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Manual testing

Manuele Vaccari edited this page Sep 14, 2020 · 3 revisions

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Inside the root directory create a file called ManualTest.php and put the following content inside:


 * Votifier PHP Client
 * @package   VotifierClient
 * @author    Manuele Vaccari <>
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2017-2020 Manuele Vaccari <>
 * @license GNU General Public License v3.0
 * @link

    function ($class) {
        include getcwd() . DS . 'src' . DS . mb_substr(str_replace('\\', DS, $class), mb_strlen('D3strukt0r\\Votifier\\Client')) . '.php';

use D3strukt0r\Votifier\Client\Exception\NotVotifierException;
use D3strukt0r\Votifier\Client\Exception\NuVotifierChallengeInvalidException;
use D3strukt0r\Votifier\Client\Exception\NuVotifierException;
use D3strukt0r\Votifier\Client\Exception\NuVotifierSignatureInvalidException;
use D3strukt0r\Votifier\Client\Exception\NuVotifierUnknownServiceException;
use D3strukt0r\Votifier\Client\Exception\NuVotifierUsernameTooLongException;
use D3strukt0r\Votifier\Client\Exception\Socket\NoConnectionException;
use D3strukt0r\Votifier\Client\Exception\Socket\PackageNotReceivedException;
use D3strukt0r\Votifier\Client\Exception\Socket\PackageNotSentException;
use D3strukt0r\Votifier\Client\Server\NuVotifier;
use D3strukt0r\Votifier\Client\Server\Votifier;
use D3strukt0r\Votifier\Client\Vote\ClassicVote;

$host = '';
$publicKey = file_get_contents(
    'C:' . DS . 'Users' . DS . 'Manuele' . DS . 'Desktop' . DS . 'MC-Server' . DS . 'plugins' . DS . 'Votifier' . DS . 'rsa' . DS . 'public.key'
$token = 'kv0iek01cebj0jjk68hl6m9225';

$testName = $argv[1] ? $argv[1] : 'votifier';
echo 'Run test: ' . $testName . "\n";
switch ($testName) {
    case 'votifier':
        $server = (new Votifier())
    case 'nuvotifier':
    case 'nuvotifierv1':
        $server = (new NuVotifier())
    case 'nuvotifierv2':
        $server = (new NuVotifier())
        echo 'Doesn\'t exist';

// To test multi-vote capabilities
$vote1 = (new ClassicVote())->setUsername('test')->setServiceName('Your vote list')->setAddress('');
$vote2 = (new ClassicVote())->setUsername('test2')->setServiceName('Your vote list')->setAddress('');
$vote3 = (new ClassicVote())->setUsername('test3')->setServiceName('Your vote list')->setAddress('');

try {
    $server->sendVote($vote1, $vote2, $vote3);
} catch (NoConnectionException $e) {
    echo "No connection\n";
} catch (NotVotifierException $e) {
    echo "Not votifier\n";
} catch (NuVotifierChallengeInvalidException $e) {
    echo "Challenge invalid\n";
} catch (NuVotifierSignatureInvalidException $e) {
    echo "Signature invalid\n";
} catch (NuVotifierUnknownServiceException $e) {
    echo "Unknown service\n";
} catch (NuVotifierUsernameTooLongException $e) {
    echo "Long username\n";
} catch (NuVotifierException $e) {
    echo "Other NuVotifier exception\n";
} catch (PackageNotReceivedException $e) {
    echo "Package not received\n";
} catch (PackageNotSentException $e) {
    echo "Package not sent\n";
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
    echo "Invalid arguments: {$e->getMessage()}\n";
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo "Nani?\n";

You'll still need to change the location of the public key file, or maybe just put the file contents in there.

You now also just need an instance of Minecraft running with one of the supported Votifier plugins (or multiple ones if that even works).

With this you can now run

php ManualTest.php
php ManualTest.php votifier
php ManualTest.php nuvotifierv1
php ManualTest.php nuvotifierv2
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