/null +++ b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/class-use/ExecutorServiceFactory.html @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ + + + + +Uses of Class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.ExecutorServiceFactory (DANS Java Utility Classes 1.2.2-SNAPSHOT API) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +

Uses of Class

+No usage of nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.ExecutorServiceFactory
+ +
+ + diff --git a/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/class-use/IntegrationTestAfterUnitTestClassOrderer.html b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/class-use/IntegrationTestAfterUnitTestClassOrderer.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..86714e7 --- /dev/null +++ b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/class-use/IntegrationTestAfterUnitTestClassOrderer.html @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ + + + + +Uses of Class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.IntegrationTestAfterUnitTestClassOrderer (DANS Java Utility Classes 1.2.2-SNAPSHOT API) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +

Uses of Class

+No usage of nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.IntegrationTestAfterUnitTestClassOrderer
+ +
+ + diff --git a/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/class-use/ManagedExecutorService.html b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/class-use/ManagedExecutorService.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..76f6f41 --- /dev/null +++ b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/class-use/ManagedExecutorService.html @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ + + + + +Uses of Class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.ManagedExecutorService (DANS Java Utility Classes 1.2.2-SNAPSHOT API) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +

Uses of Class

+No usage of nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.ManagedExecutorService
+ +
+ + diff --git a/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/class-use/PersistenceProvider.html b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/class-use/PersistenceProvider.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..57afb5b --- /dev/null +++ b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/class-use/PersistenceProvider.html @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ + + + + +Uses of Interface nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.PersistenceProvider (DANS Java Utility Classes 1.2.2-SNAPSHOT API) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +

Uses of Interface

Packages that use PersistenceProvider
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + diff --git a/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/class-use/PersistenceProviderImpl.html b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/class-use/PersistenceProviderImpl.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fee4566 --- /dev/null +++ b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/class-use/PersistenceProviderImpl.html @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ + + + + +Uses of Class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.PersistenceProviderImpl (DANS Java Utility Classes 1.2.2-SNAPSHOT API) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +

Uses of Class

+No usage of nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.PersistenceProviderImpl
+ +
+ + diff --git a/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/class-use/PicocliVersionProvider.html b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/class-use/PicocliVersionProvider.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..988605b --- /dev/null +++ b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/class-use/PicocliVersionProvider.html @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ + + + + +Uses of Class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.PicocliVersionProvider (DANS Java Utility Classes 1.2.2-SNAPSHOT API) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +

Uses of Class

+No usage of nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.PicocliVersionProvider
+ +
+ + diff --git a/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/class-use/TestUtils.html b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/class-use/TestUtils.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a4ecf1d --- /dev/null +++ b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/class-use/TestUtils.html @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ + + + + +Uses of Class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.TestUtils (DANS Java Utility Classes 1.2.2-SNAPSHOT API) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +

Uses of Class

+No usage of nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.TestUtils
+ +
+ + diff --git a/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/class-use/UrnUuid.html b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/class-use/UrnUuid.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..21dfbbd --- /dev/null +++ b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/class-use/UrnUuid.html @@ -0,0 +1,91 @@ + + + + +Uses of Class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.UrnUuid (DANS Java Utility Classes 1.2.2-SNAPSHOT API) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +

Uses of Class

Packages that use UrnUuid
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + diff --git a/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/class-use/ZipUtil.html b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/class-use/ZipUtil.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..44bf190 --- /dev/null +++ b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/class-use/ZipUtil.html @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ + + + + +Uses of Class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.ZipUtil (DANS Java Utility Classes 1.2.2-SNAPSHOT API) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +

Uses of Class

+No usage of nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.ZipUtil
+ +
+ + diff --git a/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/inbox/CustomFileFilters.html b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/inbox/CustomFileFilters.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..52d20bc --- /dev/null +++ b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/inbox/CustomFileFilters.html @@ -0,0 +1,164 @@ + + + + +CustomFileFilters (DANS Java Utility Classes 1.2.2-SNAPSHOT API) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +
+ +
+ +

Class CustomFileFilters

java.lang.Object +
public class CustomFileFilters +extends Object
+ +
    + +
  • +

    Constructor Details

    • +


      public CustomFileFilters()
    • +
  • + +
  • +

    Method Details

    • +


      public static org.apache.commons.io.filefilter.IOFileFilter subDirectoryOf(Path parent)
    • +
  • +
+ +
+ +
+ + diff --git a/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/inbox/Inbox.html b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/inbox/Inbox.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cfc5d43 --- /dev/null +++ b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/inbox/Inbox.html @@ -0,0 +1,201 @@ + + + + +Inbox (DANS Java Utility Classes 1.2.2-SNAPSHOT API) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +
+ +
+ +

Class Inbox

java.lang.Object +
org.apache.commons.io.monitor.FileAlterationListenerAdaptor +
All Implemented Interfaces:
io.dropwizard.lifecycle.Managed, org.apache.commons.io.monitor.FileAlterationListener
public class Inbox +extends org.apache.commons.io.monitor.FileAlterationListenerAdaptor +implements io.dropwizard.lifecycle.Managed
An inbox is a directory that is monitored for new files. When a new file is detected, a task is created to process the file.
+ +
    + +
  • +

    Method Details

    • +


      public void start() + throws Exception
      Specified by:
      start in interface io.dropwizard.lifecycle.Managed
    • +
    • +


      public void stop() + throws Exception
      Specified by:
      stop in interface io.dropwizard.lifecycle.Managed
    • +
    • +


      public void onFileCreate(File file)
      Specified by:
      onFileCreate in interface org.apache.commons.io.monitor.FileAlterationListener
      onFileCreate in class org.apache.commons.io.monitor.FileAlterationListenerAdaptor
    • +
    • +


      public void onDirectoryCreate(File directory)
      Specified by:
      onDirectoryCreate in interface org.apache.commons.io.monitor.FileAlterationListener
      onDirectoryCreate in class org.apache.commons.io.monitor.FileAlterationListenerAdaptor
    • +
  • +
+ +
+ +
+ + diff --git a/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/inbox/InboxTaskFactory.html b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/inbox/InboxTaskFactory.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cf1cded --- /dev/null +++ b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/inbox/InboxTaskFactory.html @@ -0,0 +1,130 @@ + + + + +InboxTaskFactory (DANS Java Utility Classes 1.2.2-SNAPSHOT API) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +
+ +
+ +

Interface InboxTaskFactory

public interface InboxTaskFactory
    + +
  • +

    Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    + + +
  • +
    + +
  • +

    Method Details

    • +


      Runnable createInboxTask(Path path)
    • +
  • +
+ +
+ +
+ + diff --git a/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/inbox/IsSubdirOfFilter.html b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/inbox/IsSubdirOfFilter.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..309e14a --- /dev/null +++ b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/inbox/IsSubdirOfFilter.html @@ -0,0 +1,193 @@ + + + + +IsSubdirOfFilter (DANS Java Utility Classes 1.2.2-SNAPSHOT API) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +
+ +
+ +

Class IsSubdirOfFilter

java.lang.Object +
org.apache.commons.io.filefilter.AbstractFileFilter +
All Implemented Interfaces:
FileFilter, FilenameFilter, FileVisitor<Path>, PathMatcher, org.apache.commons.io.file.PathFilter, org.apache.commons.io.file.PathVisitor, org.apache.commons.io.filefilter.IOFileFilter
public class IsSubdirOfFilter +extends org.apache.commons.io.filefilter.AbstractFileFilter
    + +
  • +

    Field Summary


    Fields inherited from interface org.apache.commons.io.filefilter.IOFileFilter

  • + +
  • +

    Constructor Summary

    + +
  • + +
  • +

    Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    accept(File file)

    Methods inherited from class org.apache.commons.io.filefilter.AbstractFileFilter

    +accept, handle, postVisitDirectory, preVisitDirectory, toString, visitFile, visitFileFailed

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    +clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

    Methods inherited from interface org.apache.commons.io.filefilter.IOFileFilter

    +accept, and, matches, negate, or
  • +
    + +
  • +

    Constructor Details

    • +


      public IsSubdirOfFilter()
    • +
  • + +
  • +

    Method Details

    • +


      public boolean accept(File file)
      Specified by:
      accept in interface FileFilter
      Specified by:
      accept in interface org.apache.commons.io.filefilter.IOFileFilter
      accept in class org.apache.commons.io.filefilter.AbstractFileFilter
    • +
  • +
+ +
+ +
+ + diff --git a/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/inbox/class-use/CustomFileFilters.html b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/inbox/class-use/CustomFileFilters.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0fcc895 --- /dev/null +++ b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/inbox/class-use/CustomFileFilters.html @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ + + + + +Uses of Class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.inbox.CustomFileFilters (DANS Java Utility Classes 1.2.2-SNAPSHOT API) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +

Uses of Class

+No usage of nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.inbox.CustomFileFilters
+ +
+ + diff --git a/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/inbox/class-use/Inbox.html b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/inbox/class-use/Inbox.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..367814b --- /dev/null +++ b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/inbox/class-use/Inbox.html @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ + + + + +Uses of Class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.inbox.Inbox (DANS Java Utility Classes 1.2.2-SNAPSHOT API) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +

Uses of Class

+No usage of nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.inbox.Inbox
+ +
+ + diff --git a/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/inbox/class-use/InboxTaskFactory.html b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/inbox/class-use/InboxTaskFactory.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4368d06 --- /dev/null +++ b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/inbox/class-use/InboxTaskFactory.html @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ + + + + +Uses of Interface nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.inbox.InboxTaskFactory (DANS Java Utility Classes 1.2.2-SNAPSHOT API) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +

Uses of Interface

+No usage of nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.inbox.InboxTaskFactory
+ +
+ + diff --git a/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/inbox/class-use/IsSubdirOfFilter.html b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/inbox/class-use/IsSubdirOfFilter.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6ceae47 --- /dev/null +++ b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/inbox/class-use/IsSubdirOfFilter.html @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ + + + + +Uses of Class nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.inbox.IsSubdirOfFilter (DANS Java Utility Classes 1.2.2-SNAPSHOT API) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +

Uses of Class

+No usage of nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.inbox.IsSubdirOfFilter
+ +
+ + diff --git a/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/inbox/package-summary.html b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/inbox/package-summary.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3f3fca5 --- /dev/null +++ b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/inbox/package-summary.html @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ + + + + +nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.inbox (DANS Java Utility Classes 1.2.2-SNAPSHOT API) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +

Package nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.inbox

package nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.inbox
+ +
+ +
+ + diff --git a/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/inbox/package-tree.html b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/inbox/package-tree.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0630098 --- /dev/null +++ b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/inbox/package-tree.html @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ + + + + +nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.inbox Class Hierarchy (DANS Java Utility Classes 1.2.2-SNAPSHOT API) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +

Hierarchy For Package nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.inbox

+Package Hierarchies: + +

Class Hierarchy

  • java.lang.Object +
    • org.apache.commons.io.filefilter.AbstractFileFilter (implements org.apache.commons.io.filefilter.IOFileFilter, org.apache.commons.io.file.PathVisitor) + +
    • +
    • nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.inbox.CustomFileFilters
    • +
    • org.apache.commons.io.monitor.FileAlterationListenerAdaptor (implements org.apache.commons.io.monitor.FileAlterationListener) +
      • nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.inbox.Inbox (implements io.dropwizard.lifecycle.Managed)
      • +
    • +
  • +

Interface Hierarchy

+ +
+ +
+ + diff --git a/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/inbox/package-use.html b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/inbox/package-use.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..12f6839 --- /dev/null +++ b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/inbox/package-use.html @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ + + + + +Uses of Package nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.inbox (DANS Java Utility Classes 1.2.2-SNAPSHOT API) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +

Uses of Package

+No usage of nl.knaw.dans.lib.util.inbox
+ +
+ + diff --git a/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/package-summary.html b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/package-summary.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..106bd60 --- /dev/null +++ b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/package-summary.html @@ -0,0 +1,147 @@ + + + + +nl.knaw.dans.lib.util (DANS Java Utility Classes 1.2.2-SNAPSHOT API) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +

Package nl.knaw.dans.lib.util

package nl.knaw.dans.lib.util
+ +
+ +
+ + diff --git a/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/package-tree.html b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/package-tree.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a3b8358 --- /dev/null +++ b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/package-tree.html @@ -0,0 +1,118 @@ + + + + +nl.knaw.dans.lib.util Class Hierarchy (DANS Java Utility Classes 1.2.2-SNAPSHOT API) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +

Hierarchy For Package nl.knaw.dans.lib.util

+Package Hierarchies: + +

Class Hierarchy

+ +

Interface Hierarchy

+ +
+ +
+ + diff --git a/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/package-use.html b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/package-use.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..42cf3a7 --- /dev/null +++ b/javadocs/nl/knaw/dans/lib/util/package-use.html @@ -0,0 +1,91 @@ + + + + +Uses of Package nl.knaw.dans.lib.util (DANS Java Utility Classes 1.2.2-SNAPSHOT API) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +

Uses of Package

Packages that use nl.knaw.dans.lib.util
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + diff --git a/javadocs/options b/javadocs/options new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2a36c2b --- /dev/null +++ b/javadocs/options @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +-classpath 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Hierarchy For All Packages

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See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +var moduleSearchIndex; +var packageSearchIndex; +var typeSearchIndex; +var memberSearchIndex; +var tagSearchIndex; +function loadScripts(doc, tag) { + createElem(doc, tag, 'search.js'); + + createElem(doc, tag, 'module-search-index.js'); + createElem(doc, tag, 'package-search-index.js'); + createElem(doc, tag, 'type-search-index.js'); + createElem(doc, tag, 'member-search-index.js'); + createElem(doc, tag, 'tag-search-index.js'); +} + +function createElem(doc, tag, path) { + var script = doc.createElement(tag); + var scriptElement = doc.getElementsByTagName(tag)[0]; + script.src = pathtoroot + path; + scriptElement.parentNode.insertBefore(script, scriptElement); +} + +function show(tableId, selected, columns) { + if (tableId !== selected) { + document.querySelectorAll('div.' + tableId + ':not(.' + selected + ')') + .forEach(function(elem) { + elem.style.display = 'none'; + }); + } + document.querySelectorAll('div.' + selected) + .forEach(function(elem, index) { + elem.style.display = ''; + var isEvenRow = index % (columns * 2) < columns; + elem.classList.remove(isEvenRow ? oddRowColor : evenRowColor); + elem.classList.add(isEvenRow ? evenRowColor : oddRowColor); + }); + updateTabs(tableId, selected); +} + +function updateTabs(tableId, selected) { + document.getElementById(tableId + '.tabpanel') + .setAttribute('aria-labelledby', selected); + document.querySelectorAll('button[id^="' + tableId + '"]') + .forEach(function(tab, index) { + if (selected === tab.id || (tableId === selected && index === 0)) { + tab.className = activeTableTab; + tab.setAttribute('aria-selected', true); + tab.setAttribute('tabindex',0); + } else { + tab.className = tableTab; + tab.setAttribute('aria-selected', false); + tab.setAttribute('tabindex',-1); + } + }); +} + +function switchTab(e) { + var selected = document.querySelector('[aria-selected=true]'); + if (selected) { + if ((e.keyCode === 37 || e.keyCode === 38) && selected.previousSibling) { + // left or up arrow key pressed: move focus to previous tab + selected.previousSibling.click(); + selected.previousSibling.focus(); + e.preventDefault(); + } else if ((e.keyCode === 39 || e.keyCode === 40) && selected.nextSibling) { + // right or down arrow key pressed: move focus to next tab + selected.nextSibling.click(); + selected.nextSibling.focus(); + e.preventDefault(); + } + } +} + +var updateSearchResults = function() {}; + +function indexFilesLoaded() { + return moduleSearchIndex + && packageSearchIndex + && typeSearchIndex + && memberSearchIndex + && tagSearchIndex; +} + +// Workaround for scroll position not being included in browser history (8249133) +document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(e) { + var contentDiv = document.querySelector("div.flex-content"); + window.addEventListener("popstate", function(e) { + if (e.state !== null) { + contentDiv.scrollTop = e.state; + } + }); + window.addEventListener("hashchange", function(e) { + history.replaceState(contentDiv.scrollTop, document.title); + }); + contentDiv.addEventListener("scroll", function(e) { + var timeoutID; + if (!timeoutID) { + timeoutID = setTimeout(function() { + history.replaceState(contentDiv.scrollTop, document.title); + timeoutID = null; + }, 100); + } + }); + if (!location.hash) { + history.replaceState(contentDiv.scrollTop, document.title); + } +}); diff --git a/javadocs/search.js b/javadocs/search.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..db3b2f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/javadocs/search.js @@ -0,0 +1,354 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2015, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this + * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided + * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +var noResult = {l: "No results found"}; +var loading = {l: "Loading search index..."}; +var catModules = "Modules"; +var catPackages = "Packages"; +var catTypes = "Classes and Interfaces"; +var catMembers = "Members"; +var catSearchTags = "Search Tags"; +var highlight = "$&"; +var searchPattern = ""; +var fallbackPattern = ""; +var RANKING_THRESHOLD = 2; +var NO_MATCH = 0xffff; +var MIN_RESULTS = 3; +var MAX_RESULTS = 500; +var UNNAMED = ""; +function escapeHtml(str) { + return str.replace(//g, ">"); +} +function getHighlightedText(item, matcher, fallbackMatcher) { + var escapedItem = escapeHtml(item); + var highlighted = escapedItem.replace(matcher, highlight); + if (highlighted === escapedItem) { + highlighted = escapedItem.replace(fallbackMatcher, highlight) + } + return highlighted; +} +function getURLPrefix(ui) { + var urlPrefix=""; + var slash = "/"; + if (ui.item.category === catModules) { + return ui.item.l + slash; + } else if (ui.item.category === catPackages && ui.item.m) { + return ui.item.m + slash; + } else if (ui.item.category === catTypes || ui.item.category === catMembers) { + if (ui.item.m) { + urlPrefix = ui.item.m + slash; + } else { + $.each(packageSearchIndex, function(index, item) { + if (item.m && ui.item.p === item.l) { + urlPrefix = item.m + slash; + } + }); + } + } + return urlPrefix; +} +function createSearchPattern(term) { + var pattern = ""; + var isWordToken = false; + term.replace(/,\s*/g, ", ").trim().split(/\s+/).forEach(function(w, index) { + if (index > 0) { + // whitespace between identifiers is significant + pattern += (isWordToken && /^\w/.test(w)) ? "\\s+" : "\\s*"; + } + var tokens = w.split(/(?=[A-Z,.()<>[\/])/); + for (var i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) { + var s = tokens[i]; + if (s === "") { + continue; + } + pattern += $.ui.autocomplete.escapeRegex(s); + isWordToken = /\w$/.test(s); + if (isWordToken) { + pattern += "([a-z0-9_$<>\\[\\]]*?)"; + } + } + }); + return pattern; +} +function createMatcher(pattern, flags) { + var isCamelCase = /[A-Z]/.test(pattern); + return new RegExp(pattern, flags + (isCamelCase ? "" : "i")); +} +var watermark = 'Search'; +$(function() { + var search = $("#search-input"); + var reset = $("#reset-button"); + search.val(''); + search.prop("disabled", false); + reset.prop("disabled", false); + search.val(watermark).addClass('watermark'); + search.blur(function() { + if ($(this).val().length === 0) { + $(this).val(watermark).addClass('watermark'); + } + }); + search.on('click keydown paste', function() { + if ($(this).val() === watermark) { + $(this).val('').removeClass('watermark'); + } + }); + reset.click(function() { + search.val('').focus(); + }); + search.focus()[0].setSelectionRange(0, 0); +}); +$.widget("custom.catcomplete", $.ui.autocomplete, { + _create: function() { + this._super(); + this.widget().menu("option", "items", "> :not(.ui-autocomplete-category)"); + }, + _renderMenu: function(ul, items) { + var rMenu = this; + var currentCategory = ""; + rMenu.menu.bindings = $(); + $.each(items, function(index, item) { + var li; + if (item.category && item.category !== currentCategory) { + ul.append("
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  • ").appendTo(ul); + var div = $("
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    "); + } else { + div.html(label + " (" + item.h + ")"); + } + } else { + if (item.m) { + div.html(item.m + "/" + label); + } else { + div.html(label); + } + } + return li; + } +}); +function rankMatch(match, category) { + if (!match) { + return NO_MATCH; + } + var index = match.index; + var input = match.input; + var leftBoundaryMatch = 2; + var periferalMatch = 0; + // make sure match is anchored on a left word boundary + if (index === 0 || /\W/.test(input[index - 1]) || "_" === input[index]) { + leftBoundaryMatch = 0; + } else if ("_" === input[index - 1] || (input[index] === input[index].toUpperCase() && !/^[A-Z0-9_$]+$/.test(input))) { + leftBoundaryMatch = 1; + } + var matchEnd = index + match[0].length; + var leftParen = input.indexOf("("); + var endOfName = leftParen > -1 ? leftParen : input.length; + // exclude peripheral matches + if (category !== catModules && category !== catSearchTags) { + var delim = category === catPackages ? "/" : "."; + if (leftParen > -1 && leftParen < index) { + periferalMatch += 2; + } else if (input.lastIndexOf(delim, endOfName) >= matchEnd) { + periferalMatch += 2; + } + } + var delta = match[0].length === endOfName ? 0 : 1; // rank full match higher than partial match + for (var i = 1; i < match.length; i++) { + // lower ranking if parts of the name are missing + if (match[i]) + delta += match[i].length; + } + if (category === catTypes) { + // lower ranking if a type name contains unmatched camel-case parts + if (/[A-Z]/.test(input.substring(matchEnd))) + delta += 5; + if (/[A-Z]/.test(input.substring(0, index))) + delta += 5; + } + return leftBoundaryMatch + periferalMatch + (delta / 200); + +} +function doSearch(request, response) { + var result = []; + searchPattern = createSearchPattern(request.term); + fallbackPattern = createSearchPattern(request.term.toLowerCase()); + if (searchPattern === "") { + return this.close(); + } + var camelCaseMatcher = createMatcher(searchPattern, ""); + var fallbackMatcher = new RegExp(fallbackPattern, "i"); + + function searchIndexWithMatcher(indexArray, matcher, category, nameFunc) { + if (indexArray) { + var newResults = []; + $.each(indexArray, function (i, item) { + item.category = category; + var ranking = rankMatch(matcher.exec(nameFunc(item)), category); + if (ranking < RANKING_THRESHOLD) { + newResults.push({ranking: ranking, item: item}); + } + return newResults.length <= MAX_RESULTS; + }); + return newResults.sort(function(e1, e2) { + return e1.ranking - e2.ranking; + }).map(function(e) { + return e.item; + }); + } + return []; + } + function searchIndex(indexArray, category, nameFunc) { + var primaryResults = searchIndexWithMatcher(indexArray, camelCaseMatcher, category, nameFunc); + result = result.concat(primaryResults); + if (primaryResults.length <= MIN_RESULTS && !camelCaseMatcher.ignoreCase) { + var secondaryResults = searchIndexWithMatcher(indexArray, fallbackMatcher, category, nameFunc); + result = result.concat(secondaryResults.filter(function (item) { + return primaryResults.indexOf(item) === -1; + })); + } + } + + searchIndex(moduleSearchIndex, catModules, function(item) { return item.l; }); + searchIndex(packageSearchIndex, catPackages, function(item) { + return (item.m && request.term.indexOf("/") > -1) + ? (item.m + "/" + item.l) : item.l; + }); + searchIndex(typeSearchIndex, catTypes, function(item) { + return request.term.indexOf(".") > -1 ? item.p + "." + item.l : item.l; + }); + searchIndex(memberSearchIndex, catMembers, function(item) { + return request.term.indexOf(".") > -1 + ? item.p + "." + item.c + "." + item.l : item.l; + }); + searchIndex(tagSearchIndex, catSearchTags, function(item) { return item.l; }); + + if (!indexFilesLoaded()) { + updateSearchResults = function() { + doSearch(request, response); + } + result.unshift(loading); + } else { + updateSearchResults = function() {}; + } + response(result); +} +$(function() { + $("#search-input").catcomplete({ + minLength: 1, + delay: 300, + source: doSearch, + response: function(event, ui) { + if (!ui.content.length) { + ui.content.push(noResult); + } else { + $("#search-input").empty(); + } + }, + autoFocus: true, + focus: function(event, ui) { + return false; + }, + position: { + collision: "flip" + }, + select: function(event, ui) { + if (ui.item.category) { + var url = getURLPrefix(ui); + if (ui.item.category === catModules) { + url += "module-summary.html"; + } else if (ui.item.category === catPackages) { + if (ui.item.u) { + url = ui.item.u; + } else { + url += ui.item.l.replace(/\./g, '/') + "/package-summary.html"; + } + } else if (ui.item.category === catTypes) { + if (ui.item.u) { + url = ui.item.u; + } else if (ui.item.p === UNNAMED) { + url += ui.item.l + ".html"; + } else { + url += ui.item.p.replace(/\./g, '/') + "/" + ui.item.l + ".html"; + } + } else if (ui.item.category === catMembers) { + if (ui.item.p === UNNAMED) { + url += ui.item.c + ".html" + "#"; + } else { + url += ui.item.p.replace(/\./g, '/') + "/" + ui.item.c + ".html" + "#"; + } + if (ui.item.u) { + url += ui.item.u; + } else { + url += ui.item.l; + } + } else if (ui.item.category === catSearchTags) { + url += ui.item.u; + } + if (top !== window) { + parent.classFrame.location = pathtoroot + url; + } else { + window.location.href = pathtoroot + url; + } + $("#search-input").focus(); + } + } + }); +}); diff --git a/javadocs/stylesheet.css b/javadocs/stylesheet.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4a576bd --- /dev/null +++ b/javadocs/stylesheet.css @@ -0,0 +1,869 @@ +/* + * Javadoc style sheet + */ + +@import url('resources/fonts/dejavu.css'); + +/* + * Styles for individual HTML elements. + * + * These are styles that are specific to individual HTML elements. Changing them affects the style of a particular + * HTML element throughout the page. + */ + +body { + background-color:#ffffff; + color:#353833; + font-family:'DejaVu Sans', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; + font-size:14px; + margin:0; + padding:0; + height:100%; + width:100%; +} +iframe { + margin:0; + padding:0; + height:100%; + width:100%; + overflow-y:scroll; + border:none; +} +a:link, a:visited { + text-decoration:none; + color:#4A6782; +} +a[href]:hover, a[href]:focus { + text-decoration:none; + color:#bb7a2a; +} +a[name] { + color:#353833; +} +pre { + font-family:'DejaVu Sans Mono', monospace; + font-size:14px; +} +h1 { + font-size:20px; +} +h2 { + font-size:18px; +} +h3 { + font-size:16px; +} +h4 { + font-size:15px; +} +h5 { + font-size:14px; +} +h6 { + font-size:13px; +} +ul { + list-style-type:disc; +} +code, tt { + font-family:'DejaVu Sans Mono', monospace; +} +:not(h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6) > code, +:not(h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6) > tt { + font-size:14px; + padding-top:4px; + 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+ display:flex; + flex-direction:column; + height: 100%; + width: 100%; + } + .flex-header { + flex: 0 0 auto; + } + .flex-content { + flex: 1 1 auto; + overflow-y: auto; + } +} +.top-nav { + background-color:#4D7A97; + color:#FFFFFF; + float:left; + padding:0; + width:100%; + clear:right; + min-height:2.8em; + padding-top:10px; + overflow:hidden; + font-size:12px; +} +.sub-nav { + background-color:#dee3e9; + float:left; + width:100%; + overflow:hidden; + font-size:12px; +} +.sub-nav div { + clear:left; + float:left; + padding:0 0 5px 6px; + text-transform:uppercase; +} +.sub-nav .nav-list { + padding-top:5px; +} +ul.nav-list { + display:block; + margin:0 25px 0 0; + padding:0; +} +ul.sub-nav-list { + float:left; + margin:0 25px 0 0; + padding:0; +} +ul.nav-list li { + list-style:none; + float:left; + padding: 5px 6px; + text-transform:uppercase; +} +.sub-nav .nav-list-search { + float:right; + margin:0 0 0 0; + padding:5px 6px; + clear:none; +} +.nav-list-search label { + 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+body.class-declaration-page .details h2, +body.class-use-page h2, +body.module-declaration-page .block-list h2 { + font-style: italic; + padding:0; + margin:15px 0; +} +body.class-declaration-page .summary h3, +body.class-declaration-page .details h3, +body.class-declaration-page .summary .inherited-list h2 { + background-color:#dee3e9; + border:1px solid #d0d9e0; + margin:0 0 6px -8px; + padding:7px 5px; +} +/* + * Styles for page layout containers. + */ +main { + clear:both; + padding:10px 20px; + position:relative; +} +dl.notes > dt { + font-family: 'DejaVu Sans', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; + font-size:12px; + font-weight:bold; + margin:10px 0 0 0; + color:#4E4E4E; +} +dl.notes > dd { + margin:5px 10px 10px 0; + font-size:14px; + font-family:'DejaVu Serif', Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif; +} +dl.name-value > dt { + margin-left:1px; + font-size:1.1em; + display:inline; + font-weight:bold; +} +dl.name-value > dd { + margin:0 0 0 1px; + font-size:1.1em; + display:inline; +} +/* + * Styles for lists. + */ +li.circle { + list-style:circle; +} +ul.horizontal li { + display:inline; + font-size:0.9em; +} +div.inheritance { + margin:0; + padding:0; +} +div.inheritance div.inheritance { + margin-left:2em; +} +ul.block-list, +ul.details-list, +ul.member-list, +ul.summary-list { + margin:10px 0 10px 0; + padding:0; +} +ul.block-list > li, +ul.details-list > li, +ul.member-list > li, +ul.summary-list > li { + list-style:none; + margin-bottom:15px; + line-height:1.4; +} +.summary-table dl, .summary-table dl dt, .summary-table dl dd { + margin-top:0; + margin-bottom:1px; +} +ul.see-list, ul.see-list-long { + padding-left: 0; + list-style: none; +} +ul.see-list li { + display: inline; +} +ul.see-list li:not(:last-child):after, +ul.see-list-long li:not(:last-child):after { + content: ", "; + white-space: pre-wrap; +} +/* + * Styles for tables. + */ +.summary-table, .details-table { + width:100%; + border-spacing:0; + border-left:1px solid #EEE; + border-right:1px solid #EEE; + border-bottom:1px solid #EEE; + padding:0; +} +.caption { + position:relative; + text-align:left; + background-repeat:no-repeat; + color:#253441; + font-weight:bold; + clear:none; + overflow:hidden; + padding:0; + padding-top:10px; + padding-left:1px; + margin:0; + white-space:pre; +} +.caption a:link, .caption a:visited { + color:#1f389c; +} +.caption a:hover, +.caption a:active { + color:#FFFFFF; +} +.caption span { + white-space:nowrap; + padding-top:5px; + padding-left:12px; + padding-right:12px; + padding-bottom:7px; + display:inline-block; + float:left; + background-color:#F8981D; + border: none; + height:16px; +} +div.table-tabs { + padding:10px 0 0 1px; + margin:0; +} +div.table-tabs > button { + border: none; + cursor: pointer; + padding: 5px 12px 7px 12px; + font-weight: bold; + margin-right: 3px; +} +div.table-tabs > button.active-table-tab { + background: #F8981D; + color: #253441; +} +div.table-tabs > button.table-tab { + background: #4D7A97; + color: #FFFFFF; +} +.two-column-summary { + display: grid; + grid-template-columns: minmax(15%, max-content) minmax(15%, auto); +} +.three-column-summary { + display: grid; + grid-template-columns: minmax(10%, max-content) minmax(15%, max-content) minmax(15%, auto); +} +.four-column-summary { + display: grid; + grid-template-columns: minmax(10%, max-content) minmax(10%, max-content) minmax(10%, max-content) minmax(10%, auto); +} +@media screen and (max-width: 600px) { + .two-column-summary { + display: grid; + grid-template-columns: 1fr; + } +} +@media screen and (max-width: 800px) { + .three-column-summary { + display: grid; + grid-template-columns: minmax(10%, max-content) minmax(25%, auto); + } + .three-column-summary .col-last { + grid-column-end: span 2; + } +} +@media screen and (max-width: 1000px) { + .four-column-summary { + display: grid; + grid-template-columns: minmax(15%, max-content) minmax(15%, auto); + } +} +.summary-table > div, .details-table > div { + text-align:left; + padding: 8px 3px 3px 7px; +} +.col-first, .col-second, .col-last, .col-constructor-name, .col-summary-item-name { + vertical-align:top; + padding-right:0; + padding-top:8px; + padding-bottom:3px; +} +.table-header { + background:#dee3e9; + font-weight: bold; +} +.col-first, .col-first { + font-size:13px; +} +.col-second, .col-second, .col-last, .col-constructor-name, .col-summary-item-name, .col-last { + font-size:13px; +} +.col-first, .col-second, .col-constructor-name { + vertical-align:top; + overflow: auto; +} +.col-last { + white-space:normal; +} +.col-first a:link, .col-first a:visited, +.col-second a:link, .col-second a:visited, +.col-first a:link, .col-first a:visited, +.col-second a:link, .col-second a:visited, +.col-constructor-name a:link, .col-constructor-name a:visited, +.col-summary-item-name a:link, .col-summary-item-name a:visited, +.constant-values-container a:link, .constant-values-container a:visited, +.all-classes-container a:link, .all-classes-container a:visited, +.all-packages-container a:link, .all-packages-container a:visited { + font-weight:bold; +} +.table-sub-heading-color { + background-color:#EEEEFF; +} +.even-row-color, .even-row-color .table-header { + background-color:#FFFFFF; +} +.odd-row-color, .odd-row-color .table-header { + background-color:#EEEEEF; +} +/* + * Styles for contents. + */ +.deprecated-content { + margin:0; + padding:10px 0; +} +div.block { + font-size:14px; + font-family:'DejaVu Serif', Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif; +} +.col-last div { + padding-top:0; +} +.col-last a { + padding-bottom:3px; +} +.module-signature, +.package-signature, +.type-signature, +.member-signature { + font-family:'DejaVu Sans Mono', monospace; + font-size:14px; + margin:14px 0; + white-space: pre-wrap; +} +.module-signature, +.package-signature, +.type-signature { + margin-top: 0; +} +.member-signature .type-parameters-long, +.member-signature .parameters, +.member-signature .exceptions { + display: inline-block; + vertical-align: top; + white-space: pre; +} +.member-signature .type-parameters { + white-space: normal; +} +/* + * Styles for formatting effect. + */ +.source-line-no { + color:green; + padding:0 30px 0 0; +} +h1.hidden { + visibility:hidden; + overflow:hidden; + font-size:10px; +} +.block { + display:block; + margin:0 10px 5px 0; + color:#474747; +} +.deprecated-label, .descfrm-type-label, .implementation-label, .member-name-label, .member-name-link, +.module-label-in-package, .module-label-in-type, .override-specify-label, .package-label-in-type, +.package-hierarchy-label, .type-name-label, .type-name-link, .search-tag-link, .preview-label { + font-weight:bold; +} +.deprecation-comment, .help-footnote, .preview-comment { + font-style:italic; +} +.deprecation-block { + font-size:14px; + font-family:'DejaVu Serif', Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif; + border-style:solid; + border-width:thin; + border-radius:10px; + padding:10px; + margin-bottom:10px; + margin-right:10px; + 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clear:both; + width:100%; +} +.result-highlight { + font-weight:bold; +} +.ui-autocomplete .result-item { + font-size: inherit; +} +#search-input { + background-image:url('resources/glass.png'); + background-size:13px; + background-repeat:no-repeat; + background-position:2px 3px; + padding-left:20px; + position:relative; + right:-18px; + width:400px; +} +#reset-button { + background-color: rgb(255,255,255); + background-image:url('resources/x.png'); + background-position:center; + background-repeat:no-repeat; + background-size:12px; + border:0 none; + width:16px; + height:16px; + position:relative; + left:-4px; + top:-4px; + font-size:0px; +} +.watermark { + color:#545454; +} +.search-tag-desc-result { + font-style:italic; + font-size:11px; +} +.search-tag-holder-result { + font-style:italic; + font-size:12px; +} +.search-tag-result:target { + background-color:yellow; +} +.module-graph span { + display:none; + position:absolute; +} +.module-graph:hover span { + display:block; + margin: -100px 0 0 100px; + z-index: 1; +} +.inherited-list { + margin: 10px 0 10px 0; +} +section.class-description { + line-height: 1.4; +} +.summary section[class$="-summary"], .details section[class$="-details"], +.class-uses .detail, .serialized-class-details { + padding: 0px 20px 5px 10px; + border: 1px solid #ededed; + background-color: #f8f8f8; +} +.inherited-list, section[class$="-details"] .detail { + padding:0 0 5px 8px; + background-color:#ffffff; + border:none; +} +.vertical-separator { + padding: 0 5px; +} +ul.help-section-list { + margin: 0; +} +ul.help-subtoc > li { + display: inline-block; + padding-right: 5px; + font-size: smaller; +} +ul.help-subtoc > li::before { + content: "\2022" ; + padding-right:2px; +} +span.help-note { + font-style: italic; +} +/* + * Indicator icon for external links. + */ +main a[href*="://"]::after { + content:""; + display:inline-block; + background-image:url('data:image/svg+xml; utf8, \ + \ + \ + '); + background-size:100% 100%; + width:7px; + height:7px; + margin-left:2px; + margin-bottom:4px; +} +main a[href*="://"]:hover::after, +main a[href*="://"]:focus::after { + background-image:url('data:image/svg+xml; utf8, \ + \ + \ + '); +} + +/* + * Styles for user-provided tables. + * + * borderless: + * No borders, vertical margins, styled caption. + * This style is provided for use with existing doc comments. + * In general, borderless tables should not be used for layout purposes. + * + * plain: + * Plain borders around table and cells, vertical margins, styled caption. + * Best for small tables or for complex tables for tables with cells that span + * rows and columns, when the "striped" style does not work well. + * + * striped: + * Borders around the table and vertical borders between cells, striped rows, + * vertical margins, styled caption. + * Best for tables that have a header row, and a body containing a series of simple rows. + */ + +table.borderless, +table.plain, +table.striped { + margin-top: 10px; + 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    + + + + + + + + diff --git a/search/lunr.js b/search/lunr.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6aa370f --- /dev/null +++ b/search/lunr.js @@ -0,0 +1,3475 @@ +/** + * lunr - http://lunrjs.com - A bit like Solr, but much smaller and not as bright - 2.3.9 + * Copyright (C) 2020 Oliver Nightingale + * @license MIT + */ + +;(function(){ + +/** + * A convenience function for configuring and constructing + * a new lunr Index. + * + * A lunr.Builder instance is created and the pipeline setup + * with a trimmer, stop word filter and stemmer. + * + * This builder object is yielded to the configuration function + * that is passed as a parameter, allowing the list of fields + * and other builder parameters to be customised. + * + * All documents _must_ be added within the passed config function. + * + * @example + * var idx = lunr(function () { + * this.field('title') + * this.field('body') + * this.ref('id') + * + * documents.forEach(function (doc) { + * this.add(doc) + * }, this) + * }) + * + * @see {@link lunr.Builder} + * @see {@link lunr.Pipeline} + * @see {@link lunr.trimmer} + * @see {@link lunr.stopWordFilter} + * @see {@link lunr.stemmer} + * @namespace {function} lunr + */ +var lunr = function (config) { + var builder = new lunr.Builder + + builder.pipeline.add( + lunr.trimmer, + lunr.stopWordFilter, + lunr.stemmer + ) + + builder.searchPipeline.add( + lunr.stemmer + ) + + config.call(builder, builder) + return builder.build() +} + +lunr.version = "2.3.9" +/*! + * lunr.utils + * Copyright (C) 2020 Oliver Nightingale + */ + +/** + * A namespace containing utils for the rest of the lunr library + * @namespace lunr.utils + */ +lunr.utils = {} + +/** + * Print a warning message to the console. + * + * @param {String} message The message to be printed. + * @memberOf lunr.utils + * @function + */ +lunr.utils.warn = (function (global) { + /* eslint-disable no-console */ + return function (message) { + if (global.console && console.warn) { + console.warn(message) + } + } + /* eslint-enable no-console */ +})(this) + +/** + * Convert an object to a string. + * + * In the case of `null` and `undefined` the function returns + * the empty string, in all other cases the result of calling + * `toString` on the passed object is returned. + * + * @param {Any} obj The object to convert to a string. + * @return {String} string representation of the passed object. + * @memberOf lunr.utils + */ +lunr.utils.asString = function (obj) { + if (obj === void 0 || obj === null) { + return "" + } else { + return obj.toString() + } +} + +/** + * Clones an object. + * + * Will create a copy of an existing object such that any mutations + * on the copy cannot affect the original. + * + * Only shallow objects are supported, passing a nested object to this + * function will cause a TypeError. + * + * Objects with primitives, and arrays of primitives are supported. + * + * @param {Object} obj The object to clone. + * @return {Object} a clone of the passed object. + * @throws {TypeError} when a nested object is passed. + * @memberOf Utils + */ +lunr.utils.clone = function (obj) { + if (obj === null || obj === undefined) { + return obj + } + + var clone = Object.create(null), + keys = Object.keys(obj) + + for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { + var key = keys[i], + val = obj[key] + + if (Array.isArray(val)) { + clone[key] = val.slice() + continue + } + + if (typeof val === 'string' || + typeof val === 'number' || + typeof val === 'boolean') { + clone[key] = val + continue + } + + throw new TypeError("clone is not deep and does not support nested objects") + } + + return clone +} +lunr.FieldRef = function (docRef, fieldName, stringValue) { + this.docRef = docRef + this.fieldName = fieldName + this._stringValue = stringValue +} + +lunr.FieldRef.joiner = "/" + +lunr.FieldRef.fromString = function (s) { + var n = s.indexOf(lunr.FieldRef.joiner) + + if (n === -1) { + throw "malformed field ref string" + } + + var fieldRef = s.slice(0, n), + docRef = s.slice(n + 1) + + return new lunr.FieldRef (docRef, fieldRef, s) +} + +lunr.FieldRef.prototype.toString = function () { + if (this._stringValue == undefined) { + this._stringValue = this.fieldName + lunr.FieldRef.joiner + this.docRef + } + + return this._stringValue +} +/*! + * lunr.Set + * Copyright (C) 2020 Oliver Nightingale + */ + +/** + * A lunr set. + * + * @constructor + */ +lunr.Set = function (elements) { + this.elements = Object.create(null) + + if (elements) { + this.length = elements.length + + for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { + this.elements[elements[i]] = true + } + } else { + this.length = 0 + } +} + +/** + * A complete set that contains all elements. + * + * @static + * @readonly + * @type {lunr.Set} + */ +lunr.Set.complete = { + intersect: function (other) { + return other + }, + + union: function () { + return this + }, + + contains: function () { + return true + } +} + +/** + * An empty set that contains no elements. + * + * @static + * @readonly + * @type {lunr.Set} + */ +lunr.Set.empty = { + intersect: function () { + return this + }, + + union: function (other) { + return other + }, + + contains: function () { + return false + } +} + +/** + * Returns true if this set contains the specified object. + * + * @param {object} object - Object whose presence in this set is to be tested. + * @returns {boolean} - True if this set contains the specified object. + */ +lunr.Set.prototype.contains = function (object) { + return !!this.elements[object] +} + +/** + * Returns a new set containing only the elements that are present in both + * this set and the specified set. + * + * @param {lunr.Set} other - set to intersect with this set. + * @returns {lunr.Set} a new set that is the intersection of this and the specified set. + */ + +lunr.Set.prototype.intersect = function (other) { + var a, b, elements, intersection = [] + + if (other === lunr.Set.complete) { + return this + } + + if (other === lunr.Set.empty) { + return other + } + + if (this.length < other.length) { + a = this + b = other + } else { + a = other + b = this + } + + elements = Object.keys(a.elements) + + for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { + var element = elements[i] + if (element in b.elements) { + intersection.push(element) + } + } + + return new lunr.Set (intersection) +} + +/** + * Returns a new set combining the elements of this and the specified set. + * + * @param {lunr.Set} other - set to union with this set. + * @return {lunr.Set} a new set that is the union of this and the specified set. + */ + +lunr.Set.prototype.union = function (other) { + if (other === lunr.Set.complete) { + return lunr.Set.complete + } + + if (other === lunr.Set.empty) { + return this + } + + return new lunr.Set(Object.keys(this.elements).concat(Object.keys(other.elements))) +} +/** + * A function to calculate the inverse document frequency for + * a posting. This is shared between the builder and the index + * + * @private + * @param {object} posting - The posting for a given term + * @param {number} documentCount - The total number of documents. + */ +lunr.idf = function (posting, documentCount) { + var documentsWithTerm = 0 + + for (var fieldName in posting) { + if (fieldName == '_index') continue // Ignore the term index, its not a field + documentsWithTerm += Object.keys(posting[fieldName]).length + } + + var x = (documentCount - documentsWithTerm + 0.5) / (documentsWithTerm + 0.5) + + return Math.log(1 + Math.abs(x)) +} + +/** + * A token wraps a string representation of a token + * as it is passed through the text processing pipeline. + * + * @constructor + * @param {string} [str=''] - The string token being wrapped. + * @param {object} [metadata={}] - Metadata associated with this token. + */ +lunr.Token = function (str, metadata) { + this.str = str || "" + this.metadata = metadata || {} +} + +/** + * Returns the token string that is being wrapped by this object. + * + * @returns {string} + */ +lunr.Token.prototype.toString = function () { + return this.str +} + +/** + * A token update function is used when updating or optionally + * when cloning a token. + * + * @callback lunr.Token~updateFunction + * @param {string} str - The string representation of the token. + * @param {Object} metadata - All metadata associated with this token. + */ + +/** + * Applies the given function to the wrapped string token. + * + * @example + * token.update(function (str, metadata) { + * return str.toUpperCase() + * }) + * + * @param {lunr.Token~updateFunction} fn - A function to apply to the token string. + * @returns {lunr.Token} + */ +lunr.Token.prototype.update = function (fn) { + this.str = fn(this.str, this.metadata) + return this +} + +/** + * Creates a clone of this token. Optionally a function can be + * applied to the cloned token. + * + * @param {lunr.Token~updateFunction} [fn] - An optional function to apply to the cloned token. + * @returns {lunr.Token} + */ +lunr.Token.prototype.clone = function (fn) { + fn = fn || function (s) { return s } + return new lunr.Token (fn(this.str, this.metadata), this.metadata) +} +/*! + * lunr.tokenizer + * Copyright (C) 2020 Oliver Nightingale + */ + +/** + * A function for splitting a string into tokens ready to be inserted into + * the search index. Uses `lunr.tokenizer.separator` to split strings, change + * the value of this property to change how strings are split into tokens. + * + * This tokenizer will convert its parameter to a string by calling `toString` and + * then will split this string on the character in `lunr.tokenizer.separator`. + * Arrays will have their elements converted to strings and wrapped in a lunr.Token. + * + * Optional metadata can be passed to the tokenizer, this metadata will be cloned and + * added as metadata to every token that is created from the object to be tokenized. + * + * @static + * @param {?(string|object|object[])} obj - The object to convert into tokens + * @param {?object} metadata - Optional metadata to associate with every token + * @returns {lunr.Token[]} + * @see {@link lunr.Pipeline} + */ +lunr.tokenizer = function (obj, metadata) { + if (obj == null || obj == undefined) { + return [] + } + + if (Array.isArray(obj)) { + return obj.map(function (t) { + return new lunr.Token( + lunr.utils.asString(t).toLowerCase(), + lunr.utils.clone(metadata) + ) + }) + } + + var str = obj.toString().toLowerCase(), + len = str.length, + tokens = [] + + for (var sliceEnd = 0, sliceStart = 0; sliceEnd <= len; sliceEnd++) { + var char = str.charAt(sliceEnd), + sliceLength = sliceEnd - sliceStart + + if ((char.match(lunr.tokenizer.separator) || sliceEnd == len)) { + + if (sliceLength > 0) { + var tokenMetadata = lunr.utils.clone(metadata) || {} + tokenMetadata["position"] = [sliceStart, sliceLength] + tokenMetadata["index"] = tokens.length + + tokens.push( + new lunr.Token ( + str.slice(sliceStart, sliceEnd), + tokenMetadata + ) + ) + } + + sliceStart = sliceEnd + 1 + } + + } + + return tokens +} + +/** + * The separator used to split a string into tokens. Override this property to change the behaviour of + * `lunr.tokenizer` behaviour when tokenizing strings. By default this splits on whitespace and hyphens. + * + * @static + * @see lunr.tokenizer + */ +lunr.tokenizer.separator = /[\s\-]+/ +/*! + * lunr.Pipeline + * Copyright (C) 2020 Oliver Nightingale + */ + +/** + * lunr.Pipelines maintain an ordered list of functions to be applied to all + * tokens in documents entering the search index and queries being ran against + * the index. + * + * An instance of lunr.Index created with the lunr shortcut will contain a + * pipeline with a stop word filter and an English language stemmer. Extra + * functions can be added before or after either of these functions or these + * default functions can be removed. + * + * When run the pipeline will call each function in turn, passing a token, the + * index of that token in the original list of all tokens and finally a list of + * all the original tokens. + * + * The output of functions in the pipeline will be passed to the next function + * in the pipeline. To exclude a token from entering the index the function + * should return undefined, the rest of the pipeline will not be called with + * this token. + * + * For serialisation of pipelines to work, all functions used in an instance of + * a pipeline should be registered with lunr.Pipeline. Registered functions can + * then be loaded. If trying to load a serialised pipeline that uses functions + * that are not registered an error will be thrown. + * + * If not planning on serialising the pipeline then registering pipeline functions + * is not necessary. + * + * @constructor + */ +lunr.Pipeline = function () { + this._stack = [] +} + +lunr.Pipeline.registeredFunctions = Object.create(null) + +/** + * A pipeline function maps lunr.Token to lunr.Token. A lunr.Token contains the token + * string as well as all known metadata. A pipeline function can mutate the token string + * or mutate (or add) metadata for a given token. + * + * A pipeline function can indicate that the passed token should be discarded by returning + * null, undefined or an empty string. This token will not be passed to any downstream pipeline + * functions and will not be added to the index. + * + * Multiple tokens can be returned by returning an array of tokens. Each token will be passed + * to any downstream pipeline functions and all will returned tokens will be added to the index. + * + * Any number of pipeline functions may be chained together using a lunr.Pipeline. + * + * @interface lunr.PipelineFunction + * @param {lunr.Token} token - A token from the document being processed. + * @param {number} i - The index of this token in the complete list of tokens for this document/field. + * @param {lunr.Token[]} tokens - All tokens for this document/field. + * @returns {(?lunr.Token|lunr.Token[])} + */ + +/** + * Register a function with the pipeline. + * + * Functions that are used in the pipeline should be registered if the pipeline + * needs to be serialised, or a serialised pipeline needs to be loaded. + * + * Registering a function does not add it to a pipeline, functions must still be + * added to instances of the pipeline for them to be used when running a pipeline. + * + * @param {lunr.PipelineFunction} fn - The function to check for. + * @param {String} label - The label to register this function with + */ +lunr.Pipeline.registerFunction = function (fn, label) { + if (label in this.registeredFunctions) { + lunr.utils.warn('Overwriting existing registered function: ' + label) + } + + fn.label = label + lunr.Pipeline.registeredFunctions[fn.label] = fn +} + +/** + * Warns if the function is not registered as a Pipeline function. + * + * @param {lunr.PipelineFunction} fn - The function to check for. + * @private + */ +lunr.Pipeline.warnIfFunctionNotRegistered = function (fn) { + var isRegistered = fn.label && (fn.label in this.registeredFunctions) + + if (!isRegistered) { + lunr.utils.warn('Function is not registered with pipeline. This may cause problems when serialising the index.\n', fn) + } +} + +/** + * Loads a previously serialised pipeline. + * + * All functions to be loaded must already be registered with lunr.Pipeline. + * If any function from the serialised data has not been registered then an + * error will be thrown. + * + * @param {Object} serialised - The serialised pipeline to load. + * @returns {lunr.Pipeline} + */ +lunr.Pipeline.load = function (serialised) { + var pipeline = new lunr.Pipeline + + serialised.forEach(function (fnName) { + var fn = lunr.Pipeline.registeredFunctions[fnName] + + if (fn) { + pipeline.add(fn) + } else { + throw new Error('Cannot load unregistered function: ' + fnName) + } + }) + + return pipeline +} + +/** + * Adds new functions to the end of the pipeline. + * + * Logs a warning if the function has not been registered. + * + * @param {lunr.PipelineFunction[]} functions - Any number of functions to add to the pipeline. + */ +lunr.Pipeline.prototype.add = function () { + var fns = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments) + + fns.forEach(function (fn) { + lunr.Pipeline.warnIfFunctionNotRegistered(fn) + this._stack.push(fn) + }, this) +} + +/** + * Adds a single function after a function that already exists in the + * pipeline. + * + * Logs a warning if the function has not been registered. + * + * @param {lunr.PipelineFunction} existingFn - A function that already exists in the pipeline. + * @param {lunr.PipelineFunction} newFn - The new function to add to the pipeline. + */ +lunr.Pipeline.prototype.after = function (existingFn, newFn) { + lunr.Pipeline.warnIfFunctionNotRegistered(newFn) + + var pos = this._stack.indexOf(existingFn) + if (pos == -1) { + throw new Error('Cannot find existingFn') + } + + pos = pos + 1 + this._stack.splice(pos, 0, newFn) +} + +/** + * Adds a single function before a function that already exists in the + * pipeline. + * + * Logs a warning if the function has not been registered. + * + * @param {lunr.PipelineFunction} existingFn - A function that already exists in the pipeline. + * @param {lunr.PipelineFunction} newFn - The new function to add to the pipeline. + */ +lunr.Pipeline.prototype.before = function (existingFn, newFn) { + lunr.Pipeline.warnIfFunctionNotRegistered(newFn) + + var pos = this._stack.indexOf(existingFn) + if (pos == -1) { + throw new Error('Cannot find existingFn') + } + + this._stack.splice(pos, 0, newFn) +} + +/** + * Removes a function from the pipeline. + * + * @param {lunr.PipelineFunction} fn The function to remove from the pipeline. + */ +lunr.Pipeline.prototype.remove = function (fn) { + var pos = this._stack.indexOf(fn) + if (pos == -1) { + return + } + + this._stack.splice(pos, 1) +} + +/** + * Runs the current list of functions that make up the pipeline against the + * passed tokens. + * + * @param {Array} tokens The tokens to run through the pipeline. + * @returns {Array} + */ +lunr.Pipeline.prototype.run = function (tokens) { + var stackLength = this._stack.length + + for (var i = 0; i < stackLength; i++) { + var fn = this._stack[i] + var memo = [] + + for (var j = 0; j < tokens.length; j++) { + var result = fn(tokens[j], j, tokens) + + if (result === null || result === void 0 || result === '') continue + + if (Array.isArray(result)) { + for (var k = 0; k < result.length; k++) { + memo.push(result[k]) + } + } else { + memo.push(result) + } + } + + tokens = memo + } + + return tokens +} + +/** + * Convenience method for passing a string through a pipeline and getting + * strings out. This method takes care of wrapping the passed string in a + * token and mapping the resulting tokens back to strings. + * + * @param {string} str - The string to pass through the pipeline. + * @param {?object} metadata - Optional metadata to associate with the token + * passed to the pipeline. + * @returns {string[]} + */ +lunr.Pipeline.prototype.runString = function (str, metadata) { + var token = new lunr.Token (str, metadata) + + return this.run([token]).map(function (t) { + return t.toString() + }) +} + +/** + * Resets the pipeline by removing any existing processors. + * + */ +lunr.Pipeline.prototype.reset = function () { + this._stack = [] +} + +/** + * Returns a representation of the pipeline ready for serialisation. + * + * Logs a warning if the function has not been registered. + * + * @returns {Array} + */ +lunr.Pipeline.prototype.toJSON = function () { + return this._stack.map(function (fn) { + lunr.Pipeline.warnIfFunctionNotRegistered(fn) + + return fn.label + }) +} +/*! + * lunr.Vector + * Copyright (C) 2020 Oliver Nightingale + */ + +/** + * A vector is used to construct the vector space of documents and queries. These + * vectors support operations to determine the similarity between two documents or + * a document and a query. + * + * Normally no parameters are required for initializing a vector, but in the case of + * loading a previously dumped vector the raw elements can be provided to the constructor. + * + * For performance reasons vectors are implemented with a flat array, where an elements + * index is immediately followed by its value. E.g. [index, value, index, value]. This + * allows the underlying array to be as sparse as possible and still offer decent + * performance when being used for vector calculations. + * + * @constructor + * @param {Number[]} [elements] - The flat list of element index and element value pairs. + */ +lunr.Vector = function (elements) { + this._magnitude = 0 + this.elements = elements || [] +} + + +/** + * Calculates the position within the vector to insert a given index. + * + * This is used internally by insert and upsert. If there are duplicate indexes then + * the position is returned as if the value for that index were to be updated, but it + * is the callers responsibility to check whether there is a duplicate at that index + * + * @param {Number} insertIdx - The index at which the element should be inserted. + * @returns {Number} + */ +lunr.Vector.prototype.positionForIndex = function (index) { + // For an empty vector the tuple can be inserted at the beginning + if (this.elements.length == 0) { + return 0 + } + + var start = 0, + end = this.elements.length / 2, + sliceLength = end - start, + pivotPoint = Math.floor(sliceLength / 2), + pivotIndex = this.elements[pivotPoint * 2] + + while (sliceLength > 1) { + if (pivotIndex < index) { + start = pivotPoint + } + + if (pivotIndex > index) { + end = pivotPoint + } + + if (pivotIndex == index) { + break + } + + sliceLength = end - start + pivotPoint = start + Math.floor(sliceLength / 2) + pivotIndex = this.elements[pivotPoint * 2] + } + + if (pivotIndex == index) { + return pivotPoint * 2 + } + + if (pivotIndex > index) { + return pivotPoint * 2 + } + + if (pivotIndex < index) { + return (pivotPoint + 1) * 2 + } +} + +/** + * Inserts an element at an index within the vector. + * + * Does not allow duplicates, will throw an error if there is already an entry + * for this index. + * + * @param {Number} insertIdx - The index at which the element should be inserted. + * @param {Number} val - The value to be inserted into the vector. + */ +lunr.Vector.prototype.insert = function (insertIdx, val) { + this.upsert(insertIdx, val, function () { + throw "duplicate index" + }) +} + +/** + * Inserts or updates an existing index within the vector. + * + * @param {Number} insertIdx - The index at which the element should be inserted. + * @param {Number} val - The value to be inserted into the vector. + * @param {function} fn - A function that is called for updates, the existing value and the + * requested value are passed as arguments + */ +lunr.Vector.prototype.upsert = function (insertIdx, val, fn) { + this._magnitude = 0 + var position = this.positionForIndex(insertIdx) + + if (this.elements[position] == insertIdx) { + this.elements[position + 1] = fn(this.elements[position + 1], val) + } else { + this.elements.splice(position, 0, insertIdx, val) + } +} + +/** + * Calculates the magnitude of this vector. + * + * @returns {Number} + */ +lunr.Vector.prototype.magnitude = function () { + if (this._magnitude) return this._magnitude + + var sumOfSquares = 0, + elementsLength = this.elements.length + + for (var i = 1; i < elementsLength; i += 2) { + var val = this.elements[i] + sumOfSquares += val * val + } + + return this._magnitude = Math.sqrt(sumOfSquares) +} + +/** + * Calculates the dot product of this vector and another vector. + * + * @param {lunr.Vector} otherVector - The vector to compute the dot product with. + * @returns {Number} + */ +lunr.Vector.prototype.dot = function (otherVector) { + var dotProduct = 0, + a = this.elements, b = otherVector.elements, + aLen = a.length, bLen = b.length, + aVal = 0, bVal = 0, + i = 0, j = 0 + + while (i < aLen && j < bLen) { + aVal = a[i], bVal = b[j] + if (aVal < bVal) { + i += 2 + } else if (aVal > bVal) { + j += 2 + } else if (aVal == bVal) { + dotProduct += a[i + 1] * b[j + 1] + i += 2 + j += 2 + } + } + + return dotProduct +} + +/** + * Calculates the similarity between this vector and another vector. + * + * @param {lunr.Vector} otherVector - The other vector to calculate the + * similarity with. + * @returns {Number} + */ +lunr.Vector.prototype.similarity = function (otherVector) { + return this.dot(otherVector) / this.magnitude() || 0 +} + +/** + * Converts the vector to an array of the elements within the vector. + * + * @returns {Number[]} + */ +lunr.Vector.prototype.toArray = function () { + var output = new Array (this.elements.length / 2) + + for (var i = 1, j = 0; i < this.elements.length; i += 2, j++) { + output[j] = this.elements[i] + } + + return output +} + +/** + * A JSON serializable representation of the vector. + * + * @returns {Number[]} + */ +lunr.Vector.prototype.toJSON = function () { + return this.elements +} +/* eslint-disable */ +/*! + * lunr.stemmer + * Copyright (C) 2020 Oliver Nightingale + * Includes code from - http://tartarus.org/~martin/PorterStemmer/js.txt + */ + +/** + * lunr.stemmer is an english language stemmer, this is a JavaScript + * implementation of the PorterStemmer taken from http://tartarus.org/~martin + * + * @static + * @implements {lunr.PipelineFunction} + * @param {lunr.Token} token - The string to stem + * @returns {lunr.Token} + * @see {@link lunr.Pipeline} + * @function + */ +lunr.stemmer = (function(){ + var step2list = { + "ational" : "ate", + "tional" : "tion", + "enci" : "ence", + "anci" : "ance", + "izer" : "ize", + "bli" : "ble", + "alli" : "al", + "entli" : "ent", + "eli" : "e", + "ousli" : "ous", + "ization" : "ize", + "ation" : "ate", + "ator" : "ate", + "alism" : "al", + "iveness" : "ive", + "fulness" : "ful", + "ousness" : "ous", + "aliti" : "al", + "iviti" : "ive", + "biliti" : "ble", + "logi" : "log" + }, + + step3list = { + "icate" : "ic", + "ative" : "", + "alize" : "al", + "iciti" : "ic", + "ical" : "ic", + "ful" : "", + "ness" : "" + }, + + c = "[^aeiou]", // consonant + v = "[aeiouy]", // vowel + C = c + "[^aeiouy]*", // consonant sequence + V = v + "[aeiou]*", // vowel sequence + + mgr0 = "^(" + C + ")?" + V + C, // [C]VC... is m>0 + meq1 = "^(" + C + ")?" + V + C + "(" + V + ")?$", // [C]VC[V] is m=1 + mgr1 = "^(" + C + ")?" + V + C + V + C, // [C]VCVC... is m>1 + s_v = "^(" + C + ")?" + v; // vowel in stem + + var re_mgr0 = new RegExp(mgr0); + var re_mgr1 = new RegExp(mgr1); + var re_meq1 = new RegExp(meq1); + var re_s_v = new RegExp(s_v); + + var re_1a = /^(.+?)(ss|i)es$/; + var re2_1a = /^(.+?)([^s])s$/; + var re_1b = /^(.+?)eed$/; + var re2_1b = /^(.+?)(ed|ing)$/; + var re_1b_2 = /.$/; + var re2_1b_2 = /(at|bl|iz)$/; + var re3_1b_2 = new RegExp("([^aeiouylsz])\\1$"); + var re4_1b_2 = new RegExp("^" + C + v + "[^aeiouwxy]$"); + + var re_1c = /^(.+?[^aeiou])y$/; + var re_2 = /^(.+?)(ational|tional|enci|anci|izer|bli|alli|entli|eli|ousli|ization|ation|ator|alism|iveness|fulness|ousness|aliti|iviti|biliti|logi)$/; + + var re_3 = /^(.+?)(icate|ative|alize|iciti|ical|ful|ness)$/; + + var re_4 = /^(.+?)(al|ance|ence|er|ic|able|ible|ant|ement|ment|ent|ou|ism|ate|iti|ous|ive|ize)$/; + var re2_4 = /^(.+?)(s|t)(ion)$/; + + var re_5 = /^(.+?)e$/; + var re_5_1 = /ll$/; + var re3_5 = new RegExp("^" + C + v + "[^aeiouwxy]$"); + + var porterStemmer = function porterStemmer(w) { + var stem, + suffix, + firstch, + re, + re2, + re3, + re4; + + if (w.length < 3) { return w; } + + firstch = w.substr(0,1); + if (firstch == "y") { + w = firstch.toUpperCase() + w.substr(1); + } + + // Step 1a + re = re_1a + re2 = re2_1a; + + if (re.test(w)) { w = w.replace(re,"$1$2"); } + else if (re2.test(w)) { w = w.replace(re2,"$1$2"); } + + // Step 1b + re = re_1b; + re2 = re2_1b; + if (re.test(w)) { + var fp = re.exec(w); + re = re_mgr0; + if (re.test(fp[1])) { + re = re_1b_2; + w = w.replace(re,""); + } + } else if (re2.test(w)) { + var fp = re2.exec(w); + stem = fp[1]; + re2 = re_s_v; + if (re2.test(stem)) { + w = stem; + re2 = re2_1b_2; + re3 = re3_1b_2; + re4 = re4_1b_2; + if (re2.test(w)) { w = w + "e"; } + else if (re3.test(w)) { re = re_1b_2; w = w.replace(re,""); } + else if (re4.test(w)) { w = w + "e"; } + } + } + + // Step 1c - replace suffix y or Y by i if preceded by a non-vowel which is not the first letter of the word (so cry -> cri, by -> by, say -> say) + re = re_1c; + if (re.test(w)) { + var fp = re.exec(w); + stem = fp[1]; + w = stem + "i"; + } + + // Step 2 + re = re_2; + if (re.test(w)) { + var fp = re.exec(w); + stem = fp[1]; + suffix = fp[2]; + re = re_mgr0; + if (re.test(stem)) { + w = stem + step2list[suffix]; + } + } + + // Step 3 + re = re_3; + if (re.test(w)) { + var fp = re.exec(w); + stem = fp[1]; + suffix = fp[2]; + re = re_mgr0; + if (re.test(stem)) { + w = stem + step3list[suffix]; + } + } + + // Step 4 + re = re_4; + re2 = re2_4; + if (re.test(w)) { + var fp = re.exec(w); + stem = fp[1]; + re = re_mgr1; + if (re.test(stem)) { + w = stem; + } + } else if (re2.test(w)) { + var fp = re2.exec(w); + stem = fp[1] + fp[2]; + re2 = re_mgr1; + if (re2.test(stem)) { + w = stem; + } + } + + // Step 5 + re = re_5; + if (re.test(w)) { + var fp = re.exec(w); + stem = fp[1]; + re = re_mgr1; + re2 = re_meq1; + re3 = re3_5; + if (re.test(stem) || (re2.test(stem) && !(re3.test(stem)))) { + w = stem; + } + } + + re = re_5_1; + re2 = re_mgr1; + if (re.test(w) && re2.test(w)) { + re = re_1b_2; + w = w.replace(re,""); + } + + // and turn initial Y back to y + + if (firstch == "y") { + w = firstch.toLowerCase() + w.substr(1); + } + + return w; + }; + + return function (token) { + return token.update(porterStemmer); + } +})(); + +lunr.Pipeline.registerFunction(lunr.stemmer, 'stemmer') +/*! + * lunr.stopWordFilter + * Copyright (C) 2020 Oliver Nightingale + */ + +/** + * lunr.generateStopWordFilter builds a stopWordFilter function from the provided + * list of stop words. + * + * The built in lunr.stopWordFilter is built using this generator and can be used + * to generate custom stopWordFilters for applications or non English languages. + * + * @function + * @param {Array} token The token to pass through the filter + * @returns {lunr.PipelineFunction} + * @see lunr.Pipeline + * @see lunr.stopWordFilter + */ +lunr.generateStopWordFilter = function (stopWords) { + var words = stopWords.reduce(function (memo, stopWord) { + memo[stopWord] = stopWord + return memo + }, {}) + + return function (token) { + if (token && words[token.toString()] !== token.toString()) return token + } +} + +/** + * lunr.stopWordFilter is an English language stop word list filter, any words + * contained in the list will not be passed through the filter. + * + * This is intended to be used in the Pipeline. If the token does not pass the + * filter then undefined will be returned. + * + * @function + * @implements {lunr.PipelineFunction} + * @params {lunr.Token} token - A token to check for being a stop word. + * @returns {lunr.Token} + * @see {@link lunr.Pipeline} + */ +lunr.stopWordFilter = lunr.generateStopWordFilter([ + 'a', + 'able', + 'about', + 'across', + 'after', + 'all', + 'almost', + 'also', + 'am', + 'among', + 'an', + 'and', + 'any', + 'are', + 'as', + 'at', + 'be', + 'because', + 'been', + 'but', + 'by', + 'can', + 'cannot', + 'could', + 'dear', + 'did', + 'do', + 'does', + 'either', + 'else', + 'ever', + 'every', + 'for', + 'from', + 'get', + 'got', + 'had', + 'has', + 'have', + 'he', + 'her', + 'hers', + 'him', + 'his', + 'how', + 'however', + 'i', + 'if', + 'in', + 'into', + 'is', + 'it', + 'its', + 'just', + 'least', + 'let', + 'like', + 'likely', + 'may', + 'me', + 'might', + 'most', + 'must', + 'my', + 'neither', + 'no', + 'nor', + 'not', + 'of', + 'off', + 'often', + 'on', + 'only', + 'or', + 'other', + 'our', + 'own', + 'rather', + 'said', + 'say', + 'says', + 'she', + 'should', + 'since', + 'so', + 'some', + 'than', + 'that', + 'the', + 'their', + 'them', + 'then', + 'there', + 'these', + 'they', + 'this', + 'tis', + 'to', + 'too', + 'twas', + 'us', + 'wants', + 'was', + 'we', + 'were', + 'what', + 'when', + 'where', + 'which', + 'while', + 'who', + 'whom', + 'why', + 'will', + 'with', + 'would', + 'yet', + 'you', + 'your' +]) + +lunr.Pipeline.registerFunction(lunr.stopWordFilter, 'stopWordFilter') +/*! + * lunr.trimmer + * Copyright (C) 2020 Oliver Nightingale + */ + +/** + * lunr.trimmer is a pipeline function for trimming non word + * characters from the beginning and end of tokens before they + * enter the index. + * + * This implementation may not work correctly for non latin + * characters and should either be removed or adapted for use + * with languages with non-latin characters. + * + * @static + * @implements {lunr.PipelineFunction} + * @param {lunr.Token} token The token to pass through the filter + * @returns {lunr.Token} + * @see lunr.Pipeline + */ +lunr.trimmer = function (token) { + return token.update(function (s) { + return s.replace(/^\W+/, '').replace(/\W+$/, '') + }) +} + +lunr.Pipeline.registerFunction(lunr.trimmer, 'trimmer') +/*! + * lunr.TokenSet + * Copyright (C) 2020 Oliver Nightingale + */ + +/** + * A token set is used to store the unique list of all tokens + * within an index. Token sets are also used to represent an + * incoming query to the index, this query token set and index + * token set are then intersected to find which tokens to look + * up in the inverted index. + * + * A token set can hold multiple tokens, as in the case of the + * index token set, or it can hold a single token as in the + * case of a simple query token set. + * + * Additionally token sets are used to perform wildcard matching. + * Leading, contained and trailing wildcards are supported, and + * from this edit distance matching can also be provided. + * + * Token sets are implemented as a minimal finite state automata, + * where both common prefixes and suffixes are shared between tokens. + * This helps to reduce the space used for storing the token set. + * + * @constructor + */ +lunr.TokenSet = function () { + this.final = false + this.edges = {} + this.id = lunr.TokenSet._nextId + lunr.TokenSet._nextId += 1 +} + +/** + * Keeps track of the next, auto increment, identifier to assign + * to a new tokenSet. + * + * TokenSets require a unique identifier to be correctly minimised. + * + * @private + */ +lunr.TokenSet._nextId = 1 + +/** + * Creates a TokenSet instance from the given sorted array of words. + * + * @param {String[]} arr - A sorted array of strings to create the set from. + * @returns {lunr.TokenSet} + * @throws Will throw an error if the input array is not sorted. + */ +lunr.TokenSet.fromArray = function (arr) { + var builder = new lunr.TokenSet.Builder + + for (var i = 0, len = arr.length; i < len; i++) { + builder.insert(arr[i]) + } + + builder.finish() + return builder.root +} + +/** + * Creates a token set from a query clause. + * + * @private + * @param {Object} clause - A single clause from lunr.Query. + * @param {string} clause.term - The query clause term. + * @param {number} [clause.editDistance] - The optional edit distance for the term. + * @returns {lunr.TokenSet} + */ +lunr.TokenSet.fromClause = function (clause) { + if ('editDistance' in clause) { + return lunr.TokenSet.fromFuzzyString(clause.term, clause.editDistance) + } else { + return lunr.TokenSet.fromString(clause.term) + } +} + +/** + * Creates a token set representing a single string with a specified + * edit distance. + * + * Insertions, deletions, substitutions and transpositions are each + * treated as an edit distance of 1. + * + * Increasing the allowed edit distance will have a dramatic impact + * on the performance of both creating and intersecting these TokenSets. + * It is advised to keep the edit distance less than 3. + * + * @param {string} str - The string to create the token set from. + * @param {number} editDistance - The allowed edit distance to match. + * @returns {lunr.Vector} + */ +lunr.TokenSet.fromFuzzyString = function (str, editDistance) { + var root = new lunr.TokenSet + + var stack = [{ + node: root, + editsRemaining: editDistance, + str: str + }] + + while (stack.length) { + var frame = stack.pop() + + // no edit + if (frame.str.length > 0) { + var char = frame.str.charAt(0), + noEditNode + + if (char in frame.node.edges) { + noEditNode = frame.node.edges[char] + } else { + noEditNode = new lunr.TokenSet + frame.node.edges[char] = noEditNode + } + + if (frame.str.length == 1) { + noEditNode.final = true + } + + stack.push({ + node: noEditNode, + editsRemaining: frame.editsRemaining, + str: frame.str.slice(1) + }) + } + + if (frame.editsRemaining == 0) { + continue + } + + // insertion + if ("*" in frame.node.edges) { + var insertionNode = frame.node.edges["*"] + } else { + var insertionNode = new lunr.TokenSet + frame.node.edges["*"] = insertionNode + } + + if (frame.str.length == 0) { + insertionNode.final = true + } + + stack.push({ + node: insertionNode, + editsRemaining: frame.editsRemaining - 1, + str: frame.str + }) + + // deletion + // can only do a deletion if we have enough edits remaining + // and if there are characters left to delete in the string + if (frame.str.length > 1) { + stack.push({ + node: frame.node, + editsRemaining: frame.editsRemaining - 1, + str: frame.str.slice(1) + }) + } + + // deletion + // just removing the last character from the str + if (frame.str.length == 1) { + frame.node.final = true + } + + // substitution + // can only do a substitution if we have enough edits remaining + // and if there are characters left to substitute + if (frame.str.length >= 1) { + if ("*" in frame.node.edges) { + var substitutionNode = frame.node.edges["*"] + } else { + var substitutionNode = new lunr.TokenSet + frame.node.edges["*"] = substitutionNode + } + + if (frame.str.length == 1) { + substitutionNode.final = true + } + + stack.push({ + node: substitutionNode, + editsRemaining: frame.editsRemaining - 1, + str: frame.str.slice(1) + }) + } + + // transposition + // can only do a transposition if there are edits remaining + // and there are enough characters to transpose + if (frame.str.length > 1) { + var charA = frame.str.charAt(0), + charB = frame.str.charAt(1), + transposeNode + + if (charB in frame.node.edges) { + transposeNode = frame.node.edges[charB] + } else { + transposeNode = new lunr.TokenSet + frame.node.edges[charB] = transposeNode + } + + if (frame.str.length == 1) { + transposeNode.final = true + } + + stack.push({ + node: transposeNode, + editsRemaining: frame.editsRemaining - 1, + str: charA + frame.str.slice(2) + }) + } + } + + return root +} + +/** + * Creates a TokenSet from a string. + * + * The string may contain one or more wildcard characters (*) + * that will allow wildcard matching when intersecting with + * another TokenSet. + * + * @param {string} str - The string to create a TokenSet from. + * @returns {lunr.TokenSet} + */ +lunr.TokenSet.fromString = function (str) { + var node = new lunr.TokenSet, + root = node + + /* + * Iterates through all characters within the passed string + * appending a node for each character. + * + * When a wildcard character is found then a self + * referencing edge is introduced to continually match + * any number of any characters. + */ + for (var i = 0, len = str.length; i < len; i++) { + var char = str[i], + final = (i == len - 1) + + if (char == "*") { + node.edges[char] = node + node.final = final + + } else { + var next = new lunr.TokenSet + next.final = final + + node.edges[char] = next + node = next + } + } + + return root +} + +/** + * Converts this TokenSet into an array of strings + * contained within the TokenSet. + * + * This is not intended to be used on a TokenSet that + * contains wildcards, in these cases the results are + * undefined and are likely to cause an infinite loop. + * + * @returns {string[]} + */ +lunr.TokenSet.prototype.toArray = function () { + var words = [] + + var stack = [{ + prefix: "", + node: this + }] + + while (stack.length) { + var frame = stack.pop(), + edges = Object.keys(frame.node.edges), + len = edges.length + + if (frame.node.final) { + /* In Safari, at this point the prefix is sometimes corrupted, see: + * https://github.com/olivernn/lunr.js/issues/279 Calling any + * String.prototype method forces Safari to "cast" this string to what + * it's supposed to be, fixing the bug. */ + frame.prefix.charAt(0) + words.push(frame.prefix) + } + + for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { + var edge = edges[i] + + stack.push({ + prefix: frame.prefix.concat(edge), + node: frame.node.edges[edge] + }) + } + } + + return words +} + +/** + * Generates a string representation of a TokenSet. + * + * This is intended to allow TokenSets to be used as keys + * in objects, largely to aid the construction and minimisation + * of a TokenSet. As such it is not designed to be a human + * friendly representation of the TokenSet. + * + * @returns {string} + */ +lunr.TokenSet.prototype.toString = function () { + // NOTE: Using Object.keys here as this.edges is very likely + // to enter 'hash-mode' with many keys being added + // + // avoiding a for-in loop here as it leads to the function + // being de-optimised (at least in V8). From some simple + // benchmarks the performance is comparable, but allowing + // V8 to optimize may mean easy performance wins in the future. + + if (this._str) { + return this._str + } + + var str = this.final ? '1' : '0', + labels = Object.keys(this.edges).sort(), + len = labels.length + + for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { + var label = labels[i], + node = this.edges[label] + + str = str + label + node.id + } + + return str +} + +/** + * Returns a new TokenSet that is the intersection of + * this TokenSet and the passed TokenSet. + * + * This intersection will take into account any wildcards + * contained within the TokenSet. + * + * @param {lunr.TokenSet} b - An other TokenSet to intersect with. + * @returns {lunr.TokenSet} + */ +lunr.TokenSet.prototype.intersect = function (b) { + var output = new lunr.TokenSet, + frame = undefined + + var stack = [{ + qNode: b, + output: output, + node: this + }] + + while (stack.length) { + frame = stack.pop() + + // NOTE: As with the #toString method, we are using + // Object.keys and a for loop instead of a for-in loop + // as both of these objects enter 'hash' mode, causing + // the function to be de-optimised in V8 + var qEdges = Object.keys(frame.qNode.edges), + qLen = qEdges.length, + nEdges = Object.keys(frame.node.edges), + nLen = nEdges.length + + for (var q = 0; q < qLen; q++) { + var qEdge = qEdges[q] + + for (var n = 0; n < nLen; n++) { + var nEdge = nEdges[n] + + if (nEdge == qEdge || qEdge == '*') { + var node = frame.node.edges[nEdge], + qNode = frame.qNode.edges[qEdge], + final = node.final && qNode.final, + next = undefined + + if (nEdge in frame.output.edges) { + // an edge already exists for this character + // no need to create a new node, just set the finality + // bit unless this node is already final + next = frame.output.edges[nEdge] + next.final = next.final || final + + } else { + // no edge exists yet, must create one + // set the finality bit and insert it + // into the output + next = new lunr.TokenSet + next.final = final + frame.output.edges[nEdge] = next + } + + stack.push({ + qNode: qNode, + output: next, + node: node + }) + } + } + } + } + + return output +} +lunr.TokenSet.Builder = function () { + this.previousWord = "" + this.root = new lunr.TokenSet + this.uncheckedNodes = [] + this.minimizedNodes = {} +} + +lunr.TokenSet.Builder.prototype.insert = function (word) { + var node, + commonPrefix = 0 + + if (word < this.previousWord) { + throw new Error ("Out of order word insertion") + } + + for (var i = 0; i < word.length && i < this.previousWord.length; i++) { + if (word[i] != this.previousWord[i]) break + commonPrefix++ + } + + this.minimize(commonPrefix) + + if (this.uncheckedNodes.length == 0) { + node = this.root + } else { + node = this.uncheckedNodes[this.uncheckedNodes.length - 1].child + } + + for (var i = commonPrefix; i < word.length; i++) { + var nextNode = new lunr.TokenSet, + char = word[i] + + node.edges[char] = nextNode + + this.uncheckedNodes.push({ + parent: node, + char: char, + child: nextNode + }) + + node = nextNode + } + + node.final = true + this.previousWord = word +} + +lunr.TokenSet.Builder.prototype.finish = function () { + this.minimize(0) +} + +lunr.TokenSet.Builder.prototype.minimize = function (downTo) { + for (var i = this.uncheckedNodes.length - 1; i >= downTo; i--) { + var node = this.uncheckedNodes[i], + childKey = node.child.toString() + + if (childKey in this.minimizedNodes) { + node.parent.edges[node.char] = this.minimizedNodes[childKey] + } else { + // Cache the key for this node since + // we know it can't change anymore + node.child._str = childKey + + this.minimizedNodes[childKey] = node.child + } + + this.uncheckedNodes.pop() + } +} +/*! + * lunr.Index + * Copyright (C) 2020 Oliver Nightingale + */ + +/** + * An index contains the built index of all documents and provides a query interface + * to the index. + * + * Usually instances of lunr.Index will not be created using this constructor, instead + * lunr.Builder should be used to construct new indexes, or lunr.Index.load should be + * used to load previously built and serialized indexes. + * + * @constructor + * @param {Object} attrs - The attributes of the built search index. + * @param {Object} attrs.invertedIndex - An index of term/field to document reference. + * @param {Object} attrs.fieldVectors - Field vectors + * @param {lunr.TokenSet} attrs.tokenSet - An set of all corpus tokens. + * @param {string[]} attrs.fields - The names of indexed document fields. + * @param {lunr.Pipeline} attrs.pipeline - The pipeline to use for search terms. + */ +lunr.Index = function (attrs) { + this.invertedIndex = attrs.invertedIndex + this.fieldVectors = attrs.fieldVectors + this.tokenSet = attrs.tokenSet + this.fields = attrs.fields + this.pipeline = attrs.pipeline +} + +/** + * A result contains details of a document matching a search query. + * @typedef {Object} lunr.Index~Result + * @property {string} ref - The reference of the document this result represents. + * @property {number} score - A number between 0 and 1 representing how similar this document is to the query. + * @property {lunr.MatchData} matchData - Contains metadata about this match including which term(s) caused the match. + */ + +/** + * Although lunr provides the ability to create queries using lunr.Query, it also provides a simple + * query language which itself is parsed into an instance of lunr.Query. + * + * For programmatically building queries it is advised to directly use lunr.Query, the query language + * is best used for human entered text rather than program generated text. + * + * At its simplest queries can just be a single term, e.g. `hello`, multiple terms are also supported + * and will be combined with OR, e.g `hello world` will match documents that contain either 'hello' + * or 'world', though those that contain both will rank higher in the results. + * + * Wildcards can be included in terms to match one or more unspecified characters, these wildcards can + * be inserted anywhere within the term, and more than one wildcard can exist in a single term. Adding + * wildcards will increase the number of documents that will be found but can also have a negative + * impact on query performance, especially with wildcards at the beginning of a term. + * + * Terms can be restricted to specific fields, e.g. `title:hello`, only documents with the term + * hello in the title field will match this query. Using a field not present in the index will lead + * to an error being thrown. + * + * Modifiers can also be added to terms, lunr supports edit distance and boost modifiers on terms. A term + * boost will make documents matching that term score higher, e.g. `foo^5`. Edit distance is also supported + * to provide fuzzy matching, e.g. 'hello~2' will match documents with hello with an edit distance of 2. + * Avoid large values for edit distance to improve query performance. + * + * Each term also supports a presence modifier. By default a term's presence in document is optional, however + * this can be changed to either required or prohibited. For a term's presence to be required in a document the + * term should be prefixed with a '+', e.g. `+foo bar` is a search for documents that must contain 'foo' and + * optionally contain 'bar'. Conversely a leading '-' sets the terms presence to prohibited, i.e. it must not + * appear in a document, e.g. `-foo bar` is a search for documents that do not contain 'foo' but may contain 'bar'. + * + * To escape special characters the backslash character '\' can be used, this allows searches to include + * characters that would normally be considered modifiers, e.g. `foo\~2` will search for a term "foo~2" instead + * of attempting to apply a boost of 2 to the search term "foo". + * + * @typedef {string} lunr.Index~QueryString + * @example Simple single term query + * hello + * @example Multiple term query + * hello world + * @example term scoped to a field + * title:hello + * @example term with a boost of 10 + * hello^10 + * @example term with an edit distance of 2 + * hello~2 + * @example terms with presence modifiers + * -foo +bar baz + */ + +/** + * Performs a search against the index using lunr query syntax. + * + * Results will be returned sorted by their score, the most relevant results + * will be returned first. For details on how the score is calculated, please see + * the {@link https://lunrjs.com/guides/searching.html#scoring|guide}. + * + * For more programmatic querying use lunr.Index#query. + * + * @param {lunr.Index~QueryString} queryString - A string containing a lunr query. + * @throws {lunr.QueryParseError} If the passed query string cannot be parsed. + * @returns {lunr.Index~Result[]} + */ +lunr.Index.prototype.search = function (queryString) { + return this.query(function (query) { + var parser = new lunr.QueryParser(queryString, query) + parser.parse() + }) +} + +/** + * A query builder callback provides a query object to be used to express + * the query to perform on the index. + * + * @callback lunr.Index~queryBuilder + * @param {lunr.Query} query - The query object to build up. + * @this lunr.Query + */ + +/** + * Performs a query against the index using the yielded lunr.Query object. + * + * If performing programmatic queries against the index, this method is preferred + * over lunr.Index#search so as to avoid the additional query parsing overhead. + * + * A query object is yielded to the supplied function which should be used to + * express the query to be run against the index. + * + * Note that although this function takes a callback parameter it is _not_ an + * asynchronous operation, the callback is just yielded a query object to be + * customized. + * + * @param {lunr.Index~queryBuilder} fn - A function that is used to build the query. + * @returns {lunr.Index~Result[]} + */ +lunr.Index.prototype.query = function (fn) { + // for each query clause + // * process terms + // * expand terms from token set + // * find matching documents and metadata + // * get document vectors + // * score documents + + var query = new lunr.Query(this.fields), + matchingFields = Object.create(null), + queryVectors = Object.create(null), + termFieldCache = Object.create(null), + requiredMatches = Object.create(null), + prohibitedMatches = Object.create(null) + + /* + * To support field level boosts a query vector is created per + * field. An empty vector is eagerly created to support negated + * queries. + */ + for (var i = 0; i < this.fields.length; i++) { + queryVectors[this.fields[i]] = new lunr.Vector + } + + fn.call(query, query) + + for (var i = 0; i < query.clauses.length; i++) { + /* + * Unless the pipeline has been disabled for this term, which is + * the case for terms with wildcards, we need to pass the clause + * term through the search pipeline. A pipeline returns an array + * of processed terms. Pipeline functions may expand the passed + * term, which means we may end up performing multiple index lookups + * for a single query term. + */ + var clause = query.clauses[i], + terms = null, + clauseMatches = lunr.Set.empty + + if (clause.usePipeline) { + terms = this.pipeline.runString(clause.term, { + fields: clause.fields + }) + } else { + terms = [clause.term] + } + + for (var m = 0; m < terms.length; m++) { + var term = terms[m] + + /* + * Each term returned from the pipeline needs to use the same query + * clause object, e.g. the same boost and or edit distance. The + * simplest way to do this is to re-use the clause object but mutate + * its term property. + */ + clause.term = term + + /* + * From the term in the clause we create a token set which will then + * be used to intersect the indexes token set to get a list of terms + * to lookup in the inverted index + */ + var termTokenSet = lunr.TokenSet.fromClause(clause), + expandedTerms = this.tokenSet.intersect(termTokenSet).toArray() + + /* + * If a term marked as required does not exist in the tokenSet it is + * impossible for the search to return any matches. We set all the field + * scoped required matches set to empty and stop examining any further + * clauses. + */ + if (expandedTerms.length === 0 && clause.presence === lunr.Query.presence.REQUIRED) { + for (var k = 0; k < clause.fields.length; k++) { + var field = clause.fields[k] + requiredMatches[field] = lunr.Set.empty + } + + break + } + + for (var j = 0; j < expandedTerms.length; j++) { + /* + * For each term get the posting and termIndex, this is required for + * building the query vector. + */ + var expandedTerm = expandedTerms[j], + posting = this.invertedIndex[expandedTerm], + termIndex = posting._index + + for (var k = 0; k < clause.fields.length; k++) { + /* + * For each field that this query term is scoped by (by default + * all fields are in scope) we need to get all the document refs + * that have this term in that field. + * + * The posting is the entry in the invertedIndex for the matching + * term from above. + */ + var field = clause.fields[k], + fieldPosting = posting[field], + matchingDocumentRefs = Object.keys(fieldPosting), + termField = expandedTerm + "/" + field, + matchingDocumentsSet = new lunr.Set(matchingDocumentRefs) + + /* + * if the presence of this term is required ensure that the matching + * documents are added to the set of required matches for this clause. + * + */ + if (clause.presence == lunr.Query.presence.REQUIRED) { + clauseMatches = clauseMatches.union(matchingDocumentsSet) + + if (requiredMatches[field] === undefined) { + requiredMatches[field] = lunr.Set.complete + } + } + + /* + * if the presence of this term is prohibited ensure that the matching + * documents are added to the set of prohibited matches for this field, + * creating that set if it does not yet exist. + */ + if (clause.presence == lunr.Query.presence.PROHIBITED) { + if (prohibitedMatches[field] === undefined) { + prohibitedMatches[field] = lunr.Set.empty + } + + prohibitedMatches[field] = prohibitedMatches[field].union(matchingDocumentsSet) + + /* + * Prohibited matches should not be part of the query vector used for + * similarity scoring and no metadata should be extracted so we continue + * to the next field + */ + continue + } + + /* + * The query field vector is populated using the termIndex found for + * the term and a unit value with the appropriate boost applied. + * Using upsert because there could already be an entry in the vector + * for the term we are working with. In that case we just add the scores + * together. + */ + queryVectors[field].upsert(termIndex, clause.boost, function (a, b) { return a + b }) + + /** + * If we've already seen this term, field combo then we've already collected + * the matching documents and metadata, no need to go through all that again + */ + if (termFieldCache[termField]) { + continue + } + + for (var l = 0; l < matchingDocumentRefs.length; l++) { + /* + * All metadata for this term/field/document triple + * are then extracted and collected into an instance + * of lunr.MatchData ready to be returned in the query + * results + */ + var matchingDocumentRef = matchingDocumentRefs[l], + matchingFieldRef = new lunr.FieldRef (matchingDocumentRef, field), + metadata = fieldPosting[matchingDocumentRef], + fieldMatch + + if ((fieldMatch = matchingFields[matchingFieldRef]) === undefined) { + matchingFields[matchingFieldRef] = new lunr.MatchData (expandedTerm, field, metadata) + } else { + fieldMatch.add(expandedTerm, field, metadata) + } + + } + + termFieldCache[termField] = true + } + } + } + + /** + * If the presence was required we need to update the requiredMatches field sets. + * We do this after all fields for the term have collected their matches because + * the clause terms presence is required in _any_ of the fields not _all_ of the + * fields. + */ + if (clause.presence === lunr.Query.presence.REQUIRED) { + for (var k = 0; k < clause.fields.length; k++) { + var field = clause.fields[k] + requiredMatches[field] = requiredMatches[field].intersect(clauseMatches) + } + } + } + + /** + * Need to combine the field scoped required and prohibited + * matching documents into a global set of required and prohibited + * matches + */ + var allRequiredMatches = lunr.Set.complete, + allProhibitedMatches = lunr.Set.empty + + for (var i = 0; i < this.fields.length; i++) { + var field = this.fields[i] + + if (requiredMatches[field]) { + allRequiredMatches = allRequiredMatches.intersect(requiredMatches[field]) + } + + if (prohibitedMatches[field]) { + allProhibitedMatches = allProhibitedMatches.union(prohibitedMatches[field]) + } + } + + var matchingFieldRefs = Object.keys(matchingFields), + results = [], + matches = Object.create(null) + + /* + * If the query is negated (contains only prohibited terms) + * we need to get _all_ fieldRefs currently existing in the + * index. This is only done when we know that the query is + * entirely prohibited terms to avoid any cost of getting all + * fieldRefs unnecessarily. + * + * Additionally, blank MatchData must be created to correctly + * populate the results. + */ + if (query.isNegated()) { + matchingFieldRefs = Object.keys(this.fieldVectors) + + for (var i = 0; i < matchingFieldRefs.length; i++) { + var matchingFieldRef = matchingFieldRefs[i] + var fieldRef = lunr.FieldRef.fromString(matchingFieldRef) + matchingFields[matchingFieldRef] = new lunr.MatchData + } + } + + for (var i = 0; i < matchingFieldRefs.length; i++) { + /* + * Currently we have document fields that match the query, but we + * need to return documents. The matchData and scores are combined + * from multiple fields belonging to the same document. + * + * Scores are calculated by field, using the query vectors created + * above, and combined into a final document score using addition. + */ + var fieldRef = lunr.FieldRef.fromString(matchingFieldRefs[i]), + docRef = fieldRef.docRef + + if (!allRequiredMatches.contains(docRef)) { + continue + } + + if (allProhibitedMatches.contains(docRef)) { + continue + } + + var fieldVector = this.fieldVectors[fieldRef], + score = queryVectors[fieldRef.fieldName].similarity(fieldVector), + docMatch + + if ((docMatch = matches[docRef]) !== undefined) { + docMatch.score += score + docMatch.matchData.combine(matchingFields[fieldRef]) + } else { + var match = { + ref: docRef, + score: score, + matchData: matchingFields[fieldRef] + } + matches[docRef] = match + results.push(match) + } + } + + /* + * Sort the results objects by score, highest first. + */ + return results.sort(function (a, b) { + return b.score - a.score + }) +} + +/** + * Prepares the index for JSON serialization. + * + * The schema for this JSON blob will be described in a + * separate JSON schema file. + * + * @returns {Object} + */ +lunr.Index.prototype.toJSON = function () { + var invertedIndex = Object.keys(this.invertedIndex) + .sort() + .map(function (term) { + return [term, this.invertedIndex[term]] + }, this) + + var fieldVectors = Object.keys(this.fieldVectors) + .map(function (ref) { + return [ref, this.fieldVectors[ref].toJSON()] + }, this) + + return { + version: lunr.version, + fields: this.fields, + fieldVectors: fieldVectors, + invertedIndex: invertedIndex, + pipeline: this.pipeline.toJSON() + } +} + +/** + * Loads a previously serialized lunr.Index + * + * @param {Object} serializedIndex - A previously serialized lunr.Index + * @returns {lunr.Index} + */ +lunr.Index.load = function (serializedIndex) { + var attrs = {}, + fieldVectors = {}, + serializedVectors = serializedIndex.fieldVectors, + invertedIndex = Object.create(null), + serializedInvertedIndex = serializedIndex.invertedIndex, + tokenSetBuilder = new lunr.TokenSet.Builder, + pipeline = lunr.Pipeline.load(serializedIndex.pipeline) + + if (serializedIndex.version != lunr.version) { + lunr.utils.warn("Version mismatch when loading serialised index. Current version of lunr '" + lunr.version + "' does not match serialized index '" + serializedIndex.version + "'") + } + + for (var i = 0; i < serializedVectors.length; i++) { + var tuple = serializedVectors[i], + ref = tuple[0], + elements = tuple[1] + + fieldVectors[ref] = new lunr.Vector(elements) + } + + for (var i = 0; i < serializedInvertedIndex.length; i++) { + var tuple = serializedInvertedIndex[i], + term = tuple[0], + posting = tuple[1] + + tokenSetBuilder.insert(term) + invertedIndex[term] = posting + } + + tokenSetBuilder.finish() + + attrs.fields = serializedIndex.fields + + attrs.fieldVectors = fieldVectors + attrs.invertedIndex = invertedIndex + attrs.tokenSet = tokenSetBuilder.root + attrs.pipeline = pipeline + + return new lunr.Index(attrs) +} +/*! + * lunr.Builder + * Copyright (C) 2020 Oliver Nightingale + */ + +/** + * lunr.Builder performs indexing on a set of documents and + * returns instances of lunr.Index ready for querying. + * + * All configuration of the index is done via the builder, the + * fields to index, the document reference, the text processing + * pipeline and document scoring parameters are all set on the + * builder before indexing. + * + * @constructor + * @property {string} _ref - Internal reference to the document reference field. + * @property {string[]} _fields - Internal reference to the document fields to index. + * @property {object} invertedIndex - The inverted index maps terms to document fields. + * @property {object} documentTermFrequencies - Keeps track of document term frequencies. + * @property {object} documentLengths - Keeps track of the length of documents added to the index. + * @property {lunr.tokenizer} tokenizer - Function for splitting strings into tokens for indexing. + * @property {lunr.Pipeline} pipeline - The pipeline performs text processing on tokens before indexing. + * @property {lunr.Pipeline} searchPipeline - A pipeline for processing search terms before querying the index. + * @property {number} documentCount - Keeps track of the total number of documents indexed. + * @property {number} _b - A parameter to control field length normalization, setting this to 0 disabled normalization, 1 fully normalizes field lengths, the default value is 0.75. + * @property {number} _k1 - A parameter to control how quickly an increase in term frequency results in term frequency saturation, the default value is 1.2. + * @property {number} termIndex - A counter incremented for each unique term, used to identify a terms position in the vector space. + * @property {array} metadataWhitelist - A list of metadata keys that have been whitelisted for entry in the index. + */ +lunr.Builder = function () { + this._ref = "id" + this._fields = Object.create(null) + this._documents = Object.create(null) + this.invertedIndex = Object.create(null) + this.fieldTermFrequencies = {} + this.fieldLengths = {} + this.tokenizer = lunr.tokenizer + this.pipeline = new lunr.Pipeline + this.searchPipeline = new lunr.Pipeline + this.documentCount = 0 + this._b = 0.75 + this._k1 = 1.2 + this.termIndex = 0 + this.metadataWhitelist = [] +} + +/** + * Sets the document field used as the document reference. Every document must have this field. + * The type of this field in the document should be a string, if it is not a string it will be + * coerced into a string by calling toString. + * + * The default ref is 'id'. + * + * The ref should _not_ be changed during indexing, it should be set before any documents are + * added to the index. Changing it during indexing can lead to inconsistent results. + * + * @param {string} ref - The name of the reference field in the document. + */ +lunr.Builder.prototype.ref = function (ref) { + this._ref = ref +} + +/** + * A function that is used to extract a field from a document. + * + * Lunr expects a field to be at the top level of a document, if however the field + * is deeply nested within a document an extractor function can be used to extract + * the right field for indexing. + * + * @callback fieldExtractor + * @param {object} doc - The document being added to the index. + * @returns {?(string|object|object[])} obj - The object that will be indexed for this field. + * @example Extracting a nested field + * function (doc) { return doc.nested.field } + */ + +/** + * Adds a field to the list of document fields that will be indexed. Every document being + * indexed should have this field. Null values for this field in indexed documents will + * not cause errors but will limit the chance of that document being retrieved by searches. + * + * All fields should be added before adding documents to the index. Adding fields after + * a document has been indexed will have no effect on already indexed documents. + * + * Fields can be boosted at build time. This allows terms within that field to have more + * importance when ranking search results. Use a field boost to specify that matches within + * one field are more important than other fields. + * + * @param {string} fieldName - The name of a field to index in all documents. + * @param {object} attributes - Optional attributes associated with this field. + * @param {number} [attributes.boost=1] - Boost applied to all terms within this field. + * @param {fieldExtractor} [attributes.extractor] - Function to extract a field from a document. + * @throws {RangeError} fieldName cannot contain unsupported characters '/' + */ +lunr.Builder.prototype.field = function (fieldName, attributes) { + if (/\//.test(fieldName)) { + throw new RangeError ("Field '" + fieldName + "' contains illegal character '/'") + } + + this._fields[fieldName] = attributes || {} +} + +/** + * A parameter to tune the amount of field length normalisation that is applied when + * calculating relevance scores. A value of 0 will completely disable any normalisation + * and a value of 1 will fully normalise field lengths. The default is 0.75. Values of b + * will be clamped to the range 0 - 1. + * + * @param {number} number - The value to set for this tuning parameter. + */ +lunr.Builder.prototype.b = function (number) { + if (number < 0) { + this._b = 0 + } else if (number > 1) { + this._b = 1 + } else { + this._b = number + } +} + +/** + * A parameter that controls the speed at which a rise in term frequency results in term + * frequency saturation. The default value is 1.2. Setting this to a higher value will give + * slower saturation levels, a lower value will result in quicker saturation. + * + * @param {number} number - The value to set for this tuning parameter. + */ +lunr.Builder.prototype.k1 = function (number) { + this._k1 = number +} + +/** + * Adds a document to the index. + * + * Before adding fields to the index the index should have been fully setup, with the document + * ref and all fields to index already having been specified. + * + * The document must have a field name as specified by the ref (by default this is 'id') and + * it should have all fields defined for indexing, though null or undefined values will not + * cause errors. + * + * Entire documents can be boosted at build time. Applying a boost to a document indicates that + * this document should rank higher in search results than other documents. + * + * @param {object} doc - The document to add to the index. + * @param {object} attributes - Optional attributes associated with this document. + * @param {number} [attributes.boost=1] - Boost applied to all terms within this document. + */ +lunr.Builder.prototype.add = function (doc, attributes) { + var docRef = doc[this._ref], + fields = Object.keys(this._fields) + + this._documents[docRef] = attributes || {} + this.documentCount += 1 + + for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { + var fieldName = fields[i], + extractor = this._fields[fieldName].extractor, + field = extractor ? extractor(doc) : doc[fieldName], + tokens = this.tokenizer(field, { + fields: [fieldName] + }), + terms = this.pipeline.run(tokens), + fieldRef = new lunr.FieldRef (docRef, fieldName), + fieldTerms = Object.create(null) + + this.fieldTermFrequencies[fieldRef] = fieldTerms + this.fieldLengths[fieldRef] = 0 + + // store the length of this field for this document + this.fieldLengths[fieldRef] += terms.length + + // calculate term frequencies for this field + for (var j = 0; j < terms.length; j++) { + var term = terms[j] + + if (fieldTerms[term] == undefined) { + fieldTerms[term] = 0 + } + + fieldTerms[term] += 1 + + // add to inverted index + // create an initial posting if one doesn't exist + if (this.invertedIndex[term] == undefined) { + var posting = Object.create(null) + posting["_index"] = this.termIndex + this.termIndex += 1 + + for (var k = 0; k < fields.length; k++) { + posting[fields[k]] = Object.create(null) + } + + this.invertedIndex[term] = posting + } + + // add an entry for this term/fieldName/docRef to the invertedIndex + if (this.invertedIndex[term][fieldName][docRef] == undefined) { + this.invertedIndex[term][fieldName][docRef] = Object.create(null) + } + + // store all whitelisted metadata about this token in the + // inverted index + for (var l = 0; l < this.metadataWhitelist.length; l++) { + var metadataKey = this.metadataWhitelist[l], + metadata = term.metadata[metadataKey] + + if (this.invertedIndex[term][fieldName][docRef][metadataKey] == undefined) { + this.invertedIndex[term][fieldName][docRef][metadataKey] = [] + } + + this.invertedIndex[term][fieldName][docRef][metadataKey].push(metadata) + } + } + + } +} + +/** + * Calculates the average document length for this index + * + * @private + */ +lunr.Builder.prototype.calculateAverageFieldLengths = function () { + + var fieldRefs = Object.keys(this.fieldLengths), + numberOfFields = fieldRefs.length, + accumulator = {}, + documentsWithField = {} + + for (var i = 0; i < numberOfFields; i++) { + var fieldRef = lunr.FieldRef.fromString(fieldRefs[i]), + field = fieldRef.fieldName + + documentsWithField[field] || (documentsWithField[field] = 0) + documentsWithField[field] += 1 + + accumulator[field] || (accumulator[field] = 0) + accumulator[field] += this.fieldLengths[fieldRef] + } + + var fields = Object.keys(this._fields) + + for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { + var fieldName = fields[i] + accumulator[fieldName] = accumulator[fieldName] / documentsWithField[fieldName] + } + + this.averageFieldLength = accumulator +} + +/** + * Builds a vector space model of every document using lunr.Vector + * + * @private + */ +lunr.Builder.prototype.createFieldVectors = function () { + var fieldVectors = {}, + fieldRefs = Object.keys(this.fieldTermFrequencies), + fieldRefsLength = fieldRefs.length, + termIdfCache = Object.create(null) + + for (var i = 0; i < fieldRefsLength; i++) { + var fieldRef = lunr.FieldRef.fromString(fieldRefs[i]), + fieldName = fieldRef.fieldName, + fieldLength = this.fieldLengths[fieldRef], + fieldVector = new lunr.Vector, + termFrequencies = this.fieldTermFrequencies[fieldRef], + terms = Object.keys(termFrequencies), + termsLength = terms.length + + + var fieldBoost = this._fields[fieldName].boost || 1, + docBoost = this._documents[fieldRef.docRef].boost || 1 + + for (var j = 0; j < termsLength; j++) { + var term = terms[j], + tf = termFrequencies[term], + termIndex = this.invertedIndex[term]._index, + idf, score, scoreWithPrecision + + if (termIdfCache[term] === undefined) { + idf = lunr.idf(this.invertedIndex[term], this.documentCount) + termIdfCache[term] = idf + } else { + idf = termIdfCache[term] + } + + score = idf * ((this._k1 + 1) * tf) / (this._k1 * (1 - this._b + this._b * (fieldLength / this.averageFieldLength[fieldName])) + tf) + score *= fieldBoost + score *= docBoost + scoreWithPrecision = Math.round(score * 1000) / 1000 + // Converts 1.23456789 to 1.234. + // Reducing the precision so that the vectors take up less + // space when serialised. Doing it now so that they behave + // the same before and after serialisation. Also, this is + // the fastest approach to reducing a number's precision in + // JavaScript. + + fieldVector.insert(termIndex, scoreWithPrecision) + } + + fieldVectors[fieldRef] = fieldVector + } + + this.fieldVectors = fieldVectors +} + +/** + * Creates a token set of all tokens in the index using lunr.TokenSet + * + * @private + */ +lunr.Builder.prototype.createTokenSet = function () { + this.tokenSet = lunr.TokenSet.fromArray( + Object.keys(this.invertedIndex).sort() + ) +} + +/** + * Builds the index, creating an instance of lunr.Index. + * + * This completes the indexing process and should only be called + * once all documents have been added to the index. + * + * @returns {lunr.Index} + */ +lunr.Builder.prototype.build = function () { + this.calculateAverageFieldLengths() + this.createFieldVectors() + this.createTokenSet() + + return new lunr.Index({ + invertedIndex: this.invertedIndex, + fieldVectors: this.fieldVectors, + tokenSet: this.tokenSet, + fields: Object.keys(this._fields), + pipeline: this.searchPipeline + }) +} + +/** + * Applies a plugin to the index builder. + * + * A plugin is a function that is called with the index builder as its context. + * Plugins can be used to customise or extend the behaviour of the index + * in some way. A plugin is just a function, that encapsulated the custom + * behaviour that should be applied when building the index. + * + * The plugin function will be called with the index builder as its argument, additional + * arguments can also be passed when calling use. The function will be called + * with the index builder as its context. + * + * @param {Function} plugin The plugin to apply. + */ +lunr.Builder.prototype.use = function (fn) { + var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1) + args.unshift(this) + fn.apply(this, args) +} +/** + * Contains and collects metadata about a matching document. + * A single instance of lunr.MatchData is returned as part of every + * lunr.Index~Result. + * + * @constructor + * @param {string} term - The term this match data is associated with + * @param {string} field - The field in which the term was found + * @param {object} metadata - The metadata recorded about this term in this field + * @property {object} metadata - A cloned collection of metadata associated with this document. + * @see {@link lunr.Index~Result} + */ +lunr.MatchData = function (term, field, metadata) { + var clonedMetadata = Object.create(null), + metadataKeys = Object.keys(metadata || {}) + + // Cloning the metadata to prevent the original + // being mutated during match data combination. + // Metadata is kept in an array within the inverted + // index so cloning the data can be done with + // Array#slice + for (var i = 0; i < metadataKeys.length; i++) { + var key = metadataKeys[i] + clonedMetadata[key] = metadata[key].slice() + } + + this.metadata = Object.create(null) + + if (term !== undefined) { + this.metadata[term] = Object.create(null) + this.metadata[term][field] = clonedMetadata + } +} + +/** + * An instance of lunr.MatchData will be created for every term that matches a + * document. However only one instance is required in a lunr.Index~Result. This + * method combines metadata from another instance of lunr.MatchData with this + * objects metadata. + * + * @param {lunr.MatchData} otherMatchData - Another instance of match data to merge with this one. + * @see {@link lunr.Index~Result} + */ +lunr.MatchData.prototype.combine = function (otherMatchData) { + var terms = Object.keys(otherMatchData.metadata) + + for (var i = 0; i < terms.length; i++) { + var term = terms[i], + fields = Object.keys(otherMatchData.metadata[term]) + + if (this.metadata[term] == undefined) { + this.metadata[term] = Object.create(null) + } + + for (var j = 0; j < fields.length; j++) { + var field = fields[j], + keys = Object.keys(otherMatchData.metadata[term][field]) + + if (this.metadata[term][field] == undefined) { + this.metadata[term][field] = Object.create(null) + } + + for (var k = 0; k < keys.length; k++) { + var key = keys[k] + + if (this.metadata[term][field][key] == undefined) { + this.metadata[term][field][key] = otherMatchData.metadata[term][field][key] + } else { + this.metadata[term][field][key] = this.metadata[term][field][key].concat(otherMatchData.metadata[term][field][key]) + } + + } + } + } +} + +/** + * Add metadata for a term/field pair to this instance of match data. + * + * @param {string} term - The term this match data is associated with + * @param {string} field - The field in which the term was found + * @param {object} metadata - The metadata recorded about this term in this field + */ +lunr.MatchData.prototype.add = function (term, field, metadata) { + if (!(term in this.metadata)) { + this.metadata[term] = Object.create(null) + this.metadata[term][field] = metadata + return + } + + if (!(field in this.metadata[term])) { + this.metadata[term][field] = metadata + return + } + + var metadataKeys = Object.keys(metadata) + + for (var i = 0; i < metadataKeys.length; i++) { + var key = metadataKeys[i] + + if (key in this.metadata[term][field]) { + this.metadata[term][field][key] = this.metadata[term][field][key].concat(metadata[key]) + } else { + this.metadata[term][field][key] = metadata[key] + } + } +} +/** + * A lunr.Query provides a programmatic way of defining queries to be performed + * against a {@link lunr.Index}. + * + * Prefer constructing a lunr.Query using the {@link lunr.Index#query} method + * so the query object is pre-initialized with the right index fields. + * + * @constructor + * @property {lunr.Query~Clause[]} clauses - An array of query clauses. + * @property {string[]} allFields - An array of all available fields in a lunr.Index. + */ +lunr.Query = function (allFields) { + this.clauses = [] + this.allFields = allFields +} + +/** + * Constants for indicating what kind of automatic wildcard insertion will be used when constructing a query clause. + * + * This allows wildcards to be added to the beginning and end of a term without having to manually do any string + * concatenation. + * + * The wildcard constants can be bitwise combined to select both leading and trailing wildcards. + * + * @constant + * @default + * @property {number} wildcard.NONE - The term will have no wildcards inserted, this is the default behaviour + * @property {number} wildcard.LEADING - Prepend the term with a wildcard, unless a leading wildcard already exists + * @property {number} wildcard.TRAILING - Append a wildcard to the term, unless a trailing wildcard already exists + * @see lunr.Query~Clause + * @see lunr.Query#clause + * @see lunr.Query#term + * @example query term with trailing wildcard + * query.term('foo', { wildcard: lunr.Query.wildcard.TRAILING }) + * @example query term with leading and trailing wildcard + * query.term('foo', { + * wildcard: lunr.Query.wildcard.LEADING | lunr.Query.wildcard.TRAILING + * }) + */ + +lunr.Query.wildcard = new String ("*") +lunr.Query.wildcard.NONE = 0 +lunr.Query.wildcard.LEADING = 1 +lunr.Query.wildcard.TRAILING = 2 + +/** + * Constants for indicating what kind of presence a term must have in matching documents. + * + * @constant + * @enum {number} + * @see lunr.Query~Clause + * @see lunr.Query#clause + * @see lunr.Query#term + * @example query term with required presence + * query.term('foo', { presence: lunr.Query.presence.REQUIRED }) + */ +lunr.Query.presence = { + /** + * Term's presence in a document is optional, this is the default value. + */ + OPTIONAL: 1, + + /** + * Term's presence in a document is required, documents that do not contain + * this term will not be returned. + */ + REQUIRED: 2, + + /** + * Term's presence in a document is prohibited, documents that do contain + * this term will not be returned. + */ + PROHIBITED: 3 +} + +/** + * A single clause in a {@link lunr.Query} contains a term and details on how to + * match that term against a {@link lunr.Index}. + * + * @typedef {Object} lunr.Query~Clause + * @property {string[]} fields - The fields in an index this clause should be matched against. + * @property {number} [boost=1] - Any boost that should be applied when matching this clause. + * @property {number} [editDistance] - Whether the term should have fuzzy matching applied, and how fuzzy the match should be. + * @property {boolean} [usePipeline] - Whether the term should be passed through the search pipeline. + * @property {number} [wildcard=lunr.Query.wildcard.NONE] - Whether the term should have wildcards appended or prepended. + * @property {number} [presence=lunr.Query.presence.OPTIONAL] - The terms presence in any matching documents. + */ + +/** + * Adds a {@link lunr.Query~Clause} to this query. + * + * Unless the clause contains the fields to be matched all fields will be matched. In addition + * a default boost of 1 is applied to the clause. + * + * @param {lunr.Query~Clause} clause - The clause to add to this query. + * @see lunr.Query~Clause + * @returns {lunr.Query} + */ +lunr.Query.prototype.clause = function (clause) { + if (!('fields' in clause)) { + clause.fields = this.allFields + } + + if (!('boost' in clause)) { + clause.boost = 1 + } + + if (!('usePipeline' in clause)) { + clause.usePipeline = true + } + + if (!('wildcard' in clause)) { + clause.wildcard = lunr.Query.wildcard.NONE + } + + if ((clause.wildcard & lunr.Query.wildcard.LEADING) && (clause.term.charAt(0) != lunr.Query.wildcard)) { + clause.term = "*" + clause.term + } + + if ((clause.wildcard & lunr.Query.wildcard.TRAILING) && (clause.term.slice(-1) != lunr.Query.wildcard)) { + clause.term = "" + clause.term + "*" + } + + if (!('presence' in clause)) { + clause.presence = lunr.Query.presence.OPTIONAL + } + + this.clauses.push(clause) + + return this +} + +/** + * A negated query is one in which every clause has a presence of + * prohibited. These queries require some special processing to return + * the expected results. + * + * @returns boolean + */ +lunr.Query.prototype.isNegated = function () { + for (var i = 0; i < this.clauses.length; i++) { + if (this.clauses[i].presence != lunr.Query.presence.PROHIBITED) { + return false + } + } + + return true +} + +/** + * Adds a term to the current query, under the covers this will create a {@link lunr.Query~Clause} + * to the list of clauses that make up this query. + * + * The term is used as is, i.e. no tokenization will be performed by this method. Instead conversion + * to a token or token-like string should be done before calling this method. + * + * The term will be converted to a string by calling `toString`. Multiple terms can be passed as an + * array, each term in the array will share the same options. + * + * @param {object|object[]} term - The term(s) to add to the query. + * @param {object} [options] - Any additional properties to add to the query clause. + * @returns {lunr.Query} + * @see lunr.Query#clause + * @see lunr.Query~Clause + * @example adding a single term to a query + * query.term("foo") + * @example adding a single term to a query and specifying search fields, term boost and automatic trailing wildcard + * query.term("foo", { + * fields: ["title"], + * boost: 10, + * wildcard: lunr.Query.wildcard.TRAILING + * }) + * @example using lunr.tokenizer to convert a string to tokens before using them as terms + * query.term(lunr.tokenizer("foo bar")) + */ +lunr.Query.prototype.term = function (term, options) { + if (Array.isArray(term)) { + term.forEach(function (t) { this.term(t, lunr.utils.clone(options)) }, this) + return this + } + + var clause = options || {} + clause.term = term.toString() + + this.clause(clause) + + return this +} +lunr.QueryParseError = function (message, start, end) { + this.name = "QueryParseError" + this.message = message + this.start = start + this.end = end +} + +lunr.QueryParseError.prototype = new Error +lunr.QueryLexer = function (str) { + this.lexemes = [] + this.str = str + this.length = str.length + this.pos = 0 + this.start = 0 + this.escapeCharPositions = [] +} + +lunr.QueryLexer.prototype.run = function () { + var state = lunr.QueryLexer.lexText + + while (state) { + state = state(this) + } +} + +lunr.QueryLexer.prototype.sliceString = function () { + var subSlices = [], + sliceStart = this.start, + sliceEnd = this.pos + + for (var i = 0; i < this.escapeCharPositions.length; i++) { + sliceEnd = this.escapeCharPositions[i] + subSlices.push(this.str.slice(sliceStart, sliceEnd)) + sliceStart = sliceEnd + 1 + } + + subSlices.push(this.str.slice(sliceStart, this.pos)) + this.escapeCharPositions.length = 0 + + return subSlices.join('') +} + +lunr.QueryLexer.prototype.emit = function (type) { + this.lexemes.push({ + type: type, + str: this.sliceString(), + start: this.start, + end: this.pos + }) + + this.start = this.pos +} + +lunr.QueryLexer.prototype.escapeCharacter = function () { + this.escapeCharPositions.push(this.pos - 1) + this.pos += 1 +} + +lunr.QueryLexer.prototype.next = function () { + if (this.pos >= this.length) { + return lunr.QueryLexer.EOS + } + + var char = this.str.charAt(this.pos) + this.pos += 1 + return char +} + +lunr.QueryLexer.prototype.width = function () { + return this.pos - this.start +} + +lunr.QueryLexer.prototype.ignore = function () { + if (this.start == this.pos) { + this.pos += 1 + } + + this.start = this.pos +} + +lunr.QueryLexer.prototype.backup = function () { + this.pos -= 1 +} + +lunr.QueryLexer.prototype.acceptDigitRun = function () { + var char, charCode + + do { + char = this.next() + charCode = char.charCodeAt(0) + } while (charCode > 47 && charCode < 58) + + if (char != lunr.QueryLexer.EOS) { + this.backup() + } +} + +lunr.QueryLexer.prototype.more = function () { + return this.pos < this.length +} + +lunr.QueryLexer.EOS = 'EOS' +lunr.QueryLexer.FIELD = 'FIELD' +lunr.QueryLexer.TERM = 'TERM' +lunr.QueryLexer.EDIT_DISTANCE = 'EDIT_DISTANCE' +lunr.QueryLexer.BOOST = 'BOOST' +lunr.QueryLexer.PRESENCE = 'PRESENCE' + +lunr.QueryLexer.lexField = function (lexer) { + lexer.backup() + lexer.emit(lunr.QueryLexer.FIELD) + lexer.ignore() + return lunr.QueryLexer.lexText +} + +lunr.QueryLexer.lexTerm = function (lexer) { + if (lexer.width() > 1) { + lexer.backup() + lexer.emit(lunr.QueryLexer.TERM) + } + + lexer.ignore() + + if (lexer.more()) { + return lunr.QueryLexer.lexText + } +} + +lunr.QueryLexer.lexEditDistance = function (lexer) { + lexer.ignore() + lexer.acceptDigitRun() + lexer.emit(lunr.QueryLexer.EDIT_DISTANCE) + return lunr.QueryLexer.lexText +} + +lunr.QueryLexer.lexBoost = function (lexer) { + lexer.ignore() + lexer.acceptDigitRun() + lexer.emit(lunr.QueryLexer.BOOST) + return lunr.QueryLexer.lexText +} + +lunr.QueryLexer.lexEOS = function (lexer) { + if (lexer.width() > 0) { + lexer.emit(lunr.QueryLexer.TERM) + } +} + +// This matches the separator used when tokenising fields +// within a document. These should match otherwise it is +// not possible to search for some tokens within a document. +// +// It is possible for the user to change the separator on the +// tokenizer so it _might_ clash with any other of the special +// characters already used within the search string, e.g. :. +// +// This means that it is possible to change the separator in +// such a way that makes some words unsearchable using a search +// string. +lunr.QueryLexer.termSeparator = lunr.tokenizer.separator + +lunr.QueryLexer.lexText = function (lexer) { + while (true) { + var char = lexer.next() + + if (char == lunr.QueryLexer.EOS) { + return lunr.QueryLexer.lexEOS + } + + // Escape character is '\' + if (char.charCodeAt(0) == 92) { + lexer.escapeCharacter() + continue + } + + if (char == ":") { + return lunr.QueryLexer.lexField + } + + if (char == "~") { + lexer.backup() + if (lexer.width() > 0) { + lexer.emit(lunr.QueryLexer.TERM) + } + return lunr.QueryLexer.lexEditDistance + } + + if (char == "^") { + lexer.backup() + if (lexer.width() > 0) { + lexer.emit(lunr.QueryLexer.TERM) + } + return lunr.QueryLexer.lexBoost + } + + // "+" indicates term presence is required + // checking for length to ensure that only + // leading "+" are considered + if (char == "+" && lexer.width() === 1) { + lexer.emit(lunr.QueryLexer.PRESENCE) + return lunr.QueryLexer.lexText + } + + // "-" indicates term presence is prohibited + // checking for length to ensure that only + // leading "-" are considered + if (char == "-" && lexer.width() === 1) { + lexer.emit(lunr.QueryLexer.PRESENCE) + return lunr.QueryLexer.lexText + } + + if (char.match(lunr.QueryLexer.termSeparator)) { + return lunr.QueryLexer.lexTerm + } + } +} + +lunr.QueryParser = function (str, query) { + this.lexer = new lunr.QueryLexer (str) + this.query = query + this.currentClause = {} + this.lexemeIdx = 0 +} + +lunr.QueryParser.prototype.parse = function () { + this.lexer.run() + this.lexemes = this.lexer.lexemes + + var state = lunr.QueryParser.parseClause + + while (state) { + state = state(this) + } + + return this.query +} + +lunr.QueryParser.prototype.peekLexeme = function () { + return this.lexemes[this.lexemeIdx] +} + +lunr.QueryParser.prototype.consumeLexeme = function () { + var lexeme = this.peekLexeme() + this.lexemeIdx += 1 + return lexeme +} + +lunr.QueryParser.prototype.nextClause = function () { + var completedClause = this.currentClause + this.query.clause(completedClause) + this.currentClause = {} +} + +lunr.QueryParser.parseClause = function (parser) { + var lexeme = parser.peekLexeme() + + if (lexeme == undefined) { + return + } + + switch (lexeme.type) { + case lunr.QueryLexer.PRESENCE: + return lunr.QueryParser.parsePresence + case lunr.QueryLexer.FIELD: + return lunr.QueryParser.parseField + case lunr.QueryLexer.TERM: + return lunr.QueryParser.parseTerm + default: + var errorMessage = "expected either a field or a term, found " + lexeme.type + + if (lexeme.str.length >= 1) { + errorMessage += " with value '" + lexeme.str + "'" + } + + throw new lunr.QueryParseError (errorMessage, lexeme.start, lexeme.end) + } +} + +lunr.QueryParser.parsePresence = function (parser) { + var lexeme = parser.consumeLexeme() + + if (lexeme == undefined) { + return + } + + switch (lexeme.str) { + case "-": + parser.currentClause.presence = lunr.Query.presence.PROHIBITED + break + case "+": + parser.currentClause.presence = lunr.Query.presence.REQUIRED + break + default: + var errorMessage = "unrecognised presence operator'" + lexeme.str + "'" + throw new lunr.QueryParseError (errorMessage, lexeme.start, lexeme.end) + } + + var nextLexeme = parser.peekLexeme() + + if (nextLexeme == undefined) { + var errorMessage = "expecting term or field, found nothing" + throw new lunr.QueryParseError (errorMessage, lexeme.start, lexeme.end) + } + + switch (nextLexeme.type) { + case lunr.QueryLexer.FIELD: + return lunr.QueryParser.parseField + case lunr.QueryLexer.TERM: + return lunr.QueryParser.parseTerm + default: + var errorMessage = "expecting term or field, found '" + nextLexeme.type + "'" + throw new lunr.QueryParseError (errorMessage, nextLexeme.start, nextLexeme.end) + } +} + +lunr.QueryParser.parseField = function (parser) { + var lexeme = parser.consumeLexeme() + + if (lexeme == undefined) { + return + } + + if (parser.query.allFields.indexOf(lexeme.str) == -1) { + var possibleFields = parser.query.allFields.map(function (f) { return "'" + f + "'" }).join(', '), + errorMessage = "unrecognised field '" + lexeme.str + "', possible fields: " + possibleFields + + throw new lunr.QueryParseError (errorMessage, lexeme.start, lexeme.end) + } + + parser.currentClause.fields = [lexeme.str] + + var nextLexeme = parser.peekLexeme() + + if (nextLexeme == undefined) { + var errorMessage = "expecting term, found nothing" + throw new lunr.QueryParseError (errorMessage, lexeme.start, lexeme.end) + } + + switch (nextLexeme.type) { + case lunr.QueryLexer.TERM: + return lunr.QueryParser.parseTerm + default: + var errorMessage = "expecting term, found '" + nextLexeme.type + "'" + throw new lunr.QueryParseError (errorMessage, nextLexeme.start, nextLexeme.end) + } +} + +lunr.QueryParser.parseTerm = function (parser) { + var lexeme = parser.consumeLexeme() + + if (lexeme == undefined) { + return + } + + parser.currentClause.term = lexeme.str.toLowerCase() + + if (lexeme.str.indexOf("*") != -1) { + parser.currentClause.usePipeline = false + } + + var nextLexeme = parser.peekLexeme() + + if (nextLexeme == undefined) { + parser.nextClause() + return + } + + switch (nextLexeme.type) { + case lunr.QueryLexer.TERM: + parser.nextClause() + return lunr.QueryParser.parseTerm + case lunr.QueryLexer.FIELD: + parser.nextClause() + return lunr.QueryParser.parseField + case lunr.QueryLexer.EDIT_DISTANCE: + return lunr.QueryParser.parseEditDistance + case lunr.QueryLexer.BOOST: + return lunr.QueryParser.parseBoost + case lunr.QueryLexer.PRESENCE: + parser.nextClause() + return lunr.QueryParser.parsePresence + default: + var errorMessage = "Unexpected lexeme type '" + nextLexeme.type + "'" + throw new lunr.QueryParseError (errorMessage, nextLexeme.start, nextLexeme.end) + } +} + +lunr.QueryParser.parseEditDistance = function (parser) { + var lexeme = parser.consumeLexeme() + + if (lexeme == undefined) { + return + } + + var editDistance = parseInt(lexeme.str, 10) + + if (isNaN(editDistance)) { + var errorMessage = "edit distance must be numeric" + throw new lunr.QueryParseError (errorMessage, lexeme.start, lexeme.end) + } + + parser.currentClause.editDistance = editDistance + + var nextLexeme = parser.peekLexeme() + + if (nextLexeme == undefined) { + parser.nextClause() + return + } + + switch (nextLexeme.type) { + case lunr.QueryLexer.TERM: + parser.nextClause() + return lunr.QueryParser.parseTerm + case lunr.QueryLexer.FIELD: + parser.nextClause() + return lunr.QueryParser.parseField + case lunr.QueryLexer.EDIT_DISTANCE: + return lunr.QueryParser.parseEditDistance + case lunr.QueryLexer.BOOST: + return lunr.QueryParser.parseBoost + case lunr.QueryLexer.PRESENCE: + parser.nextClause() + return lunr.QueryParser.parsePresence + default: + var errorMessage = "Unexpected lexeme type '" + nextLexeme.type + "'" + throw new lunr.QueryParseError (errorMessage, nextLexeme.start, nextLexeme.end) + } +} + +lunr.QueryParser.parseBoost = function (parser) { + var lexeme = parser.consumeLexeme() + + if (lexeme == undefined) { + return + } + + var boost = parseInt(lexeme.str, 10) + + if (isNaN(boost)) { + var errorMessage = "boost must be numeric" + throw new lunr.QueryParseError (errorMessage, lexeme.start, lexeme.end) + } + + parser.currentClause.boost = boost + + var nextLexeme = parser.peekLexeme() + + if (nextLexeme == undefined) { + parser.nextClause() + return + } + + switch (nextLexeme.type) { + case lunr.QueryLexer.TERM: + parser.nextClause() + return lunr.QueryParser.parseTerm + case lunr.QueryLexer.FIELD: + parser.nextClause() + return lunr.QueryParser.parseField + case lunr.QueryLexer.EDIT_DISTANCE: + return lunr.QueryParser.parseEditDistance + case lunr.QueryLexer.BOOST: + return lunr.QueryParser.parseBoost + case lunr.QueryLexer.PRESENCE: + parser.nextClause() + return lunr.QueryParser.parsePresence + default: + var errorMessage = "Unexpected lexeme type '" + nextLexeme.type + "'" + throw new lunr.QueryParseError (errorMessage, nextLexeme.start, nextLexeme.end) + } +} + + /** + * export the module via AMD, CommonJS or as a browser global + * Export code from https://github.com/umdjs/umd/blob/master/returnExports.js + */ + ;(function (root, factory) { + if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { + // AMD. Register as an anonymous module. + define(factory) + } else if (typeof exports === 'object') { + /** + * Node. Does not work with strict CommonJS, but + * only CommonJS-like enviroments that support module.exports, + * like Node. + */ + module.exports = factory() + } else { + // Browser globals (root is window) + root.lunr = factory() + } + }(this, function () { + /** + * Just return a value to define the module export. + * This example returns an object, but the module + * can return a function as the exported value. + */ + return lunr + })) +})(); diff --git a/search/main.js b/search/main.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a5e469d --- /dev/null +++ b/search/main.js @@ -0,0 +1,109 @@ +function getSearchTermFromLocation() { + var sPageURL = window.location.search.substring(1); + var sURLVariables = sPageURL.split('&'); + for (var i = 0; i < sURLVariables.length; i++) { + var sParameterName = sURLVariables[i].split('='); + if (sParameterName[0] == 'q') { + return decodeURIComponent(sParameterName[1].replace(/\+/g, '%20')); + } + } +} + +function joinUrl (base, path) { + if (path.substring(0, 1) === "/") { + // path starts with `/`. Thus it is absolute. + return path; + } + if (base.substring(base.length-1) === "/") { + // base ends with `/` + return base + path; + } + return base + "/" + path; +} + +function escapeHtml (value) { + return value.replace(/&/g, '&') + .replace(/"/g, '"') + .replace(//g, '>'); +} + +function formatResult (location, title, summary) { + return ''; +} + +function displayResults (results) { + var search_results = document.getElementById("mkdocs-search-results"); + while (search_results.firstChild) { + search_results.removeChild(search_results.firstChild); + } + if (results.length > 0){ + for (var i=0; i < results.length; i++){ + var result = results[i]; + var html = formatResult(result.location, result.title, result.summary); + search_results.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', html); + } + } else { + var noResultsText = search_results.getAttribute('data-no-results-text'); + if (!noResultsText) { + noResultsText = "No results found"; + } + search_results.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', '

    ' + noResultsText + '

    '); + } +} + +function doSearch () { + var query = document.getElementById('mkdocs-search-query').value; + if (query.length > min_search_length) { + if (!window.Worker) { + displayResults(search(query)); + } else { + searchWorker.postMessage({query: query}); + } + } else { + // Clear results for short queries + displayResults([]); + } +} + +function initSearch () { + var search_input = document.getElementById('mkdocs-search-query'); + if (search_input) { + search_input.addEventListener("keyup", doSearch); + } + var term = getSearchTermFromLocation(); + if (term) { + search_input.value = term; + doSearch(); + } +} + +function onWorkerMessage (e) { + if (e.data.allowSearch) { + initSearch(); + } else if (e.data.results) { + var results = e.data.results; + displayResults(results); + } else if (e.data.config) { + min_search_length = e.data.config.min_search_length-1; + } +} + +if (!window.Worker) { + console.log('Web Worker API not supported'); + // load index in main thread + $.getScript(joinUrl(base_url, "search/worker.js")).done(function () { + console.log('Loaded worker'); + init(); + window.postMessage = function (msg) { + onWorkerMessage({data: msg}); + }; + }).fail(function (jqxhr, settings, exception) { + console.error('Could not load worker.js'); + }); +} else { + // Wrap search in a web worker + var searchWorker = new Worker(joinUrl(base_url, "search/worker.js")); + searchWorker.postMessage({init: true}); + searchWorker.onmessage = onWorkerMessage; +} diff --git a/search/search_index.json b/search/search_index.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..11a61c3 --- /dev/null +++ b/search/search_index.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +{"config":{"indexing":"full","lang":["en"],"min_search_length":3,"prebuild_index":false,"separator":"[\\s\\-]+"},"docs":[{"location":"","text":"MANUAL \u00b6 Library with utility classes and functions for DANS projects. DESCRIPTION \u00b6 INSTALLATION \u00b6 To use this library in a Maven-based project: Include in your pom.xml a declaration for the DANS maven repository: DANS true https://maven.dans.knaw.nl/releases/ Include a dependency on this library. nl.knaw.dans dans-java-utils {version} ","title":"Manual"},{"location":"#manual","text":"Library with utility classes and functions for DANS projects.","title":"MANUAL"},{"location":"#description","text":"","title":"DESCRIPTION"},{"location":"#installation","text":"To use this library in a Maven-based project: Include in your pom.xml a declaration for the DANS maven repository: DANS true https://maven.dans.knaw.nl/releases/ Include a dependency on this library. nl.knaw.dans dans-java-utils {version} ","title":"INSTALLATION"},{"location":"api/","text":"API \u00b6 Open the JavaDocs in a new tab.","title":"JavaDocs"},{"location":"api/#api","text":"Open the JavaDocs in a new tab.","title":"API"},{"location":"arch/","text":"DANS Data Station Architecture \u00b6 This module is a component in the DANS Data Station Architecture .","title":"\u21d2 DANS Data Station Architecture"},{"location":"arch/#dans-data-station-architecture","text":"This module is a component in the DANS Data Station Architecture .","title":"DANS Data Station Architecture"},{"location":"examples/","text":"Code Examples \u00b6 ExecutorServiceFactory \u00b6 In the configuration class of your DropWizard project, declare a field for configuring the executor. If your executor will process jobs, you could name it jobQueue public class MyAppConfiguration extends Configuration { private ExecutorServiceFactory jobQueue; public void setJobQueue(ExecutorServiceFactory jobQueue) this.jobQueue = jobQueue; } public ExecutorServiceFactory getJobQueue() return jobQueue; } // ... } In the configuration file you can now configure the jobQueue as follows: jobQueue: nameFormat: \"job-queue-thread-%d\" maxQueueSize: 4 # Number of threads will be increased when maxQueueSize is exceeded. minThreads: 2 # No more than maxThreads will be created though maxThreads: 10 # Threads will die after 60 seconds of idleness keepAliveTime: 60 seconds In your Application class' run method you can finally create the actual executor: // inside run() ExecutorService executor = configuration.getJobQueue().build(environment); and pass it to the resources or other components that need to use it.","title":"Examples"},{"location":"examples/#code-examples","text":"","title":"Code Examples"},{"location":"examples/#executorservicefactory","text":"In the configuration class of your DropWizard project, declare a field for configuring the executor. If your executor will process jobs, you could name it jobQueue public class MyAppConfiguration extends Configuration { private ExecutorServiceFactory jobQueue; public void setJobQueue(ExecutorServiceFactory jobQueue) this.jobQueue = jobQueue; } public ExecutorServiceFactory getJobQueue() return jobQueue; } // ... } In the configuration file you can now configure the jobQueue as follows: jobQueue: nameFormat: \"job-queue-thread-%d\" maxQueueSize: 4 # Number of threads will be increased when maxQueueSize is exceeded. minThreads: 2 # No more than maxThreads will be created though maxThreads: 10 # Threads will die after 60 seconds of idleness keepAliveTime: 60 seconds In your Application class' run method you can finally create the actual executor: // inside run() ExecutorService executor = configuration.getJobQueue().build(environment); and pass it to the resources or other components that need to use it.","title":"ExecutorServiceFactory"},{"location":"javadocs/legal/jquery/","text":"jQuery v3.7.1 \u00b6 jQuery License \u00b6 jQuery v 3.7.1 Copyright OpenJS Foundation and other contributors, https://openjsf.org/ Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.","title":"Jquery"},{"location":"javadocs/legal/jquery/#jquery-v371","text":"","title":"jQuery v3.7.1"},{"location":"javadocs/legal/jquery/#jquery-license","text":"jQuery v 3.7.1 Copyright OpenJS Foundation and other contributors, https://openjsf.org/ Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.","title":"jQuery License"},{"location":"javadocs/legal/jqueryUI/","text":"jQuery UI v1.13.2 \u00b6 jQuery UI License \u00b6 Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors, https://jquery.org/ This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many individuals. For exact contribution history, see the revision history available at https://github.com/jquery/jquery-ui The following license applies to all parts of this software except as documented below: ==== Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ==== Copyright and related rights for sample code are waived via CC0. Sample code is defined as all source code contained within the demos directory. CC0: http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ ==== All files located in the node_modules and external directories are externally maintained libraries used by this software which have their own licenses; we recommend you read them, as their terms may differ from the terms above.","title":"jqueryUI"},{"location":"javadocs/legal/jqueryUI/#jquery-ui-v1132","text":"","title":"jQuery UI v1.13.2"},{"location":"javadocs/legal/jqueryUI/#jquery-ui-license","text":"Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors, https://jquery.org/ This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many individuals. For exact contribution history, see the revision history available at https://github.com/jquery/jquery-ui The following license applies to all parts of this software except as documented below: ==== Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ==== Copyright and related rights for sample code are waived via CC0. Sample code is defined as all source code contained within the demos directory. CC0: http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ ==== All files located in the node_modules and external directories are externally maintained libraries used by this software which have their own licenses; we recommend you read them, as their terms may differ from the terms above.","title":"jQuery UI License"}]} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/search/worker.js b/search/worker.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8628dbc --- /dev/null +++ b/search/worker.js @@ -0,0 +1,133 @@ +var base_path = 'function' === typeof importScripts ? '.' : '/search/'; +var allowSearch = false; +var index; +var documents = {}; +var lang = ['en']; +var data; + +function getScript(script, callback) { + console.log('Loading script: ' + script); + $.getScript(base_path + script).done(function () { + callback(); + }).fail(function (jqxhr, settings, exception) { + console.log('Error: ' + exception); + }); +} + +function getScriptsInOrder(scripts, callback) { + if (scripts.length === 0) { + callback(); + return; + } + getScript(scripts[0], function() { + getScriptsInOrder(scripts.slice(1), callback); + }); +} + +function loadScripts(urls, callback) { + if( 'function' === typeof importScripts ) { + importScripts.apply(null, urls); + callback(); + } else { + getScriptsInOrder(urls, callback); + } +} + +function onJSONLoaded () { + data = JSON.parse(this.responseText); + var scriptsToLoad = ['lunr.js']; + if (data.config && data.config.lang && data.config.lang.length) { + lang = data.config.lang; + } + if (lang.length > 1 || lang[0] !== "en") { + scriptsToLoad.push('lunr.stemmer.support.js'); + if (lang.length > 1) { + scriptsToLoad.push('lunr.multi.js'); + } + if (lang.includes("ja") || lang.includes("jp")) { + scriptsToLoad.push('tinyseg.js'); + } + for (var i=0; i < lang.length; i++) { + if (lang[i] != 'en') { + scriptsToLoad.push(['lunr', lang[i], 'js'].join('.')); + } + } + } + loadScripts(scriptsToLoad, onScriptsLoaded); +} + +function onScriptsLoaded () { + console.log('All search scripts loaded, building Lunr index...'); + if (data.config && data.config.separator && data.config.separator.length) { + lunr.tokenizer.separator = new RegExp(data.config.separator); + } + + if (data.index) { + index = lunr.Index.load(data.index); + data.docs.forEach(function (doc) { + documents[doc.location] = doc; + }); + console.log('Lunr pre-built index loaded, search ready'); + } else { + index = lunr(function () { + if (lang.length === 1 && lang[0] !== "en" && lunr[lang[0]]) { + this.use(lunr[lang[0]]); + } else if (lang.length > 1) { + this.use(lunr.multiLanguage.apply(null, lang)); // spread operator not supported in all browsers: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Spread_operator#Browser_compatibility + } + this.field('title'); + this.field('text'); + this.ref('location'); + + for (var i=0; i < data.docs.length; i++) { + var doc = data.docs[i]; + this.add(doc); + documents[doc.location] = doc; + } + }); + console.log('Lunr index built, search ready'); + } + allowSearch = true; + postMessage({config: data.config}); + postMessage({allowSearch: allowSearch}); +} + +function init () { + var oReq = new XMLHttpRequest(); + oReq.addEventListener("load", onJSONLoaded); + var index_path = base_path + '/search_index.json'; + if( 'function' === typeof importScripts ){ + index_path = 'search_index.json'; + } + oReq.open("GET", index_path); + oReq.send(); +} + +function search (query) { + if (!allowSearch) { + console.error('Assets for search still loading'); + return; + } + + var resultDocuments = []; + var results = index.search(query); + for (var i=0; i < results.length; i++){ + var result = results[i]; + doc = documents[result.ref]; + doc.summary = doc.text.substring(0, 200); + resultDocuments.push(doc); + } + return resultDocuments; +} + +if( 'function' === typeof importScripts ) { + onmessage = function (e) { + if (e.data.init) { + init(); + } else if (e.data.query) { + postMessage({ results: search(e.data.query) }); + } else { + console.error("Worker - Unrecognized message: " + e); + } + }; +} diff --git a/sitemap.xml b/sitemap.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..95e0006 --- /dev/null +++ b/sitemap.xml @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ + + + + None + 2024-11-29 + daily + + + None + 2024-11-29 + daily + + + None + 2024-11-29 + daily + + + None + 2024-11-29 + daily + + + None + 2024-11-29 + daily + + + None + 2024-11-29 + daily + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/sitemap.xml.gz b/sitemap.xml.gz new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f97d6b2 Binary files /dev/null and b/sitemap.xml.gz differ